This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.
Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Whenever possible, I will try to highlight journals that are
publishing special issues on areas relevant to the biomechanics
community. The "Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers"
appears to be having a special issue on Biomechanics (in English).
Chang GL, Chao CK (2003) Special issue: Biomechanics - Foreword.
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: I-I
Verkhovsky AB, Chaga OY, Schaub S, Svitkina TM, Meister JJ, Borisy GG
(2003) Orientational order of the lamellipodial actin network as
demonstrated in living motile cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell
14: 4667-4675
Reischig T, Stengl M (2003) Ultrastructure of pigment-dispersing
hormone-immunoreactive neurons in a three-dimensional model of the
accessory medulla of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Cell and
Tissue Research 314: 421-435
Lovejoy CO, McCollum MA, Reno PL, Rosenman BA (2003) Developmental
biology and human evolution. Annual Review of Anthropology 32: 85-109
Calsbeek R, Smith TB (2003) Ocean currents mediate evolution in
island lizards. Nature 426: 552-555
Argot C (2003) Functional adaptations of the postcranial skeleton of
two miocene borhyaenoids (mammalia, metatheria), Borhyaena and
Prothylacinus, from South America. Palaeontology 46: 1213-1267
Usherwood JR, Bertram JEA (2003) Gait transition cost in humans.
European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 647-650
Terrier P, Schutz Y (2003) Variability of gait patterns during
unconstrained walking assessed by satellite positioning (GPS).
European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 554-561
Terblanche E, Cloete WA, du Plessis PAL, Sadie JN, Strauss A, Unger M
(2003) The metabolic transition speed between backward walking and
running. European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 520-525
Meyer PJ, Phillips TJ (2003) Sensitivity to ketamine, alone or in
combination with ethanol, is altered in mice selectively bred for
sensitivity to ethanol's locomotor
effects. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 27: 1701-1709
Lin CC, Chung KC, Chang CH, Wu CL, Liao IC (2003) Gait evaluation of
biofeedback balance training for chronic stroke patients. Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 845-852
Khumsap S, Lanovaz JL, Rosenstein DS, Byron C, Clayton HM (2003)
Effect of induced unilateral synovitis of distal intertarsal and
tarsometatarsal joints on sagittal plane kinematics and kinetics of
trotting horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research 64: 1491-1495
Jezernik S, Scharer R, Colombo G, Morari M (2003) Adaptive robotic
rehabilitation of locomotion: a clinical study in spinally injured
individuals. Spinal Cord 41: 657-666
Correa M, Arizzi MN, Betz A, Mingote S, Salamone JD (2003) Locomotor
stimulant effects of intraventricular injections of low doses of
ethanol in rats: acute and repeated administration.
Psychopharmacology 170: 368-375
Rine RM, Braswell J (2003) A clinical test of dynamic visual acuity
for children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
67: 1195-1201
Galardi G, Micera S, Carpaneto J, Scolari S, Gambini M, Dario P
(2003) Automated assessment of cervical dystonia. Movement Disorders
18: 1358-1367
Wang JL, Lee YL (2003) The shock attenuation properties of straight
standing knee joints using different shock absorbers and energy
inputs. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 729-736
Powers CM (2003) The influence of altered lower-extremity kinematics
on patellofemoral joint dysfunction: A theoretical perspective.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 33: 639-646
Ekman B, Gerdle B, Arnqvist HJ (2003) Growth hormone substitution
titrated to obtain IGF-I levels in the physiological range in
hypopituitary adults: effects upon dynamic strength, endurance and
EMG. European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 496-504
Asakawa DS, Nayak KS, Blemker SS, Delp SL, Pauly JM, Nishimura DG,
Gold GE (2003) Real-time imaging of skeletal muscle velocity. Journal
of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 18: 734-739
Zang DW, Cheema SS (2003) Leukemia inhibitory factor promotes
recovery of locomotor function following spinal cord injury in the
mouse. Journal of Neurotrauma 20: 1215-1222
Miller BS, Harper WP, Gillies RM, Sonnabend DH, Walsh WR (2003)
Biomechanical analysis of five fixation techniques used in
glenohumeral arthrodesis. Anz Journal of Surgery 73: 1015-1017
Lin CL, Lin TS, Hsu KW, Wu CH, Chang CH (2003) Numerical
investigation of retainer thickness affecting retention in posterior
resin-bonded prosthesis using the finite element method. Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 781-789
Lee TQ, Morris G, Csintalan RP (2003) The influence of tibial and
femoral rotation on patellofemoral contact area and pressure. Journal
of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 33: 686-693
Korner J, Lill H, Muller LP, Rommens PM, Schneider E, Linke B (2003)
The LCP-concept in the operative treatment of distal humerus
fractures - biological, biomechanical and surgical aspects.
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34: 20-30
Dolinar D, Antolic V, Herman S, Iglic A, Kralj-Iglic V, Pavlovcic V
(2003) Influence of contact hip stress on the outcome of surgical
treatment of hips affected by avascular necrosis. Archives of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 123: 509-513
Chen CM, Yang CT, Wei HW, Liau JJ, Cheng CK (2003) A new internal
fixation concept for the distal femoral fracture after total knee
arthroplasty. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26:
Wagner M (2003) General principles for the clinical use of the LCP.
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34: 31-42
Tanner SM, Garth WP, Soileau R, Lemons JE (2003) A modified test for
patellar instability - The biomechanical basis. Clinical Journal of
Sport Medicine 13: 327-338
Gautier E, Sommer C (2003) Guidelines for the clinical application of
the LCP. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34:
Stoffel K, Dieter U, Stachowiak G, Gachter A, Kuster MS (2003)
Biomechanical testing of the LCP - how can stability in locked
internal fixators be controlled? Injury-International Journal of the
Care of the Injured 34: 11-19
Sommer C, Gautier E, Muller M, Helfet DL, Wagner M (2003) First
clinical results of the Locking Compression Plate (LCP).
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34: 43-54
Lin SJ, Chen PQ, Wu SS, So H (2003) Influence of connecting plate on
construct stiffness of spinal implants and motion of adjacent
segments. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 809-816
Lin HT, Su FC, Nakamura M, Chao EYS (2003) Complex chain of momentum
transfer of body segments in the baseball pitching motion. Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 861-868
Unnewehr M, Homann C, Schmidt PF, Sotony P, Fischer G, Brinkmann B,
Bajanowski T, DuChesne A (2003) Fracture properties of the human
mandible. International Journal of Legal Medicine 117: 326-330
Parikh AB, Lee GM, Tchivilev IV, Graff RD (2003) A neocartilage ideal
for extracellular matrix macromolecule immunolocalization.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology 120: 427-434
Cake MA, Appleyard RC, Read RA, Ghosh P, Swain MV, Murrell GC (2003)
Topical administration of the nitric oxide donor glyceryl trinitrate
modifies the structural and biomechanical properties of ovine
articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 11: 872-878
Gefen A, Gefen N, Zhu QL, Raghupathi R, Margulies SS (2003)
Age-dependent changes in material properties of the brain and
braincase of the rat. Journal of Neurotrauma 20: 1163-1177
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
For information and archives:
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum:
Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Whenever possible, I will try to highlight journals that are
publishing special issues on areas relevant to the biomechanics
community. The "Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers"
appears to be having a special issue on Biomechanics (in English).
Chang GL, Chao CK (2003) Special issue: Biomechanics - Foreword.
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: I-I
Verkhovsky AB, Chaga OY, Schaub S, Svitkina TM, Meister JJ, Borisy GG
(2003) Orientational order of the lamellipodial actin network as
demonstrated in living motile cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell
14: 4667-4675
Reischig T, Stengl M (2003) Ultrastructure of pigment-dispersing
hormone-immunoreactive neurons in a three-dimensional model of the
accessory medulla of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Cell and
Tissue Research 314: 421-435
Lovejoy CO, McCollum MA, Reno PL, Rosenman BA (2003) Developmental
biology and human evolution. Annual Review of Anthropology 32: 85-109
Calsbeek R, Smith TB (2003) Ocean currents mediate evolution in
island lizards. Nature 426: 552-555
Argot C (2003) Functional adaptations of the postcranial skeleton of
two miocene borhyaenoids (mammalia, metatheria), Borhyaena and
Prothylacinus, from South America. Palaeontology 46: 1213-1267
Usherwood JR, Bertram JEA (2003) Gait transition cost in humans.
European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 647-650
Terrier P, Schutz Y (2003) Variability of gait patterns during
unconstrained walking assessed by satellite positioning (GPS).
European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 554-561
Terblanche E, Cloete WA, du Plessis PAL, Sadie JN, Strauss A, Unger M
(2003) The metabolic transition speed between backward walking and
running. European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 520-525
Meyer PJ, Phillips TJ (2003) Sensitivity to ketamine, alone or in
combination with ethanol, is altered in mice selectively bred for
sensitivity to ethanol's locomotor
effects. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 27: 1701-1709
Lin CC, Chung KC, Chang CH, Wu CL, Liao IC (2003) Gait evaluation of
biofeedback balance training for chronic stroke patients. Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 845-852
Khumsap S, Lanovaz JL, Rosenstein DS, Byron C, Clayton HM (2003)
Effect of induced unilateral synovitis of distal intertarsal and
tarsometatarsal joints on sagittal plane kinematics and kinetics of
trotting horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research 64: 1491-1495
Jezernik S, Scharer R, Colombo G, Morari M (2003) Adaptive robotic
rehabilitation of locomotion: a clinical study in spinally injured
individuals. Spinal Cord 41: 657-666
Correa M, Arizzi MN, Betz A, Mingote S, Salamone JD (2003) Locomotor
stimulant effects of intraventricular injections of low doses of
ethanol in rats: acute and repeated administration.
Psychopharmacology 170: 368-375
Rine RM, Braswell J (2003) A clinical test of dynamic visual acuity
for children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
67: 1195-1201
Galardi G, Micera S, Carpaneto J, Scolari S, Gambini M, Dario P
(2003) Automated assessment of cervical dystonia. Movement Disorders
18: 1358-1367
Wang JL, Lee YL (2003) The shock attenuation properties of straight
standing knee joints using different shock absorbers and energy
inputs. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 729-736
Powers CM (2003) The influence of altered lower-extremity kinematics
on patellofemoral joint dysfunction: A theoretical perspective.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 33: 639-646
Ekman B, Gerdle B, Arnqvist HJ (2003) Growth hormone substitution
titrated to obtain IGF-I levels in the physiological range in
hypopituitary adults: effects upon dynamic strength, endurance and
EMG. European Journal of Applied Physiology 90: 496-504
Asakawa DS, Nayak KS, Blemker SS, Delp SL, Pauly JM, Nishimura DG,
Gold GE (2003) Real-time imaging of skeletal muscle velocity. Journal
of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 18: 734-739
Zang DW, Cheema SS (2003) Leukemia inhibitory factor promotes
recovery of locomotor function following spinal cord injury in the
mouse. Journal of Neurotrauma 20: 1215-1222
Miller BS, Harper WP, Gillies RM, Sonnabend DH, Walsh WR (2003)
Biomechanical analysis of five fixation techniques used in
glenohumeral arthrodesis. Anz Journal of Surgery 73: 1015-1017
Lin CL, Lin TS, Hsu KW, Wu CH, Chang CH (2003) Numerical
investigation of retainer thickness affecting retention in posterior
resin-bonded prosthesis using the finite element method. Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 781-789
Lee TQ, Morris G, Csintalan RP (2003) The influence of tibial and
femoral rotation on patellofemoral contact area and pressure. Journal
of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 33: 686-693
Korner J, Lill H, Muller LP, Rommens PM, Schneider E, Linke B (2003)
The LCP-concept in the operative treatment of distal humerus
fractures - biological, biomechanical and surgical aspects.
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34: 20-30
Dolinar D, Antolic V, Herman S, Iglic A, Kralj-Iglic V, Pavlovcic V
(2003) Influence of contact hip stress on the outcome of surgical
treatment of hips affected by avascular necrosis. Archives of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 123: 509-513
Chen CM, Yang CT, Wei HW, Liau JJ, Cheng CK (2003) A new internal
fixation concept for the distal femoral fracture after total knee
arthroplasty. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26:
Wagner M (2003) General principles for the clinical use of the LCP.
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34: 31-42
Tanner SM, Garth WP, Soileau R, Lemons JE (2003) A modified test for
patellar instability - The biomechanical basis. Clinical Journal of
Sport Medicine 13: 327-338
Gautier E, Sommer C (2003) Guidelines for the clinical application of
the LCP. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34:
Stoffel K, Dieter U, Stachowiak G, Gachter A, Kuster MS (2003)
Biomechanical testing of the LCP - how can stability in locked
internal fixators be controlled? Injury-International Journal of the
Care of the Injured 34: 11-19
Sommer C, Gautier E, Muller M, Helfet DL, Wagner M (2003) First
clinical results of the Locking Compression Plate (LCP).
Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 34: 43-54
Lin SJ, Chen PQ, Wu SS, So H (2003) Influence of connecting plate on
construct stiffness of spinal implants and motion of adjacent
segments. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 809-816
Lin HT, Su FC, Nakamura M, Chao EYS (2003) Complex chain of momentum
transfer of body segments in the baseball pitching motion. Journal of
the Chinese Institute of Engineers 26: 861-868
Unnewehr M, Homann C, Schmidt PF, Sotony P, Fischer G, Brinkmann B,
Bajanowski T, DuChesne A (2003) Fracture properties of the human
mandible. International Journal of Legal Medicine 117: 326-330
Parikh AB, Lee GM, Tchivilev IV, Graff RD (2003) A neocartilage ideal
for extracellular matrix macromolecule immunolocalization.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology 120: 427-434
Cake MA, Appleyard RC, Read RA, Ghosh P, Swain MV, Murrell GC (2003)
Topical administration of the nitric oxide donor glyceryl trinitrate
modifies the structural and biomechanical properties of ovine
articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 11: 872-878
Gefen A, Gefen N, Zhu QL, Raghupathi R, Margulies SS (2003)
Age-dependent changes in material properties of the brain and
braincase of the rat. Journal of Neurotrauma 20: 1163-1177
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For information and archives:
Please consider posting your message to the Biomch-L Web-based
Discussion Forum: