A postdoctoral research position is available immediately for an NIH-funded project quantifying spine segment multi-axial mechanical behavior to study functional impact of spine disorders.
We seek a highly motivated and creative individual who is interested in measuring how spine mechanical function is altered with disorders including disc degeneration, low back pain, and scoliosis. This project will include multi-axial mechanical testing, modeling of deformable porous media, and magnetic resonance imaging. Contributions to grant proposal writing, trainee mentoring, and a collaborative laboratory culture are expected.
The University of Delaware provides ample opportunities for collaborative research and access to excellent research facilities, including through the Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging (CBB), the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI) and the Bio-Imaging Center. The CBBI offers excellent access to a 3T Siemens Prisma MRI scanner and a 9.4T Bruker MRI scanner. Multi-axial mechanical testing equipment are available in the Elliott laboratory. The candidate will contribute to established clinical collaborations with orthopaedic surgeons and large animal veterinarians. Opportunities exist for the successful candidate to pursue his/her own research utilizing these resources as part of the larger study objectives.
The candidate must have a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree in biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, or related fields, with strong background in joint mechanical testing and analysis. Experience in finite element modeling using FEBio is preferred. The candidate should have excellent written and oral communication skills and will be expected to participate in both independent and collaborative projects. Coordination across projects to build towards a combined objective will be essential. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Applicants should submit a cover letter describing research experience and career goals, CV, and contact information for three references to Dawn Elliott (delliott@udel.edu).