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    Final LITERATURE UPDATE of 2006
    Happy New Year!
    DECEMBER 21-28, 2006
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
    Emory University
    School of Medicine

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
    the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
    available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Clavert, P., Zerah, M., Krier, J., Mille, P., Kempf, J. F. and Kahn, J.
    L. (2006). Finite element analysis of the strain distribution in the
    humeral head tubercles during abduction: comparison of young and
    osteoporotic bone. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 28, 581-587.


    Farmer, C. G. (2006). On the origin of avian air sacs. Respiratory
    Physiology & Neurobiology 154, 89-106.

    Mendelson, K. and Schoen, F. J. (2006). Heart valve tissue engineering:
    Concepts, approaches, progress, and challenges. Annals of Biomedical
    Engineering 34, 1799-1819.


    Cizkova, D., Rosocha, J., Vanicky, I., Jergova, S. and Cizek, M.
    (2006). Transplants of human mesenchymal stem cells improve functional
    recovery after spinal cord injury in the rat. Cellular and Molecular
    Neurobiology 26, 1167-1180.

    Hoshaw, B. A., Evans, J. C., Mueller, B., Valentino, R. J. and Lucki,
    I. (2006). Social competition in rats: Cell proliferation and behavior.
    Behavioural Brain Research 175, 343-351.

    Huang, K. M., Cosman, P. and Schafer, W. R. (2006). Machine vision
    based detection of omega bends and reversals in C-elegans. Journal of
    Neuroscience Methods 158, 323-336.

    Zhao, Z. Q., Scott, M., Chiechio, S., Wang, J. S., Renner, K. J.,
    Gereau, R. W., Johnson, R. L., Deneris, E. S. and Chen, Z. F. (2006).
    Lmx1b is required for maintenance of central serotonergic neurons and
    mice lacking central serotonergic system exhibit normal locomotor
    activity. Journal of Neuroscience 26, 12781-12788.


    Brainerd, E. L. and Owerkowicz, T. (2006). Functional morphology and
    evolution of aspiration breathing in tetrapods. Respiratory Physiology
    & Neurobiology 154, 73-88.

    Scott, G. R. and Milsom, W. K. (2006). Flying high: A theoretical
    analysis of the factors limiting exercise performance in birds at
    altitude. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 154, 284-301.

    Tanaka, E., Inubushi, T., Koolstra, J. H., van Eijden, T., Sano, R.,
    Takahashi, K., Kawai, N., Rego, E. B. and Tanne, K. (2006). Comparison
    of dynamic shear properties of the porcine molar and incisor
    periodontal ligament. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34, 1917-1923.

    Wall, W. P., Barman, E. H. and Beals, C. M. (2006). A description and
    functional interpretation of the mandibular geometry of Agabus
    punctatus Melsheimer, 1844, Rhantus calidus (Fabricius, 1792) and
    Acilius mediatus (Say, 1823), (Coleoptera : Dytiscidae). Aquatic
    Insects 28, 277-289.


    Al-Sukhun, J., Kelleway, J. and Helenius, M. (2007). Development of a
    three-dimensional finite element model of a human mandible containing
    endosseous dental implants. I. Mathematical validation and experimental
    verification. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 80A,

    Al-Sukhun, J., Lindqvist, C. and Helenius, M. (2007). Development of a
    three-dimensional finite element model of a human mandible containing
    endosseous dental implants. II. Variables affecting the predictive
    behavior of a finite element model of a human mandible. Journal of
    Biomedical Materials Research Part A 80A, 247-256.

    Jonsdottir, S. H., Giesen, E. B. W. and Maltha, J. C. (2006).
    Biomechanical behaviour of the periodontal ligament of the beagle dog
    during the first 5 hours of orthodontic force application. European
    Journal of Orthodontics 28, 547-552.

    Kahler, B., Kotousov, A. and Melkoumian, N. (2006). On material choice
    and fracture susceptibility of restored teeth: An asymptotic stress
    analysis approach. Dental Materials 22, 1109-1114.

    Lohrmann, B., Schwestka-Polly, R., Nagerl, H., Ihlow, D. and
    Kubein-Meesenburg, D. (2006). The influence of functional orthodontics
    and mandibular sagittal split advancement osteotomy on dental and
    skeletal variables - a comparative cephalometric study. European
    Journal of Orthodontics 28, 553-560.

    Luo, J. and Diao, E. (2006). Kienbock's disease: An approach to
    treatment. Hand Clinics 22, 465-+.


    Borich, M. R., Bright, J. M., Lorello, D. J., Cieminski, C. J.,
    Buisman, T. and Ludewig, P. M. (2006). Scapular angular positioning at
    end range internal rotation in cases of glenohumeral internal rotation
    deficit. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 36, 926-934.

    Hodics, T., Cohen, L. G. and Cramer, S. C. (2006). Functional imaging
    of intervention effects in stroke motor rehabilitation. Archives of
    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87, S36-S42.

    Richter, W. M., Rodriguez, R., Woods, K. R., Karpinski, A. P. and
    Axelson, P. W. (2006). Reduced finger and wrist flexor activity during
    propulsion with a new flexible handrim. Archives of Physical Medicine
    and Rehabilitation 87, 1643-1647.


    Smith, N., Dyson, R., Hale, T. and Janaway, L. (2006). Contributions of
    the inside and outside leg to maintenance of curvilinear motion on a
    natural turf surface. Gait & Posture 24, 453-458.

    Zhang, S. N., Clowers, K. G. and Powell, D. (2006). Ground reaction
    force and 3D biomechanical characteristics of walking in short-leg
    walkers. Gait & Posture 24, 487-492.


    Keese, G. R., Wongworawat, M. D. and Frykman, G. (2006). The clinical
    significance of the palmaris longus tendon in the pathophysiology of
    carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Hand Surgery-British and European
    Volume 31B, 657-660.

    Lauder, A. J. and Trumble, T. E. (2006). Idiopathic avascular necrosis
    of the scaphoid: Preiser's disease. Hand Clinics 22, 475-+.


    Parellada, A., Gopez, A., Morrison, W., Sweet, S., Leinberry, C.,
    Reiter, S. and Kohn, M. (2006). Distal intersection tenosynovitis of
    the wrist: a lesser-known extensor tendinopathy with characteristic MR
    imaging features. Skeletal Radiology.


    Amarasinghe, R., Dao, D. V., Toriyama, T. and Sugiyama, S. (2006).
    Simulation, fabrication and characterization of a three-axis
    piezoresistive accelerometer. Smart Materials & Structures 15,

    Barker, S. P., Freedman, W. and Hillstrom, H. (2006). A novel method of
    producing a repetitive dynamic signal to examine reliability and
    validity of gait analysis systems. Gait & Posture 24, 448-452.

    Dielenberg, R. A., Halasz, P. and Day, T. A. (2006). A method for
    tracking rats in a complex and completely dark environment using
    computerized video analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 158,


    Wagner, H., Thaller, S., Dahse, R. and Sust, M. (2006). Biomechanical
    muscle properties and angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism:
    a model-based study. European Journal of Applied Physiology 98, 507-515.


    Spanjaard, M., Reeves, N. D., van Dieen, J. H., Baltzopoulos, V. and
    Maganaris, C. N. (2006). Gastrocnemius muscle fascicle behavior during
    stair negotiation in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology.


    Carvalho, R. C., Patti, C. C., Takatsu-Coleman, A. L., Kameda, S. R.,
    Souza, C. F., Garcez-do-Carmo, L., Abilio, V. C., Fyussa, R. and Silva,
    R. H. (2006). Effects of reserpine on the plus-maze discriminative
    avoidance task: Dissociation between memory and motor impairments.
    Brain Research 1122, 179-183.

    Helfrich-Forster, C., Shafer, O. T., Wulbeck, C., Grieshaber, E.,
    Rieger, D. and Taghert, P. (2007). Development and morphology of the
    clock-gene-expressing lateral neurons of Drosophila melanogaster.
    Journal of Comparative Neurology 500, 47-70.

    Janac, B., Radenovic, L., Selakovic, V. and Prolic, Z. (2006). Time
    course of motor behavior changes in Mongolian gerbils submitted to
    different durations of cerebral ischemia. Behavioural Brain Research
    175, 362-373.

    Klenerova, V., Krejci, I., Sida, P., Hlinak, Z. and Hynie, S. (2006).
    Timing of stress and testing influence the long-lasting behavioral
    performance in rats. Neuroscience Letters 410, 100-104.

    Majczynski, H., Cabaj, A., Slawinska, U. and Gorska, T. (2006).
    Intrathecal administration of yohimbine impairs locomotion in intact
    rats. Behavioural Brain Research 175, 315-322.


    Herdener, S., Pache, M., Lautebach, S. and Funk, J. (2006). Dynamic
    contour tonometry (DCT) versus Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) - a
    comparison of agreement and reproducibility. Graefes Archive for
    Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.

    Seiler, T. and Hafezi, F. (2006). Corneal cross-linking-induced stromal
    demarcation line. Cornea 25, 1057-1059.


    Freeman, A. L., Derincek, A., Beaubien, B. P., Buttermann, G. R., Lew,
    W. D. and Wood, K. B. (2006). In vitro comparison of bioresorbable and
    titanium anterior cervical plates in the immediate postoperative
    condition. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 19, 577-583.

    Mahar, A., Kim, C., Oka, R., Odell, T., Perry, A., Mirkovic, S. and
    Garfin, S. (2006). Biomechanical comparison of a novel percutaneous
    transfacet device and a traditional posterior system for single level
    fusion. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 19, 591-594.

    Tschirhart, C. E., Finkelstein, J. A. and Whyne, C. M. (2006).
    Optimization of tumor volume reduction and cement augmentation in
    percutaneous vertebroplasty for prophylactic treatment of spinal
    metastases. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 19, 584-590.


    Andermahr, J., Jubel, A., Elsner, A., Johann, J., Prokop, A., Rehm, K.
    E. and Koebke, J. (2007). Anatomy of the clavicle and the
    intramedullary nailing of midclavicular fractures. Clinical Anatomy 20,

    Suhm, N., Hengg, C., Schwyn, R., Windolf, M., Quarz, V. and Haenni, M.
    (2006). Mechanical torque measurement predicts load to implant cut-out:
    a biomechanical study investigating DHS(r) anchorage in femoral heads.
    Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery.


    Troy, K. L. and Grabiner, M. D. (2006). Recovery responses to surrogate
    slipping tasks differ from responses to actual slips. Gait & Posture
    24, 441-447.


    Mu, X. P. and Wu, Q. (2006). On impact dynamics and contact events for
    biped robots via impact effects. Ieee Transactions on Systems Man and
    Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 36, 1364-1372.


    Hoshikawa, Y., Muramatsu, M., Iida, T., Uchiyama, A., Nakajima, Y.,
    Kanehisa, H. and Fukunaga, T. (2006). Influence of the psoas major and
    thigh muscularity on 100-m times in junior sprinters. Medicine and
    Science in Sports and Exercise 38, 2138-2143.


    Chhabra, A., Starman, J. S., Ferretti, M., Vidal, A. F., Zantop, T. and
    Fu, F. H. (2006). Anatomic, radiographic, biomechanical, and kinematic
    evaluation of the anterior cruciate ligament and its two functional
    bundles. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 88A, 2-10.

    Krosshaug, T., Slauterbeck, J. R., Engebretsen, L. and Bahr, R. (2006).
    Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms:
    three-dimensional motion reconstruction from video sequences.
    Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

    Stevenson, W. W. and Johnson, D. L. (2006). Management of acute lateral
    side ligament injuries of the knee. Orthopedics 29, 1089-1093.


    Li, J. S., Beaussart, A., Chen, Y. and Mak, A. F. T. (2007). Transfer
    of apatite coating from porogens to scaffolds: Uniform apatite coating
    within porous poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) scaffold in vitro.
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 80A, 226-233.

    ***PICK OF THE WEEK***

    Rome, L. C., Flynn, L. and Yoo, T. D. (2006). Biomechanics - Rubber
    bands reduce the cost of carrying loads. Nature 444, 1023-1024.