This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.
Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Carlier MF, Wiesner S, Le Clainche C, Pantaloni D (2003) Actin-based
motility as a self-organized system: mechanism and reconstitution in
vitro. Comptes Rendus Biologies 326: 161-170
Buttery SM, Ekman GC, Seavy M, Stewart M, Roberts TM (2003) Dissection of the
Ascaris sperm motility machinery identifies key proteins involved in
major sperm protein-based amoeboid locomotion. Molecular Biology of
the Cell 14: 5082-5088
Spencer MA (2003) Tooth-root form and function in platyrrhine
seed-eaters. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 122: 325-335
Sherratt TN, Rashed A, Beatty CD (2004) The evolution of locomotory
behavior in profitable and unprofitable simulated prey. Oecologia
138: 143-150
Ryan MJ, Rand AS (2003) Sexual selection in female perceptual space:
How female tungara frogs perceive and respond to complex population
variation in acoustic mating signals. Evolution 57: 2608-2618
Phillips BL, Brown GP, Shine R (2003) Assessing the potential impact
of cane toads on Australian snakes. Conservation Biology 17: 1738-1747
Lovegrove BG, Haines L (2004) The evolution of placental mammal body
sizes: evolutionary history, form, and function. Oecologia 138: 13-27
Lindstrom KM, Van der Veen IT, Legault BA, Lundstrom JO (2003)
Activity and predator escape performance of Common Greenfinches
Carduelis chloris infected with Sindbis virus. Ardea 91: 103-111
Hoozemans M, Kuijer PP, Kingma I, van Dieen J, de Vries W, van der
Woude L, Veeger DJ, van der Beek A, Frings-Dresen M (2004) Mechanical
loading of the low back and shoulders during pushing and pulling
activities. Ergonomics 47: 1-18
Miyai I, Yagura H, Hatakenaka M, Oda I, Konishi I, Kubota K (2003)
Longitudinal optical imaging study for locomotor recovery after
stroke. Stroke 34: 2866-2870
McFadyen BJ, Swaine B, Dumas D, Durand A (2003) Residual effects of a
traumatic brain injury on locomotor capacity - A first study of
spatiotemporal patterns during unobstructed and obstructed walking.
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 18: 512-525
Malatesta D, Simar D, Dauvilliers Y, Candau R, Borrani F, Prefaut C,
Caillaud C (2003) Energy cost of walking and gait instability in
healthy 65-and 80-yr-olds. Journal of Applied Physiology 95: 2248-2256
Gemballa S, Treiber K (2003) Cruising specialists and accelerators -
Are different types of fish locomotion driven by differently
structured myosepta? Zoology 106: 203-222
Wu J, Rajwa B, Filmer DL, Hoffmann CM, Yuan B, Chiang CS, Sturgis J,
Robinson JP (2003) Analysis of orientations of collagen fibers by
novel fiber-tracking software. Microscopy and Microanalysis 9: 574-580
Lee RYW, Laprade J, Fung EHK (2003) A real-time gyroscopic system for
three-dimensional measurement of lumbar spine motion. Medical
Engineering & Physics 25: 817-824
Treberg JR, Martin RA, Driedzic WR (2003) Muscle enzyme activities in
a deep-sea squaloid shark, Centroscyllium fabricii, compared with its
shallow-living relative, Squalus acanthias. Journal of Experimental
Zoology Part a-Comparative Experimental Biology 300A: 133-139
Anderson RWG, Brown CJ, Blumbergs PC, McLean AJ, Jones NR (2003)
Impact mechanics and axonal injury in a sheep model. Journal of
Neurotrauma 20: 961-974
Iannone F, Lapadula G (2003) The pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 15: 364-372
Kar DC (2003) Design of statically stable walking robot: A review.
Journal of Robotic Systems 20: 671-686
Jezernik S, Scharer R, Colombo G, Morari M (2003) Adaptive robotic
rehabilitation of locomotion: a clinical study in spinally injured
individuals. Spinal Cord 41: 657-666
Van Meeteren NLU, Eggers R, Lankhorst AJ, Gispen WH, Hamers FPT
(2003) Locomotor recovery after spinal cord contusion injury in rats
is improved by spontaneous exercise. Journal of Neurotrauma 20:
Tanner SM, Garth WP, Soileau R, Lemons JE (2003) A modified test for
patellar instability - The biomechanical basis. Clinical Journal of
Sport Medicine 13: 327-338
Lee TQ, Morris G, Csintalan RP (2003) The influence of tibial and
femoral rotation on patellofemoral contact area and pressure. Journal
of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 33: 686-693
Tanaka E, del Pozo R, Tanaka M, Aoyama J, Hanaoka K, Nakajima A,
Inuzuka S, Tanne K (2003) Strain-rate effect on the biomechanical
response of bovine temporomandibular joint disk under compression.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 67A: 761-765
Iatridis JC, Wu JR, Yandow JA, Langevin HM (2003) Subcutaneous tissue
mechanical behavior is linear and viscoelastic under uniaxial
tension. Connective Tissue Research 44: 208-217
Duch BU, Andersen H, Gregersen H (2003) Morphometric and
biomechanical remodelling following reopening of the obstructed bile
duct. Physiological Measurement 24: N23-N34
Deng Y, Miranda P, Pajares A, Guiberteau F, Lawn BR (2003) Fracture
of ceramic/ceramic/polymer trilayers for biomechanical applications.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 67A: 828-833
Battaglia TC, Clark RT, Chhabra A, Gaschen V, Hunziker EB, Mikic B
(2003) Ultrastructural determinants of murine achilles tendon
strength during healing. Connective Tissue Research 44: 218-224
Aigner T, Stove J (2003) Collagens - major component of the
physiological cartilage matrix, major target of cartilage
degeneration, major tool in cartilage repair. Advanced Drug Delivery
Reviews 55: 1569-1593
Young-Hui Chang
Young-Hui Chang, Ph.D.
(FYI: it's pronounced "young-hee")
Assistant Professor
Comparative Neuromechanics Laboratory
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Institute of Technology
281 Ferst Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0356
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