PhD position in the Biomechanics of Human-Human interaction during a load carriage task
A PhD scholarship is available in Toulouse (France) as a part of an ANR project (Agence Nationale de la Recherche). The project (COBOT) integrates 3 different labs (CRCA - IRISSE and LAAS) which collaborate for the development of control algorithms for humanoid robots in order to make them able to collaborate with humans. The project comprises several interdependent parts and the present thesis corresponds to the first "workpackage" devoted to the biomechanical study of the carrying task.
The PhD student will also contribute to the development of the research axis developed by the Center for Integrative Biology of Toulouse (CBI) at the Research Center on Animal Cognition (CRCA UMR CNRS-UPS 5169) within the team Collective Animal Behavior (CAB). This line of research is devoted to the study of inter-subject collaboration during the transport of a load.
As part of CoBot project, this thesis will be co-supervised by CRCA (, Toulouse, France) and the IRISSE lab ( , University of la Reunion, France).
The collected data will ultimately serve the LAAS (Toulouse) which goal is to integrate the biomechanical parameters into inverse optimal control algorithms used to animate humanoid robots. Therefore, the three laboratories will be in close collaboration.
The project consists in the study of the biomechanics of poly-articulated systems to determine the dynamic and electro-physiological parameters used by two subjects during a load carrying task. The measures will be obtained from motion capture systems (i.e., Vicon), force platforms, force sensors in contact with the object to be transported and a wireless electromyographic system. The objective is to determine the parameters optimized by the subjects, to identify the synergies used by the subjects and to determine the dynamic laws of the human-human collaboration.
The ideal candidate should have experience with the different devices presented above and be able to analyze the data, which will be carried out using Matlab, R, and Opensim. Good English and communication skills are required. Geographic availability is also required.
The successful candidate will be offered a 36-month contract, starting in August 2018. Application files (CV, cover letter) should be e-mailed to the 2 following addresses before the 1st of July 2019. For additional questions, please contact us at these e-mail addresses.
M. Pierre MORETTO :
M. Nicolas TURPIN :
A PhD scholarship is available in Toulouse (France) as a part of an ANR project (Agence Nationale de la Recherche). The project (COBOT) integrates 3 different labs (CRCA - IRISSE and LAAS) which collaborate for the development of control algorithms for humanoid robots in order to make them able to collaborate with humans. The project comprises several interdependent parts and the present thesis corresponds to the first "workpackage" devoted to the biomechanical study of the carrying task.
The PhD student will also contribute to the development of the research axis developed by the Center for Integrative Biology of Toulouse (CBI) at the Research Center on Animal Cognition (CRCA UMR CNRS-UPS 5169) within the team Collective Animal Behavior (CAB). This line of research is devoted to the study of inter-subject collaboration during the transport of a load.
As part of CoBot project, this thesis will be co-supervised by CRCA (, Toulouse, France) and the IRISSE lab ( , University of la Reunion, France).
The collected data will ultimately serve the LAAS (Toulouse) which goal is to integrate the biomechanical parameters into inverse optimal control algorithms used to animate humanoid robots. Therefore, the three laboratories will be in close collaboration.
The project consists in the study of the biomechanics of poly-articulated systems to determine the dynamic and electro-physiological parameters used by two subjects during a load carrying task. The measures will be obtained from motion capture systems (i.e., Vicon), force platforms, force sensors in contact with the object to be transported and a wireless electromyographic system. The objective is to determine the parameters optimized by the subjects, to identify the synergies used by the subjects and to determine the dynamic laws of the human-human collaboration.
The ideal candidate should have experience with the different devices presented above and be able to analyze the data, which will be carried out using Matlab, R, and Opensim. Good English and communication skills are required. Geographic availability is also required.
The successful candidate will be offered a 36-month contract, starting in August 2018. Application files (CV, cover letter) should be e-mailed to the 2 following addresses before the 1st of July 2019. For additional questions, please contact us at these e-mail addresses.
M. Pierre MORETTO :
M. Nicolas TURPIN :