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    This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Jinger Gottschall, PhD
    Emory University
    School of Medicine

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
    the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
    available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Alastrue, V. Calvo, B. Pena, E. and Doblare, M. (2006). Biomechanical
    modeling of refractive corneal surgery. Journal of Biomechanical
    Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 150-160.

    Bauer, J. S. Kohlmann, S. Eckstein, F. Mueller, D. Lochmuller, E. M.
    and Link, T. (2006). Structural analysis of trabecular bone of the
    proximal femur using multislice computed tomography: A comparison with
    dual x-ray absorptiometry for predicting biomechanical strength in
    vitro. Calcified Tissue International 78, 78-89.

    Busse, B. Jobke, B. Werner, M. Furst, M. Ruther, W. and Delling, G.
    (2006). Fluorosis - a forgotten entity. Case report of a woman with
    coxarthrosis and newly diagnosed fluorosis. Pathologe 27, 73-79.

    Kaeding, C. C. Yu, J. R. Wright, R. Amendola, A. and Spindler, K. P.
    (2005). Management and return to play of stress fractures. Clinical
    Journal of Sport Medicine 15, 442-447.

    Martinez, G. and Cerrolaza, M. (2006). A bone adaptation integrated
    approach using BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 30,

    Mazurier, A. Volpato, V. and Macchiarelli, R. (2006). Improved
    noninvasive microstructural analysis of fossil tissues by means of
    SR-microtomography. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing.


    Fitch, R. M. Rutledge, J. C. Wang, Y. X. Powers, A. F. Tseng, J. L.
    Clary, T. and Rubanyi, G. M. (2006). Synergistic effect of angiotensin
    II and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor in increasing aortic stiffness
    in mice. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory
    Physiology 290, H1190-H1198.


    Bohnet, S. Ananthakrishnan, R. Mogilner, A. Meister, J. J. and
    Verkhovsky, A. B. (2006). Weak force stalls protrusion at the leading
    edge of the lamellipodium. Biophysical Journal 90, 1810-1820.

    Egging, D. F. van Vlijmen, I. Starcher, B. Gijsen, Y. Zweers, M. C.
    Blankevoort, L. Bristow, J. and Schalkwijk, J. (2006). Dermal
    connective tissue development in mice: an essential role for
    tenascin-X. Cell and Tissue Research 323, 465-474.

    Martins, G. G. and Kolega, J. (2006). Endothelial cell protrusion and
    migration in three-dimensional collagen matrices. Cell Motility and the
    Cytoskeleton 63, 101-115.

    Paluch, E. Sykes, C. Prost, J. and Bornens, M. (2006). Dynamic modes of
    the cortical actomyosin gel during cell locomotion and division. Trends
    in Cell Biology 16, 5-10.

    Toriya, N. Takuma, T. Arakawa, T. Abiko, Y. Sasano, Y. Takahashi, I.
    Sakakura, Y. Rahemtulla, F. and Mizoguchi, I. (2006). Expression and
    localization of versican during postnatal development of rat
    temporomandibular joint disc. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 125,


    Cowie, P. R. and Hannah, F. (2006). Impact of hydrodynamic disturbance
    on the generation times of four species of marine naked amoebae.
    Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86,

    Elnitsky, M. and Claussen, D. (2006). The effects of temperature and
    inter-individual variation on the locomotor performance of juvenile
    turtles. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and
    Environmental Physiology.

    Ohlberger, J. Staaks, G. and Holker, F. (2006). Swimming efficiency and
    the influence of morphology on swimming costs in fishes. Journal of
    Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental
    Physiology 176, 17-25.


    Goodyer, E. Muller, F. Bramer, B. Chauhan, D. and Hess, M. (2006). In
    vivo measurement of the elastic properties of the human vocal fold.
    European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.

    Hosoya, Y. (2006). Hardness and elasticity of bonded carious and sound
    primary tooth dentin. Journal of Dentistry 34, 164-171.

    Takada, H. Abe, S. Tamatsu, Y. Mitarashi, S. Saka, H. and Ide, Y.
    (2006). Three-dimensional bone microstructures of the mandibular angle
    using micro-CT and finite element analysis: relationship between
    partially impacted mandibular third molars and angle fractures. Dental
    Traumatology 22, 18-24.


    Bardan, E. Kern, M. Arndorfer, R. C. Hofmann, C. and Shaker, R. (2006).
    Effect of aging on bolus kinematics during the pharyngeal phase of
    swallowing. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver
    Physiology 290, G458-G465.


    Den Otter, A. R. Geurts, A. C. H. Mulder, T. and Duysens, J. (2006).
    Gait recovery is not associated with changes in the temporal patterning
    of muscle activity during treadmill walking in patients with
    post-stroke hemiparesis. Clinical Neurophysiology 117, 4-15.

    Hollman, J. H. Kolbeck, K. E. Hitchcock, J. L. Koverman, J. W. and
    Krause, D. A. (2006). Correlations between hip strength and static foot
    and knee posture. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 15, 12-23.

    Lamontagne, A. (2006). A closer look at electromyographic correlates of
    locomotor performance after stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology 117, 1-3.

    Maines, J. M. and Reiser, R. F. (2006). Ground reaction force bilateral
    asymmetries during submaximal sagittal plane lifting from the floor.
    International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 36, 109-117.

    Rodacki, A. L. F. Vieira, J. E. A. Okimoto, M. Fowler, N. E. and
    Rodacki, C. (2006). The effect of handling products of different
    weights on trunk kinematics of supermarket cashiers. International
    Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 36, 129-134.


    Andersen, G. J. and Enriquez, A. (2006). Use of landmarks and
    allocentric reference frames for the control of locomotion. Visual
    Cognition 13, 119-128.

    Joh, A. S. and Adolph, K. E. (2006). Learning from falling. Child
    Development 77, 89-102.

    Newman, C. J. Ziegler, A. L. Jeannet, P. Y. Roulet-Perez, E. and
    Deonna, T. W. (2006). Transient dystonic toe-walking: differentiation
    from cerebral palsy and a rare explanation for some unexplained cases
    of idiopathic toe-walking. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
    48, 96-102.

    Sidaway, B. Anderson, J. Danielson, G. Martin, L. and Smith, G. (2006).
    Effects of long-term gait training using visual cues in an individual
    with Parkinson disease. Physical Therapy 86, 186-194.

    Weyand, P. G. Lin, J. E. and Bundle, M. W. (2006). Sprint
    performance-duration relationships are set by the fractional duration
    of external force application. American Journal of
    Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 290,


    Forster, M. C. Komarsamy, B. and Davison, J. N. (2006). Distal femoral
    fractures: A review of fixation methods. Injury-International Journal
    of the Care of the Injured 37, 97-108.


    Araujo, R. P. and McElwain, D. L. S. (2006). A Mixture Theory for the
    Genesis of Residual Stresses in Growing Tissues II: Solutions to the
    biphasic equations for a multicell spheroid. Siam Journal on Applied
    Mathematics 66, 447-467.

    Baek, S. Rajagopal, K. R. and Humphrey, J. D. (2006). A theoretical
    model of enlarging intracranial fusiform aneurysms. Journal of
    Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 142-149.

    Limbert, G. and Middleton, J. (2006). A constitutive model of the
    posterior cruciate ligament. Medical Engineering & Physics 28, 99-113.


    Bohm, H. Cole, G. K. Bruggemann, G. P. and Ruder, H. (2006).
    Contribution of muscle series elasticity to maximum performance in drop
    jumping. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22, 3-13.

    Peng, Q. Jones, R. and Constantinou, C. (2006). 2D Ultrasound Image
    Processing in Identifying Responses of Urogenital Structures to Pelvic
    Floor Muscle Activity. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.


    Bert, B. Fink, H. Hortnagl, H. Veh, R. W. Davies, B. Theuring, F. and
    Kusserow, H. (2006). Mice over-expressing the 5-HT1A receptor in cortex
    and dentate gyrus display exaggerated locomotor and hypothermic
    response to 8-OH-DPAT. Behavioural Brain Research 167, 328-341.

    Bruno, A. N. Fontella, F. U. Bonan, C. D. Barreto-Chaves, M. L. M.
    Dalmaz, C. and Sarkis, J. J. F. (2006). Activation of adenosine A(1)
    receptors alters behavioral and biochemical parameters in hyperthyroid
    rats. Behavioural Brain Research 167, 287-294.

    Ghose, K. and Moss, C. F. (2006). Steering by hearing: A bat's acoustic
    gaze is linked to its flight motor output by a delayed, adaptive linear
    law. Journal of Neuroscience 26, 1704-1710.

    Hatcher, N. G. Sudlow, L. C. Moroz, L. L. and Gillette, R. (2006).
    Nitric oxide potentiates cAMP-gated cation current in feeding neurons
    of Pleurobranchaea californica independent of cAMP and cGMP signaling
    pathways. Journal of Neurophysiology.

    Lepicard, E. M. Venault, P. Abourachid, A. Pelle, E. Chapouthier, G.
    and Gasc, J. P. (2006). Spatio-temporal analysis of locomotion in
    BALB/cByJ and C57BL/6J mice in different environmental conditions.
    Behavioural Brain Research 167, 365-372.

    Pavlova, M. Marconato, F. Sokolov, A. Braun, C. Birbaumer, N. and
    Krageloh-Mann, I. (2006). Periventricular leukomalacia specifically
    affects cortical MEG response to biological motion. Annals of Neurology
    59, 415-419.

    Waldrop, T. G. and Iwamoto, G. A. (2006). Point: Counterpoint:
    Supraspinal locomotor centers do/do not contribute significantly to the
    hyperpnea of dynamic exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology 100,


    Rada, J. A. S. Shelton, S. and Norton, T. T. (2006). The sclera and
    myopia. Experimental Eye Research 82, 185-200.


    Kim, D. G. Dong, X. N. Cao, T. Baker, K. C. Shaffer, R. R. Fyhrie, D.
    P. and Yeni, Y. N. (2006). Evaluation of filler materials used for
    uniform load distribution at boundaries during structural biomechanical
    testing of whole vertebrae. Journal of Biomechanical
    Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 161-165.


    Cao, Y. Zhu, B. Xie, R. G. and Tang, J. B. (2006). Influence of core
    suture purchase length on strength of four-strand tendon repairs.
    Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 107-112.

    Garcia-Elias, M. Lluch, A. L. and Stanley, J. K. (2006). Three-ligament
    tenodesis for the treatment of scapholunate dissociation: Indications
    and surgical technique. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A,

    Ma, C. B. Comerford, L. Wilson, J. and Puttlitz, C. M. (2006).
    Biomechanical evaluation of arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs:
    Double-row compared with single-row fixation. Journal of Bone and Joint
    Surgery-American Volume 88A, 403-410.

    Sharma, K. M. Parks, B. G. Simmons, L. M. and Segalman, K. A. (2006).
    Radiographic parameters of increased carpal tunnel pressure with
    progressive wrist distraction: A cadaveric study. Journal of Hand
    Surgery-American Volume 31A, 22-27.

    Tambe, A. D. Cutler, L. Murali, S. R. Trail, I. A. and Stanley, J. K.
    (2006). In scaphoid non-union, does the source of graft affect outcome?
    Iliac crest versus distal end of radius bone graft. Journal of Hand
    Surgery-British and European Volume 31B, 47-51.

    Wright, T. W. Thompson, J. and Conrad, B. P. (2006). Loading of the
    index metacarpal after trapezial and partial versus complete trapezoid
    resection. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 58-62.


    Inagaki, S. Yuasa, H. Suzuki, T. and Arai, T. (2006). Wave CPG model
    for autonomous decentralized multi-legged robot: Gait generation and
    walking speed control. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54, 118-126.

    Kurokawa, H. Yoshida, E. Tomita, K. Kamimura, A. Murata, S. and Kokaji,
    S. (2006). Self-reconfigurable M-TRAN structures and walker generation.
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54, 142-149.

    Ma, S. and Tadokoro, N. (2006). Analysis of Creeping Locomotion of a
    Snake-like Robot on a Slope. Autonomous Robots.

    Tompkins, P. Stentz, A. and Wettergreen, D. (2006). Mission-level path
    planning and re-planning for rover exploration. Robotics and Autonomous
    Systems 54, 174-183.


    Claiborne, T. L. Armstrong, C. W. Gandhi, V. and Pincivero, D. M.
    (2006). Relationship between hip and knee strength and knee valgus
    during a single leg squat. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22, 41-50.

    Frederick, E. C. Determan, J. J. Whittlesey, S. N. and Hamill, J.
    (2006). Biomechanics of skateboarding: Kinetics of the Ollie. Journal
    of Applied Biomechanics 22, 33-40.

    Stiles, V. H. and Dixon, S. J. (2006). The influence of different
    playing surfaces on the biomechanics of a tennis running forehand foot
    plant. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22, 14-24.


    Hartright, D. Butler, A. M. Gillies, R. M. Bruce, W. J. and Walsh, W.
    R. (2006). Biomechanical and clinical evaluation of tendons and
    ligaments. In Repair and Regeneration of Ligaments, Tendons, and Joint
    Capsule, pp. 185-199.


    Kwon, B. K. Vaccaro, A. R. Grauer, J. N. Fisher, C. G. and Dvorak, M.
    F. (2006). Subaxial cervical spine trauma. Journal of the American
    Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 14, 78-89.

    McKinley, T. O. McKinley, T. Rudert, M. J. Koos, D. C. Pedersen, D. R.
    Baer, T. E. Tochigi, Y. and Brown, T. D. (2006). Stance-phase aggregate
    contact stress and contact stress gradient changes resulting from
    articular surface stepoffs in human cadaveric ankles. Osteoarthritis
    and Cartilage 14, 131-138.

    Rohlmann, A. Zander, T. Burra, N. K. and Bergmann, G. (2005). Effect of
    an interspinous implant on loads in the lumbar spine. Biomedizinische
    Technik 50, 343-347.


    Burn, J. F. Portus, B. and Brockington, C. (2006). The effect of speed
    and gradient on hyperextension of the equine carpus. Veterinary Journal
    171, 169-171.

    Liptak, J. M. Ehrhart, N. Santoni, B. G. and Wheeler, D. L. (2006).
    Cortical bone graft and endoprosthesis in the distal radius of dogs: A
    biomechanical comparison of two different limb-sparing techniques.
    Veterinary Surgery 35, 150-160.

    Reems, M. R. Pluhar, G. E. and Wheeler, D. L. (2006). Ex vivo
    comparison of one versus two distal screws in 8 mm model 11
    interlocking nails used to stabilize canine distal femoral fractures.
    Veterinary Surgery 35, 161-167.

    Shahar, R. and Milgram, J. (2006). Biomechanics of tibial plateau
    leveling of the canine cruciate-deficient stifle joint: A theoretical
    model. Veterinary Surgery 35, 144-149.