This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.

Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology


Kucukaksu DS, Tarcan O, Kucuker S, Ozatik MA, Sakaogullari Z, Sener
E, Tasdemir O (2003) Dynamic cardiomyoplasty as a biomechanic bridge
to heart transplantation. Heart & Lung 32: 407-411


Laevsky G, Knecht DA (2003) Cross-linking of actin filaments by
myosin II is a major contributor to cortical integrity and cell
motility in restrictive environments. Journal of Cell Science 116:

Zaidel-Bar R, Ballestrem C, Kam Z, Geiger B (2003) Early molecular
events in the assembly of matrix adhesions at the leading edge of
migrating cells. Journal of Cell Science 116: 4605-4613


Bridge ES (2003) Effects of simulated primary moult on pigeon flight.
Ornis Fennica 80: 121-129

Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2003) Sensitivity analysis of kinematic
approximations in dynamic medusan swimming models. Journal of
Experimental Biology 206: 3675-3680

Freeman SM (2003) Size-dependent distribution, abundance and diurnal
rhythmicity patterns in the short-spined sea urchin Anthocidaris
crassispina. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 58: 703-713

Geyer MA, Ellenbroek B (2003) Animal behavior models of the
mechanisms underlying antipsychotic atypicality. Progress in
Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 27: 1071-1079

Heglund NC (2004) Running a-fowl of the law. Science 303: 47-48

Lu XY, Yang JM, Yin XZ (2003) Propulsive performance and vortex
shedding of a foil in flapping flight. Acta Mechanica 165: 189-206

Odell JP, Chappell MA, Dickson KA (2003) Morphological and enzymatic
correlates of aerobic and burst performance in different populations
of Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata. Journal of Experimental
Biology 206: 3707-3718

Struntz DJ, McLellan WA, Dillaman RM, Blum JE, Kucklick JR, Pabst DA
(2004) Blubber development in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus). Journal of Morphology 259: 7-20

Young NM (2003) A reassessment of living hominoid postcranial
variability: implications for ape evolution. Journal of Human
Evolution 45: 441-464


Gavin TM, Carandang G, Havey R, Flanagan P, Ghanayem A, Patwardhan AG
(2003) Biomechanical analysis of cervical orthoses in flexion and
extension: A comparison of cervical collars and cervical thoracic
orthoses. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 40:

Grossman M, Scaff DW, Miller D, Reed J, Hoey B, Anderson HL (2003)
Functional outcomes in octogenarian trauma. Journal of Trauma-Injury
Infection and Critical Care 55: 26-32

Kumar S (2004) Ergonomics and biology of spinal rotation. Ergonomics
47: 370-415

Toro B, Nester CJ, Farren PC (2003) The status of gait assessment
among physiotherapists in the United Kingdom. Arch Phys Med Rehabil

Tsung BYS, Zhang M, Fan YB, Boone DA (2003) Quantitative comparison
of plantar foot shapes under different weight-bearing conditions.
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 40: 517-526

Yano H, Kasai K, Saitou H, Iwata H (2003) Development of a gait
rehabilitation system using a locomotion interface. Journal of
Visualization and Computer Animation 14: 243-252


Houdijk H, Bobbert MF, De Koning JJ, De Groot G (2003) The effects of
klapskate hinge position on push-off performance: A simulation study.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35: 2077-2084

Pellman EJ, Viano DC, Tucker AM, Casson IR (2003) Concussion in
professional football: Location and direction of helmet impacts -
Part 2. Neurosurgery 53: 1328-1340


Goldstein LB (2003) Model of recovery of locomotor ability after
sensorimotor cortex injury in rats. Ilar Journal 44: 125-129

Kaya M, Leonard T, Herzog W (2003) Coordination of medial
gastrocnemius and soleus forces during cat locomotion. Journal of
Experimental Biology 206: 3645-3655

Kesslak JP, Keirstead HS (2003) Assessment of behavior in animal
models of spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 26:

Marsh RL, Ellerby DJ, Carr JA, Henry HT, Buchanan CI (2004)
Partitioning the energetics of walking and running: Swinging the
limbs is expensive. Science 303: 80-83

Williams DS, Davis IM, Baitch SP (2003) Effect of inverted orthoses
on lower-extremity mechanics in runners. Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise 35: 2060-2068


Bannister G (2003) Primary total hip replacement. Surgeon-Journal of
the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland 1: 332-341

Curtis AS, Deshmukh R (2003) Throwing injuries: Diagnosis and
treatment. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 19: 80-85

Izambert O, Mitton D, Thourot M, Lavaste F (2003) Dynamic stiffness
and damping of human intervertebral disc using axial oscillatory
displacement under a free mass system. European Spine Journal 12:

Sakakura CE, Margonar R, Holzhausen M, Nociti FH, Alba RC,
Marcantonio E (2003) Influence of cyclosporin A therapy on bone
healing around titanium implants: A histometric and biomechanic study
in rabbits. Journal of Periodontology 74:

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