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Literature Update (Feb 11, 2004)

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  • Literature Update (Feb 11, 2004)

    **NOTE** These weekly literature updates are now cross-listed on the
    "Biomechanics and Movement Science Discussion Forum" and can be found at:
    This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.

    Young-Hui Chang
    Georgia Institute of Technology

    A special issue on Spinal Biomechanics has come out in the
    Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 37, issue 2:

    Stokes, I. A. F. (2004). "Special issue on spinal biomechanics." Journal of
    Biomechanics 37(2): 171-171.


    Fernandez-Seara, M. A., S. L. Wehrli, et al. (2004). "Water content measured
    by proton-deuteron exchange NMR predicts bone mineral density and mechanical
    properties." Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 19(2): 289-296.

    Haddock, S. M., O. C. Yeh, et al. (2004). "Similarity in the fatigue
    behavior of trabecular bone across site and species." Journal of
    Biomechanics 37(2): 181-187.


    Rozanov, D. V., E. I. Deryugina, et al. (2004). "Aberrant, persistent
    inclusion into lipid rafts limits the tumorigenic function of membrane type-
    1 matrix metalloproteinase in malignant cells." Experimental Cell Research
    293(1): 81-95.


    Broomhall, S. D. (2004). "Egg temperature modifies predator avoidance and
    the effects of the insecticide endosulfan on tadpoles of an Australian
    frog." Journal of Applied Ecology 41(1): 105-113.

    Butler, M. and A. S. Johnson (2004). "Are melanized feather barbs stronger?"
    Journal of Experimental Biology 207(2): 285-293.

    Durier, V. and C. Rivault (2003). "Exploitation of home range and spatial
    distribution of resources in German cockroaches (Dietyoptera :
    Blattellidae)." Journal of Economic Entomology 96(6): 1832-1837.

    Phillips, J. D. and D. A. Marion (2004). "Pedological memory in forest soil
    development." Forest Ecology and Management 188(1-3): 363-380.

    Stratton, G. E., R. B. Suter, et al. (2004). "Evolution of water surface
    locomotion by spiders: a comparative approach." Biological Journal of the
    Linnean Society 81(1): 63-78.


    Hook, M. A., A. R. Ferguson, et al. (2004). "Monitoring recovery after
    injury: Procedures for deriving the optimal test window." Journal of
    Neurotrauma 21(1): 109-118.

    Karatas, M., N. Cetin, et al. (2004). "Trunk muscle strength in relation to
    balance and functional disability in unihemispheric stroke patients."
    American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 83(2): 81-87.

    Kingma, I. and J. H. van Dieen (2004). "Lifting over an obstacle: effects of
    one-handed lifting and hand support on trunk kinematics and low back
    loading." Journal of Biomechanics 37(2): 249-255.


    Beloozerova, I. N. and S. Rossignol (2004). "Antidromic discharges in dorsal
    roots of decerebrate cats. II: studies during treadmill locomotion." Brain
    Research 996(2): 227-236.

    Biewener, A. A., C. McGowan, et al. (2004). "Dynamics of leg muscle function
    in tammar wallabies (M-eugenii) during level versus incline hopping."
    Journal of Experimental Biology 207(2): 211-223.

    Higham, T. E. and B. C. Jayne (2004). "Locomotion of lizards on inclines and
    perches: hindlimb kinematics of an arboreal specialist and a terrestrial
    generalist." Journal of Experimental Biology 207(2): 233-248.

    Higham, T. E. and B. C. Jayne (2004). "In vivo muscle activity in the
    hindlimb of the arboreal lizard, Chamaeleo calyptratus: general patterns and
    the effects of incline." Journal of Experimental Biology 207(2): 249-261.


    Lee, C. H. (2004). "A phase space spline smoother for fitting trajectories."
    Ieee Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 34(1):


    Burkeen, A. K., S. L. Maday, et al. (2004). "Disruption of Caenorhabditis
    elegans muscle structure and function caused by mutation of troponin."
    Biophysical Journal 86(2): 991-1001.

    Buzzi, R., P. Aglietti, et al. (2004). "Lateral collateral ligament
    reconstruction using a semitendinosus graft." Knee Surgery Sports
    Traumatology Arthroscopy 12(1): 36-42.


    Luo, C., J. W. Clark, et al. (2004). "Multimodal behavior in a four neuron
    ring circuit: Mode switching." Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
    51(2): 205-218.


    Carroll, M., G. Lewis, et al. (2004). "Evaluation of a synthetic bone defect
    test model to aid in the selection of materials for use in vertebral body
    compression fracture repair." Orthopedics 27(1): S119-S122.

    Dietz, H. P. (2004). "Ultrasound imaging of the pelvic floor. Part I: two-
    dimensional aspects." Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 23(1): 80-92.

    Schipper, I. B., E. W. Steyerberg, et al. (2004). "Treatment of unstable
    trochanteric fractures - Randomised comparison of the gamma nail and the
    proximal femoral nail." Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British Volume
    86B(1): 86-94.


    Bass, E. C., E. V. Wistrom, et al. (2004). "Heat-induced changes in porcine
    annulus fibrosus biomechanics." Journal of Biomechanics 37(2): 233-240.

    Goertzen, D. J., C. Lane, et al. (2004). "Neutral zone and range of motion
    in the spine are greater with stepwise loading than with a continuous
    loading protocol. An in vitro porcine investigation." Journal of
    Biomechanics 37(2): 257-261.

    Pollintine, P., A. S. Przybyla, et al. (2004). "Neural arch load-bearing in
    old and degenerated spines." Journal of Biomechanics 37(2): 197-204.

    Stupar, M., D. Mauron, et al. (2003). "Inter-examiner reliability of the
    diagnosis of cervical pillar hyperplasia (CPH) and the correlation between
    CPH and spinal degenerative joint disease (DJD) - art. no. 28." Bmc
    Musculoskeletal Disorders 4: 28-28.


    Palmieri, R. M., C. D. Ingersoll, et al. (2004). "Arthrogenic muscle
    response to a simulated ankle joint effusion." British Journal of Sports
    Medicine 38(1): 26-30.

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