Numerical simulations can provide valuable information about interactions between the human body and wearable robots, that would otherwise have to be acquired through costly testing campaigns. State-of-the-art musculoskeletal simulation software packages have important limitations in this regard. In the AidWear project, we intend to solve these by developing our own novel simulation framework, which we will use to streamline the design and optimization of assistive devices.

The new multibody-mechatronic simulation framework will combine 1) the ability to modularly describe arbitrary topologies featuring intricate deformable components and to deal seamlessly with kinematic loops; and 2) the utilization of efficient numerical solution techniques.

Firstly, simple state-of-the-art models will be used to validate the framework. Then, a numerical model of the prosthesis will be developed and validated by comparing numerical simulations against experimental data. Afterwards, the framework will be used to propose improvements for the prosthesis controllers. Finally, the framework will be used to produce simulation data, tailored for training AI algorithms. To achieve this, a comprehensive software interface will be established, facilitating access to all model parameters, which will enable both offline and online (RL) training of the algorithms.

Practical aspects
  • Laboratory: Multibody & Mechatronic Systems Laboratory ( and Laboratory of Movement Analysis (LAM,, University of Liege, Belgium.
  • Supervisor: Prof. Olivier Bruls (
  • Duration: full-time PhD position starting from August 1st, 2024 (this date is, however, flexible) until September 30, 2026.
  • AidWear project: the position is offered within the BOSA-funded project “AI-driven wearable robotics for healthcare”.
  • Salary: the salary will take the form of a PhD grant.

MSc in Computational Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering, or related fields is preferred (all backgrounds are welcome to apply).
Experience in numerical software development is highly desirable.
Experience in modelling methods in biomechanics is desirable.
High standard of spoken and written English.

Advisory and work environment

The researcher will be supervised by Prof. Olivier Bruls, who is an expert in multibody dynamics and numerical simulation methods for mechatronic systems. He/she will benefit from close interactions with other PhD students and post-doc researchers of the group for the development of modelling and simulation tools. He/she will also benefit from the expertise of Prof. Cedric Schwartz in biomechanics and movement analysis and from the expertise of Prof. Pierre Sacre in intelligent robotics (both are involved in the project).


Please submit your application until June 13, 2024, by email to Prof. Olivier Bruls ( Applications must include a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae, a digital copy of the highest academic degree (e.g. master’s) with a transcript of records, and the names of two scientific references. The recruitment procedure will guarantee a fair and equal treatment of all applications. Please contact Prof. Olivier Br
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