**NOTE** These weekly literature updates are now cross-listed on the
"Biomechanics and Movement Science Discussion Forum" and can be found at:
This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.

Young-Hui Chang
Georgia Institute of Technology

The following journal appears to be having a special issue on biomechanics.

Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and
Manufacturing 46(4)


Callaci, J. J., D. Juknelis, et al. (2004). "The effects of binge alcohol
exposure on bone resorption and biomechanical and structural properties are
offset by concurrent bisphosphonate treatment." Alcoholism-Clinical and
Experimental Research 28(1): 182-191.

Frost, H. M. (2004). "A 2003 update of bone physiology and Wolff's Law for
clinicians." Angle Orthodontist 74(1): 3-15.

Lieberman, D. E., J. D. Polk, et al. (2004). "Predicting long bone loading
from cross-sectional geometry." American Journal of Physical Anthropology
123(2): 156-171.

Vasara, A. I., M. M. Hyttinen, et al. (2004). "Subchondral bone reaction
associated with chondral defect and attempted cartilage repair in goats."
Calcified Tissue International 74(1): 107-114.


Asami, K. and T. Kitamura (2003). "An integrated simulation tool for
modeling the human circulatory system." Jsme International Journal Series C-
Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1441-1448.

Buono, P. L. and A. Palacios (2004). "A mathematical model of motorneuron
dynamics in the heartbeat of the leech." Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena
188(3-4): 292-313.

Ohashi, T., S. Sugita, et al. (2003). "Rupture properties of. blood vessel
walls measured by pressure-imposed test." Jsme International Journal Series
C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1290-1296.

Sugimoto, T., H. Miyazaki, et al. (2003). "Age-related changes in the
morphology and mechanics of arterial wall in the rat." Jsme International
Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing
46(4): 1312-1320.

Watanabe, H., S. Sugiura, et al. (2003). "Finite element analysis on the
relationship between left ventricular pump function and fiber structure
within the wall." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems
Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1330-1339.


Andoh, M. and H. Wada (2003). "Dynamic characteristics of the force
generated by the outer hair cell motility in the organ of corti -
(Theoretical consideration)." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical
Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1256-1265.

Kobayashi, S., T. Mashima, et al. (2003). "Thrust force characteristics of
propulsion mechanism in fluid using variable-bending-stiffness fin modeled
on ciliary movement." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems
Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1340-1345.

Sugaya, Y., N. Sakamoto, et al. (2003). "Elongation and random orientation
of bovine endothelial cells in response to hydrostatic pressure: Comparison
with response to shear stress." Jsme International Journal Series C-
Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1248-1255.


Bethoux, O., J. McBride, et al. (2004). "Surface laser scanning of fossil
insect wings." Palaeontology 47: 13-19.

Kato, N. and H. Liu (2003). "Optimization of motion of a mechanical pectoral
fin." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine
Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1356-1362.

Kimchi, T., A. S. Etienne, et al. (2004). "A subterranean mammal uses the
magnetic compass for path integration." Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America 101(4): 1105-1109.

Kiyokawa, Y., T. Kikusui, et al. (2004). "Alarm pheromones with different
functions are released from different regions of the body surface of male
rats." Chemical Senses 29(1): 35-40.

Youlatos, D. (2004). "Multivariate analysis of organismal and habitat
parameters in two neotropical primate communities." American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 123(2): 181-194.

Cappa, P., F. Patane, et al. (2003). "A novel device to evaluate the
stiffness of ankle-foot orthosis devices." Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 125(6): 913-917.


Bullimore, S. R. and J. F. Burn (2004). "Distorting limb design for
dynamically similar locomotion." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Series B-Biological Sciences 271(1536): 285-289.

Licka, T. F., C. Peham, et al. (2004). "Electromyographic activity of the
longissimus dorsi muscles in horses during trotting on a treadmill."
American Journal of Veterinary Research 65(2): 155-158.

Oddsson, L. I. E., C. Wall, et al. (2004). "Recovery from perturbations
during paced walking." Gait & Posture 19(1): 24-34.

Silva, M. P. T. and J. A. C. Ambrosio (2004). "Sensitivity of the results
produced by the inverse dynamic analysis of a human stride to perturbed
input data." Gait & Posture 19(1): 35-49.

Warren, G. L., R. M. Maher, et al. (2004). "Temporal patterns of plantar
pressures and lower-leg muscle activity during walking: effect of speed."
Gait & Posture 19(1): 91-100.


Huang, Y. C., M. Chan, et al. (2003). "Use of PID and iterative learning
controls on improving intra-oral hydraulic loading system of dental
implants." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine
Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1449-1455.

Saito, T., A. Iguchi, et al. (2004). "Biomechanical study of a poly-L-
lactide (PLLA) sternal pin in sternal closure after cardiothoracic surgery."
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 77(2): 684-687.


Tanaka, M., E. Tanaka, et al. (2003). "Stress analysis of anterior-disc-
displaced temporomandibular joint using individual finite element model."
Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and
Manufacturing 46(4): 1400-1408.


Swanstrom, M. D., S. M. Stover, et al. (2004). "Determination of passive
mechanical properties of the superficial and deep digital flexor muscle-
ligament-tendon complexes in the forelimbs of horses." American Journal of
Veterinary Research 65(2): 188-197.

Wheeler, A. H. (2004). "Myofascial pain disorders - Theory to therapy."
Drugs 64(1): 45-62.


Fery, Y. A., R. Magnac, et al. (2004). "Commanding the direction of passive
whole-body rotations facilitates egocentric spatial updating." Cognition
91(2): B1-B10.

Fiore, C., D. M. Inman, et al. (2004). "Treatment with the neurosteroid
dehydroepiandrosterone promotes recovery of motor behavior after moderate
contusive spinal cord injury in the mouse." Journal of Neuroscience Research
75(3): 391-400.

Le Bozec, S. and S. Bouisset (2004). "Do bimanual isometric push efforts in
humans stop as a consequence of postural muscle exhaustion?" Neuroscience
Letters 356(1): 61-65.

Montagnese, C. M., A. D. Szekely, et al. (2004). "Efferent connections of
septal nuclei of the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus): An anterograde
pathway tracing study with a bearing on functional circuits." Journal of
Comparative Neurology 469(3): 437-456.


Shaaban, H., G. Giakas, et al. (2004). "The distal radioulnar joint as a
load-bearing mechanism - A biomechanical study." Journal of Hand Surgery-
American Volume 29A(1): 85-95.

Strick, M. J., S. L. Filan, et al. (2004). "Adhesion formation after flexor
tendon repair: A histologic and biomechanical comparison of 2-and 4-strand
repairs in a chicken model." Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 29A(1):

Szmukler-Moncler, S., D. Perrin, et al. (2004). "Biological properties of
acid etched titanium implants: Effect of sandblasting on bone anchorage."
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 68B(2):

Tanaka, T., P. C. Amadio, et al. (2004). "Gliding characteristics and gap
formation for locking and grasping tendon repairs: A biomechanical study in
a human cadaver model." Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 29A(1): 6-


Sasaoka, R., H. Azegami, et al. (2003). "Investigation of buckling
phenomenon induced by growth of vertebral bodies using a mechanical spine
model." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine
Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1382-1387.

Sbriccoli, P., M. Solomonow, et al. (2004). "Static load magnitude is a risk
factor in the development of cumulative low back disorder." Muscle & Nerve
29(2): 300-308.


Nolan, L. and D. C. Kerrigan (2004). "Postural control: toe-standing versus
heel-toe standing." Gait & Posture 19(1): 11-15.

Park, S., F. B. Horak, et al. (2004). "Postural feedback responses scale
with biomechanical constraints in human standing." Experimental Brain
Research 154(4): 417-427.


Kamimura, A., S. Murata, et al. (2003). "Research on self-reconfigurable
modular robot system - (Experiments on reconfiguration and locomotion with
several modules)." Jsme International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems
Machine Elements and Manufacturing 46(4): 1490-1496.

Ono, K., T. Furuichi, et al. (2004). "Self-excited walking of a biped
mechanism with feet." International Journal of Robotics Research 23(1): 55-

Peng, C. Y. and K. Ono (2003). "Numerical analysis of energy-efficient
walking gait with flexed knee for four-DOF planar biped model." Jsme
International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and
46(4): 1346-1355.

Saimek, S. and P. Y. Li (2004). "Motion planning and control of a swimming
machine." International Journal of Robotics Research 23(1): 27-53.


Rodrigues, J. F. D., H. Lopes, et al. (2004). "Experimental modal analysis
of a synthetic composite femur." Experimental Mechanics 44(1): 29-32.


Arnould, C., D. Bizeray, et al. (2004). "Effects of the addition of sand and
string to pens on use of space, activity, tarsal angulations and bone
composition in broiler chickens." Animal Welfare 13(1): 87-94.

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