For your "blogging" pleasure, these weekly literature updates are now cross-
listed on the "Biomechanics and Movement Science Discussion Forum" and can
be found at: http://movement-analysis.com/biomch_l/viewtopic.php?t=66
This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.
Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology
Wenning A, Hill AAV, Calabrese RL (2004) Heartbeat control in leeches. II.
Fictive motor pattern. Journal of Neurophysiology 91: 397-409
Bjornsdottir S, Ekman S, Eksell R, Lord P (2004) High detail radiography and
histology of the centrodistal tarsal joint of Icelandic horses age 6 months
to 6 years. Equine Veterinary Journal 36: 5-11
Cleto CL, Vandenberghe AE, MacLean DW, Pannunzio P, Tortorelli C, Meedel TH,
Satou Y, Satoh N, Hastings KEM (2003) Ascidian larva reveals ancient origin
of vertebrate-skeletal-muscle troponin I characteristics in chordate
locomotory muscle. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20: 2113-2122
Miyoshi H, Masaki N, Tsuchiya Y (2003) Characteristics of trajectory in the
migration of Amoeba proteus. Protoplasma 222: 175-181
Von Lieven AF (2003) The genus Oigolaimella Paramonov, 1952 (Nematoda :
Diplogastridae) and description of O. Kruegeri n. sp and O. ninae n. sp.
Nematology 5: 583-600
Zianis D, Mencuccini M (2004) On simplifying allometric analyses of forest
biomass. Forest Ecology and Management 187: 311-332
Burger H, Marincek C, Jaeger RJ (2004) Prosthetic device provision to
landmine survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Outcomes in 3 ethnic groups.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 85: 19-28
Curt A, Schwab ME, Dietz V (2004) Providing the clinical basis for new
interventional therapies: refined diagnosis and assessment of recovery after
spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 42: 1-6
Fogliatto FS, Guimaraes LBM (2004) User-oriented method for selecting
workstation components. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 33:
Levy CE, Chow JW, Tillman MD, Hanson C, Donohue T, Mann WC (2004) Variable-
ratio pushrim-activated power-assist wheelchair eases wheeling over a
variety of terrains for elders. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation 85: 104-112
Tsang YL, Mak MK (2004) Sit-and-reach test can predict mobility of patients
recovering from acute stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation 85: 94-98
Ferris DP, Gordon KE, Beres-Jones JA, Harkema SJ (2004) Muscle activation
during unilateral stepping occurs in the nonstepping limb of humans with
clinically complete spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 42: 14-23
Madsen MS, Ritter MA, Morris HH, Meding JB, Berend ME, Faris PM, Vardaxis VG
(2004) The effect of total hip arthroplasty surgical approach on gait.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22: 44-50
Marhefka DW, Orin DE, Schmiedeler JP, Waldron KJ (2003) Intelligent control
of quadruped gallops. IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 8: 446-456
Poirrier AL, Nyssen Y, Scholtes F, Multon S, Rinkin C, Weber G, Bouhy D,
Brook G, Franzen R, Schoenen J (2004) Repetitive transcranial magnetic
stimulation improves open field locomotor recovery after low but not high
thoracic spinal cord compression-injury in adult rats. Journal of
Neuroscience Research 75: 253-261
Reynolds RF, Bronstein AM (2004) The moving platform aftereffect: Limited
generalization of a locomotor adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology 91: 92-
Klockner C, Rohmann A, Bergmann G (2003) Instrumented forceps for measuring
tensile forces in the rod of the VDS implant during correction of scoliosis.
Biomedizinische Technik 48: 362-364
Schmitt KU, Muser M, Heggendorn M, Niederer P, Walz F (2003) Development of
a damping seat slide to reduce whiplash injury. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering
217: 949-955
Giroux-Metges MA, Pennec JP, Petit J, Goanvec C, Dorange G, Gioux M (2003)
Motor unit properties in the soleus muscle after its distal tendon transfer
to the plantaris muscle tendon in the rat. Journal of Physiology-London 553:
Spencer EE, Kuhn JE (2004) Biomechanic alanalysis of reconstructions for
sternoclavicular joint instability. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-
American Volume 86A: 98-105
Strijkers GJ, Drost MR, Heemskerk AM, Kruiskamp MJ, Nicolay K (2003)
Diffusion MRI and MRS of skeletal muscle. Israel Journal of Chemistry 43:
Cooper BG, Goller F (2004) Multimodal signals: Enhancement and constraint of
song motor patterns by visual display. Science 303: 544-546
Ding Y, Li J, Lai Q, Rafols JA, Luan X, Clark J, Diaz FG (2004) Motor
balance and coordination functional outcome in rat with cerebral artery
occlusion training enhances transient middle. Neuroscience 123: 667-674
Levi R, Varona P, Arshavsky YI, Rabinovich MI, Selverston AI (2004) Dual
sensory-motor function for a molluskan statocyst network. Journal of
Neurophysiology 91: 336-345
Mou WM, McNamara TP, Valiquette CM, Rump B (2004) Allocentric and egocentric
updating of spatial memories. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Learning
Memory and Cognition 30: 142-157
Muehl KA, Sholl MJ (2004) The acquisition of vector knowledge and its
relation to self-rated direction sense. Journal of Experimental Psychology-
Learning Memory and Cognition 30: 129-141
Silva M, Lee KH, Heisel C, Dela Rosa MA, Schmalzried TP (2004) The
biomechanical results of total hip resurfacing arthroplasty. Journal of Bone
and Joint Surgery-American Volume 86A: 40-46
Werner CML, Nyffeler RW, Jacob HAC, Gerber C (2004) The effect of capsular
tightening on humeral head translations. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22:
Chosa E, Totoribe K, Tajima N (2004) A biomechanical study of lumbar
spondylolysis based on a three-dimensional finite element method. Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22: 158-163
Coakwell MR, Bloswick DS, Moser R (2004) High-risk head and neck movements
at high G and interventions to reduce associated neck injury. Aviation Space
and Environmental Medicine 75: 68-80
Palmer EI, Lotz JC (2004) The compressive creep properties of normal and
degenerated murine intervertebral discs. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22:
Schramm M, Krummbein S, Kraus H, Pitt RP, Schmidt R (2003) Anterior
vertebral body screw pullout testing with the hollow modular anchorage
system - A comparative in vitro study. Biomedizinische Technik 48: 356-361
Whelan PJ (2003) Developmental aspects of spinal locomotor function:
insights from using the in vitro mouse spinal cord preparation 10.1113/
jphysiol.2003.046219. Journal of Physiology-London 553: 695-706
Brown KM, Saunders MM, Kirsch T, Donahue HJ, Reid JS (2004) Effect of COX-
(2)-specific inhibition on fracture healing in the rat femur. Journal of
Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 86A: 116-123
Carpenter JE, Hankenson KD (2004) Animal models of tendon and ligament
injuries for tissue engineering applications. Biomaterials 25: 1715-1722
Jaecques SVN, Van Oosterwyck H, Muraru L, Van Cleynenbreugel T, De Smet E,
Wevers M, Naert I, Vander Sloten J (2004) Individualised, micro CT-based
finite element modelling as a tool for biomechanical analysis related to
tissue engineering of bone. Biomaterials 25: 1683-1696
Liebschner MAK (2004) Biomechanical considerations of animal models used in
tissue engineering of bone. Biomaterials 25: 1697-1714
Mahadevan L, Daniel S, Chaudhury MK (2004) Biomimetic ratcheting motion of a
soft, slender, sessile gel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America 101: 23-26
Matsuda T (2004) Recent progress of vascular graft engineering in Japan.
Artificial Organs 28: 64-71
Morel W, Quinn TM (2004) Cartilage injury by ramp compression near the gel
diffusion rate. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22: 145-151
Trickey WR, Vail TP, Guilak F (2004) The role of the cytoskeleton in the
viscoelastic properties of human articular chondrocytes. Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22: 131-139
Kim MJ, Hunter EJ, Titze IR (2004) Comparison of human, canine, and ovine
laryngeal dimensions. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 113: 60-68
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