MAY 5 – MAY 12, 2006
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Jinger Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine

***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.


Deyhim, F., Garica, K., Lopez, E., Gonzalez, J., Ino, S., Garcia, M.
and Patil, B. S. (2006). Citrus juice modulates bone strength in male
senescent rat model of osteoporosis. Nutrition 22, 559-563.

Jokihaara, J., Porsti, I., Pajamaki, I., Vuohelainen, T., Jolma, P.,
Koobi, P., Kalliovalkama, J., Niemela, O., Kannus, P., Sievanen, H. et
al. (2006). Paricalcitol 19-Nor-1,25-(OH)(2)D-2 in the treatment of
experimental renal bone disease. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
21, 745-751.

Opperman, L. A. and Rawlins, J. T. (2005). The extracellular matrix
environment in suture morphogenesis and growth. Cells Tissues Organs
181, 127-135.

Vinther, A., Kanstrup, I. L., Christiansen, E., Alkjaer, T., Larsson,
B., Magnusson, S. P., Ekdahl, C. and Aagaard, P. (2006).
Exercise-induced rib stress fractures: potential risk factors related
to thoracic muscle co-contraction and movement pattern. Scandinavian
Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 16, 188-196.


Muller-Delp, J. M. (2006). Aging-induced adaptations of microvascular
reactivity. Microcirculation 13, 339-352.

Taber, L. A. (2006). Biophysical mechanisms of cardiac looping.
International Journal of Developmental Biology 50, 323-332.


Haga, A., Tanaka, N., Funasaka, T., Hashimoto, K., Nakamura, K. T.,
Watanabe, H., Raz, A. and Nagase, H. (2006). The autocrine motility
factor (AMF) and AMF-receptor combination needs sugar chain recognition
ability and interaction using the C-terminal region of AMF. Journal of
Molecular Biology 358, 741-753.

Michel, J. P., Ivanovska, I. L., Gibbons, M. M., Klug, W. S., Knobler,
C. M., Wuite, G. J. L. and Schmidt, C. F. (2006). Nanoindentation
studies of full and empty viral capsids and the effects of capsid
protein mutations on elasticity and strength. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103,

Pakkanen, J. S., Stenfors, J., Jokitalo, E. and Tuominen, R. K. (2006).
Effect of chronic nicotine treatment on localization of neuronal
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at cellular level. Synapse 59,


Beloussov, L. V., Luchinskaya, N. N., Ermakov, A. S. and Glagoleva, N.
S. (2006). Gastrulation in amphibian embryos, regarded as a succession
of biomechanical feedback events. International Journal of
Developmental Biology 50, 113-122.

Bulte, G. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2006). Cautionary notes on the
descriptive analysis of performance curves in reptiles. Journal of
Thermal Biology 31, 287-291.

Chemori, A. and Alamir, M. (2006). Multi-step limit cycle generation
for Rabbit's walking based on a nonlinear low dimensional predictive
control scheme. Mechatronics 16, 259-277.

Corvidae, E. L., Bierregaard, R. O. and Peters, S. E. (2006).
Comparison of wing morphology in three birds of prey: Correlations with
differences in flight behavior. Journal of Morphology 267, 612-622.

Downes, G. B. and Granato, M. (2006). Supraspinal input is dispensable
to generate glycine-mediated locomotive behaviors in the zebrafish
embryo. Journal of Neurobiology 66, 437-451.

Leigh, S. R. (2006). Cranial ontogeny of Papio baboons (Papio
hamadryas). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 130, 71-84.

Scheibe, J. S., Smith, W. P., Bassham, J. and Magness, D. (2006).
Locomotor performance and cost of transport in the northern flying
squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus. Acta Theriologica 51, 169-178.

Wagner, P. J. and Erwin, D. H. (2006). Patterns of convergence in
general shell form among Paleozoic gastropods. Paleobiology 32, 316-337.

Welch, V., Vigneron, J. P., Lousse, V. and Parker, A. (2006). Optical
properties of the iridescent organ of the comb-jellyfish Beroe cucumis
(Ctenophora) - art. no. 041916. Physical Review E 7304, 1916-1916.


Cengiz, S. B., Atac, A. S. and Cehreli, Z. C. (2006). Biomechanical
effects of splint types on traumatized tooth: a photoelastic stress
analysis. Dental Traumatology 22, 133-138.

Meyer, C., Serhir, L. and Boutemi, P. (2006). Experimental evaluation
of three osteosynthesis devices used for stabilizing condylar fractures
of the mandible. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 34, 173-181.


Katz-Leurer, M., Sender, I., Keren, O. and Dvir, Z. (2006). The
influence of early cycling training on balance in stroke patients at
the subacute stage. Results of a preliminary trial. Clinical
Rehabilitation 20, 398-405.

David, D., Regnaux, J. P., Lejaille, M., Louis, A., Bussel, B. and
Lofaso, F. (2006). Oxygen consumption during machine-assisted and
unassisted walking: A pilot study in hemiplegic and healthy humans.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87, 482-489.

Dennerlein, J. T. and DiMarino, M. H. J. (2006). Forearm
electromyographic changes with the use of a haptic force-feedback
computer mouse. Human Factors 48, 130-141.

Dietz, V. (2006). Good clinical practice in neurorehabilitation. Lancet
Neurology 5, 377-378.

Kumar, R. T. S., Pandyan, A. D. and Sharma, A. K. (2006). Biomechanical
measurement of post-stroke spasticity. Age and Ageing.

Sipski, M. L., Alexander, C. J., Gomez-Marin, O., Grossbard, M. and
Rosen, R. (2005). Effects of vibratory stimulation on sexual response
in women with spinal cord injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Research
and Development 42, 609-616.

Wearing, S. C., Hennig, E. M., Byrne, N. M., Steele, J. R. and Hills,
A. P. (2006). The impact of childhood obesity on musculoskeletal form.
Obesity Reviews 7, 209-218.

Wimmer, M. A., Nassutt, R., Sprecher, C., Loos, J., Tager, G. and
Fischer, A. (2006). Investigation on stick phenomena in metal-on-metal
hip joints after resting periods. Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 220,

Yagura, H., Hatakenaka, M. and Miyai, I. (2006). Does therapeutic
facilitation add to locomotor outcome of body weight-supported
treadmill training in nonambulatory patients with stroke? A randomized
controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87,


MacLellan, M. and Patla, A. (2006). Adaptations of walking pattern on a
compliant surface to regulate dynamic stability. Experimental Brain

MacLellan, M. and Patla, A. (2006). Stepping over an obstacle on a
complaint travel surface reveals adaptive and maladaptive changes in
locomotion patterns. Experimental Brain Research.

Skoyles, J. R. (2006). Human balance, the evolution of bipedalism and
dysequilibrium syndrome. Medical Hypotheses 66, 1060-1068.


Drobetz, H., Bryant, A. L., Pokorny, T., Spitaler, R., Leixnering, M.
and Jupiter, J. B. (2006). Volar fixed-angle plating of distal radius
extension fractures: influence of plate position on secondary loss of
reduction - A biomechanic study in a cadaveric model. Journal of Hand
Surgery-American Volume 31A, 615-622.

Hamada, Y., Katoh, S., Hibino, N., Kosaka, H., Hamada, D. and Yasui, N.
(2006). Effects of monofilament nylon coated with basic fibroblast
growth factor on endogenous intrasynovial flexor tendon healing.
Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 530-540.


Hsu, W. H., Fisk, J. A., Yamamoto, Y., Debski, R. E. and Woo, S. L. Y.
(2006). Differences in torsional joint stiffness of the knee between
genders - A human cadaveric study. American Journal of Sports Medicine
34, 765-770.

Loder, R. T. (2006). Controversies in slipped capital femoral
epiphysis. Orthopedic Clinics of North America 37, 211-+.

Morlock, M. M., Bishop, N., Ruether, W., Delling, G. and Hanh, M.
(2006). Biomechanical, morphological, and histological analysis of
early failures in hip resurfacing arthroplasty. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in
Medicine 220, 333-344.

Nigar, C., Mutluay, S. D. A., Erkilic, M. and Koebke, J. (2006).
Densitometric analysis of the human first tarsometatarsal joint.
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 28, 135-141.

Ramappa, A. J., Apreleva, M., Harrold, F. R., Fitzgibbons, P. G.,
Wilson, D. R. and Gill, T. J. (2006). The effects of medialization and
anteromedialization of the tibial tubercle on patellofemoral mechanics
and kinematics. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 749-756.

Sucato, D. J. (2006). Treatment of late dysplasia with Ganz osteotomy.
Orthopedic Clinics of North America 37, 161-+.

Torry, M. R., Schenker, M. L., Martin, H. D., Hogoboom, D. and
Philippon, M. J. (2006). Neuromuscular hip biomechanics and pathology
in the athlete. Clinics in Sports Medicine 25, 179-+.


Corazza, S., Muendermann, L., Chaudhari, A., Demattio, T., Cobelli, C.
and Andriacchi, T. (2006). A Markerless Motion Capture System to Study
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics: Visual Hull and Simulated Annealing
Approach. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.


Sermesant, A., Delingette, H. and Ayache, N. (2006). An
electromechanical model of the heart for image analysis and simulation.
Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging 25, 612-625.


Finni, T. (2006). Structural and functional features of human
muscle-tendon unit. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in
Sports 16, 147-158.


Drouin, C., Page, M. E. and Waterhouse, B. D. (2006). Methylphenidate
enhances noradrenergic transmission and suppresses mid- and
long-latency sensory responses in the primary somatosensory cortex of
awake rats. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Ibrahim, A., Li, Y., Li, D. Q., Raisman, G. and El Masry, W. S. (2006).
Olfactory ensheathing cells: ripples of an incoming tide? Lancet
Neurology 5, 453-457.

Lnenicka, G. A., Theriault, K. and Monroe, R. (2006). Sexual
differentiation of identified motor terminals in Drosophila larvae.
Journal of Neurobiology 66, 488-498.

Shi, L. H., Luo, F., Woodward, D. J. and Chang, J. Y. (2006). Basal
ganglia neural responses during behaviorally effective deep brain
stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in rats performing a treadmill
locomotion test. Synapse 59, 445-457.


Troje, N. F. and Westhoff, C. (2006). The inversion effect in
biological motion perception: Evidence for a "life detector"? Current
Biology 16, 821-824.


Akbar, M., Bremer, R., Thomsen, M., Carstens, C. and Abel, R. (2006).
Kyphectomy in children with myelodysplasia - Results 1994-2004. Spine
31, 1007-1013.

Lopez-Espina, C. G., Amirouche, F. and Havalad, V. (2006). Multilevel
cervical fusion and its effect on disc degeneration and osteophyte
formation. Spine 31, 972-978.

Murakami, H., Tsai, K. J., Attallah-Wasif, E. S., Yamazaki, K.,
Shimamura, T. and Hutton, W. C. (2006). A biomechanical assessment of
infra-laminar hooks as an alternative to supra-laminar hooks in
thoracolumbar fixation. Spine 31, 967-971.


Zantop, T., Temmig, K., Weimann, A., Eggers, A. K., Raschke, M. J. and
Petersen, W. (2006). Elongation and structural properties of meniscal
repair using suture techniques in distraction and shear force scenarios
- Biomechanical evaluation using a cyclic loading protocol. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 799-805.


Skoyles, J. R. (2006). Human balance, the evolution of bipedalism and
dysequilibrium syndrome. Medical Hypotheses 66, 1060-1068.


Bretl, T. (2006). Motion planning of multi-limbed robots subject to
equilibrium constraints: The free-climbing robot problem. International
Journal of Robotics Research 25, 317-342.

Lim, H. O., Hyon, S. H., Setiawan, S. A. and Takanishi, A. (2006).
Quasi-human biped walking. Robotica 24, 257-268.

Ma, S. G. and Tadokoro, N. (2006). Analysis of creeping locomotion of a
snake-like robot on a slope. Autonomous Robots 20, 15-23.

Shen, W. M., Krivokon, M., Chiu, H., Everist, J., Rubenstein, M. and
Venkatesh, J. (2006). Multimode locomotion via SuperBot reconfigurable
robots. Autonomous Robots 20, 165-177.

Vanderborght, B., Verrelst, B., Van Ham, R., Van Damme, M., Duran, B.
M. Y. and Beyl, P. (2006). Exploiting natural dynamics to reduce energy
consumption by controlling the compliance of soft actuators.
International Journal of Robotics Research 25, 343-358.


Chmielewski, T. L., Myer, G. D., Kauffman, D. and Tillman, S. M.
(2006). Plyometric exercise in the rehabilitation of athletes:
Physiological responses and clinical application. Journal of
Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 36, 308-319.

Louw, Q., Grimmer, K. and Vaughan, C. (2006). Knee movement patterns of
injured and uninjured adolescent basketball players when landing from a
jump: A case-control study - art. no. 22. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders
7, 22-22.

Quatman, C. E., Ford, K. R., Myer, G. D. and Hewett, T. E. (2006).
Maturation leads to gender differences in landing force and vertical
jump performance - A longitudinal study. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 34, 806-813.


Gelber, P. E., Reina, F., Monllau, J. C., Yema, P., Rodriguez, A. and
Caceres, E. (2006). Innervation patterns of the inferior glenohumeral
ligament: Anatomical and biomechanical relevance. Clinical Anatomy 19,

Warden, S. J., Saxon, L. K., Castillo, A. B. and Turner, C. H. (2006).
Knee ligament mechanical properties are not influenced by estrogen or
its receptors. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and
Metabolism 290, E1034-E1040.

Wiley, W. B., Askew, M. J., Melby, A. and Noe, D. A. (2006). Kinematics
of the posterior cruciate ligament/posterolateral corner-injured knee
after reconstruction by single- and double-bundle intra-articular
grafts. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 741-748.


Ahmed, A. B., Gilja, O. H., Gregersen, H., Odegaard, S. and Matre, K.
(2006). In vitro strain measurement in the porcine antrum using
ultrasound Doppler strain rate imaging. Ultrasound in Medicine and
Biology 32, 513-522.

Courtney, T., Sacks, M. S., Stankus, J., Guan, J. and Wagner, W. R.
(2006). Design and analysis of tissue engineering scaffolds that mimic
soft tissue mechanical anisotropy. Biomaterials 27, 3631-3638.


Franck, A., Cocquyt, G., Simoens, P. and De Belie, N. (2006).
Biomechanical properties of bovine claw horn. Biosystems Engineering
93, 459-467.


Kotajarvi, B. R., Basford, J. R., An, K. N., Morrow, D. A. and Kaufman,
K. R. (2006). The effect of visual biofeedback on the propulsion
effectiveness of experienced wheelchair users. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation 87, 510-515.


Brown, E. N., Peterson, M. L. and Grande-Allen, K. J. (2006).
Biological systems and materials: A review of the field of biomechanics
and the role of the Society for Experimental Mechanics. Experimental
Techniques 30, 21-29.