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Literature Update (Aug. 26, 2004)

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  • Literature Update (Aug. 26, 2004)

    **NOTE** These updates are cross-listed at:
    This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.

    Young-Hui Chang
    School of Applied Physiology
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    ***ISSUE ALERT***: The following journals had a high incident of hits
    this week on topics ranging from biomaterials to motor control:

    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 70B(2)

    Experimental Brain Research 157(4)


    Bakker, A., J. Klein-Nulend and E. Burger (2004). "Shear stress
    inhibits while disuse promotes osteocyte apoptosis." Biochemical and
    Biophysical Research Communications 320(4): 1163-1168.

    Eckstein, F., M. Fischbeck, V. Kuhn, T. M. Link, M. Priemel and E. M.
    Lochmuller (2004). "Determinants and heterogeneity thoracolumbar
    spine of mechanical competence throughout the of elderly women and
    men." Bone 35(2): 364-374.

    Fonseca, D. and W. E. Ward (2004). "Daidzein together with high
    calcium preserve bone mass and biomechanical strength at multiple
    sites in ovariectomized mice." Bone 35(2): 489-497.

    Watzky, A. and S. Naili (2004). "Orthotropic bone remodeling: case of
    plane stresses." Mechanics Research Communications 31(5): 617-625.


    Brunette, J., R. Mongrain and J. C. Tardif (2004). "A realistic
    coronary artery phantom for particle image velocimetry - Featuring
    injection-molded inclusions and multiple layers." Journal of
    Visualization 7(3): 241-248.

    Rogers, J. and D. D. Sheriff (2004). "Role of estrogen in nitric
    oxide- and prostaglandin-dependent modulation of vascular conductance
    during treadmill locomotion in rats." Journal of Applied Physiology
    97(2): 756-763.


    Dumont, E. R. (2004). "Patterns of diversity in cranial shape among
    plant-visiting bats." Acta Chiropterologica 6(1): 59-74.

    Fuglei, E. and N. A. Oritsland (2003). "Energy cost of running in an
    Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus." Canadian Field-Naturalist 117(3):

    Kearney, M. and R. Shine (2004). "Developmental success, stability,
    and plasticity in closely related parthenogenetic and sexual lizards
    (Heteronotia, Gekkonidae)." Evolution 58(7): 1560-1572.

    Maresh, J. L., F. E. Fish, D. P. Nowacek, S. M. Nowacek and R. S.
    Wells (2004). "High performance turning capabilities during foraging
    by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)." Marine Mammal Science
    20(3): 498-509.


    Shinohara, J., T. Shibata, A. Shimada and K. Komatsu (2004). "The
    biomechanical properties of the healing periodontium of replanted rat
    mandibular incisors." Dental Traumatology 20(4): 212-221.


    Hayakawa, Y., S. R. Pandian and S. Kawamura (2004). "Development of
    an Autonomous Transfer Machine using pneumatic actuators." Jsme
    International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements
    and Manufacturing 47(2): 602-609.


    Bent, L. R., B. J. McFadyen and J. T. Inglis (2004). "Is the use of
    vestibular information weighted differently across the initiation of
    walking?" Experimental Brain Research 157(4): 407-416.

    Dierick, F., C. Lefebvre, A. van den Hecke and C. Detrembleur (2004).
    "Development of displacement of centre of mass during independent
    walking in children." Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
    46(8): 533-539.

    Park, J. H. and M. Choi (2004). "Generation of an optimal gait
    trajectory for biped robots using a genetic algorithm." Jsme
    International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements
    and Manufacturing 47(2): 715-721.

    Seipel, J. E., P. J. Holmes and R. J. Full "Dynamics and stability of
    insect locomotion: a hexapedal model for horizontal plane motions."
    Biological Cybernetics.


    Tan, J., L. Ming, Z. J. Jia and J. B. Tang (2004). "Repairs of
    partial oblique tendon injuries: A biomechanical evaluation." Journal
    of Hand Surgery-British and European Volume 29B(4): 381-385.


    Ghadiali, S. N., J. Banks and J. D. Swarts (2004). "Finite element
    analysis of active Eustachian tube function." Journal of Applied
    Physiology 97(2): 648-654.


    Cattet, J. and A. S. Etienne (2004). "Blindfolded dogs relocate a
    target through path integration." Animal Behaviour 68: 203-212.

    Gentilucci, M., A. C. Roy and S. Stefanini (2004). "Grasping an
    object naturally or with a tool: are these tasks guided by a common
    motor representation?" Experimental Brain Research 157(4): 496-506.

    Perreault, E. J., R. F. Kirsch and P. E. Crago (2004). "Multijoint
    dynamics and postural stability of the human arm." Experimental Brain
    Research 157(4): 507-517.

    Reschke, M., J. T. Somers, R. J. Leigh, J. M. Krnavek, L. Kornilova,
    I. Kozlovskaya, J. J. Bloomberg and W. H. Paloski (2004).
    "Sensorimotor recovery following Spaceflight may be due to frequent
    square-wave saccadic intrusions." Aviation Space and Environmental
    Medicine 75(8): 700-704.

    Steldt, R. E. and B. D. Schmit (2004). "Modulation of coordinated
    muscle activity during imposed sinusoidal hip movements in human
    spinal cord injury." Journal of Neurophysiology 92(2): 673-685.

    Straka, H. and N. Dieringer (2004). "Basic organization principles of
    the VOR: lessons from frogs." Progress in Neurobiology 73(4): 259-309.

    Yu, X. and W. O. Friesen "Entrainment of leech swimming activity by
    the ventral stretch receptor." Journal of Comparative Physiology
    a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology.


    Link, T. M., J. Bauer, A. Kollstedt, I. Stumpf, M. Hudelmaier, M.
    Settles, S. Majumdar, E. M. Lochmuller and F. Eckstein (2004).
    "Trabecular bone structure of the distal radius, the calcaneus, and
    the spine - Which site predicts fracture status of the spine best?"
    Investigative Radiology 39(8): 487-497.

    Murakami, H., W. C. Horton, K. Tomita and W. C. Hutton (2004). "A
    two-cage reconstruction versus a single mega-cage reconstruction for
    lumbar interbody fusion: an experimental comparison." European Spine
    Journal 13(5): 432-440.


    Py, C., E. de Langre and B. Moulia (2004). "The mixing layer
    instability of wind over a flexible crop canopy." Comptes Rendus
    Mecanique 332(8): 613-618.

    Rudnicki, M., U. Silins and V. J. Lieffers (2004). "Crown cover is
    correlated with relative density, tree slenderness, and tree height
    in lodgepole pine." Forest Science 50(3): 356-363.

    Yamamoto, H. (2004). "Role of the gelatinous layer on the origin of
    the physical properties of the tension wood." Journal of Wood Science
    50(3): 197-208.


    Gruneberg, C., B. R. Bloem, F. Honegger and J. H. J. Allum (2004).
    "The influence of artificially increased hip and trunk stiffness on
    balance control in man." Experimental Brain Research 157(4): 472-485.


    Gourgoulis, V., N. Aggeloussis, V. Kalivas, P. Antoniou and G.
    Mavromatis (2004). "Snatch lift kinematics and bar energetics in male
    adolescent and adult weightlifters." Journal of Sports Medicine and
    Physical Fitness 44(2): 126-131.

    Valentini, N. and M. Rudisill (2004). "Motivational climate,
    motor-skill development, and perceived competence: Two studies of
    developmentally delayed kindergarten children." Journal of Teaching
    in Physical Education 23(3): 216-234.


    Koepp, H. E., S. Schorlemmer, S. Kessler, R. E. Brenner, L. Claes, K.
    P. Gunther and A. A. Ignatius (2004). "Biocompatibility and
    osseointegration of beta-TCP: Histomorphological and biomechanical
    studies in a weight-bearing sheep model." Journal of Biomedical
    Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 70B(2): 209-217.

    Sambasivan, S., D. A. Fischer, M. C. Shen and S. M. Hsu (2004).
    "Molecular orientation of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene
    induced by various sliding motions." Journal of Biomedical Materials
    Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 70B(2): 278-285.

    Wong, M. W. N., L. Qin, J. K. O. Tai, S. K. M. Lee, K. S. Leung and
    K. M. Chan (2004). "Engineered allogeneic chondrocyte pellet for
    reconstruction of fibrocartilage zone at bone-tendon junction - A
    preliminary histological observation." Journal of Biomedical
    Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 70B(2): 362-367.


    Singh, M. K. and M. Gurnani (2004). "Disposal pattern and its impact
    on milk production and herd size in Karan Fries and Karan Swiss
    cows." Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 17(9): 1214-1218.

    PICK OF THE WEEK; Too hard to pass up a good fish 'tale'...

    Wilga, C. D. and G. V. Lauder (2004). "Biomechanics - Hydrodynamic
    function of the shark's tail." Nature 430(7002): 850-850.

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