May 4-12, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine

***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.


Chavassieux P, Seeman E, Delmas PD (2007) Insights into material and
structural basis of bone fragility from diseases associated with
fractures: How determinants of the biomechanical properties of bone are
compromised by disease. Endocrine Reviews 28: 151-164

Gebauer M, Barvencik F, Beil FT, Lohse C, Pogoda P, Puschel K, Rueger
JM, Amling M (2007) Subdental synchondrosis. Computed tomographic and
histologic investigation on morphological aspects of fracture at the
base of the dens in 36 human axis specimens. Unfallchirurg 110: 97-103

Hsu WK, Sugiyama O, Park SH, Conduah A, Feeley BT, Liu NQ, Krenek L,
Virk MS, An DS, Chen IS, Lieberman JR (2007) Lentiviral-mediated BMP-2
gene transfer enhances healing of segmental femoral defects in rats.
Bone 40: 931-938

Tang SY, Zeenath U, Vashishth D (2007) Effects of non-enzymatic
glycation on cancellous bone fragility. Bone 40: 1144-1151


Baek S, Valentin A, Humphrey J (2007) Biochemomechanics of Cerebral
Vasospasm and its Resolution: II. Constitutive Relations and Model
Simulations. Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Butcher JT, McQuinn TC, Sedmera D, Turner D, Markwald RR (2007)
Transitions in Early Embryonic Atrioventricular Valvular Function
Correspond With Changes in Cushion Biomechanics That Are Predictable by
Tissue Composition. Circulation Research

Li ZY, Howarth SPS, Tang T, Graves MJ, U-King-Im J, Trivedi RA,
Kirkpatrick PJ, Gillard JH (2007) Structural analysis and magnetic
resonance imaging predict plaque vulnerability: A study comparing
symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. Journal of Vascular Surgery
45: 768-775


Candiello J, Balasubramani M, Schreiber EM, Cole GJ, Mayer U, Halfter
W, Lin H (2007) Biomechanical properties of native basement membranes.
Febs Journal

Li J, Chen G, Zheng L, Luo S, Zhao Z (2007) Osteoblast cytoskeletal
modulation in response to compressive stress at physiological levels.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry


Abe G, Ide H, Tamura K (2007) Function of FGF signaling in the
developmental process of the median fin fold in zebrafish.
Developmental Biology 304: 355-366

Du WG, Lu YW, Shu L, Bao YX (2007) Thermal dependence of food
assimilation and locomotor performance in juvenile blue-tailed skinks,
Eumeces elegans. Animal Biology 57: 29-38

Fleming PA, Bateman PW (2007) Just drop it and run: the effect of limb
autotomy on running distance and locomotion energetics of field
crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus). Journal of Experimental Biology 210:

Grochowska M (2007) Morphology of preimaginal stages of Lipara
rufitarsis Loew 1858 (Diptera : Chloropidae), a parasite of the common
reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.). Annales De La Societe
Entomologique De France 43: 57-62

Hamel JF, Mercier A (2007) In vivo investigation of oocyte transit and
maturation in a broadcast-spawning holothurian. Invertebrate Biology
126: 81-89

Heisswolf A, Gabler D, Obermaier E, Muller C (2007) Olfactory versus
contact cues in host plant recognition of a monophagous chrysomelid
beetle. Journal of Insect Behavior 20: 247-266

Hickman CS, Porter SS (2007) Nocturnal swimming, aggregation at light
traps, and mass spawning of scissurellid gastropods (Mollusca :
Vetigastropoda). Invertebrate Biology 126: 10-17

Jindrich DL, Smith NC, Jespers K, Wilson AM (2007) Mechanics of cutting
maneuvers by ostriches (Struthio camelus). Journal of Experimental
Biology 210: 1378-1390

Ledwell W, Benjamins S, Lawson J, Huntington J (2007) The most
southerly record of a stranded bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, from
the western North Atlantic Ocean. Arctic 60: 17-22

Li PP, Gao KQ, Hou LH, Xu X (2007) A gliding lizard from the Early
Cretaceous of China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America 104: 5507-5509

Meunier N, Belgacem YH, Martin JR (2007) Regulation of feeding
behaviour and locomotor activity by takeout in Drosophila. Journal of
Experimental Biology 210: 1424-1434

Paskins KE, Bowyer A, Megill WM, Scheibe JS (2007) Take-off and landing
forces and the evolution of controlled gliding in northern flying
squirrels Glaucomys sabrinus. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:

Schwarz D, Frey E, Meyer CA (2007) Pneumaticity and soft-tissue
reconstructions in the neck of diplodocid and dicraeosaurid sauropods.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52: 167-188

Sun C, Fantner GE, Adams J, Hansma PK, Waite JH (2007) The role of
calcium and magnesium in the concrete tubes of the sandcastle worm.
Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1481-1488


Cattaneo PM, Dalstra M, Melsen B (2007) Analysis of stress and strain
around orthodontically loaded implants: An animal study. International
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 22: 213-225

Herring SW (2007) Masticatory muscles and the skull: A comparative
perspective. Archives of Oral Biology 52: 296-299

Hsu ML, Chen FC, Kao HC, Cheng CK (2007) Influence of off-axis loading
of an anterior maxillary implant: A 3-dimensional finite element
analysis. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 22:

Miles TS (2007) Postural control of the human mandible. Archives of
Oral Biology 52: 347-352

Murray GM, Bhutada M, Peck CC, Phanachet I, Sae-Lee D, Whittle T (2007)
The human lateral pterygoid muscle. Archives of Oral Biology 52: 377-380

Peck CC, Hannam AG (2007) Human jaw and muscle modelling. Archives of
Oral Biology 52: 300-304

Widmer CG, English AW, Morris-Wiman J (2007) Developmental and
functional considerations of masseter muscle partitioning. Archives of
Oral Biology 52: 305-308


Atijosan O, Kuper H, Rischewski D, Simms V, Lavy C (2007)
Musculoskeletal impairment survey in Rwanda: Design of survey tool,
survey methodology, and results of the pilot study (a cross sectional
survey) - art. no. 30. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 8: 30-30

Descatha A, Roquelaure Y, Evanoff B, Niedhammer I, Chastang J, Mariot
C, Ha C, Imbernon E, Goldberg M, Leclerc A (2007) Selected questions on
biomechanical exposures for surveillance of upper-limb work-related
musculoskeletal disorders. International Archives of Occupational and
Environmental Health

Riviere J (2007) Self-produced locomotion and spatial cognition: a new
light from spinal muscular atrophy. Archives De Pediatrie 14: 279-284


Stoloff RH, Zehr EP, Ferris DP (2007) Recumbent stepping has similar
but simpler neural control compared to walking. Experimental Brain
Research 178: 427-438


Konrad G, Markmiller M, Ruter A, Sudkamp N (2007) Biomechanical
evaluation of glenohumeral stability through muscle force vector
analysis. Effect of a decreased glenoid inclination in shoulders with
global rotator cuff tears. Unfallchirurg 110: 124-129


Amarasinghe R, Dao DV, Toriyama T, Sugiyama S (2007) Development of
miniaturized 6-axis accelerometer utilizing piezoresistive sensing
elements. Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 134: 310-320

Cesa CM, Kirchgessner N, Mayer D, Schwarz US, Hoffmann B, Merkel R
(2007) Micropatterned silicone elastomer substrates for high resolution
analysis of cellular force patterns - art. no. 034301. Review of
Scientific Instruments 78: 34301-34301


Akhtar I, Mittal R, Lauder GV, Drucker E (2007) Hydrodynamics of a
biologically inspired tandem flapping foil configuration. Theoretical
and Computational Fluid Dynamics 21: 155-170

Brittain JS, Halliday DM, Conway BA, Nielsen JB (2007) Single-trial
multiwavelet coherence in application to neurophysiological time
series. Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54: 854-862

Gefen A (2007) Risk factors for a pressure-related deep tissue injury:
a theoretical model. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing


Sabra KG, Conti S, Roux P, Kuperman WA (2007) Passive in vivo
elastography from skeletal muscle noise. Applied Physics Letters


Hashimoto M, Sun DM, Rittling SR, Denhardt DT, Young W (2007)
Osteopontin-deficient mice exhibit less inflammation, greater tissue
damage, and impaired locomotor recovery from spinal cord injury
compared with wild-type controls. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 3603-3611

Ishida H, Shirayama Y, Iwata M, Katayama S, Yamamoto A, Kawahara R,
Nakagome K (2007) Infusion of neuropeptide Y into CA3 region of
hippocampus produces antidepressant-like effect via Y1 receptor.
Hippocampus 17: 271-280

Loehr JD, Palmer C (2007) Cognitive and biomechanical influences in
pianists' finger tapping. Experimental Brain Research 178: 518-528

Muir GD, Webb AA, Kanagal S, Taylor L (2007) Dorsolateral cervical
spinal injury differentially affects forelimb and hindlimb action in
rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 1501-1510

Musampa N, Mathieu P, Levin M (2007) Relationship between stretch
reflex thresholds and voluntary arm muscle activation in patients with
spasticity. Experimental Brain Research

Swartz KR, Fee DB, Joy KM, Roberts KN, Sun S, Scheff NN, Wilson ME,
Scheff SW (2007) Gender differences in spinal cord injury are not
estrogen-dependent. Journal of Neurotrauma 24: 473-480

Willson ML, Bower AJ, Sherrard RM (2007) Developmental neural
plasticity and its cognitive benefits: olivocerebellar reinnervation
compensates for spatial function in the cerebellum. European Journal of
Neuroscience 25: 1475-1483

Yu C, Geddes J (2007) Sustained Calpain Inhibition Improves Locomotor
Function and Tissue Sparing Following Contusive Spinal Cord Injury.
Neurochemical Research


Ahearne M, Yang Y, Then K, Liu K (2007) An Indentation Technique to
Characterize the Mechanical and Viscoelastic Properties of Human and
Porcine Corneas. Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Beastall J, Karadimas E, Siddiqui M, Nicol M, Hughes J, Smith F,
Wardlaw D (2007) The Dynesys lumbar spinal stabilization system - A
preliminary report on positional magnetic resonance imaging findings.
Spine 32: 685-690


Bransford R, Goerge E, Briody J, Amanat N, Cree A, Little D (2007)
Effect of zoledronic acid in an L6-L7 rabbit spine fusion model.
European Spine Journal 16: 557-562

Dmitriev AE, Kuklo TR, Lehman RA, Rosner MK (2007) Stabilizing
potential of anterior, posterior, and circumferential fixation for
multilevel cervical arthrodesis - An in vitro human cadaveric study of
the operative and adjacent segment kinematics. Spine 32: E188-E196

Huynh AM, Aubin CE, Rajwani T, Bagnall KM, Villemure I (2007) Pedicle
growth asymmetry as a cause of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a
biomechanical study. European Spine Journal 16: 523-529

Nuckley DJ, Van Nausdle JA, Eck MP, Ching RP (2007) Neural space and
biomechanical integrity of the developing cervical spine in
compression. Spine 32: E181-E187

Takahashi J, Shono Y, Nakamura I, Hirabayashi H, Kamimura M, Ebara S,
Kato H (2007) Computer-assisted screw insertion for cervical disorders
in rheumatoid arthritis. European Spine Journal 16: 485-494

Vadapalli S, Sairyo K, Goel V (2007) Biomechanical rationale for using
polyetheretherketone (PEEK) spacers for lumbar interbody fusion: a
finite element study (vol 31, pg E992, 2006). Spine 32: 710-710

Wang W, Chen HH, Yang XH, Xu G, Chan KM, Qin L (2007) Postoperative
Programmed Muscle Tension Augmented Osteotendinous Junction Repair.
International Journal of Sports Medicine


Gaasbeek R, Welsing R, Barink M, Verdonschot N, Kampen A (2007) The
influence of open and closed high tibial osteotomy on dynamic patellar
tracking: a biomechanical study. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology

Handl M, Drzik M, Cerulli G, Povysil C, Chlpik J, Varga F, Amler E, Trc
T (2007) Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament: dynamic
strain evaluation of the graft. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology
Arthroscopy 15: 233-241


Savoie S, Tanguay S, Centomo H, Beauchamp G, Anidjar M, Prince F (2007)
Postural control during laparoscopic surgical tasks. American Journal
of Surgery 193: 498-501


Harris AM, Lanningham-Foster LM, McCrady SK, Levine JA (2007)
Nonexercise movement in elderly compared with young people. American
Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 292: E1207-E1212

Seifert L, Vantorre J, Chollet D (2007) Biomechanical Analysis of the
Breaststroke Start. International Journal of Sports Medicine


Xie C, Reynolds D, Awad H, Rubery PT, Pelled G, Gazit D, Guldberg RE,
Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ, Zhang XP (2007) Structural bone allograft
combined with genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells as a novel
platform for bone tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering 13: 435-445


Gong SW, Lee HP, Lu C (2007) An approach for the estimation of contact
force on a human head induced by a foreign-object impact. Ieee
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54: 956-958

Maikos JT, Shreiber DI (2007) Immediate damage to the blood-spinal cord
barrier due to mechanical trauma. Journal of Neurotrauma 24: 492-507


Bampidis VA, Lymberopoulos AG, Christodoulou V, Belibasaki S (2007)
Impacts of supplemental dietary biotin on lameness in sheep. Animal
Feed Science and Technology 134: 162-169

Rubio-Martinez LM, Koenig JB, Halling KB, Wilkins K, Schulz K (2007)
Use of a circular external skeletal fixator for stabilization of a
comminuted diaphyseal metatarsal fracture in an alpaca. Javma-Journal
of the American Veterinary Medical Association 230: 1044-1048

Waselau M, Samii VE, Weisbrode SE, Litsky AS, Bertone AL (2007) Effects
of a magnesium adhesive cement on bone stability and healing following
a metatarsal osteotomy in horses. American Journal of Veterinary
Research 68: 370-378


Mahomed FM, Hayat T, Momoniat E, Asghar S (2007) Gliding motion of
bacterium in a non-Newtonian slime. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World
Applications 8: 853-864