The Neuromechanics of Mobility Laboratory at West Virginia University ( has multiple openings for grant-funded graduate students to join our lab in Summer or Fall 2021! The position comes with tuition and a competitive annual stipend. Preference will be given to PhD applicants, but strong MS applicants will also be considered.
Research Focus: The circumstances in which falls occur consist of many different movement behaviors commonly encountered during daily life, such as standing quietly, getting in or out of a chair, and walking. How the nervous system successfully maintains balance across these multiple movement behaviors and what goes wrong in persons with deteriorated musculoskeletal and/or neurological systems remains poorly understood. To address this gap, current projects in our lab are focused on the multi-behavioral neuromuscular control of balance across health, disease, and injury. These projects involve laboratory-based human biomechanics experiments (motion capture + EMG) and musculoskeletal modeling and simulation. Our work is highly interdisciplinary, and you will have collaborative and academic opportunities across the College of Engineering, Health Sciences Center, and the WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute.
Preferred Skills and Background: Students with a background in Mechanical or Biomedical Engineering, Kinesiology, Computer Science, or related areas are encouraged to apply. Strong programming skills (e.g., Matlab, Python, or similar) and/or prior experience with computational analysis of human movement (e.g., SIMM, OpenSim, AnyBody, etc.) are an advantage.
How to Apply: Interested students should apply to the WVU Biomedical Engineering program at: Note that GRE test scores will be waived for Summer/Fall 2021 applications. Students may also contact Dr. Allen with questions at: Please include your CV and a brief statement of your interest in your e-mail.
More information on the biomedical engineering graduate program can be found by visiting:
To be considered for funding, you must apply by February 1, 2020 (this includes letters of reference).
Jessica L. Allen, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Director, Neuromechanics of Mobility Lab
West Virginia University