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    May 13-21, 2007
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
    Emory University
    School of Medicine

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
    the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
    available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Benhamou CL (2007) Texture analysis on bone radiographs. Osteoporosis
    International 18: 864-+

    Jiang SD, Shen C, Jiang LS, Dai LY (2007) Differences of bone mass and
    bone structure in osteopenic rat models caused by spinal cord injury
    and ovariectomy. Osteoporosis International 18: 743-750

    Lobo AR, Colli C, Alvares EP, Filisetti T (2007) Effects of
    fructans-containing yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius Poepp & Endl.)
    flour on caecum mucosal morphometry, calcium and magnesium balance, and
    bone calcium retention in growing. British Journal of Nutrition 97:

    Ma CB, Kawamura S, Deng XH, Ying L, Schneidkraut J, Hays P, Rodeo SA
    (2007) Bone morphogenetic proteins-signaling plays a role in
    tendon-to-bone healing - A study of rhBMP-2 and noggin. American
    Journal of Sports Medicine 35: 597-604

    Woo DG, Won YY, Kim HS, Lim D (2007) A biomechanical study of
    osteoporotic vertebral trabecular bone: The use of micro-CT and
    high-resolution finite element analysis. Journal of Mechanical Science
    and Technology 21: 593-601


    Matrai M, Mericli M, Nadasy GL, Szekeres M, Varbiro S, Banhidy F, Acs
    N, Monos E, Szekacs B (2007) Gender differences in biomechanical
    properties of intramural coronary resistance arteries of rats, an in
    vitro microarteriographic study. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1024-1030


    Farre-Castany MA, Schwaller B, Gregory P, Barski J, Mariethoz C,
    Eriksson JL, Tetko IV, Wolfer D, Celio MR, Schmutz I, Albrecht U, Villa
    AEP (2007) Differences in locomotor behavior revealed in mice deficient
    for the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin D-28k or both.
    Behavioural Brain Research 178: 250-261

    Ishiwari K, Madson LJ, Farrar AM, Mingote SM, Valenta JP,
    DiGianvittorio MD, Frank LE, Correa M, Hockemeyer J, Muller C, Salamone
    JD (2007) Injections of the selective adenosine A(2A) antagonist MSX-3
    into the nucleus accumbens core attenuate the locomotor suppression
    induced by haloperidol in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 178: 190-199

    Mor A, Grossman Y (2007) High pressure modulation of NMDA receptor
    dependent excitability. European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2045-2052

    Ng L, Hung HH, Sprunt A, Chubinskaya S, Ortiz C, Grodzinsky A (2007)
    Nanomechanical properties of individual chondrocytes and their
    developing growth factor-stimulated pericellular matrix. Journal of
    Biomechanics 40: 1011-1023

    Sokolov A, Aranson IS, Kessler JO, Goldstein RE (2007) Concentration
    dependence of the collective dynamics of swimming bacteria - art. no.
    158102. Physical Review Letters 98: 8102-8102


    Fajardo RJ, Muller R, Ketcham RA, Colbert M (2007) Nonhuman anthropoid
    primate femoral neck trabecular architecture and its relationship to
    locomotor mode. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and
    Evolutionary Biology 290: 422-436

    Goszczynski J, Posluszny M, Pilot M, Gralak B (2007) Patterns of winter
    locomotion and foraging in two sympatric marten species: Martes martes
    and Martes foina. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De
    Zoologie 85: 239-249

    Nicolas G, Multon F, Berillon G, Marchal F (2007) From bone to
    plausible bipedal locomotion using inverse kinematics. Journal of
    Biomechanics 40: 1048-1057

    Patel LN, Murray A, Hallam J (2007) Super-lampreys and wave energy:
    Optimised control of artificially-evolved, simulated swimming lamprey.
    Neurocomputing 70: 1139-1154

    Ropert-Coudert Y, Wilson RP, Yoda K, Kato A (2007) Assessing
    performance constraints in penguins with externally-attached devices.
    Marine Ecology-Progress Series 333: 281-289


    Shum GLK, Shum GLK, Lee RYW (2007) Three-dimensional kinetics of the
    lumbar spine and hips in low back pain patients during sit-to-stand and
    stand-to-sit. Spine 32: E211-E219


    Alexander RM (2007) Biomechanics: Stable running. Current Biology 17:

    Plotnik M, Giladi N, Hausdorff J (2007) A new measure for quantifying
    the bilateral coordination of human gait: effects of aging and
    Parkinson' s disease. Experimental Brain Research


    Jin BT (2007) Indications, methods, postoperative motion and outcome
    evaluation of primary flexor tendon repairs in zone 2. Journal of Hand
    Surgery-British and European Volume 32E: 118-129


    Bijlsma JWJ, Knahr K (2007) Strategies for the prevention and
    management of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. Best Practice &
    Research in Clinical Rheumatology 21: 59-76

    Hennerbichler A, Rosenberger R, Arora R, Hennerbichler D (2007)
    Biochemical, biomechanical and histological properties of
    osteoarthritic porcine knee cartilage: implications for osteochondral
    transplantation. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

    Hoshino Y, Kuroda R, Nagamune K, Nishimoto K, Yagi M, Mizuno K, Yoshiya
    S, Kurosaka M (2007) The effect of graft tensioning in anatomic
    2-bundle ACL reconstruction on knee joint kinematics. Knee Surgery
    Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 15: 508-514

    Lovric I, Jovanovic S, Leksan I, Biuk E, Kristek J, Radic R (2007)
    Functional status of hip joint after surgical and conservative
    treatment of acetabular fracture. Collegium Antropologicum 31: 285-289


    Stapelfeldt B, Mornieux G, Oberheim R, Belli A, Gollhofer A (2007)
    Development and Evaluation of a New Bicycle Instrument for Measurements
    of Pedal Forces and Power Output in Cycling. International Journal of
    Sports Medicine


    Bauer AL, Jackson TL, Jiang Y (2007) A cell-based model exhibiting
    branching and anastomosis during tumor-induced angiogenesis.
    Biophysical Journal 92: 3105-3121

    Kim YH, Kim K (2007) Computational modeling of spine and trunk muscles
    subjected to follower force. Journal of Mechanical Science and
    Technology 21: 568-574

    Pipeleers G, Demeulenaere B, Jonkers I, Spaepen P, Van der Perre G,
    Spaepen A, Swevers J, De Schutter J (2007) Dynamic simulation of human
    motion: numerically efficient inclusion of muscle physiology by convex
    optimization. Optimization and Engineering


    Cauli O, Mlili N, Llansola M, Felipo V (2007) Motor activity is
    modulated via different neuronal circuits in rats with chronic liver
    failure than in normal rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 25:

    Engesser-Cesar C, Ichiyama RM, Nefas AL, Hill MA, Edgerton VR, Cotman
    CW, Anderson AJ (2007) Wheel running following spinal cord injury
    improves locomotor recovery and stimulates serotonergic fiber growth.
    European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 1931-1939

    Lane MA, Truettner JS, Brunschwig JP, Gomez A, Bunge MB, Dietrich WD,
    Dziegielewska KM, Ek CJ, VandeBerg JL, Saunders NR (2007) Age-related
    differences in the local cellular and molecular responses to injury in
    developing spinal cord of the opossum, Monodelphis domestica. European
    Journal of Neuroscience 25: 1725-1742


    Giaschi D, Zwicker A, Young SA, Bjornson B (2007) The role of cortical
    area V5/MT+ in speed-tuned directional anisotropies in global motion
    perception. Vision Research 47: 887-898

    Liu J, He XY, Pan XL, Roberts CJ (2007) Ultrasonic model and system for
    measurement of corneal biomechanical properties and validation on
    phantoms. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1177-1182


    Beall MS, Copley LAB, Niemann JJ, Lankachandra K, Williams JL (2007)
    Biomechanical evaluation of fetal calf skull as a model for testing
    halo-pin designs for use in children. Journal of Biomechanics 40:

    Ditunno JF, Scivoletto G, Patrick M, Biering-Sorensen F, Abel R, Marino
    R (2007) Validation of the walking index for spinal cord injury in a US
    and European clinical population. Spinal Cord

    Eskander M, Brooks D, Ordway N, Dale E, Connolly P (2007) Analysis of
    pedicle and translaminar facet fixation in a multisegment interbody
    fusion model. Spine 32: E230-E235

    Kim DH, Albert TJ (2007) Interspinous process spacers. Journal of the
    American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 15: 200-207

    Peer KS, Fascione JM (2007) Spondylolysis - A review and treatment
    approach. Orthopaedic Nursing 26: 104-111

    Puttlitz CM, Masaru F, Barkley A, Diab M, Acaroglu E (2007) A
    biomechanical assessment of thoracic spine stapling. Spine 32: 766-771

    Teyhen DS, Flynn TW, Childs JD, Kuklo TR, Rosner MK, Polly DW, Abraham
    LD (2007) Fluoroscopic video to identify aberrant lumbar motion. Spine
    32: E220-E229


    Jarvela T (2007) Double-bundle versus single-bundle anterior cruciate
    ligament reconstruction: a prospective, randomize clinical study. Knee
    Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 15: 500-507

    Pompe B, Antolic V (2007) Slotted acetabular augmentation for the
    treatment of residual hip dysplasia in adults: early results of 12
    patients. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

    Sharma A, Komistek RD, Ranawat CS, Dennis DA, Mahfouz MR (2007) Winner
    of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA)
    "Biomechanics Award" - In vivo contact pressures in total knee
    arthroplasties. Journal of Arthroplasty 22: 404-416

    Viskontas DG, Skrinskas TV, Johnson JA, King GJ, Winemaker MJ, Chess DG
    (2007) Computer-assisted gap equalization in total knee arthroplasty.
    Journal of Arthroplasty 22: 334-342

    Zhang AL, Lewicky YM, Oka R, Mahar A, Pedowitz R (2007) Biomechanical
    analysis of femoral tunnel pull-out angles for anterior cruciate
    ligament reconstruction with bioabsorbable and metal interference
    screws. American Journal of Sports Medicine 35: 637-642


    Audu ML, Kirsch RF, Triolo RJ (2007) Experimental verification of a
    computational technique for determining ground reactions in human
    bipedal stance. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1115-1124

    Fransson P, Gomez S, Patel M, Johansson L (2007) Changes in
    multi-segmented body movements and EMG activity while standing on firm
    and foam support surfaces. European Journal of Applied Physiology


    Ant n MM, Izquierdo M, Ib ez J, Asiain X, Mendiguch a J, Gorostiaga EM
    (2007) Flat and Uphill Climb Time Trial Performance Prediction in Elite
    Amateur Cyclists. International Journal of Sports Medicine

    Knapik JJ, Darakjy S, Hauret KG, Canada S, Marin R, Jones BH (2007)
    Ambulatory Physical Activity during United States Army Basic Combat
    Training. International Journal of Sports Medicine

    Lintner D, Mayol M, Uzodinma O, Jones R, Labossiere D (2007)
    Glenohumeral internal rotation deficits in professional pitchers
    enrolled in an internal rotation stretching program. American Journal
    of Sports Medicine 35: 617-621


    Elwakil TF (2007) An in-vivo experimental evaluation of He-Ne laser
    photostimulation in healing Achilles tendons. Lasers in Medical Science
    22: 53-59

    Gibson BW, Webner D, Huffman GR, Sennett BJ (2007) Ulnar collateral
    ligament reconstruction in major league baseball pitchers. American
    Journal of Sports Medicine 35: 575-581

    Hewett TE, Zazulak BT, Myer GD (2007) Effects of the menstrual cycle on
    anterior cruciate ligament injury risk - A systematic review. American
    Journal of Sports Medicine 35: 659-668

    Jordan SS, DeFrate LE, Nha KW, Papannagari R, Gill TJ, Li GA (2007) The
    in vivo kinematics of the anteromedial and posterolateral bundles of
    the anterior cruciate ligament during weightbearing knee flexion.
    American Journal of Sports Medicine 35: 547-554

    Schimizzi A, Wedemeyer M, Odell T, Thomas W, Mahar AT, Pedowitz R
    (2007) Effects of a novel sterilization process on soft tissue
    mechanical properties for anterior cruciate ligament allografts.
    American Journal of Sports Medicine 35: 612-616


    Gerber P, Coffman K (2007) Nonaccidental head trauma in infants. Childs
    Nervous System 23: 499-507

    Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP (2007) The influence of
    deceleration forces on ACL strain during single-leg landing: A
    simulation study. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1145-1152

    Vasavada AN, Brault JR, Siegmund GP (2007) Musculotendon and fascicle
    strains in anterior and posterior neck muscles during whiplash injury.
    Spine 32: 756-765


    Thomsen PT, Ostergaard S, Houe H, Sorensen JT (2007) Loser cows in
    Danish dairy herds: Risk factors. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 79: