A PhD position is available at the Department of Motion and Exercise Science at the University of Stuttgart,Germany.
The PhD position is associated with a DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) founded research project entitled "Development of a three-dimensional model of structural and functional changes during muscle growth: experiment, simulation and validation". The position (TV-L E13; 65%) is for two years with a start date in March 2019.
In this subproject, structural and mechanical changes of the muscle tissue during growth need to be analyzed. The goal of the research project is the development and validation of a growth model for skeletal muscles, which is to be achieved by a close link between experiment and modelling. Knowledge of structural changes (e.g., 3D muscle fiber architecture) is essential for a deeper understanding of the differentiation of muscle shape during growth. This not only promotes the basic knowledge of locomotion, butc an also be used i.e. for efficient humanoid drives with application in the field of movement science, medical engineering, robotics and prosthetics.
Further information about the project can be found at:
For questions regarding this position please contact:
Dr. André Tomalka (andre.tomalka@inspo.uni-stuttgart.de)
Required Qualifications:
- applicants should be highly motivated and should have an excellent MSc in sport science, kinesiology, biology/physiology/neurophysiology,
physics/biophysics or a related field
- high interest in physiological mechanisms and biomechanics
- communication-, team- and good English language skills
The environment in Stuttgart enables particularly close cooperation with an interdisciplinary team of sports scientists, biologists, physicists and engineers. Women are specifically invited to apply. The University of Stuttgart further aims to hire more people with disability (in case of equal suitability) and also encourages them to apply for research positions.
Submit your detailed application in PDF format by 20.01.2019 by email to Sybille Kegreiss (sybille.kegreiss@inspo.uni-stuttgart.de).
Please forward this vacancy notice to potential candidates.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Siebert
University of Stuttgart
Department of Motion and Exercise Science
Allmandring 28
70569 Stuttgart