DECEMBER 29, 2006 – JANUARY 6, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Kim, B., Moon, B. and Park, J. (2006). Biomechanical finite element
analysis of bone cemented hip crack initiation according to stem
design. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 20, 2168-2177.
Guo, H., Humphrey, J. D. and Davis, M. J. (2007). Effects of Biaxial
Stretch on Arteriolar Function In Vitro. American Journal of
Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.
Chen, G. J., Harvey, B. K., Shen, H., Chou, J., Victor, A. and Wang, Y.
(2006). Activation of adenosine A3 receptors reduces ischemic brain
injury in rodents. Journal of Neuroscience Research 84, 1848-1855.
Guillem, K., Vouillac, C., Azar, M. R., Parsons, L. H., Koob, G. F.,
Cador, M. and Stinus, L. (2006). Monoamine oxidase A rather than
monoamine oxidase B inhibition increases nicotine reinforcement in
rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 24, 3532-3540.
Suzuki, T., Yanai, M., Kubo, H., Kanda, A., Sasaki, H. and Butler, J.
P. (2006). Interaction of non-adherent suspended neutrophils to
complement opsonized pathogens: a new assay using optical traps. Cell
Research 16, 887-894.
Cannas, M., Schaefer, J., Domenici, P. and Steffensen, J. F. (2006).
Gait transition and oxygen consumption in swimming striped surfperch
Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz. Journal of Fish Biology 69, 1612-1625.
Gabriel, J. P. and Bueschges, A. (2007). Control of stepping velocity
in a single insect leg during walking. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365,
Lingham-Soliar, T. and Plodowski, G. (2007). Taphonomic evidence for
high-speed adapted fins in thunniform ichthyosaurs. Naturwissenschaften
94, 65-70.
Fischer, M. S. and Witte, H. (2007). Legs evolved only at the end!
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical
and Engineering Sciences 365, 185-198.
Henderson, D. M. (2006). Burly gaits: Centers of mass, stability, and
the trackways of sauropod dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
26, 907-921.
Wescott, D. J. (2006). Ontogeny of femur subtrochanteric shape in
native Americans and American blacks and whites. Journal of Forensic
Sciences 51, 1240-1245.
Peat, G., Thomas, E., Wilkie, R. and Croft, P. (2006). Multiple joint
pain and lower extremity disability in middle and old age. Disability
and Rehabilitation 28, 1543-1549.
Butler, R. J., Davis, I. S. and Hamill, J. (2006). Interaction of arch
type and footwear on running mechanics. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 34, 1998-2005.
Blythe, M., Stoffel, K., Jarrett, P. and Kuster, M. (2006). Volar
versus dorsal locking plates with and without radial styloid locking
plates for the fixation of dorsally comminuted distal radius fractures:
A biomechanical study in cadavers. Journal of Hand Surgery-American
Volume 31A, 1587-1593.
Cheema, T. A., Firoozbakhsh, K., De Carvalho, A. F. and Mercer, D.
(2006). Biomechanic comparison of 3 tendon transfers for supination of
the forearm. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 1640-1644.
Means, K. R., Parks, B. G., Nguyen, A. and Schon, L. C. (2006).
Intramedullary nail fixation with posterior-to-anterior compared to
transverse distal screw placement for tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis: A
biomechanical investigation. Foot & Ankle International 27, 1137-1142.
Wolf, J. C., Weil, W. M., Hanel, D. P. and Trumble, T. E. (2006). A
biomechanic comparison of an internal radiocarpal-spanning 2.4-mm
locking plate and external fixation in a model of distal radius
fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 1578-1586.
Zech, S., Goesling, T., Hankemeier, S., Knobloch, K., Geerling, J.,
Schultz-Brunn, K., Krettek, C. and Richter, M. (2006). Differences in
the mechanical properties of calcaneal artificial specimens, fresh
frozen specimens, and embalmed specimens in experimental testing. Foot
& Ankle International 27, 1126-1136.
Wentorf, F. A., Sudoh, K., Moses, C., Arendt, E. A. and Carlson, C. S.
(2006). The effects of estrogen on material and mechanical properties
of the intra- and extra-articular knee structures. American Journal of
Sports Medicine 34, 1948-1952.
Fabris, S. M., Valezi, A. C., de Souza, S. A. F., Faintuch, J.,
Cecconello, I. and Junior, M. P. (2006). Computerized baropodometry in
obese patients. Obesity Surgery 16, 1574-1578.
Annicchiarico, W., Martinez, G. and Cerrolaza, M. (2007). Boundary
elements and beta-spline surface modeling for medical applications.
Applied Mathematical Modelling 31, 194-208.
Cendra, H. and Ferraro, S. J. (2006). A nonholonomic approach to
isoparallel problems and some applications. Dynamical Systems-an
International Journal 21, 409-437.
Li, H. Y. and Wang, Z. (2006). Intervertebral disc biomechanical
analysis using the finite element modeling based on medical images.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 30, 363-370.
Condon, P. I. (2006). 2005 ESCRS Ridley Medal Lecture - Will
keratectasia be a major complication for LASIK in the long term?
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 32, 2124-2132.
Fortenbaugh, F. C., Hicks, J. C., Hao, L. and Turano, K. A. (2006).
High-speed navigators: Using more than what meets the eye. Journal of
Vision 6, 565-579.
Liu, Y. P., Li, C., Liu, K. K. and Lai, A. C. K. (2006). The
deformation of an erythrocyte under the radiation pressure by optical
stretch. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme
128, 830-836.
Miller, J. M., Rossi, E. A., Wiesmair, M., Alexander, D. E. and Gallo,
O. (2006). Stability of gold bead tissue markers. Journal of Vision 6,
Sander, E. A., Downs, J. C., Hart, R. T., Burgoyne, C. F. and Nauman,
E. A. (2006). A cellular solid model of the lamina cribrosa: Mechanical
dependence on morphology. Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 879-889.
Troje, N. F., Sadr, J., Geyer, H. and Nakayama, K. (2006). Adaptation
aftereffects in the perception of gender from biological motion.
Journal of Vision 6, 850-857.
Cramer, G., Budgell, B., Henderson, C., Khalsa, P. and Pickar, J.
(2006). Basic science research related to chiropractic spinal
adjusting: The state of the art and recommendations revisited. Journal
of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 29, 726-761.
Becker, R., Brettschneider, O., Grobel, K. H., von Versen, R. and
Starke, C. (2006). Distraction forces on repaired bucket-handle lesions
in the medial meniscus. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34,
Sano, H., Saijo, Y. and Kokubun, S. (2006). Non-mineralized
fibrocartilage shows the lowest elastic modulus in the rabbit
supraspinatus tendon insertion: Measurement with scanning acoustic
microscopy. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 15, 743-749.
Ticker, J. B., Flatow, E. L., Pawluk, R. J., Soslowsky, L. J.,
Ratcliffe, A., Arnoczky, S. P., Mow, V. C. and Bigliani, L. U. (2006).
The inferior glenohumeral ligament: A correlative investigation.
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 15, 665-674.
Werner, C. M. L., Zingg, P. O., Lie, D., Jacob, H. A. C. and Gerber, C.
(2006). The biomechanical role of the subscapularis in latissimus dorsi
transfer for the treatment of irreparable rotator cuff tears. Journal
of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 15, 736-742.
Jacobsen, A. L., Agenbag, L., Esler, K. J., Pratt, R. B., Ewers, F. W.
and Davis, S. D. (2007). Xylem density, biomechanics and anatomical
traits correlate with water stress in 17 evergreen shrub species of the
Mediterranean-type climate region of South Africa. Journal of Ecology
95, 171-183.
Valverde, P. L., Vite, F., Perez-Hernandez, M. A. and Zavala-Hurtado,
J. A. (2007). Stem tilting, pseudocephalium orientation, and stem
allometry in Cephalocereus columna-trajani along a short latitudinal
gradient. Plant Ecology 188, 17-27.
Ayers, J. and Witting, J. (2007). Biomimetic approaches to the control
of underwater walking machines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365, 273-295.
Garcia, E. and de Santos, P. G. (2006). On the improvement of walking
performance in natural environments by a compliant adaptive gait. Ieee
Transactions on Robotics 22, 1240-1253.
Kelly, S. D. and Hukkeri, R. B. (2006). Mechanics, dynamics, and
control of a single-input aquatic vehicle with variable coefficient of
lift. Ieee Transactions on Robotics 22, 1254-1264.
Kimura, H., Fukuoka, Y. and Cohen, A. H. (2007). Biologically inspired
adaptive walking of a quadruped robot. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365,
Nishiwaki, K., Kuffner, J., Kagami, S., Inaba, M. and Inoue, H. (2007).
The experimental humanoid robot H7: a research platform for autonomous
behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365, 79-107.
Haraldsson, B. T., Langberg, H., Aagaard, P., Zuurmond, A. M., van El,
B., DeGroot, J., Kjaer, M. and Magnusson, S. P. (2006). Corticosteroids
reduce the tensile strength of isolated collagen fascicles. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 1992-1997.
Park, D. Y. and Chou, L. (2006). Stretching for prevention of achilles
tendon injuries: A review of the literature. Foot & Ankle International
27, 1086-1095.
Yoshikawa, T., Tohyama, H., Katsura, T., Kondo, E., Kotani, Y.,
Matsumoto, H., Toyama, Y. and Yasuda, K. (2006). Effects of local
administration of vascular endothelial growth factor on mechanical
characteristics of the semitendinosus tendon graft after anterior
cruciate ligament reconstruction in sheep. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 34, 1918-1925.
Gilbert, T. W., Sacks, M. S., Grashow, J. S., Woo, S. L. Y., Badylak,
S. F. and Chancellor, M. B. (2006). Fiber kinematics of small
intestinal submucosa under biaxial and uniaxial stretch. Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 890-898.
Blickhan, R., Seyfarth, A., Geyer, H., Grimmer, S., Wagner, H. and
Gunther, M. (2007). Intelligence by mechanics. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and
Engineering Sciences 365, 199-220.
DECEMBER 29, 2006 – JANUARY 6, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Kim, B., Moon, B. and Park, J. (2006). Biomechanical finite element
analysis of bone cemented hip crack initiation according to stem
design. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 20, 2168-2177.
Guo, H., Humphrey, J. D. and Davis, M. J. (2007). Effects of Biaxial
Stretch on Arteriolar Function In Vitro. American Journal of
Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.
Chen, G. J., Harvey, B. K., Shen, H., Chou, J., Victor, A. and Wang, Y.
(2006). Activation of adenosine A3 receptors reduces ischemic brain
injury in rodents. Journal of Neuroscience Research 84, 1848-1855.
Guillem, K., Vouillac, C., Azar, M. R., Parsons, L. H., Koob, G. F.,
Cador, M. and Stinus, L. (2006). Monoamine oxidase A rather than
monoamine oxidase B inhibition increases nicotine reinforcement in
rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 24, 3532-3540.
Suzuki, T., Yanai, M., Kubo, H., Kanda, A., Sasaki, H. and Butler, J.
P. (2006). Interaction of non-adherent suspended neutrophils to
complement opsonized pathogens: a new assay using optical traps. Cell
Research 16, 887-894.
Cannas, M., Schaefer, J., Domenici, P. and Steffensen, J. F. (2006).
Gait transition and oxygen consumption in swimming striped surfperch
Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz. Journal of Fish Biology 69, 1612-1625.
Gabriel, J. P. and Bueschges, A. (2007). Control of stepping velocity
in a single insect leg during walking. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365,
Lingham-Soliar, T. and Plodowski, G. (2007). Taphonomic evidence for
high-speed adapted fins in thunniform ichthyosaurs. Naturwissenschaften
94, 65-70.
Fischer, M. S. and Witte, H. (2007). Legs evolved only at the end!
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical
and Engineering Sciences 365, 185-198.
Henderson, D. M. (2006). Burly gaits: Centers of mass, stability, and
the trackways of sauropod dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
26, 907-921.
Wescott, D. J. (2006). Ontogeny of femur subtrochanteric shape in
native Americans and American blacks and whites. Journal of Forensic
Sciences 51, 1240-1245.
Peat, G., Thomas, E., Wilkie, R. and Croft, P. (2006). Multiple joint
pain and lower extremity disability in middle and old age. Disability
and Rehabilitation 28, 1543-1549.
Butler, R. J., Davis, I. S. and Hamill, J. (2006). Interaction of arch
type and footwear on running mechanics. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 34, 1998-2005.
Blythe, M., Stoffel, K., Jarrett, P. and Kuster, M. (2006). Volar
versus dorsal locking plates with and without radial styloid locking
plates for the fixation of dorsally comminuted distal radius fractures:
A biomechanical study in cadavers. Journal of Hand Surgery-American
Volume 31A, 1587-1593.
Cheema, T. A., Firoozbakhsh, K., De Carvalho, A. F. and Mercer, D.
(2006). Biomechanic comparison of 3 tendon transfers for supination of
the forearm. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 1640-1644.
Means, K. R., Parks, B. G., Nguyen, A. and Schon, L. C. (2006).
Intramedullary nail fixation with posterior-to-anterior compared to
transverse distal screw placement for tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis: A
biomechanical investigation. Foot & Ankle International 27, 1137-1142.
Wolf, J. C., Weil, W. M., Hanel, D. P. and Trumble, T. E. (2006). A
biomechanic comparison of an internal radiocarpal-spanning 2.4-mm
locking plate and external fixation in a model of distal radius
fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 31A, 1578-1586.
Zech, S., Goesling, T., Hankemeier, S., Knobloch, K., Geerling, J.,
Schultz-Brunn, K., Krettek, C. and Richter, M. (2006). Differences in
the mechanical properties of calcaneal artificial specimens, fresh
frozen specimens, and embalmed specimens in experimental testing. Foot
& Ankle International 27, 1126-1136.
Wentorf, F. A., Sudoh, K., Moses, C., Arendt, E. A. and Carlson, C. S.
(2006). The effects of estrogen on material and mechanical properties
of the intra- and extra-articular knee structures. American Journal of
Sports Medicine 34, 1948-1952.
Fabris, S. M., Valezi, A. C., de Souza, S. A. F., Faintuch, J.,
Cecconello, I. and Junior, M. P. (2006). Computerized baropodometry in
obese patients. Obesity Surgery 16, 1574-1578.
Annicchiarico, W., Martinez, G. and Cerrolaza, M. (2007). Boundary
elements and beta-spline surface modeling for medical applications.
Applied Mathematical Modelling 31, 194-208.
Cendra, H. and Ferraro, S. J. (2006). A nonholonomic approach to
isoparallel problems and some applications. Dynamical Systems-an
International Journal 21, 409-437.
Li, H. Y. and Wang, Z. (2006). Intervertebral disc biomechanical
analysis using the finite element modeling based on medical images.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 30, 363-370.
Condon, P. I. (2006). 2005 ESCRS Ridley Medal Lecture - Will
keratectasia be a major complication for LASIK in the long term?
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 32, 2124-2132.
Fortenbaugh, F. C., Hicks, J. C., Hao, L. and Turano, K. A. (2006).
High-speed navigators: Using more than what meets the eye. Journal of
Vision 6, 565-579.
Liu, Y. P., Li, C., Liu, K. K. and Lai, A. C. K. (2006). The
deformation of an erythrocyte under the radiation pressure by optical
stretch. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme
128, 830-836.
Miller, J. M., Rossi, E. A., Wiesmair, M., Alexander, D. E. and Gallo,
O. (2006). Stability of gold bead tissue markers. Journal of Vision 6,
Sander, E. A., Downs, J. C., Hart, R. T., Burgoyne, C. F. and Nauman,
E. A. (2006). A cellular solid model of the lamina cribrosa: Mechanical
dependence on morphology. Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 879-889.
Troje, N. F., Sadr, J., Geyer, H. and Nakayama, K. (2006). Adaptation
aftereffects in the perception of gender from biological motion.
Journal of Vision 6, 850-857.
Cramer, G., Budgell, B., Henderson, C., Khalsa, P. and Pickar, J.
(2006). Basic science research related to chiropractic spinal
adjusting: The state of the art and recommendations revisited. Journal
of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 29, 726-761.
Becker, R., Brettschneider, O., Grobel, K. H., von Versen, R. and
Starke, C. (2006). Distraction forces on repaired bucket-handle lesions
in the medial meniscus. American Journal of Sports Medicine 34,
Sano, H., Saijo, Y. and Kokubun, S. (2006). Non-mineralized
fibrocartilage shows the lowest elastic modulus in the rabbit
supraspinatus tendon insertion: Measurement with scanning acoustic
microscopy. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 15, 743-749.
Ticker, J. B., Flatow, E. L., Pawluk, R. J., Soslowsky, L. J.,
Ratcliffe, A., Arnoczky, S. P., Mow, V. C. and Bigliani, L. U. (2006).
The inferior glenohumeral ligament: A correlative investigation.
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 15, 665-674.
Werner, C. M. L., Zingg, P. O., Lie, D., Jacob, H. A. C. and Gerber, C.
(2006). The biomechanical role of the subscapularis in latissimus dorsi
transfer for the treatment of irreparable rotator cuff tears. Journal
of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 15, 736-742.
Jacobsen, A. L., Agenbag, L., Esler, K. J., Pratt, R. B., Ewers, F. W.
and Davis, S. D. (2007). Xylem density, biomechanics and anatomical
traits correlate with water stress in 17 evergreen shrub species of the
Mediterranean-type climate region of South Africa. Journal of Ecology
95, 171-183.
Valverde, P. L., Vite, F., Perez-Hernandez, M. A. and Zavala-Hurtado,
J. A. (2007). Stem tilting, pseudocephalium orientation, and stem
allometry in Cephalocereus columna-trajani along a short latitudinal
gradient. Plant Ecology 188, 17-27.
Ayers, J. and Witting, J. (2007). Biomimetic approaches to the control
of underwater walking machines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365, 273-295.
Garcia, E. and de Santos, P. G. (2006). On the improvement of walking
performance in natural environments by a compliant adaptive gait. Ieee
Transactions on Robotics 22, 1240-1253.
Kelly, S. D. and Hukkeri, R. B. (2006). Mechanics, dynamics, and
control of a single-input aquatic vehicle with variable coefficient of
lift. Ieee Transactions on Robotics 22, 1254-1264.
Kimura, H., Fukuoka, Y. and Cohen, A. H. (2007). Biologically inspired
adaptive walking of a quadruped robot. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365,
Nishiwaki, K., Kuffner, J., Kagami, S., Inaba, M. and Inoue, H. (2007).
The experimental humanoid robot H7: a research platform for autonomous
behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 365, 79-107.
Haraldsson, B. T., Langberg, H., Aagaard, P., Zuurmond, A. M., van El,
B., DeGroot, J., Kjaer, M. and Magnusson, S. P. (2006). Corticosteroids
reduce the tensile strength of isolated collagen fascicles. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 1992-1997.
Park, D. Y. and Chou, L. (2006). Stretching for prevention of achilles
tendon injuries: A review of the literature. Foot & Ankle International
27, 1086-1095.
Yoshikawa, T., Tohyama, H., Katsura, T., Kondo, E., Kotani, Y.,
Matsumoto, H., Toyama, Y. and Yasuda, K. (2006). Effects of local
administration of vascular endothelial growth factor on mechanical
characteristics of the semitendinosus tendon graft after anterior
cruciate ligament reconstruction in sheep. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 34, 1918-1925.
Gilbert, T. W., Sacks, M. S., Grashow, J. S., Woo, S. L. Y., Badylak,
S. F. and Chancellor, M. B. (2006). Fiber kinematics of small
intestinal submucosa under biaxial and uniaxial stretch. Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 128, 890-898.
Blickhan, R., Seyfarth, A., Geyer, H., Grimmer, S., Wagner, H. and
Gunther, M. (2007). Intelligence by mechanics. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and
Engineering Sciences 365, 199-220.