A postdoctoral position is available to study the effects of muscle size (inactive muscle mass) on the contractile properties of skeletal muscle in the laboratory of Andrew Biewener at the Concord Field Station of Harvard University. The research project involves making in situ and in vitro Force-Velocity-Power, Force-Length and cyclical work loop measurements of submaximal versus maximally activated skeletal muscles from different sized mammals. Measurements will inform and help to test 3D muscle models in collaboration with the Wakeling lab at Simon Fraser University. The project will also involve close collaboration with the lab of Nicolai Konow at UMA-Lowell. Candidates with a background in biomechanics, bioengineering or muscle modeling are encouraged to apply, particularly those with experience carrying out isolated muscle experiments. Salary will be based on Harvard’s Faculty and Arts and Sciences pay scale, commensurate with experience.

Apply at: https://academicpositions.harvard.edu/postings/14358

Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. in biology or engineering with an established record of research in muscle biology or bioengineering.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, together with their curriculum vitae, a statement of research goals, 2-3 representative publications and the names of three references by 30 December 2024.

Contact: Professor Andrew Biewener abiewener@oeb.harvard.edu