The ORB group at the University of Heidelberg is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join the heiAGE project starting as soon as possible.

Job Description:

Thousands of older adults struggle to stand up from a seated position. At Heidelberg University the research project “HeiAGE”, a collaboration between the departments of Computer Engineering, Psychology, Gerontology, Medicine, and Law aims to develop smart assistive solutions to to maintain and improve mobility in older persons. In the Optimization, Robotics & Biomechanics (ORB) lab we are working to develop a robotic rollator to help older adults to move around with a focus on sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions as well as everyday walking. As part of this, we have constructed a unique laboratory-grade assistive robot with 2 DOF robotic arms and force sensing handles that we will use together with an instrumented chair to study how best to control the assistive interaction while getting out of a chair.

You have the opportunity, as part of project HeiAGE, to:
  • Develop the control algorithms that will allow the robot to help someone out of a chair in a way that is effective, easy-to-use, and safe.
  • Undertake biomechanics experiments with younger and older adults to evaluate candidate control methods in a fully instrumented motion capture lab;
  • Collaborate with a multidisciplinary consortium of engineers, psychologists, gerontologists, health care researchers, and legal scholars:
Desired Qualifications:
  • Mechatronics Engineer / Systems Design Engineer or equivalent
  • Mandatory prerequisites
    • A course in linear control systems
    • Programming experience in C/C++
    • Experience with multibody dynamics and/or advanced dynamics
  • In addition, please highlight if you have:
    • Experience with either Python/Matlab
    • Experience with a rigid body modelling package
    • Experience using with CANbus and/or CANopen communication protocol
    • Programmed a Siemens real-time controllers and/or a Festo gantry robot
    • Applied optimal control methods to mechanical systems
    • Worked with motion capture, EMG, force plates
    • Worked in a machine shop
    • Used a CAD package

Remuneration is based on TV-L. The position is initially limited to a duration of one year with the possibility to extend this contract based on negotiations with the funding agency. The work will take place at Heidelberg University’s Neuenheimer Feld campus in Heidelberg, Germany. For more information about the project please visit:

Please send your questions or application with CV to with subject “Postdoc Position heiAGE”.