DECEMBER 8 - 14, 2006
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Woo, S. B., Hellstein, J. W. and Kalmar, J. R. (2006). Bisphosphonates
and osteonecrosis of the jaw - Response. Annals of Internal Medicine
145, 792-792.
Zioupos, P., Kaffy, C. and Currey, J. D. (2006). Tissue heterogeneity,
composite architecture and fractal dimension effects in the fracture of
ageing human bone. International Journal of Fracture 139, 407-424.
Stemper, B., Yoganandan, N., Sinson, G., Gennarelli, T., Stineman, M.
and Pintar, F. (2006). Biomechanical Characterization of Internal Layer
Subfailure in Blunt Arterial Injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
Carroll, B. T., Dubyak, G. R., Sedensky, M. M. and Morgan, P. G.
(2006). Sulfated signal from ASJ sensory neurons modulates
stomatin-dependent coordination in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of
Biological Chemistry 281, 35989-35996.
Ding, K. H., Zhong, Q., Xie, D., Chen, H. X., Della-Fera, M. A.,
Bollag, R. J., Bollag, W. B., Gujral, R., Kang, B. L., Sridhar, S. et
al. (2006). Effects of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide on
behavior. Peptides 27, 2750-2755.
do Rego, J. C., Leprince, J., Chartrel, N., Vaudry, H. and Costentin,
J. (2006). Behavioral effects of 26RFamide and related peptides.
Peptides 27, 2715-2721.
Gavin, B. A., Dolph, M. J., Deleault, N. R., Geoghegan, J. C., Khurana,
V., Feany, M. B., Dolph, P. J. and Supattapone, S. (2006). Accelerated
accumulation of misfolded prion protein and spongiform degeneration in
a Drosophila model of Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome. Journal
of Neuroscience 26, 12408-12414.
Kampe, J., Wiedmer, P., Pfluger, P. T., Castaneda, T. R., Burget, L.,
Mondala, H., Kerr, J., Liaw, C., Oldfield, B. J., Tschop, M. H. et al.
(2006). Effect of central administration of QRFP(26) peptide on energy
balance and characterization of a second QRFP receptor in rat. Brain
Research 1119, 133-149.
Mrass, P., Takano, H., Ng, L. G., Daxini, S., Lasaro, M. O.,
Iparraguirre, A., Cavanagh, L. L., von Andrian, U. H., Ertl, H. C. J.,
Haydon, P. G. et al. (2006). Random migration precedes stable target
cell interactions of tumor-infiltrating T cells. Journal of
Experimental Medicine 203, 2749-2761.
Wallen-Mackenzie, A., Gezelius, H., Thoby-Brisson, M., Nygard, A.,
Enjin, A., Fujiyama, F., Fortin, G. and Kullander, K. (2006). Vesicular
glutamate transporter 2 is required for central respiratory rhythm
generation but not for locomotor central pattern generation. Journal of
Neuroscience 26, 12294-12307.
Clause, A. R. and Capaldi, E. A. (2006). Caudal autotomy and
regeneration in lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part
a-Comparative Experimental Biology 305A, 965-973.
Drozdz, J. K., Viscek, J., Brudzynski, S. M. and Mercier, A. J. (2006).
Behavioral responses of crayfish to a reflective environment. Journal
of Crustacean Biology 26, 463-473.
Frobisch, J. (2006). Locomotion in derived dicynodonts (Synapsida,
Anomodontia): a functional analysis of the pelvic girdle and hind limb
of Tetragonias njalilus. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 43,
Golet, W. J., Scopel, D. A., Cooper, A. B. and Watson, W. H. (2006).
Daily patterns of locomotion expressed by American lobsters (Homarus
americanus) in their natural habitat. Journal of Crustacean Biology 26,
Lauga, E. and Hosoi, A. E. (2006). Tuning gastropod locomotion:
Modeling the influence of mucus rheology on the cost of crawling - art.
no. 113102. Physics of Fluids 18, 13102-13102.
Miller, J., Huang, J., Vulule, J. and Walker, E. (2006). Life on the
edge: African malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae s. l.) larvae are
amphibious. Naturwissenschaften.
Poonia, B., Dunn, P. A., Lu, H., Jarosinski, K. W. and Schat, K. A.
(2006). Isolation and molecular characterization of a new Muscovy duck
parvovirus from Muscovy ducks in the USA. Avian Pathology 35, 435-U4.
Tian, Y., Pesika, N., Zeng, H., Rosenberg, K., Zhao, B., McGuiggan, P.,
Autumn, K. and Israelachvili, J. (2006). Adhesion and friction in gecko
toe attachment and detachment. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America.
Farhadi, J., Fulco, I., Miot, S., Wirz, D., Haug, M., Dickinson, S. C.,
Hollander, A. P., Daniels, A. U., Pierer, G., Heberer, M. et al.
(2006). Precultivation of engineered human nasal cartilage enhances the
mechanical properties relevant for use in facial reconstructive
surgery. Annals of Surgery 244, 978-985.
Dobkin, B. H. (2006). Weight-supported treadmill vs over-ground
training for walking after acute incomplete SCI - Reply. Neurology 67,
Furman, B. D., Olson, S. A. and Guilak, F. (2006). The development of
posttraumatic arthritis after articular fracture. Journal of
Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 719-725.
Jiang, Z. L., Shu, Y., Drum, J., Reid, S. and Mirka, G. A. (2006).
Effects of age on muscle activity and upper body kinematics during a
repetitive forearm supination task. International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics 36, 951-957.
Wicart, P., Richardson, J. and Maton, B. (2006). Adaptation of gait
initiation in children with unilateral idiopathic clubfoot following
conservative treatment. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16,
Yavuzer, G., Eser, F., Karakus, D., Karaoglan, B. and Stam, H. J.
(2006). The effects of balance training on gait late after stroke: a
randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 20, 960-969.
Laudani, L., Casabona, A., Perciavalle, V. and Macaluso, A. (2006).
Control of head stability during gait initiation in young and older
women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16, 603-610.
van der Wel, R. and Rosenbaum, D. A. (2007). Coordination of locomotion
and prehension. Experimental Brain Research 176, 281-287.
Vogelstein, R., Tenore, F., Etienne-Cummings, R., Lewis, M. and Cohen,
A. (2006). Dynamic control of the central pattern generator for
locomotion. Biological Cybernetics.
Wolfe, S. W., Crisco, J. J., Orr, C. M. and Marzke, M. W. (2006). The
dart-throwing motion of the wrist: Is it unique to humans? Journal of
Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 1429-1437.
Wu, G. H., Yang, Y. and Zeng, L. J. (2006). Novel method based on video
tracking system for simultaneous measurement of kinematics and flow in
the wake of a freely swimming fish - art. no. 114302. Review of
Scientific Instruments 77, 14302-14302.
Ambard, D. and Swider, P. (2006). A predictive mechano-biological model
of the bone-implant healing. European Journal of Mechanics a-Solids 25,
Chui, C., Kobayashi, E., Chen, X., Hisada, T. and Sakuma, I. (2006).
Transversely isotropic properties of porcine liver tissue: experiments
and constitutive modelling. Medical & Biological Engineering &
Pearson, K., Ekeberg, O. and Buschges, A. (2006). Assessing sensory
function in locomotor systems using neuro-mechanical simulations.
Trends in Neurosciences 29, 625-631.
Sanderson, D. J., Martin, P. E., Honeyman, G. and Keefer, J. (2006).
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscle length, velocity, and EMG responses to
changes in pedalling cadence. Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology 16, 642-649.
Chen, Y., Chen, X. Y., Jakeman, L. B., Chen, L., Stokes, B. T. and
Wolpaw, J. R. (2006). Operant conditioning of H-reflex can correct a
locomotor abnormality after spinal cord injury in rats. Journal of
Neuroscience 26, 12537-12543.
Dunin-Barkowski, W. L., Sirota, M. G., Lovering, A. T., Orem, J. M.,
Vidruk, E. H. and Beloozerova, I. N. (2006). Precise rhythmicity in
activity of neocortical, thalamic and brain stem neurons in behaving
cats and rabbits. Behavioural Brain Research 175, 27-42.
Dutton, R. C., Carstens, M. I., Antognini, J. F. and Carstens, E.
(2006). Long ascending propriospinal projections from lumbosacral to
upper cervical spinal cord in the rat. Brain Research 1119, 76-85.
Cheng, T., Dai, C. and Gan, R. (2006). Viscoelastic Properties of Human
Tympanic Membrane. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
Kotecha, A., Elsheikh, A., Roberts, C. R., Zhu, H. G. and Garway-Heath,
D. F. (2006). Corneal thickness- and age-related biomechanical
properties of the cornea measured with the ocular response analyzer.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 47, 5337-5347.
Anderson, A. J., Towns, G. M. and Chiverton, N. (2006). Traumatic
occipitocervical disruption: a new technique for stabilisation - Case
report and literature review. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British
Volume 88B, 1464-1468.
Kretzer, R. M., Sciubba, D. M., Bagley, C. A., Wolinsky, J. P.,
Gokaslan, Z. L. and Garonzik, I. M. (2006). Translaminar screw fixation
in the upper thoracic spine. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 5, 527-533.
Yukawa, Y., Kato, F., Yoshihara, H., Yanase, M. and Ito, K. (2006).
Cervical pedicle screw fixation in 100 cases of unstable cervical
injuries: pedicle axis views obtained using fluoroscopy. Journal of
Neurosurgery-Spine 5, 488-493.
Brucker, P. U., Lorenz, S. and Imhoff, A. B. (2006). Aperture fixation
in arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament double-bundle reconstruction
- art. no. 1250.e1. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 22, E1-E1.
Dumigan, R. M., Bronson, D. G. and Early, J. S. (2006). Analysis of
fixation methods for vertical shear fractures of the medial malleolus.
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 687-691.
Ehmke, L. W., Polzin, B. M. I., Madey, S. M. and Bottlang, M. (2006).
Femoral nailing through the trochanter: The reamer pathway indicates a
helical nail shape. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 668-674.
Lafosse, L., Van Raebroeckx, A. and Brzoska, R. (2006). A new technique
to improve tissue grip: "The lasso-loop stitch" - art. no. 1246.e1.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22, E1-E1.
McKinley, T. O., Rudert, M. J., Tochigi, Y., Pedersen, D. R., Koos, D.
C., Baer, T. E. and Brown, T. D. (2006). Incongruity-dependent changes
of contact stress rates in human cadaveric ankles. Journal of
Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 732-738.
Meier, S. W. and Meier, J. D. (2006). The effect of double-row fixation
on initial repair strength in rotator cuff repair: A biomechanical
study. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22,
Oh, Y. H., Namkoong, S., Strauss, E. J., Ishak, C., Jazrawi, L. M. and
Rosen, J. (2006). Hybrid femoral fixation of soft-tissue grafts in
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the EndoButton CL and
bioabsorbable interference screws: A biomechanical study.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22,
Suhm, N., Hengg, C., Schwyn, R., Windolf, M., Quarz, V. and Haenni, M.
(2006). Mechanical torque measurement predicts load to implant cut-out:
a biomechanical study investigating DHS(r) anchorage in femoral heads.
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery.
Tao, S. S. and Kaltenbach, J. (2006). Arthroscopic placement of a
modified Mason-Allen stitch - art. no. 1248.e1. Arthroscopy-the Journal
of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 22, E1-E1.
Waters, T., Collins, J., Galinsky, T. and Caruso, C. (2006). NIOSH
research efforts to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in the healthcare
industry. Orthopaedic Nursing 25, 380-389.
Yamagami, N., Mori, R., Yotsumoto, T., Hatanaka, H., Takao, M. and
Uchio, Y. (2006). Biomechanical differences resulting from the
combination of suture materials and repair techniques. Journal of
Orthopaedic Science 11, 614-619.
Zantop, T., Weimann, A., Schmidtko, R., Herbort, M., Raschke, M. J. and
Petersen, W. (2006). Graft laceration and pullout strength of
soft-tissue anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: In vitro study
comparing titanium, poly-D,L-lactide, and poly-D,L-lactide-tricalcium
phosphate screws. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 22, 1204-1210.
Nicoll, B. C., Berthier, S., Achim, A., Gouskou, K., Danjon, F. and van
Beek, L. P. H. (2006). The architecture of Picea sitchensis structural
root systems on horizontal and sloping terrain. Trees-Structure and
Function 20, 701-712.
Read, J., Sanson, G. D., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. and Jaffre, T.
(2006). Sclerophylly in two contrasting tropical environments: Low
nutrients vs. low rainfall. American Journal of Botany 93, 1601-1614.
Abdel-Malek, K., Mi, Z., Yang, J. Z. and Nebel, K. (2006).
Optimization-based trajectory planning of the human upper body.
Robotica 24, 683-696.
Azevedo, C., Espiau, B., Amblard, B. and Assaiante, C. (2006). Bipedal
locomotion: toward unified concepts in robotics and neuroscience.
Biological Cybernetics.
Filipovic, M., Potkonjak, V. and Vukobratovic, M. (2006). Humanoid
Robotic System with and without Elasticity Elements Walking on an
Immobile/Mobile Platform. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems.
Matsubara, T., Morimoto, J., Nakanishi, J., Sato, M. A. and Doya, K.
(2006). Learning CPG-based biped locomotion with a policy gradient
method. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54, 911-920.
Or, Y. and Rimon, E. (2006). Computation and graphical characterization
of robust multiple-contact postures in two-dimensional gravitational
environments. International Journal of Robotics Research 25, 1071-1086.
Sciascia, A. and Ben Kibler, W. (2006). The pediatric overhead athlete:
What is the real problem? Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 16,
Doroski, D. M., Brink, K. S. and Temenoff, J. S. (2007). Techniques for
biological characterization of tissue-engineered tendon and ligament.
Biomaterials 28, 187-202.
Duflo, S., Thibeault, S. L., Li, W. H., Shu, X. Z. and Prestwich, G.
(2006). Effect of a synthetic extracellular matrix on vocal fold lamina
propria gene expression in early wound healing. Tissue Engineering 12,
Matsumura, G., Ishihara, Y., Miyagawa-Tomita, S., Ikada, Y., Matsuda,
S., Kurosawa, H. and Shin'oka, T. (2006). Evaluation of
tissue-engineered vascular autografts. Tissue Engineering 12, 3075-3083.
Wolf, A., Ackermann, B. and Steinmeyer, J. (2007). Collagen synthesis
of articular cartilage explants in response to frequency of cyclic
mechanical loading. Cell and Tissue Research 327, 155-166.
Fonseca, B. P. A., Alves, A. L. G., Nicoletti, J. L. M., Thornassian,
A., Hussni, C. A. and Mikail, S. (2006). Thermography and
ultrasonography in back pain diagnosis of equine athletes. Journal of
Equine Veterinary Science 26, 507-516.
Koontz, A. M., Yang, Y. S., Boninger, T. D. S., Kanaly, J., Cooper, R.
A., Boninger, M. L., Dieruf, K. and Ewer, L. (2006). Investigation of
the performance of an ergonomic handrim as a pain-relieving
intervention for manual wheelchair users. Assistive Technology 18,
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Woo, S. B., Hellstein, J. W. and Kalmar, J. R. (2006). Bisphosphonates
and osteonecrosis of the jaw - Response. Annals of Internal Medicine
145, 792-792.
Zioupos, P., Kaffy, C. and Currey, J. D. (2006). Tissue heterogeneity,
composite architecture and fractal dimension effects in the fracture of
ageing human bone. International Journal of Fracture 139, 407-424.
Stemper, B., Yoganandan, N., Sinson, G., Gennarelli, T., Stineman, M.
and Pintar, F. (2006). Biomechanical Characterization of Internal Layer
Subfailure in Blunt Arterial Injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
Carroll, B. T., Dubyak, G. R., Sedensky, M. M. and Morgan, P. G.
(2006). Sulfated signal from ASJ sensory neurons modulates
stomatin-dependent coordination in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of
Biological Chemistry 281, 35989-35996.
Ding, K. H., Zhong, Q., Xie, D., Chen, H. X., Della-Fera, M. A.,
Bollag, R. J., Bollag, W. B., Gujral, R., Kang, B. L., Sridhar, S. et
al. (2006). Effects of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide on
behavior. Peptides 27, 2750-2755.
do Rego, J. C., Leprince, J., Chartrel, N., Vaudry, H. and Costentin,
J. (2006). Behavioral effects of 26RFamide and related peptides.
Peptides 27, 2715-2721.
Gavin, B. A., Dolph, M. J., Deleault, N. R., Geoghegan, J. C., Khurana,
V., Feany, M. B., Dolph, P. J. and Supattapone, S. (2006). Accelerated
accumulation of misfolded prion protein and spongiform degeneration in
a Drosophila model of Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome. Journal
of Neuroscience 26, 12408-12414.
Kampe, J., Wiedmer, P., Pfluger, P. T., Castaneda, T. R., Burget, L.,
Mondala, H., Kerr, J., Liaw, C., Oldfield, B. J., Tschop, M. H. et al.
(2006). Effect of central administration of QRFP(26) peptide on energy
balance and characterization of a second QRFP receptor in rat. Brain
Research 1119, 133-149.
Mrass, P., Takano, H., Ng, L. G., Daxini, S., Lasaro, M. O.,
Iparraguirre, A., Cavanagh, L. L., von Andrian, U. H., Ertl, H. C. J.,
Haydon, P. G. et al. (2006). Random migration precedes stable target
cell interactions of tumor-infiltrating T cells. Journal of
Experimental Medicine 203, 2749-2761.
Wallen-Mackenzie, A., Gezelius, H., Thoby-Brisson, M., Nygard, A.,
Enjin, A., Fujiyama, F., Fortin, G. and Kullander, K. (2006). Vesicular
glutamate transporter 2 is required for central respiratory rhythm
generation but not for locomotor central pattern generation. Journal of
Neuroscience 26, 12294-12307.
Clause, A. R. and Capaldi, E. A. (2006). Caudal autotomy and
regeneration in lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part
a-Comparative Experimental Biology 305A, 965-973.
Drozdz, J. K., Viscek, J., Brudzynski, S. M. and Mercier, A. J. (2006).
Behavioral responses of crayfish to a reflective environment. Journal
of Crustacean Biology 26, 463-473.
Frobisch, J. (2006). Locomotion in derived dicynodonts (Synapsida,
Anomodontia): a functional analysis of the pelvic girdle and hind limb
of Tetragonias njalilus. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 43,
Golet, W. J., Scopel, D. A., Cooper, A. B. and Watson, W. H. (2006).
Daily patterns of locomotion expressed by American lobsters (Homarus
americanus) in their natural habitat. Journal of Crustacean Biology 26,
Lauga, E. and Hosoi, A. E. (2006). Tuning gastropod locomotion:
Modeling the influence of mucus rheology on the cost of crawling - art.
no. 113102. Physics of Fluids 18, 13102-13102.
Miller, J., Huang, J., Vulule, J. and Walker, E. (2006). Life on the
edge: African malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae s. l.) larvae are
amphibious. Naturwissenschaften.
Poonia, B., Dunn, P. A., Lu, H., Jarosinski, K. W. and Schat, K. A.
(2006). Isolation and molecular characterization of a new Muscovy duck
parvovirus from Muscovy ducks in the USA. Avian Pathology 35, 435-U4.
Tian, Y., Pesika, N., Zeng, H., Rosenberg, K., Zhao, B., McGuiggan, P.,
Autumn, K. and Israelachvili, J. (2006). Adhesion and friction in gecko
toe attachment and detachment. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America.
Farhadi, J., Fulco, I., Miot, S., Wirz, D., Haug, M., Dickinson, S. C.,
Hollander, A. P., Daniels, A. U., Pierer, G., Heberer, M. et al.
(2006). Precultivation of engineered human nasal cartilage enhances the
mechanical properties relevant for use in facial reconstructive
surgery. Annals of Surgery 244, 978-985.
Dobkin, B. H. (2006). Weight-supported treadmill vs over-ground
training for walking after acute incomplete SCI - Reply. Neurology 67,
Furman, B. D., Olson, S. A. and Guilak, F. (2006). The development of
posttraumatic arthritis after articular fracture. Journal of
Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 719-725.
Jiang, Z. L., Shu, Y., Drum, J., Reid, S. and Mirka, G. A. (2006).
Effects of age on muscle activity and upper body kinematics during a
repetitive forearm supination task. International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics 36, 951-957.
Wicart, P., Richardson, J. and Maton, B. (2006). Adaptation of gait
initiation in children with unilateral idiopathic clubfoot following
conservative treatment. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16,
Yavuzer, G., Eser, F., Karakus, D., Karaoglan, B. and Stam, H. J.
(2006). The effects of balance training on gait late after stroke: a
randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 20, 960-969.
Laudani, L., Casabona, A., Perciavalle, V. and Macaluso, A. (2006).
Control of head stability during gait initiation in young and older
women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16, 603-610.
van der Wel, R. and Rosenbaum, D. A. (2007). Coordination of locomotion
and prehension. Experimental Brain Research 176, 281-287.
Vogelstein, R., Tenore, F., Etienne-Cummings, R., Lewis, M. and Cohen,
A. (2006). Dynamic control of the central pattern generator for
locomotion. Biological Cybernetics.
Wolfe, S. W., Crisco, J. J., Orr, C. M. and Marzke, M. W. (2006). The
dart-throwing motion of the wrist: Is it unique to humans? Journal of
Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 1429-1437.
Wu, G. H., Yang, Y. and Zeng, L. J. (2006). Novel method based on video
tracking system for simultaneous measurement of kinematics and flow in
the wake of a freely swimming fish - art. no. 114302. Review of
Scientific Instruments 77, 14302-14302.
Ambard, D. and Swider, P. (2006). A predictive mechano-biological model
of the bone-implant healing. European Journal of Mechanics a-Solids 25,
Chui, C., Kobayashi, E., Chen, X., Hisada, T. and Sakuma, I. (2006).
Transversely isotropic properties of porcine liver tissue: experiments
and constitutive modelling. Medical & Biological Engineering &
Pearson, K., Ekeberg, O. and Buschges, A. (2006). Assessing sensory
function in locomotor systems using neuro-mechanical simulations.
Trends in Neurosciences 29, 625-631.
Sanderson, D. J., Martin, P. E., Honeyman, G. and Keefer, J. (2006).
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscle length, velocity, and EMG responses to
changes in pedalling cadence. Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology 16, 642-649.
Chen, Y., Chen, X. Y., Jakeman, L. B., Chen, L., Stokes, B. T. and
Wolpaw, J. R. (2006). Operant conditioning of H-reflex can correct a
locomotor abnormality after spinal cord injury in rats. Journal of
Neuroscience 26, 12537-12543.
Dunin-Barkowski, W. L., Sirota, M. G., Lovering, A. T., Orem, J. M.,
Vidruk, E. H. and Beloozerova, I. N. (2006). Precise rhythmicity in
activity of neocortical, thalamic and brain stem neurons in behaving
cats and rabbits. Behavioural Brain Research 175, 27-42.
Dutton, R. C., Carstens, M. I., Antognini, J. F. and Carstens, E.
(2006). Long ascending propriospinal projections from lumbosacral to
upper cervical spinal cord in the rat. Brain Research 1119, 76-85.
Cheng, T., Dai, C. and Gan, R. (2006). Viscoelastic Properties of Human
Tympanic Membrane. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
Kotecha, A., Elsheikh, A., Roberts, C. R., Zhu, H. G. and Garway-Heath,
D. F. (2006). Corneal thickness- and age-related biomechanical
properties of the cornea measured with the ocular response analyzer.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 47, 5337-5347.
Anderson, A. J., Towns, G. M. and Chiverton, N. (2006). Traumatic
occipitocervical disruption: a new technique for stabilisation - Case
report and literature review. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British
Volume 88B, 1464-1468.
Kretzer, R. M., Sciubba, D. M., Bagley, C. A., Wolinsky, J. P.,
Gokaslan, Z. L. and Garonzik, I. M. (2006). Translaminar screw fixation
in the upper thoracic spine. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 5, 527-533.
Yukawa, Y., Kato, F., Yoshihara, H., Yanase, M. and Ito, K. (2006).
Cervical pedicle screw fixation in 100 cases of unstable cervical
injuries: pedicle axis views obtained using fluoroscopy. Journal of
Neurosurgery-Spine 5, 488-493.
Brucker, P. U., Lorenz, S. and Imhoff, A. B. (2006). Aperture fixation
in arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament double-bundle reconstruction
- art. no. 1250.e1. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 22, E1-E1.
Dumigan, R. M., Bronson, D. G. and Early, J. S. (2006). Analysis of
fixation methods for vertical shear fractures of the medial malleolus.
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 687-691.
Ehmke, L. W., Polzin, B. M. I., Madey, S. M. and Bottlang, M. (2006).
Femoral nailing through the trochanter: The reamer pathway indicates a
helical nail shape. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 20, 668-674.
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