**NOTE** These updates are cross-listed at:
This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.
Young-Hui Chang
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Institute of Technology
***NOTE***: Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate
that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Harris, M. T., D. L. Butler, G. P. Boivin, J. B. Florer, E. J.
Schantz and R. J. Wenstrup (2004). "Mesenchymal stem cells used for
rabbit tendon repair can form ectopic bone and express alkaline
phosphatase activity in constructs." Journal of Orthopaedic Research
22(5): 998-1003.
Rodan, G., A. Reszka, E. Golub and R. Rizzoli (2004). "Bone safety of
long-term bisphosphonate treatment." Current Medical Research and
Opinion 20(8): 1291-1300.
Reddy, G. K. (2004). "AGE-related cross-linking of collagen is
associated with aortic wall matrix stiffness in the pathogenesis of
drug-induced diabetes in rats." Microvascular Research 68(2): 132-142.
Borkent, A. and D. A. Craig (2004). "Austroconops Wirth and Lee, a
lower cretaceous genus of biting midges yet living in western
Australia: a new species, first description of the immatures and
discussion of their biology and phylogeny (Diptera :
Ceratopogonidae)." American Museum Novitates(3449): 1-67.
Frantsevich, L. (2004). "Structure of the coxa and homeosis of legs
in Nematocera (Insecta : Diptera)." Acta Zoologica 85(2): 131-148.
Nystrom, K. C., E. M. Braunstein and J. E. Buikstra (2004). "Field
paleoradiography of skeletal material from the Early Classic Period
of Copan, Honduras." Canadian Association of Radiologists
Journal-Journal De L Association Canadienne Des Radiologistes 55(4):
Tajima, Y., Y. Hayashi and T. K. Yamada (2004). "Comparative
anatomical study on the relationships between the vestigial pelvic
bones and the surrounding structures of finless porpoises
(Neophocaena phocaenoides)." Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
66(7): 761-766.
Walilko, T., C. Bir, W. Godwin and A. King (2004). "Relationship
between temporomandibular joint dynamics and mouthguards: feasibility
of a test method." Dental Traumatology 20(5): 255-260.
Berthonnaud, E., B. Moyen and J. Dimnet (2004). Correlated kinematic
and dynamic studies of the knee joint during the stance phase of
gait: Biomechanical disturbances introduced by a knee pathology.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 570-584.
Chabot, C. C., J. Kent and W. H. Watson (2004). "Circatidal and
circadian rhythms of locomotion in Limulus polyphemus." Biological
Bulletin 207(1): 72-75.
Combes, D., S. D. Merrywest, J. Simmers and K. T. Sillar (2004).
"Developmental segregation of spinal networks driving axial- and
hindlimb-based locomotion in metamorphosing Xenopus laevis." Journal
of Physiology-London 559(1): 17-24.
Dobkin, B. H., A. Firestine, M. West, K. Saremi and R. Woods (2004).
"Ankle dorsiflexion as an fMRI paradigm to assay motor control for
walking during rehabilitation." Neuroimage 23(1): 370-381.
Haouzi, P., B. Chenuel and B. Chalon (2004). "The control of
ventilation is dissociated from locomotion during walking in sheep."
Journal of Physiology-London 559(1): 315-325.
Leleu, C., F. Bariller, C. Cotrel and E. Barrey (2004).
"Reproducibility of a locomotor test for trotter horses." Veterinary
Journal 168(2): 160-166.
van Hedel, H. J. A. and V. Dietz (2004). "The influence of age on
learning a locomotor task." Clinical Neurophysiology 115(9):
Doschak, M. R., G. R. Wohl, D. A. Hanley, R. C. Bray and R. F.
Zernicke (2004). "Antiresorptive therapy conserves some periarticular
bone and ligament mechanical properties after anterior cruciate
ligament disruption in the rabbit knee." Journal of Orthopaedic
Research 22(5): 942-948.
McClure, P. W., J. Bialker, N. Neff, G. Williams and A. Karduna
(2004). "Shoulder function and 3-dimensional kinematics in people
with shoulder impingement syndrome before and after a 6-week exercise
program." Physical Therapy 84(9): 832-848.
Mochizuki, Y., Y. Ikuta, A. Ikeda and I. Yoshii (2004). Biomechanics
of the wrist joint. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Swank, D. M., W. A. Kronert, S. I. Bernstein and D. W. Maughan
(2004). "Alternative N-terminal regions of Drosophila myosin heavy
chain tune muscle kinetics for optimal power output." Biophysical
Journal 87(3): 1805-1814.
Diederichsen, L. P., J. Norregaard, M. Krogsgaard, T.
Fischer-Rasmussen and P. Dyhre-Poulsen (2004). "Reflexes in the
shoulder muscles elicited from the human coracoacromial ligament."
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 976-983.
Fajen, B. R. and W. H. Warren (2004). "Visual guidance of
intercepting a moving target on foot." Perception 33(6): 689-715.
Nielsen, J. F. and T. Sinkjaer (2004). "Guided intrathecal baclofen
administration by using soleus stretch reflex in moderate-severe
spastic multiple sclerosis patients with implanted pump." Multiple
Sclerosis 10(5): 521-525.
Restat, J. D., S. D. Steck, H. F. Mochnatzki and H. A. Mallot (2004).
"Geographical slant facilitates navigation and orientation in virtual
environments." Perception 33(6): 667-687.
Sakata, K. and R. Shingai (2004). "Neural network model to generate
head swing in locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegans."
Network-Computation in Neural Systems 15(3): 199-216.
Trenkwalder, C. and W. Paulus (2004). "Why do restless legs occur at
rest? pathophysiology of neuronal structures in RLS. Neurophysiology
of RLS (part 2)." Clinical Neurophysiology 115(9): 1975-1988.
Arnold, M. P., L. Blankevoort, A. ten Ham, N. Verdonschot and A. van
Kampen (2004). "Twist and its effect on ACL graft forces." Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 963-969.
Bollini, G., E. Viewegher, J. M. Guillaume, F. Launay and J. L. Jouve
(2004). Biomechanics and the growth plate. Biomechanics and
Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 287-293.
Gautier, E. and R. P. Jacob (2004). Biomechanics of osteosynthesis by
screwed plates. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 330-350.
Hart, J. A. L. and R. K. Miller (2004). Articular cartilage:
Biomechanics, injury, and surgical treatment of defects. Biomechanics
and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 229-246.
LaPrade, R. F., F. A. Wentorf and J. A. Crum (2004). "Assessment of
healing of grade III posterolateral corner injuries: an in vivo
model." Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 970-975.
Ogden, J. A., T. M. Ganey, J. D. Hill and J. I. Jaakkola (2004).
"Sever's injury: A stress fracture of the immature calcaneal
metaphysis." Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 24(5): 488-492.
Saito, S., A. Kusaba and U. K. Lewandrowski (2004). Biomechanics of
the growth plate. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Silva, M. J., T. M. Ritty, K. Ditsios, M. E. Burns, M. I. Boyer and
R. H. Gelberman (2004). "Tendon injury response: assessment of
biomechanical properties, tissue morphology and viability following
flexor digitorum profundus tendon transection." Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 990-997.
Cholewicki, J. (2004). "The effects of lumbosacral orthoses on spine
stability: What changes in EMG can be expected?" Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 1150-1155.
Dubousset, J. (2004). Biomechanics of the spine during growth.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 257-281.
Kandziora, F., R. Pflugmacher, M. Scholz, T. Eindorf, K. J. Schnake
and N. P. Haas (2004). "Bioabsorbable interbody cages in a sheep
cervical spine fusion model." Spine 29(17): 1845-1855.
Kothe, R., W. Ruther, E. Schneider and B. Linke (2004).
"Biomechanical analysis of transpedicular screw fixation in the
subaxial cervical spine." Spine 29(17): 1869-1875.
Lazennec, J. Y. and G. Saillant (2004). Spinal instability and
imbalance: Definition, clinical manifestations, and biomechanics.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 405-434.
Leong, J. C. Y. and W. W. Lu (2004). Biomechanics of sacral fixation.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 492-502.
McDonough, P. W., R. Davis, C. Tribus and T. A. Zdeblick (2004). "The
management of acute thoracolumbar burst fractures with anterior
corpectomy and Z-plate fixation." Spine 29(17): 1901-1908.
Park, P., H. J. Garton, V. C. Gala, J. T. Hoff and J. E. McGillicuddy
(2004). "Adjacent segment disease after lumbar or lumbosacral fusion:
Review of the literature." Spine 29(17): 1938-1944.
Suk, S. I. and W. J. Kim (2004). Biomechanics of posterior spinal
instrumentation. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Tropiano, P. (2004). Biomechanical elements of the scoliotic spine.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 435-439.
Mansat, M. and J. Egan (2004). The biomechanics of the glenohumeral
articulation and implications for prosthetic design. Biomechanics and
Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 387-396.
Sorbie, C., R. Zdero and J. T. Bryant (2004). Normal and prosthesic
hip biomechanics. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Butler, Z., K. Kotay, D. Rus and K. Tomita (2004). "Generic
decentralized control for lattice-based self-reconfigurable robots."
International Journal of Robotics Research 23(9): 919-937.
Amis, A. A. (2004). The biomechanics of ligaments. Biomechanics and
Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 550-563.
AufderHeide, A. C. and K. A. Athanasiou (2004). "Mechanical
stimulation toward tissue engineering of the knee meniscus." Annals
of Biomedical Engineering 32(8): 1161-1174.
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l
This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.
Young-Hui Chang
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Institute of Technology
***NOTE***: Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate
that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Harris, M. T., D. L. Butler, G. P. Boivin, J. B. Florer, E. J.
Schantz and R. J. Wenstrup (2004). "Mesenchymal stem cells used for
rabbit tendon repair can form ectopic bone and express alkaline
phosphatase activity in constructs." Journal of Orthopaedic Research
22(5): 998-1003.
Rodan, G., A. Reszka, E. Golub and R. Rizzoli (2004). "Bone safety of
long-term bisphosphonate treatment." Current Medical Research and
Opinion 20(8): 1291-1300.
Reddy, G. K. (2004). "AGE-related cross-linking of collagen is
associated with aortic wall matrix stiffness in the pathogenesis of
drug-induced diabetes in rats." Microvascular Research 68(2): 132-142.
Borkent, A. and D. A. Craig (2004). "Austroconops Wirth and Lee, a
lower cretaceous genus of biting midges yet living in western
Australia: a new species, first description of the immatures and
discussion of their biology and phylogeny (Diptera :
Ceratopogonidae)." American Museum Novitates(3449): 1-67.
Frantsevich, L. (2004). "Structure of the coxa and homeosis of legs
in Nematocera (Insecta : Diptera)." Acta Zoologica 85(2): 131-148.
Nystrom, K. C., E. M. Braunstein and J. E. Buikstra (2004). "Field
paleoradiography of skeletal material from the Early Classic Period
of Copan, Honduras." Canadian Association of Radiologists
Journal-Journal De L Association Canadienne Des Radiologistes 55(4):
Tajima, Y., Y. Hayashi and T. K. Yamada (2004). "Comparative
anatomical study on the relationships between the vestigial pelvic
bones and the surrounding structures of finless porpoises
(Neophocaena phocaenoides)." Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
66(7): 761-766.
Walilko, T., C. Bir, W. Godwin and A. King (2004). "Relationship
between temporomandibular joint dynamics and mouthguards: feasibility
of a test method." Dental Traumatology 20(5): 255-260.
Berthonnaud, E., B. Moyen and J. Dimnet (2004). Correlated kinematic
and dynamic studies of the knee joint during the stance phase of
gait: Biomechanical disturbances introduced by a knee pathology.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 570-584.
Chabot, C. C., J. Kent and W. H. Watson (2004). "Circatidal and
circadian rhythms of locomotion in Limulus polyphemus." Biological
Bulletin 207(1): 72-75.
Combes, D., S. D. Merrywest, J. Simmers and K. T. Sillar (2004).
"Developmental segregation of spinal networks driving axial- and
hindlimb-based locomotion in metamorphosing Xenopus laevis." Journal
of Physiology-London 559(1): 17-24.
Dobkin, B. H., A. Firestine, M. West, K. Saremi and R. Woods (2004).
"Ankle dorsiflexion as an fMRI paradigm to assay motor control for
walking during rehabilitation." Neuroimage 23(1): 370-381.
Haouzi, P., B. Chenuel and B. Chalon (2004). "The control of
ventilation is dissociated from locomotion during walking in sheep."
Journal of Physiology-London 559(1): 315-325.
Leleu, C., F. Bariller, C. Cotrel and E. Barrey (2004).
"Reproducibility of a locomotor test for trotter horses." Veterinary
Journal 168(2): 160-166.
van Hedel, H. J. A. and V. Dietz (2004). "The influence of age on
learning a locomotor task." Clinical Neurophysiology 115(9):
Doschak, M. R., G. R. Wohl, D. A. Hanley, R. C. Bray and R. F.
Zernicke (2004). "Antiresorptive therapy conserves some periarticular
bone and ligament mechanical properties after anterior cruciate
ligament disruption in the rabbit knee." Journal of Orthopaedic
Research 22(5): 942-948.
McClure, P. W., J. Bialker, N. Neff, G. Williams and A. Karduna
(2004). "Shoulder function and 3-dimensional kinematics in people
with shoulder impingement syndrome before and after a 6-week exercise
program." Physical Therapy 84(9): 832-848.
Mochizuki, Y., Y. Ikuta, A. Ikeda and I. Yoshii (2004). Biomechanics
of the wrist joint. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Swank, D. M., W. A. Kronert, S. I. Bernstein and D. W. Maughan
(2004). "Alternative N-terminal regions of Drosophila myosin heavy
chain tune muscle kinetics for optimal power output." Biophysical
Journal 87(3): 1805-1814.
Diederichsen, L. P., J. Norregaard, M. Krogsgaard, T.
Fischer-Rasmussen and P. Dyhre-Poulsen (2004). "Reflexes in the
shoulder muscles elicited from the human coracoacromial ligament."
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 976-983.
Fajen, B. R. and W. H. Warren (2004). "Visual guidance of
intercepting a moving target on foot." Perception 33(6): 689-715.
Nielsen, J. F. and T. Sinkjaer (2004). "Guided intrathecal baclofen
administration by using soleus stretch reflex in moderate-severe
spastic multiple sclerosis patients with implanted pump." Multiple
Sclerosis 10(5): 521-525.
Restat, J. D., S. D. Steck, H. F. Mochnatzki and H. A. Mallot (2004).
"Geographical slant facilitates navigation and orientation in virtual
environments." Perception 33(6): 667-687.
Sakata, K. and R. Shingai (2004). "Neural network model to generate
head swing in locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegans."
Network-Computation in Neural Systems 15(3): 199-216.
Trenkwalder, C. and W. Paulus (2004). "Why do restless legs occur at
rest? pathophysiology of neuronal structures in RLS. Neurophysiology
of RLS (part 2)." Clinical Neurophysiology 115(9): 1975-1988.
Arnold, M. P., L. Blankevoort, A. ten Ham, N. Verdonschot and A. van
Kampen (2004). "Twist and its effect on ACL graft forces." Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 963-969.
Bollini, G., E. Viewegher, J. M. Guillaume, F. Launay and J. L. Jouve
(2004). Biomechanics and the growth plate. Biomechanics and
Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 287-293.
Gautier, E. and R. P. Jacob (2004). Biomechanics of osteosynthesis by
screwed plates. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 330-350.
Hart, J. A. L. and R. K. Miller (2004). Articular cartilage:
Biomechanics, injury, and surgical treatment of defects. Biomechanics
and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 229-246.
LaPrade, R. F., F. A. Wentorf and J. A. Crum (2004). "Assessment of
healing of grade III posterolateral corner injuries: an in vivo
model." Journal of Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 970-975.
Ogden, J. A., T. M. Ganey, J. D. Hill and J. I. Jaakkola (2004).
"Sever's injury: A stress fracture of the immature calcaneal
metaphysis." Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 24(5): 488-492.
Saito, S., A. Kusaba and U. K. Lewandrowski (2004). Biomechanics of
the growth plate. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Silva, M. J., T. M. Ritty, K. Ditsios, M. E. Burns, M. I. Boyer and
R. H. Gelberman (2004). "Tendon injury response: assessment of
biomechanical properties, tissue morphology and viability following
flexor digitorum profundus tendon transection." Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 990-997.
Cholewicki, J. (2004). "The effects of lumbosacral orthoses on spine
stability: What changes in EMG can be expected?" Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 22(5): 1150-1155.
Dubousset, J. (2004). Biomechanics of the spine during growth.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 257-281.
Kandziora, F., R. Pflugmacher, M. Scholz, T. Eindorf, K. J. Schnake
and N. P. Haas (2004). "Bioabsorbable interbody cages in a sheep
cervical spine fusion model." Spine 29(17): 1845-1855.
Kothe, R., W. Ruther, E. Schneider and B. Linke (2004).
"Biomechanical analysis of transpedicular screw fixation in the
subaxial cervical spine." Spine 29(17): 1869-1875.
Lazennec, J. Y. and G. Saillant (2004). Spinal instability and
imbalance: Definition, clinical manifestations, and biomechanics.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 405-434.
Leong, J. C. Y. and W. W. Lu (2004). Biomechanics of sacral fixation.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 492-502.
McDonough, P. W., R. Davis, C. Tribus and T. A. Zdeblick (2004). "The
management of acute thoracolumbar burst fractures with anterior
corpectomy and Z-plate fixation." Spine 29(17): 1901-1908.
Park, P., H. J. Garton, V. C. Gala, J. T. Hoff and J. E. McGillicuddy
(2004). "Adjacent segment disease after lumbar or lumbosacral fusion:
Review of the literature." Spine 29(17): 1938-1944.
Suk, S. I. and W. J. Kim (2004). Biomechanics of posterior spinal
instrumentation. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Tropiano, P. (2004). Biomechanical elements of the scoliotic spine.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 435-439.
Mansat, M. and J. Egan (2004). The biomechanics of the glenohumeral
articulation and implications for prosthetic design. Biomechanics and
Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 387-396.
Sorbie, C., R. Zdero and J. T. Bryant (2004). Normal and prosthesic
hip biomechanics. Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics:
Butler, Z., K. Kotay, D. Rus and K. Tomita (2004). "Generic
decentralized control for lattice-based self-reconfigurable robots."
International Journal of Robotics Research 23(9): 919-937.
Amis, A. A. (2004). The biomechanics of ligaments. Biomechanics and
Biomaterials in Orthopedics: 550-563.
AufderHeide, A. C. and K. A. Athanasiou (2004). "Mechanical
stimulation toward tissue engineering of the knee meniscus." Annals
of Biomedical Engineering 32(8): 1161-1174.
To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
For information and archives: http://isb.ri.ccf.org/biomch-l