This week's literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Diederichs, G., Korner, J., Goldhahn, J. and Linke, B. (2006).
Assessment of bone quality in the proximal humerus by measurement of
the contralateral site: a cadaveric analyze. Archives of Orthopaedic
and Trauma Surgery 126, 93-100.
Drapeau, M. S. M. and Streeter, M. A. (2006). Modeling and remodeling
responses to normal loading in the human lower limb. American Journal
of Physical Anthropology 129, 403-409.
Kawchuk, G. N., Liddle, T. R., Fauvel, O. R. and Johnston, C. (2006).
The accuracy of ultrasonic indentation in detecting simulated bone
displacement: A comparison of three techniques. Journal of Manipulative
and Physiological Therapeutics 29, 126-133.
Rosenbaum, T. G., Hamblin, T. and Bloebaum, R. D. (2006). Determining
the degree of cortical bone asymmetry in bilateral, nonpathological,
human femur pairs. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 76A,
Wang, X. D. and Qian, C. J. (2006). Prediction of microdamage formation
using a mineral-collagen composite model of bone. Journal of
Biomechanics 39, 595-602.
Amann, M., Romer, L. M., Pegelow, D. F., Jacques, A. J., Hess, C. J.
and Dempsey, J. A. (2006). The effects of arterial oxygen content upon
peripheral locomotor muscle fatigue. Journal of Applied Physiology.
Nomura, K., Takei, Y., Yoshida, M. and Yanagida, Y. (2006).
Phase-dependent chronotropic response of the heart during running in
humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Yang, L., Kowalski, J. R., Zhan, X., Thomas, S. M. and Luscinskas, F.
W. (2006). Endothelial cell cortactin phosphorylation by src
contributes to polymorphonuclear leukocyte transmigration in vitro.
Circulation Research 98, 394-402.
Baum, J., Richard, D., Healer, J., Rug, M., Krnajski, Z., Gilberger, T.
W., Green, J. L., Holder, A. A. and Cowman, A. F. (2006). A conserved
molecular motor drives cell invasion and gliding motility across
malaria life cycle stages and other apicomplexan parasites. Journal of
Biological Chemistry 281, 5197-5208.
Bush, J. W. M. and Hu, D. L. (2006). Walking on water: Biolocomotion at
the interface. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 38, 339-369.
Cain, S. D., Wang, J. H. and Lohmann, K. J. (2006). Immunochemical and
electrophysiological analyses of magnetically responsive neurons in the
mollusc Tritonia diomedea. Journal of Comparative Physiology
a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 192, 235-245.
Faulkes, Z. (2006). Digging mechanisms and substrate preferences of
shovel nosed lobsters, Ibacus peronii (Decapoda : Scyllaridae). Journal
of Crustacean Biology 26, 69-72.
Fish, F. E. and Lauder, G. V. (2006). Passive and active flow control
by swimming fishes and mammals. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 38,
Fuglesteg, B. N., Haga, O. E., Folkow, L. P., Fuglei, E. and Blix, A.
S. (2006). Seasonal variations in basal metabolic rate, lower critical
temperature and responses to temporary starvation in the arctic fox
(Alopex lagopus) from Svalbard. Polar Biology 29, 308-319.
Kaplan, R. H. and Phillips, P. C. (2006). Ecological and developmental
context of natural selection: Maternal effects and thermally induced
plasticity in the frog Bombina orientalis. Evolution 60, 142-156.
Lefrancois, C. and Domenici, P. (2006). Locomotor kinematics and
behaviour in the escape response of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus
labrax L., exposed to hypoxia. Marine Biology.
Maga, M., Kappelman, J., Ryan, T. M. and Ketcham, R. A. (2006).
Preliminary observations on the calcaneal trabecular microarchitecture
of extant large-bodied hominoids. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 129, 410-417.
Martin, R. A. and Rekdal, E. (2006). 'Hedgehog': a novel defensive
posture in juvenile Amblyraja radiata. Journal of Fish Biology 68,
Quimby, L. A., Amer, A. S. and Zill, S. N. (2006). Common motor
mechanisms support body load in serially homologous legs of cockroaches
in posture and walking. Journal of Comparative Physiology
a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 192, 247-266.
Selvakumaraswamy, P. and Byrne, M. (2006). Evolution of larval form in
ophiuroids: insights from the metamorphic phenotype of Ophiothrix
(Echinodermata : Ophiuroidea). Evolution & Development 8, 183-190.
Xu, X. F. and Ji, X. (2006). Ontogenetic shifts in thermal tolerance,
selected body temperature and thermal dependence of food assimilation
and locomotor performance in a lacertid lizard, Eremias brenchleyi.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative
Physiology 143, 118-124.
Barjau-Escribano, A., Sancho-Bru, J. L., Forner-Navarro, L.,
Rodriguez-Cervantes, P. J., Perez-Gonzalez, A. and Sanchez-Marin, F. T.
(2006). Influence of prefabricated post material on restored teeth:
Fracture strength and stress distribution. Operative Dentistry 31,
Loomis, J. M., Beall, A. C., Macuga, K. L., Kelly, J. W. and Smith, R.
S. (2006). Visual control of action without retinal optic flow.
Psychological Science 17, 214-221.
Argo, D., Trenhaile, S. W., Savoie, F. H. and Field, L. D. (2006).
Operative treatment of ulnar collateral ligament insufficiency of the
elbow in female athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34,
Cheung, J. T. M., An, K. N. and Zhang, M. (2006). Consequences of
partial and total plantar fascia release: A finite element study. Foot
& Ankle International 27, 125-132.
Cohen, D. B., Kawamura, S., Ehteshami, J. R. and Rodeo, S. A. (2006).
Indomethacin and celecoxib impair rotator cuff tendon-to-bone healing.
American Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 362-369.
Cohen, H. S. (2006). Disability and rehabilitation in the dizzy
patient. Current Opinion in Neurology 19, 49-54.
Dillon, M. P. and Barker, T. M. (2006). Preservation of residual foot
length in partial foot amputation: A biomechanical analysis. Foot &
Ankle International 27, 110-116.
Forrester, L. W., Hanley, D. F. and Macko, R. F. (2006). Effects of
treadmill exercise on transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced
excitability to quadriceps after stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation 87, 229-234.
Hewett, T. E., Ford, K. R. and Myer, G. D. (2006). Anterior cruciate
ligament injuries in female athletes - Part 2, a meta-analysis of
neuromuscular interventions aimed at injury prevention. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 490-498.
Krause, F., Kolling, C., Brantschen, R. and Sieber, H. P. (2006).
Medium-term results after m. vastus medialis obliquus-plasty for
lateral patellar dislocation. Orthopade 35, 94-101.
Mens, J., van Dijke, G. H., Pool-Goudzwaard, A., van der Hulst, V. and
Stam, H. (2006). Possible harmful effects of high intra-abdominal
pressure on the pelvic girdle. Journal of Biomechanics 39, 627-635.
Gregor, R. J., Smith, D. W. and Prilutsky, B. I. (2006). Mechanics of
slope walking in the cat: Quantification of muscle load, length change,
and ankle extensor EMG patterns. Journal of Neurophysiology 95,
Kubo, M., Holt, K. G., Saltzman, E. and Wagenaar, R. C. (2006). Changes
in axial stiffness of the trunk as a function of walking speed. Journal
of Biomechanics 39, 750-757.
Morin, J. B., Jeannin, T., Chevallier, B. and Belli, A. (2006).
Spring-mass model characteristics during sprint running: Correlation
with performance and fatigue-induced changes. International Journal of
Sports Medicine 27, 158-165.
Bona, M. A., Martin, L. D. and Fischer, K. J. (2006). A contact
algorithm for density-based load estimation. Journal of Biomechanics
39, 636-644.
Costantini, G., Carota, M., Maccioni, G. and Giansanti, D. (2006).
Classification of sit-to-stand locomotion task based on spectral
analysis of waveforms generated by accelerometric transducer.
Electronics Letters 42, 147-148.
de Barros, R. M. L., Russomanno, T. G., Brenzikofer, R. and Figueroa,
P. J. (2006). A method to synchronise video cameras using the audio
band. Journal of Biomechanics 39, 776-780.
Stevens, N. J., Schmitt, D. O., Cole, T. M. and Chan, L. K. (2006).
Technical note: Out-of-plane angular correction based on a
trigonometric function for use in two-dimensional kinematic studies.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129, 399-402.
Boothe, D. L., Cohen, A. H. and Troyer, T. W. (2006). Temporal
correlations in Stochastic models of double bursting during simulated
locomotion. Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 1556-1570.
Hingtgen, B., McGuire, J. R., Wang, M. and Harris, G. F. (2006). An
upper extremity kinematic model for evaluation of hemiparetic stroke.
Journal of Biomechanics 39, 681-688.
Lapointe, N. P. and Guertin, P. A. (2006). The paraplegic mouse: a
model with new perspectives for spinal cord injury research. M
S-Medecine Sciences 22, 102-103.
Praagman, M., Chadwick, E. K. J., van der Helm, F. C. T. and Veeger, H.
E. J. (2006). The relationship between two different mechanical cost
functions and muscle oxygen consumption. Journal of Biomechanics 39,
Rome, L. C. (2005). Principles of actuation in the muscular system of
fish. Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering 30, 630-646.
Boyle, M. P., Kolber, B. J., Vogt, S. K., Wozniak, D. F. and Muglia, L.
J. (2006). Forebrain glucocorticoid receptors modulate
anxiety-associated locomotor activation and adrenal responsiveness.
Journal of Neuroscience 26, 1971-1978.
Gregor, R. J., Smith, D. W. and Prilutsky, B. I. (2006). Mechanics of
slope walking in the cat: Quantification of muscle load, length change,
and ankle extensor EMG patterns. Journal of Neurophysiology 95,
Li, S. H., Kuroiwa, T., Katsumata, N., Ishibashi, S., Sun, L. Y., Endo,
S. and Ohno, K. (2006). Transient versus prolonged hyperlocomotion
following lateral fluid percussion injury in Mongolian gerbils. Journal
of Neuroscience Research 83, 292-300.
Miyai, I., Suzuki, M., Hatakenaka, M. and Kubota, K. (2006). Effect of
body weight support on cortical activation during gait in patients with
stroke. Experimental Brain Research 169, 85-91.
Miyoshi, T., Hotta, K., Yamamoto, S. I., Nakazawa, K. and Akai, M.
(2006). Somatosensory graviception inhibits soleus H-reflex gain in
humans during walking. Experimental Brain Research 169, 135-138.
Morrison, B., Cater, H. L., Benham, C. D. and Sundstrom, L. E. (2006).
An in vitro model of traumatic brain injury utilising two-dimensional
stretch of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Journal of
Neuroscience Methods 150, 192-201.
Olson, V. G., Heusner, C. L., Bland, R. J., During, M. J., Weinshenker,
D. and Palmiter, R. D. (2006). Role of noradrenergic signaling by the
nucleus tractus solitarius in mediating opiate reward. Science 311,
Shi, R. and Whitebone, J. (2006). Conduction Deficits and Membrane
Disruption of Spinal Cord Axons as a Function of Magnitude and Rate of
Strain. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Staup, M. A. and Stehouwer, D. J. (2006). Ontogeny of L-DOPA-induced
locomotion: Expression of c-Fos in the brainstem and basal ganglia of
rats. Brain Research 1068, 56-64.
Stein, J. M., Bergman, W., Fang, Y. S., Davison, L., Brensinger, C.,
Robinson, M. B., Hecht, N. B. and Abel, T. (2006). Behavioral and
neurochemical alterations in mice lacking the RNA-binding protein
translin. Journal of Neuroscience 26, 2184-2196.
Zhong, G. S., Dias-Rios, M. and Harris-Warrick, R. M. (2006). Serotonin
modulates the properties of ascending commissural interneurons in the
neonatal mouse spinal cord. Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 1545-1555.
Barker, P. J., Guggenheimer, K. T., Grkovic, I., Briggs, C. A., Jones,
D. C., Thomas, C. D. L. and Hodges, P. W. (2006). Effects of tensioning
the lumbar fasciae on segmental stiffness during flexion and extension
- Young investigator award winner. Spine 31, 397-405.
Boachie-Adjei, O., Ferguson, J. A. I., Pigeon, R. G. and Peskin, M. R.
(2006). Transpedicular lumbar wedge resection osteotomy for fixed
sagittal imbalance - Surgical technique and early results. Spine 31,
Faundez, A. A. (2006). Re: Ames CP, Acosta FL Jr, Chi J, et al.
Biomechanical comparison of posterior lumbar interbody fusion and
transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion performed at 1 and 2 levels.
Spine 2005; 30 : E562-6. Spine 31, 504-504.
Lee, T. C., Ueng, S. W. N., Chen, H. H., Lu, K. G., Huang, H. Y.,
Liliang, P. C., Su, T. M. and Yang, L. C. (2005). The effect of acute
smoking on spinal fusion: An experimental study among rabbits. Journal
of Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care 59, 401-407.
Miyamoto, K., Masuda, K., Inoue, N., Okuma, M., Muehleman, C. and An,
H. S. (2006). Anti-adhesion properties of a thrombin-based hemostatic
gelatin in a canine laminectomy model: A biomechanical, biochemical,
and histologic study. Spine 31, E91-E97.
Panjabi, M. M., Ivancic, P. C., Maak, T. G., Tominaga, Y. and Rubin, W.
(2006). Multiplanar cervical spine injury due to head-turned rear
impact. Spine 31, 420-429.
Pradhan, B. B., Bae, H. W., Kropf, M. A., Patel, V. V. and Delamarter,
R. B. (2006). Kyphoplasty reduction of osteoporotic vertebral
compression fractures: Correction of local kyphosis versus overall
sagittal alignment. Spine 31, 435-441.
Reinhold, M., Schwieger, K., Goldhahn, J., Linke, B., Knop, C. and
Blauth, M. (2006). Influence of screw positioning in a new anterior
spine fixator on implant loosening in osteoporotic vertebrae. Spine 31,
Cossey, A. J., Kalairajah, Y., Morcom, R. and Spriggins, A. J. (2006).
Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of biodegradable tn transfemoral
fixation used in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22, 199-204.
Denoziere, G. and Ku, D. N. (2006). Biomechanical comparison between
fusion of two vertebrae and implantation of an artificial
intervertebral disc. Journal of Biomechanics 39, 766-775.
Fujiwara, H., Oda, K., Saiki, Y., Sakamoto, N., Ohashi, T., Sato, M.,
Tabata, Y. and Tabayashi, K. (2006). The wrapping method using
biodegradable felt strips has a preventive effect on the thinning of
the aortic wall: Experimental study in the canine aorta. Journal of
Vascular Surgery 43, 349-356.
Kim, D. H., ElAttrachet, N. S., Tibone, J. E., Jun, B. J., DeLaMora, S.
N., Kvitnet, R. S. and Lee, T. Q. (2006). Biomechanical comparison of a
single-row versus double-row suture anchor technique for rotator cuff
repair. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 407-414.
Mahar, A., Allred, D. W., Wedemeyer, M., Abbi, G. and Pedowitz, R.
(2006). A biomechanical and radiographic analysis of standard and
intracortical suture anchors for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22, 130-135.
Petersen, W., Lenschow, S., Weimann, A., Strobel, M. J., Raschke, M. J.
and Zantop, T. (2006). Importance of femoral tunnel placement in
double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction -
Biomechanical analysis using a robotic/universal force-moment sensor
testing system. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 456-463.
Shuler, M. S., Jasper, L. E., Rauh, P. B., Mulligan, M. E. and Moorman,
C. T. (2006). Tunnel convergence in combined anterior cruciate ligament
and posterolateral corner reconstruction. Arthroscopy-the Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22, 193-198.
Wu, C. C. (2006). Salvage of proximal tibial malunion or nonunion with
the use of angled blade plate. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma
Surgery 126, 82-87.
Kaufman, K. R., Brey, R. H., Chou, L. S., Rabatin, A., Brown, A. W. and
Basford, J. R. (2006). Comparison of subjective and objective
measurements of balance disorders following traumatic brain injury.
Medical Engineering & Physics 28, 234-239.
Lockhart, T. E., Smith, J. L. and Woldstad, J. C. (2005). Effects of
aging on the biomechanics of slips and falls. Human Factors 47, 708-729.
Donald, B. R., Levey, C. G., McGray, C. D., Paprotny, I. and Rus, D.
(2006). An untethered, electrostatic, globally controllable MEMS
micro-robot. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 15, 1-15.
Emken, J. L., Wynne, J. H., Harkema, S. J. and Reinkensmeyer, D. J.
(2006). Robotic device for manipulating human stepping. Ieee
Transactions on Robotics 22, 185-189.
Go, Y. T., Yin, X. L. and Bowling, A. (2006). Navigability of
multi-legged robots. Ieee-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 11, 1-8.
Fleisig, G. S., Kingsley, D. S., Loftice, J. W., Dinnen, K. P.,
Ranganathan, R., Dun, S., Escamilla, R. F. and Andrews, J. R. (2006).
Kinetic comparison among the fastball, curveball, change-up, and slider
in collegiate baseball pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine
34, 423-430.
Kasten, P., Loew, M. and Rickert, M. (2006). Intramuscular lengthening
and range of motion after local tendon transfer for repair of retracted
supraspinatus tendon defects. A biomechanical study. Orthopade 35,
Rickert, M., Wang, H. L., Wieloch, P., Lorenz, H., Steek, E., Sabo, D.
and Richter, W. (2005). Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of growth and
differentiation factor-5 into tenocytes and the healing rat Achilles
tendon. Connective Tissue Research 46, 175-183.
Steyaert, A. E., Burssens, P. J., Vercruysse, C. W., Vanderstraeten, G.
G. and Verbeeck, R. M. (2006). The effects of substance P on the
biomechanic properties of ruptured rat Achilles' tendon. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87, 254-258.
Barei, D. P., Nork, S. E., Bellabarba, C. R. and Sangeorzan, B. L. J.
(2006). Is the absence of an ipsilateral fibular fracture predictive of
increased radiographic tibial pilon fracture severity? Journal of
Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 6-10.
Fulkerson, E., Koval, K., Preston, C. F., Iesaka, K., Kummer, F. J. and
Egol, K. A. (2006). Fixation of periprosthetic femoral shaft fractures
associated with cemented femoral stems - A biomechanical comparison of
locked plating and conventional cable plates. Journal of Orthopaedic
Trauma 20, 89-93.
McKinley, T. O., Rudert, M. J., Koos, D. C., Pedersen, D. R., Baer, T.
E., Tochigi, Y. and Brown, T. D. (2006). Contact stress transients
during functional loading of ankle stepoff incongruities. Journal of
Biomechanics 39, 617-626.
Myer, G. D., Ford, K. R., McLean, S. G. and Hewett, T. E. (2006). The
effects of plyometric versus dynamic stabilization and balance training
on lower extremity biomechanics. American Journal of Sports Medicine
34, 445-455.
Park, S. S., Kubiak, E. N., Egol, K. A., Kummer, F. and Koval, K. J.
(2006). Stress radiographs after ankle fracture - The effect of ankle
position and deltoid ligament status on medial clear space
measurements. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 11-18.
Bourke, C. A. (2006). Abnormal turning behaviour, GABAergic inhibition
and the degeneration of astrocytes in ovine Tribulus terrestris motor
neuron disease. Australian Veterinary Journal 84, 53-58.
de Assis, J., Suffredini, I. B., Moreno, P. R. H., Young, M. C.,
Varella, A. D., Younes, R. N. and Bernardi, M. M. (2006). Analysis of
the toxic potential of Palicourea corymbifera (Mull. Arg.) Standl. in
laboratory animals. Research in Veterinary Science 80, 209-217.
Wilkie, R. M. and Wann, J. P. (2006). Judgments of path, not heading,
guide locomotion. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception
and Performance 32, 88-96.