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Literature Update

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  • Literature Update

    This week's Literature Update for keywords: BIOMECH* or LOCOMOT*

    Rodger Kram
    Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

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    Jaume, Damia.
    A new atlantasellid isopod (Asellota: Aselloidea) from the flooded coastal
    karst of the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola): Evidence for an exopod on a
    thoracic limb and biogeographical implications.
    Journal of Zoology (London) October, 2001. 255(2):221-233.

    Bonine, Kevin E.; Gleeson, Todd T.; Garland, Theodore,
    Comparative analysis of fiber-type composition in the iliofibularis
    muscle of phrynosomatid lizards (Squamata).
    Journal of Morphology. December, 2001. 250(3):265-280.

    Youlatos, Dionisios.
    Functional anatomy of forelimb muscles in Guianan atelines (Platyrrhini:
    Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie et Biologie Animale.
    Octobre-Decembre, 2000. 21(4):137-151.

    Schwinger, G.; Zanger, K.; Greven, H.
    Structural and mechanical aspects of the skin of Bufo marinus (Anura,
    Tissue & Cell. October, 2001. 33(5):541-547.

    Kajiura, Kiyoshi; Katoh, Shinsuke; Sairyo, Koichi; Ikata, Takaaki; Goel,
    Vijay K.; Murakami, Ri-Ichi.
    Slippage mechanism of pediatric spondylolysis: Biomechanical study using
    immature calf spines.
    Spine. October 15, 2001. 26(20):2208-2212.

    Kleinstueck, Frank S.; Diederich, Chris J.; Nau, William H.; Puttlitz,
    Christian M.; Smith, Jason A.; Bradford, David S.; Lotz, Jeffrey C.
    Acute biomechanical and histological effects of intradiscal electrothermal
    therapy on human lumbar discs.
    Spine. October 15, 2001. 26(20):2198-2207.

    Lin, Yang-Hua; Chen, Chen-Sheng; Cheng, Cheng-Kung; Chen, Yueng-Huan; Lee,
    Cheng-Lung; Chen, Wen-Jer.
    Geometric parameters of the in vivo tissues at the lumbosacral joint of
    young Asian adults.
    Spine. November 1, 2001. 26(21):2362-2367.

    Panjabi, Manohar M.; Miura, Takehiko; Cripton, Peter A.; Wang, Jaw-Lin;
    Nain, Amrinder S.; DuBois, Christian.
    Development of a system for in vitro neck muscle force replication in
    whole cervical spine experiments.
    Spine. October 15, 2001. 26(20):2214-2219.

    Oda, Toyohiko; Panjabi, Manohar M.
    Pedicle screw adjustments affect stability of thoracolumbar burst
    Spine. November 1, 2001. 26(21):2328-2333.

    Knudson, Duane; Bahamonde, Rafael.
    Effect of endpoint conditions on position and velocity near impact in
    Journal of Sports Sciences. November, 2001. 19(11):839-844.

    Larsson, Peter; Henriksson-Larsen, Karin.
    The use of dGPS and simultaneous metabolic measurements during
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. November, 2001.

    Covizi, D. Z.; Felisbino, S. L.; Gomes, L.; Pimentel, E. R.; Carvalho, H.
    Regional adaptations in three rat tendons.
    Tissue & Cell. October, 2001. 33(5):483-490.

    Pool-Goudzwaard, A. L.; Kleinrensink, G. J.; Snijders, C. J.; Entius, C.;
    Stoeckart, R.
    The sacroiliac part of the iliolumbar ligament.
    Journal of Anatomy. October, 2001. 199(4):457-463.

    Terrier, Philippe; Ladetto, Quentin; Merminod, Bertrand; Schutz, Yves.
    Measurement of the mechanical power of walking by satellite positioning
    system (GPS).
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. November, 2001.

    Jensen, Jody L.; Brown, Lesley A.; Woollacott, Marjorie H.
    Compensatory stepping: The biomechanics of a preferred response among
    older adults.
    Experimental Aging Research. October-December, 2001. 27(4):361-376.

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