CLOSING DATE: Monday 15th March 2021, 9 am NZ time.
To understand foundational morphological, gait, postural and balance changes that are experienced throughout pregnancy. To our knowledge, the proposed comprehensive study would be the first of its kind in the world to understand the morphology and movement changes during the motherhood journey.
Who we are wanting to involve: 10 pregnant women for the test re-test PEP Reliability Study, and 200 pregnant women for the longitudinal PEP Morphology Study and longitudinal PEP Gait Study.
There will be 2 x PhD and 1 MPhil student scholarships to work with the research team on this programme of research. The supervisors for each of the intended theses are indicated:
- PEP RELIABILITY. What is the reliability for 3D body scanning and gait measures for pregnant women? MPhil student 1 supervised by Dr Hannah Wyatt (SPRINZ), Dr Kelly Sheerin (SPRINZ), Dr Sarah-Kate Millar (SPRINZ)
- PEP 3D MORPHOLOGY. What are the changes in body morphology characterised by 3D body scanning for pregnant women? PhD student 1 supervised by Dr Kelly Sheerin (SPRINZ), Dr Nimisha Waller (Midwifery), Professor Susan Crowther (Midwifery)
- PEP GAIT. What are the changes in gait characterised by biomechanics variables for pregnant women? PhD student 2 supervised by Dr Sarah-Kate Millar (SPRINZ), Dr Heather Donald (Midwifery), Professor Patria Hume (SPRINZ)
PhD domestic tuition fees and NZ$25,000 per annum stipend (2 scholarships)
MPhil domestic tuition fees and NZ$10,000 per annum stipend (1 scholarship)
PhD is three years (subject to satisfactory progress). Anticipated start date is 9th April 2021.
MPhil is one year. Anticipated start date is 9th April 2021.
- Knowledge and experience in biomechanics and kinanthropometry techniques is desirable.
- Good communication skills in written and spoken English is essential.
- The successful candidate will demonstrate enthusiasm and have an outstanding academic record and be prepared to conduct the doctoral study at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) based at AUT Millennium Precinct in Albany, in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Preference will be given to NZ Citizens, NZ Permanent Residents or international students currently onshore in New Zealand.
- Applying for a scholarship and admission into AUT are separate processes at AUT. Applicants must fulfil all conditions for admission to the Doctoral Programme in AUT. These can be found on the AUT website
- Requirements for the Doctoral programme include having completed the required academic qualifications for direct entry and meeting the requirements for English language proficiency. Minimum English language requirement for international applicants – IELTS scores of 6.5 overall with 7 in writing and all other bands 6.0 or higher. A high proficiency in English is essential.
- Applicants must have completed a Bachelors (Honours) or Masters degree in a health or science related discipline.
- Applicants must have completed a Bachelor of Science (Honours) or the first year papers of a Masters programme (i.e. only a thesis is required to complete the degree) in a health or science related discipline.
Applicants must apply by email to Professor Patria Hume ( attaching:
- A cover letter highlighting your research interests and experience.
- A brief (no more than 2 pages) curriculum vitae.
- Academic transcripts and certificates for any previous tertiary study completed at a university other than AUT.
- Details (including phone and email) of two academic referees.
- Selection will be based on demonstrated strength in the following:
- the applicant’s academic record
- past research experience and publication record (if appropriate) relevant to this project
- the referees’ statements
- The Selection panel’s decision will be final; if suitable applicants are not available the panel will not award the scholarship. The position may then be re-advertised.
- The stipend cannot be released until the successful applicant is enrolled in the PhD programme at AUT.
- The anticipated start date is 9th April 2021 but will depend on the completion of AUT enrolment and obtaining a student visa (if required). The scholarship must be taken up within two months of the offer of scholarship.
- The successful applicant must be prepared to commit full-time to their programme of research.
- The successful applicant will be required to sign an AUT Research Scholarship Contract.
- This scholarship may not be held in conjunction with any other scholarship without the approval of the selection panel and the Scholarships Office.
- Recipients must be resident in New Zealand to receive stipend payments. Stipends will not be paid to students living off-shore. Reasonable annual holiday leave overseas of no more than four weeks is acceptable.
- Scholarships payments will not be made retrospectively.
- Recipients must notify the School and the Scholarships Office in writing if they wish to apply for a Leave of Absence or withdraw from their programme.