This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*.

Young-Hui Chang
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Institute of Technology
***ISSUE ALERT***: The following atypical biomechanics journal had
several hits this week on wrist fracture surgery and recovery:

Hand Clinics 21(3)


Alam, I., Q. W. Sun, L. X. Liu, D. L. Koller, T. Fishburn, L. G.
Carr, M. J. Econs, T. Foroud and C. H. Turner (2005). "Whole-genome
scan for linkage to bone strength and structure in Inbred Fischer 344
and Lewis rats." Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20(9):

Hudelmaier, M., A. Kollstedt, E. M. Lochmuller, V. Kuhn, F. Eckstein
and T. M. Link (2005). "Gender differences in trabecular bone
architecture of the distal radius assessed with magnetic resonance
imaging and implications for mechanical competence." Osteoporosis
International 16(9): 1124-1133.

Ito, M., A. Nishida, K. Aoyagi, M. Uetani, K. Hayashi and M. Kawase
(2005). "Effects of risedronate on trabecular microstructure and
biomechanical properties in ovariectomized rat tibia." Osteoporosis
International 16(9): 1042-1048.


Andersson, M., L. Karlsson, P. A. Svensson, E. Ulfhammer, M. Ekman,
M. Jernas, L. M. S. Carlsson and S. Jern "Differential Global Gene
Expression Response Patterns of Human Endothelium Exposed to Shear
Stress and Intraluminal Pressure." Journal of Vascular Research.

Lee, S. W., P. F. Fischer, F. Loth, T. J. Royston, J. K. Grogan and
H. S. Bassiouny (2005). "Flow-induced vein-wall vibration in an
arteriovenous graft." Journal of Fluids and Structures 20(6): 837-852.

Ngo, B. T., K. D. Hayes, D. J. DiMiao, S. K. Srinivasan, C. J.
Huerter and M. S. Rendell (2005). "Manifestations of cutaneous
diabetic microangiopathy." American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
6(4): 225-237.

Trumble, D. R., D. B. Melvin, M. T. Byrne and J. A. Magovern (2005).
"Improved mechanism for capturing muscle power for circulatory
support." Artificial Organs 29(9): 691-700.


Li, S., J. L. Guan and S. Chien (2005). "Biochemistry and
biomechanics of cell motility." Annual Review of Biomedical
Engineering 7: 105-150.


Bergmann, P. J. and D. J. Irschick (2005). "Effects of temperature on
maximum clinging ability in a diurnal gecko: Evidence for a passive
clinging mechanism?" Journal of Experimental Zoology Part
a-Comparative Experimental Biology 303A(9): 785-791.

Borrell, B. J., J. A. Goldbogen and R. Dudley (2005). "Aquatic wing
flapping at low Reynolds numbers: swimming kinematics of the
Antarctic pteropod, Clione antarctica." Journal of Experimental
Biology 208(15): 2939-2949.

Kirkton, S. D., J. A. Niska and J. E. Harrison (2005). "Ontogenetic
effects on aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during jumping in the
American locust, Schistocerca americana." Journal of Experimental
Biology 208(15): 3003-3012.

Lachica, A. and J. F. Aguilera (2005). "Energy expenditure of walk in
grassland for small ruminants." Small Ruminant Research 59(2-3):

Lappin, A. K. and J. F. Husak (2005). "Weapon performance, not size,
determines mating success and potential reproductive output in the
collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris)." American Naturalist 166(3):

Rivera, G., A. H. Savitzky and J. A. Hinkley (2005). "Mechanical
properties of the integument of the common gartersnake, Thamnophis
sirtalis (Serpentes : Colubridae)." Journal of Experimental Biology
208(15): 2913-2922.

Schouveiler, L., F. S. Hover and M. S. Triantafyllou (2005).
"Performance of flapping foil propulsion." Journal of Fluids and
Structures 20(7): 949-959.

Shuranova, Z., Y. Burmistrov and C. I. Abramson (2005). "Habituation
to a novel environment in the crayfish Procambarus cubensis." Journal
of Crustacean Biology 25(3): 488-494.

Stockard, T. K., J. Heil, J. U. Meir, K. Sato, K. V. Ponganis and P.
J. Ponganis (2005). "Air sac P-O2 and oxygen depletion during dives
of emperor penguins." Journal of Experimental Biology 208(15):

Tracy, C. R. and K. A. Christian (2005). "Preferred temperature
correlates with evaporative water loss in hylid frogs from northern
Australia." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78(5): 839-846.

Varaldi, J., M. Bouletreau and F. Fleury (2005). "Cost induced by
viral particles manipulating superparasitism behaviour in the
parasitold Leptopilina boulardi." Parasitology 131: 161-168.

Vasicek, C. A., M. K. Oosthuizen, H. M. Cooper and N. C. Bennett
(2005). "Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity in the subterranean
Mashona mole rat, Cryptomys darlingi." Physiology & Behavior 84(2):

von Dassow, M. (2005). "Flow and conduit formation in the external
fluid-transport system of a suspension feeder." Journal of
Experimental Biology 208(15): 2931-2938.

Wilson, J. A. (2005). "Integrating ichnofossil and body fossil
records to estimate locomotor posture and spatiotemporal distribution
of early sauropod dinosaurs: a stratocladistic approach."
Paleobiology 31(3): 400-423.


Chen, J. C., J. T. Dennerlein, C. C. Chang, W. R. Chang and D. C.
Christiani (2005). "Seat inclination, use of lumbar support and
low-back pain of taxi drivers." Scandinavian Journal of Work
Environment & Health 31(4): 258-265.

Cochrane, T., R. C. Davey and S. M. M. Edwards (2005). "Randomised
controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of water-based therapy for
lower limb osteoarthritis." Health Technology Assessment 9(31): III-+.

Kim, T. H., Y. T. Kim and Y. S. Yoon (2005). "Development of a
biomechanical model of the human body in a sitting posture with
vibration transmissibility in the vertical direction." International
Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35(9): 817-829.

McGill, S. M. and N. S. Kavcic (2005). "Transfer of the horizontal
patient: The effect of a friction reducing assistive device on low
back mechanics." Ergonomics 48(8): 915-929.


Formenti, F., L. P. Ardigo and A. E. Minetti (2005). "Human
locomotion on snow: determinants of economy and speed of skiing
across the ages." Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological
Sciences 272(1572): 1561-1569.

Lee, P. H., S. W. Yong, Y. H. Ahn and K. Huh (2005). "Correlation of
midbrain diameter and gait disturbance in patients with idiopathic
normal pressure hydrocephalus." Journal of Neurology 252(8): 958-963.

MacDougall, H. G. and S. T. Moore (2005). "Marching to the beat of
the same drummer: the spontaneous tempo of human locomotion." Journal
of Applied Physiology 99(3): 1164-1173.


Bae, D. S. and M. J. Koris (2005). "Fragment-specific internal
fixation of distal radius fractures." Hand Clinics 21(3): 355-+.

Bindra, R. R. (2005). "Biomechanics and biology of external fixation
of distal radius fractures." Hand Clinics 21(3): 363-+.

Freeland, A. E. and K. T. Luber (2005). "Biomechanics and biology of
plate fixation of distal radius fractures." Hand Clinics 21(3): 329-+.

McAuliffe, J. A. (2005). "Combined internal and external fixation of
distal radius fractures." Hand Clinics 21(3): 395-+.

Nagy, L. (2005). "Salvage of post-traumatic arthritis following
distal radius fracture." Hand Clinics 21(3): 489-+.

Slutsky, D. J. (2005). "Nonbridging external fixation of
intra-articular distal radius fractures." Hand Clinics 21(3): 381-+.

Slutsky, D. J. and M. Herman (2005). "Rehabilitation of distal radius
fractures: A biomechanical guide." Hand Clinics 21(3): 455-+.


Beynnon, B. D., I. M. Bernstein, A. Belisle, B. Brattbakk, P.
Devanny, R. Risinger and D. Durant (2005). "The effect of estradiol
and progesterone on knee and ankle joint laxity." American Journal of
Sports Medicine 33(9): 1298-1304.

LaPrade, R. F., T. S. Bollom, F. A. Wentorf, N. J. Wills and K.
Meister (2005). "Mechanical properties of the posterolateral
structures of the knee." American Journal of Sports Medicine 33(9):

Nozaki, D., K. Nakazawa and M. Akai (2005). "Uncertainty of knee
joint, muscle activity during knee joint torque exertion: the
significance of controlling adjacent joint torque." Journal of
Applied Physiology 99(3): 1093-1103.

van der Esch, M., M. Steultjens, H. Wieringa, H. Dinant and J. Dekker
(2005). "Structural joint changes, malalignment, and laxity in
osteoarthritis of the knee." Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
34(4): 298-301.

Zelle, B. A., G. S. Gruen, S. Brown and S. George (2005). "Sacroiliac
joint dysfunction - Evaluation and management." Clinical Journal of
Pain 21(5): 446-455.


Facchini, A., H. Kantz and E. Tiezzi (2005). "Recurrence plot
analysis of nonstationary data: The understanding of curved patterns
- art. no. 021915." Physical Review E 7202(2): 1915-1915.


Kanso, E., J. E. Marsden, C. W. Rowley and J. B. Melli-Huber (2005).
"Locomotion of articulated bodies in a perfect fluid." Journal of
Nonlinear Science 15(4): 255-289.

Kecskemethy, A. and A. Weinberg (2005). "An improved elasto-kinematic
model of the human forearm for biofidelic medical diagnosis."
Multibody System Dynamics 14(1): 1-21.


Badylak, S. F., D. A. Vorp, A. R. Spievack, A. Simmons-Byrd, J.
Hanke, D. O. Freytes, A. Thapa, T. W. Gilbert and A. Nieponice
(2005). "Esophageal reconstruction with ECM and muscle tissue in a
dog model." Journal of Surgical Research 128(1): 87-97.

James, R. S., R. S. Wilson, J. E. de Carvalho, T. Kohlsdorf, F. R.
Gomes and C. A. Navas (2005). "Interindividual differences in leg
muscle mass and pyruvate kinase activity correlate with
interindividual differences in jumping performance of Hyla
multilineata." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78(5): 857-867.

Lichtwark, G. A. and A. A. Wilson (2005). "Effects of series
elasticity and activation conditions on muscle power output and
efficiency." Journal of Experimental Biology 208(15): 2845-2853.

Lichtwark, G. A. and A. A. Wilson (2005). "A modified Hill muscle
model that predicts muscle power output and efficiency during
sinusoidal length changes." Journal of Experimental Biology 208(15):

Wakeling, J. M. and A. I. Rozitis (2005). "Motor unit recruitment
during vertebrate locomotion (vol 55, pg 41, 2005)." Animal Biology
55(3): 281-281.


Christensson, M. and M. Garwicz (2005). "Ontogenesis of
within-session locomotor habituation in the open field." Neuroreport
16(12): 1319-1323.

Jinks, S. L., R. J. Atherley, C. L. Dominguez, K. A. Sigvardt and J.
F. Antognini (2005). "Isoflurane disrupts central pattern generator
activity and coordination in the Lamprey isolated spinal cord."
Anesthesiology 103(3): 567-575.

Necker, R. (2005). "The structure and development of avian
lumbosacral specializations of the vertebral canal and the spinal
cord with special reference to a possible function as a sense organ
of equilibrium." Anatomy and Embryology 210(1): 59-74.

Schon-Ohlsson, C. U. M., J. A. G. Willen and B. E. A. Johnels (2005).
"Sensory motor learning in patients with chronic low back pain - A
prospective pilot study using optoelectronic movement analysis."
Spine 30(17): E509-E516.

Yvon, C., R. Rubli and J. Streit (2005). "Patterns of spontaneous
activity in unstructured and minimally structured spinal networks in
culture." Experimental Brain Research 165(2): 139-151.


Nickerson, C. S., H. L. Karageozian, J. Park and J. A. Kornfield
(2005). "Internal tension: A novel hypothesis concerning the
mechanical properties of the vitreous humor." Macromolecular Symposia
227: 183-189.

Tamburrelli, C., A. Giudiceandrea, A. S. Vaiano, C. G. Caputo, F.
Gulla and T. Salgarello (2005). "Underestimate of tonometric readings
after photorefractive keratectomy increases at higher intraocular
pressure levels." Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46(9):

van den Bedem, S. P. W., S. Schutte, F. C. T. van der Helm and H. J.
Simonsz (2005). "Mechanical properties and functional importance of
pulley bands or 'faisseaux tendineux'." Vision Research 45(20):


Charlton, M., R. Costello, J. E. Mooney and D. A. Podeszwa (2005).
"Ankle joint biomechanics following transepiphyseal screw fixation of
the distal tibia." Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 25(5): 635-640.

Goodwin, R. C., T. Gaynor, A. Mahar, R. Oka and F. D. Lalonde (2005).
"Intramedullary flexible nail fixation of unstable pediatric tibial
diaphyseal fractures." Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 25(5):

Power, J., N. Loveridge, A. Lyon, N. Rushton, M. Parker and J. Reeve
(2005). "Osteoclastic cortical erosion as a determinant of
subperiosteal osteoblastic bone formation in the femoral neck's
response to BMU imbalance. Effects of stance-related loading and hip
fracture." Osteoporosis International 16(9): 1049-1056.

Toh, E., S. A. Yerby, B. K. Bay, R. F. McLain and J. Mochida "The
influence of pedicle screw placement on thoracic trabecular strain."
Spinal Cord.


Pickett, G. E., J. P. Rouleau and N. Duggal (2005). "Kinematic
analysis of the cervical spine following implantation of an
artificial cervical disc." Spine 30(17): 1949-1954.


Ries, J. B. (2005). "Aragonite production in calcite seas: effect of
seawater Mg/Ca ratio on the calcification and growth of the
calcareous alga Penicillus capitatus." Paleobiology 31(3): 445-458.


Simoneau, M. and P. Corbeil (2005). "The effect of time to peak ankle
torque on balance stability boundary: experimental validation of a
biomechanical model." Experimental Brain Research 165(2): 217-228.


Baumgart, R., S. Hinterwimmer, M. Krammer, O. Muensterer and W.
Mutschler (2005). "The bioexpandable prosthesis: A new perspective
after resection of malignant bone tumors in children." Journal of
Pediatric Hematology Oncology 27(8): 452-455.


Yu, B., S. B. McClure, J. A. Onate, K. M. Guskiewicz, D. T.
Kirkendall and W. E. Garrett (2005). "Age and gender effects on lower
extremity kinematics of youth soccer players in a stop-jump task."
American Journal of Sports Medicine 33(9): 1356-1364.


Carpenter, R. D., G. S. Beaupre, T. F. Lang, E. S. Orwoll and D. R.
Carter (2005). "New QCT analysis approach shows the importance of
fall orientation on femoral neck strength." Journal of Bone and
Mineral Research 20(9): 1533-1542.

Horacek, J., P. Sidlof and J. G. Svec (2005). "Numerical simulation
of self-oscillations of human vocal folds with Hertz model of impact
forces." Journal of Fluids and Structures 20(6): 853-869.

Hubbard, R. D. and B. A. Winkelstein (2005). "Transient cervical
nerve root compression in the rat induces bilateral forepaw allodynia
and spinal glial activation: Mechanical factors in painful neck
injuries." Spine 30(17): 1924-1932.


King, A. I. and J. L. Lewis (2005). "Werner Goldsmith: Life and work
(1924-2003)." Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 7: 1-20.