This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.
Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology
For your "blogging" pleasure, these weekly literature updates are now being
listed on the "Biomechanics and Movement Science Discussion Forum" and can
be found at:
Rubin C, Pope M, Fritton JC, Magnusson M, Hansson T, McLeod K (2003)
Transmissibility of 15-hertz to 35-hertz vibrations to the human hip and
lumbar spine: Determining the physiologic feasibility of delivering low-
level anabolic mechanical stimuli to skeletal regions at greatest risk of
fracture because of osteoporosis. Spine 28: 2621-2627
Kwei S, Stavrakis G, Takahas M, Taylor G, Folkman MJ, Gimbrone MA, Garcia-
Cardena G (2004) Early adaptive responses of the vascular wall during venous
arterialization in mice. American Journal of Pathology 164: 81-89
Resnick N, Einav S, Chen-Konak L, Zilberman M, Yahav H, Shay-Salit A (2003)
Hemodynamic forces as a stimulus for arteriogenesis. Endothelium-Journal of
Endothelial Cell Research 10: 197-206
Schenke-Layland K, Opitz F, Gross M, Doring C, Halbhuber KJ, Schirrmeister
F, Wahlers T, Stock UA (2003) Complete dynamic repopulation of
decellularized heart valves by application of defined physical signals - an
in vitro study. Cardiovascular Research 60: 497-509
Ionides EL, Fang KS, Isseroff RR, Oster GF (2004) Stochastic models for cell
motion and taxis. Journal of Mathematical Biology 48: 23-37
Caldwell JC, Miller MM, Wing S, Soll DR, Eberl DF (2003) Dynamic analysis of
larval locomotion in Drosophila chordotonal organ mutants. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100: 16053-
Conti LH, Jirout M, Breen L, Vanella JJ, Schork NJ, Printz MP (2004)
Identification of quantitative trait loci for anxiety and locomotion
phenotypes in rat recombinant inbred strains. Behavior Genetics 34: 93-103
Pinch FC, Claussen DL (2003) Effects of temperature and slope on the sprint
speed and stamina of the Eastern Fence Lizard, Sceloporus undulatus. Journal
of Herpetology 37: 671-679
Price RM (2003) Columellar muscle of neogastropods: Muscle attachment and
the function of columellar folds. Biological Bulletin 205: 351-366
Roberts SP, Marden JH, Feder ME (2003) Dropping like flies: Environmentally
induced impairment and protection of locomotor performance in adult
Drosophila melanogaster. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76: 615-621
Valachi B, Valachi K (2003) Preventing musculoskeletal disorders in clinical
dentistry - Strategies to address the mechanisms leading to musculoskeletal
disorders. Journal of the American Dental Association 134: 1604-1612
Colloca CJ, Keller TS, Gunzburg R (2003) Neuromechanical characterization of
in vivo lumbar spinal manipulation. Part II. Neurophysiological response.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 26: 579-591
Keller TS, Colloca CJ, Gunzburg R (2003) Neuromechanical characterization of
in vivo lumbar spinal manipulation. Part I. Vertebral motion. Journal of
Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 26: 567-578
Leclerc A, Chastang JF, Niedhammer I, Landre MF, Roquelaure Y, Study Group
on Repetitive W (2004) Incidence of shoulder pain in repetitive work.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 61: 39-44
Rogers CM, Triano JJ (2003) Biomechanical measure validation for spinal
manipulation in clinical settings. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics 26: 539-548
van Zoest G, Gosselin G (2003) Three-dimensionality of direct contact forces
in chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. Journal of Manipulative and
Physiological Therapeutics 26: 549-556
Doriot N, Cheze L (2004) A three-dimensional kinematic and dynamic study of
the lower limb during the stance phase of gait using an homogeneous matrix
approach. Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 51: 21-27
Hirose D, Ishida K, Nagano Y, Takahashi T, Yamamoto H (2004) Posture of the
trunk in the sagittal plane is associated with gait in community-dwelling
elderly population. Clinical Biomechanics 19: 57-63
Morgan DW, Tseh W, Caputo JL, Keefer DJ, Craig IS, Griffith KB, Akins MB,
Griffith GE, Krahenbuhl GS, Martin PE (2004) Longitudinal stratification of
gait economy in young boys and girls: the locomotion energy and growth
study. European Journal of Applied Physiology 91: 30-34
Brandes M, Rosenbaum D (2004) Correlations between the step activity monitor
and the DynaPort ADL-monitor. Clinical Biomechanics 19: 91-94
Qiu TX, Teo EC, Lee KK, Ng HW, Yang K (2003) Validation of T10-T11 finite
element model and determination of instantaneous axes of rotations in three
anatomical planes. Spine 28: 2694-2699
Wilke HJ, Rohlmann A, Neller S, Graichen F, Claes L, Bergmann G (2003) ISSLS
prize winner: A novel approach to determine trunk muscle forces during
flexion and extension - A comparison of data from an in vitro experiment and
in vivo measurements. Spine 28: 2585-2593
Brechter JH, Powers CM, Terk MR, Ward SR, Lee TQ (2003) Quantification of
patellofemoral joint contact area using magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic
Resonance Imaging 21: 955-959
Crowe MJ, Sun ZP, Battocletti JH, Macias MY, Pintar FA, Maiman DJ (2003)
Exposure to pulsed magnetic fields enhances motor recovery in cats after
spinal cord injury. Spine 28: 2660-2666
Hollands MA, Ziavra NV, Bronstein AM (2004) A new paradigm to investigate
the roles of head and eye movements in the coordination of whole-body
movements. Experimental Brain Research 154: 261-266
Rintala P, Linjala J (2003) Scores on test of gross motor development of
children with dysphasia: A pilot study. Perceptual and Motor Skills 97: 755-
Sun HJ, Campos JL, Chan GSW (2004) Multisensory integration in the
estimation of relative path length. Experimental Brain Research 154: 246-254
Zeng LJ, Leplow B, Holl D, Mehdorn M (2003) Quantification of human spatial
behavior in an open field-locomotor maze. Perceptual and Motor Skills 97:
Bolder SBT, Verdonschot N, Schreurs BW, Buma P (2003) The initial stability
of cemented acetabular cups can be augmented by mixing morsellized bone
grafts with tricalciumphosphate/hydroxyapatite particles in bone impaction
grafting. Journal of Arthroplasty 18: 1056-1063
Buchler P, Farron A (2004) Benefits of an anatomical reconstruction of the
humeral head during shoulder arthroplasty: a finite element analysis.
Clinical Biomechanics 19: 16-23
Chudik SC, Weinhold P, Dahners LE (2003) Fixed-angle plate fixation in
simulated fractures of the proximal humerus: A biomechanical study of a new
device. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 12: 578-588
Edwards SG (2003) Acromioclavicular stability: A biomechanical comparison of
acromioplasty to acromioplasty with coplaning of the distal clavicle.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 19: 1079-1084
Kasten P, Krefft M, Hesselbach J, Weinberg AM (2004) Kinematics of the ulna
during pronation and supination in a cadaver study: implications for elbow
arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics 19: 31-35
McQuade KJ, Murthi AM (2004) Anterior glenohumeral force/translation
behavior with and without rotator cuff contraction during clinical stability
testing. Clinical Biomechanics 19: 10-15
Rapoff AJ, Conrad BP, Johnson WM, Cordista A, Rechtine GR (2003) Load
sharing in Premier and Zephir anterior cervical plates. Spine 28: 2648-2650
Pearsall AW, Hollis JM, Russell GV, Scheer Z (2003) A biomechanical
comparison of three lower extremity tendons for ligamentous reconstruction
about the knee. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery
19: 1091-1096
Weimann A, Zantop T, Rummler M, Hassenpflug J, Petersen W (2003) Primary
stability of bone-patellar tendon-bone graft fixation with biodegradable
pins. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 19: 1097-
Rincon DM, Castro JMS (2003) Dynamic and experimental analysis for
inchwormlike biomimetic robots. Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine 10: 53-
Li FF, Carlsson D, Lohmann C, Suuronen E, Vascotto S, Kobuch K, Sheardown H,
Munger R, Nakamura M, Griffith M (2003) Cellular and nerve regeneration
within a biosynthetic extracellular matrix for corneal transplantation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 100: 15346-15351
Palissery V, Taylor M, Browne M (2004) Fatigue characterization of a polymer
foam to use as a cancellous bone analog material in the assessment of
orthopaedic devices. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine 15:
Wesley NO, Maibach HI (2003) Racial (Ethnic) differences in skin properties
- The objective data. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 4: 843-860
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