The University of Verona (Italy) is offering a 3 years Ph.D scholarship in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences. The candidates will have the opportunity to work in the areas of motor control and sensorimotor learning under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Bertucco. The person selected will be involved in one of the two following projects: 1) the effects of general and local muscular fatigue on sensorimotor learning*; 2) whole body characterization of individual strategies throughout motor development in multi-joint movements ** (see below). The laboratory is located at the School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences within the Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences. The Department is among the most dynamic and prolific academic environments in Europe in Neuroscience and the School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences has been ranked among the best 4 Schools of Sport Sciences in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022. The laboratory is equipped with VICON Motion Camera system, 2 force plates, 32 channels wireless EMG, accelerometers, load cells, TMS, EEG and TDCS. Highly qualified laboratories in neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience and exercise physiology are also located within the Department with possibilities for interdisciplinary collaborations. Moreover, the laboratory is currently collaborating with national and international universities and research institutions (Europe and USA).
Ideal candidates should be highly motivated and have a strong scientific interest in motor control and sensorimotor learning.
Preferred skills: Matlab and/or LabView.
Desirable but not compulsory skills: motion capture system, EMG, signal analysis, basic knowledge of biomechanics and neurophysiology.
Interested candidates should send an email to Prof. Matteo Bertucco ( and attach: CV, contact details of professional references, a brief description of scientific interests and experiences.
* The aim of the project is to investigate the impact of central fatiguing exercise and local neuromuscular fatigue on motor adaptation and learning. Specifically, the project will exploit computational approaches and noninvasive forms of brain imaging and stimulation techniques to understand the neurophysiological mechanisms of motor coordination and exploration strategies as a reaction to induced neuromuscular fatigue during motor skills acquisition.
** Due to the complexity and redundancy of multi-joint movements, whole body coordination has found little space in quantitative studies of motor behavior. The aim of the project is to quantify and compare whole body kinematics across multi-joint actions at different developmental ages. New combination of advanced computational models will be used to identify the characteristic features in individuals’ multi-joint motor strategies at different ages. The results will provide ground for the well-known differences in multi-joint motor behaviors throughout motor development.