The PhD student will contribute to a research project that investigates biomechanical determinants of the BMX Race performance. The overall project is a collaboration between the French Federation of Cycling, CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research) and INSEP (National Institute of Sport Expertise and Performance). The PhD student will specifically 1) study the sensitivity of performance determinants calculation to the quality of experimental input data, 2) develop biomechanical models and algorithms that minimize the influence of experimental data uncertainty, and 3) implement the model with the use of a current markerless motion capture solution
The PhD student will beneficiate from the multidisciplinary approach of two labs:
• Pprime Institute (P’) is a research unit affiliated to CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and the University of Poitiers. It is composed of more than 600 people whose research areas relate to Engineering Sciences and Materials Physics. The Robioss Team conducts research on multibody system dynamics and human motor performance. It has worked with athletes and sport federations for 20 years.
• LJK is a research unit affiliated to CNRS, UGA, Grenoble-INP and INRIA (National Institute of Research in Computer Science and Automation). The laboratory covers several areas in digital modeling and image processing. Within the LJK, Lionel Reveret is an expert in motion analysis through experimental approaches, real-time algorithms, 3D graphical visualization and user interface.
The doctoral student will be supervised by Mathieu Domalain (Pprime) and Lionel Reveret (LJK). He will be affiliated to the doctoral school Mathematics, Sciences and Technologies of Information, Computer Science (Grenoble).
Required skills:
• MS degree (or engineer diploma) that includes: computer science, information technology, biomechanics, physics-based animation or a related discipline
• Good knowledge of data analysis and statistics
• Knowledge of biomechanical analysis of human motion (inverse kinematics, forward dynamics, etc.)
• Demonstrated programming skills (Python, C++ ; Matlab)
• Demonstrated ability to write technical/scientific reports in English
• Global interest in cycling and/or elite athlete’s performance
• Fluent in French and/or English (basic knowledge of French is a plus).
Position details and how to apply:
Full time 3-year position
Desired starting date: November 1st, 2019
Salary: 2135€/monthly
To apply, send resume + cover letter to &
The PhD student will beneficiate from the multidisciplinary approach of two labs:
• Pprime Institute (P’) is a research unit affiliated to CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and the University of Poitiers. It is composed of more than 600 people whose research areas relate to Engineering Sciences and Materials Physics. The Robioss Team conducts research on multibody system dynamics and human motor performance. It has worked with athletes and sport federations for 20 years.
• LJK is a research unit affiliated to CNRS, UGA, Grenoble-INP and INRIA (National Institute of Research in Computer Science and Automation). The laboratory covers several areas in digital modeling and image processing. Within the LJK, Lionel Reveret is an expert in motion analysis through experimental approaches, real-time algorithms, 3D graphical visualization and user interface.
The doctoral student will be supervised by Mathieu Domalain (Pprime) and Lionel Reveret (LJK). He will be affiliated to the doctoral school Mathematics, Sciences and Technologies of Information, Computer Science (Grenoble).
Required skills:
• MS degree (or engineer diploma) that includes: computer science, information technology, biomechanics, physics-based animation or a related discipline
• Good knowledge of data analysis and statistics
• Knowledge of biomechanical analysis of human motion (inverse kinematics, forward dynamics, etc.)
• Demonstrated programming skills (Python, C++ ; Matlab)
• Demonstrated ability to write technical/scientific reports in English
• Global interest in cycling and/or elite athlete’s performance
• Fluent in French and/or English (basic knowledge of French is a plus).
Position details and how to apply:
Full time 3-year position
Desired starting date: November 1st, 2019
Salary: 2135€/monthly
To apply, send resume + cover letter to &