We are seeking applicants for a funded PhD project in the Structure and Motion Laboratory at the Royal Veterinary College in London, UK.
The PhD thesis will be co-supervised by Dr Andrea Gaede and Prof. Alan Wilson. This project will use techniques in image processing, behaviour tracking, biomechanics, and neuroscience to investigate how specialised neural processing of visual information might complement biomechanical adaptations for high-speed pursuit in cheetahs and sighthounds.
More details and application information in the links below. Deadline for applications is February 6, 2022.
We welcome informal enquiries – these should be directed to agaede@rvc.ac.uk
The PhD thesis will be co-supervised by Dr Andrea Gaede and Prof. Alan Wilson. This project will use techniques in image processing, behaviour tracking, biomechanics, and neuroscience to investigate how specialised neural processing of visual information might complement biomechanical adaptations for high-speed pursuit in cheetahs and sighthounds.
More details and application information in the links below. Deadline for applications is February 6, 2022.
We welcome informal enquiries – these should be directed to agaede@rvc.ac.uk