May 27-31, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine

***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.


Akhter MP, Jung LKL (2007) Decreased bone strength in HLA-B27
transgenic rat model of spondyloarthropathy. Rheumatology

Nyman JS, Roy A, Tyler JH, Acuna RL, Gayle HJ, Wang XD (2007)
Age-related factors affecting the postyield energy dissipation of human
cortical bone. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 25: 646-655

Zdero R, Rose S, Schemitsch EH, Papini M (2007) Cortical screw pullout
strength and effective shear stress in synthetic third generation
composite femurs. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of
the Asme 129: 289-293


de Vaca SC, Kannan P, Pan Y, Jiang N, Sun YJ, Carr KD (2007) The
adenosine A(2A) receptor agonist, CGS-21680, blocks excessive rearing,
acquisition of wheel running, and increases nucleus accumbens CREB
phosphorylation in chronically food-restricted rats. Brain Research
1142: 100-109

Li CH, Xu QB (2007) Mechanical stress-initiated signal transduction in
vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro and in vivo. Cellular Signalling
19: 881-891

Mikawa T, Hurtado R (2007) Development of the cardiac conduction
system. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 18: 90-100


Burdelov SA, Leiderman M, Khokhlova IS, Krasnov BR, Degen AA (2007)
Locomotor response to light and surface angle in three species of
desert fleas. Parasitology Research 100: 973-982

Essner RL (2007) Morphology, locomotor behaviour and microhabitat use
in North American squirrels. Journal of Zoology 272: 101-109

Feng XQ, Gao XF, Wu ZN, Jiang L, Zheng QS (2007) Superior water
repellency of water strider legs with hierarchical structures:
Experiments and analysis. Langmuir 23: 4892-4896

Liu QS, Li JY, Wang DH (2007) Ultradian rhythms and the nutritional
importance of caecotrophy in captive Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys
brandtii). Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and
Environmental Physiology 177: 423-432

Piratello AC, Mattioli R (2007) Thioperamide delays vestibular
compensation in goldfish. Neuroscience Letters 415: 146-148

Sensenig AT, Shultz JW (2006) Mechanical energy oscillations during
locomotion in the harvestman Leiobunum vittatum (Opiliones). Journal of
Arachnology 34: 627-633

Shousha S, Nakahara K, Nasu T, Sakamoto T, Murakami N (2007) Effect of
glucagon-like peptide-1 and-2 on regulation of food intake, body
temperature and locomotor activity in the Japanese quail. Neuroscience
Letters 415: 102-107

Spence AJ, Hebets EA (2006) Anatomy and physiology of giant neurons in
the antenniform leg of the amblypygid Phrynus marginemaculatus. Journal
of Arachnology 34: 566-577


Ichim I, Kieser JA, Swain MV (2007) Functional significance of strain
distribution in the human mandible under masticatory load: Numerical
predictions. Archives of Oral Biology 52: 465-473


Lamontagne A, Stephenson JL, Fung J (2007) Physiological evaluation of
gait disturbances post stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology 118: 717-729


Alshami AM, Babri AS, Souvlis T, Coppieters MW (2007) Biomechanical
evaluation of two clinical tests for plantar heel pain: The
dorsiflexion-eversion test for tarsal tunnel syndrome and the windlass
test for plantar fasciitis. Foot & Ankle International 28: 499-505

Hui HEJ, Beals TC, Brown NAT (2007) Influence of tendon transfer site
on moment arms of the flexor digitorum longus muscle. Foot & Ankle
International 28: 441-447

Labib S, Hage WD, Sutton KM, Hutton W (2007) The effect of ankle
position on the static tension in the Achilles tendon before and after
operative repair: A biomechanical cadaver study. Foot & Ankle
International 28: 478-481

Queen RM, Mall NA, Hardaker WM, Nunley JA (2007) Describing the medial
longitudinal arch using footprint indices and a clinical grading
system. Foot & Ankle International 28: 456-462


Jay GD, Torres JR, Warman ML, Laderer MC, Breuer KS (2007) The role of
lubricin in the mechanical behavior of synovial fluid. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104:


Kurz MJ, Stergiou N (2007) Hip actuations can be used to control
bifurcations and chaos in a passive dynamic walking model. Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 129: 216-222

Yang SY, Yu HY, Gong WM, Wu B, Mayton L, Costello R, Wooley PH (2007)
Murine model of prosthesis failure for the long-term study of aseptic
loosening. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 25: 603-611


Macias M, Dwornik A, Ziemlinska E, Fehr S, Schachner M,
Czarkowska-Bauch J, Skup M (2007) Locomotor exercise alters expression
of pro-brain-derived neurotrophic factor, brain-derived neurotrophic
factor and its receptor TrkB in the spinal cord of adult rats. European
Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2425-2444

Ooi TL, He ZJ (2007) A distance judgment function based on space
perception mechanisms: Revisiting Gilinsky's (1951) equation.
Psychological Review 114: 441-454

Petruska JC, Ichiyama RM, Jindrich DL, Crown ED, Tansey KE, Roy RR,
Edgerton VR, Mendell LM (2007) Changes in motoneuron properties and
synaptic inputs related to step training after spinal cord transection
in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 4460-4471

Sayenko DG, Vette AH, Kamibayashi K, Nakajima T, Akai M, Nakazawa K
(2007) Facilitation of the soleus stretch reflex induced by electrical
excitation of plantar cutaneous afferents located around the heel.
Neuroscience Letters 415: 294-298

Wakatsuki Y, Kudo T, Shibata S (2007) Constant light housing during
nursing causes human DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome) behaviour in
Clock-mutant mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2413-2424


Kadoury S, Cheriet F, Laporte C, Labelle H (2007) A versatile 3D
reconstruction system of the spine and pelvis for clinical assessment
of spinal deformities. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

Yantzer BK, Freeman TB, Lee WE, Nichols T, Inamasu J, Guiot B, Johnson
WM (2007) Torsion-induced pressure distribution changes in human
intervertebral discs - An in vitro study. Spine 32: 881-884


Gardner MJ, Nork SE (2007) Stabilization of unstable pelvic fractures
with supraacetabular compression external fixation. Journal of
Orthopaedic Trauma 21: 269-273

Li ZP, Butala NB, Etheridge BS, Siegel HJ, Lemons JE, Eberhardt AW
(2007) A biomechanical study of periacetabular defects and cement
filling. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme
129: 129-136

Magu NK, Singh R, Sharma AK, Ummat V (2007) Modified pauwels'
intertrochanteric osteotomy in neglected femoral neck fractures in
children: A report of 10 cases followed for a minimum of 5 years.
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 21: 237-243

McConnell AJ, Yoo DJ, Zdero R, Schemitsch EH, McKee MD (2007) Methods
of operative fixation of the acromio-clavicular joint: A biomechanical
comparison. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 21: 248-253

Pichora JE, Furukawa K, Ferreira LM, Faber KJ, Johnson JA, King GJW
(2007) Initial repair strengths of two methods for acute medial
collateral ligament injuries of the elbow. Journal of Orthopaedic
Research 25: 612-616


Khuder H, Stokes A, Danjon F, Gouskou K, Lagane F (2007) Is it possible
to manipulate root anchorage in young trees? Plant and Soil


Segal AD, Orendurff MS, Klute GK, McDowell ML, Pecoraro JA, Shofer J,
Czerniecki JM (2006) Kinematic and kinetic comparisons of transfemoral
amputee gait using C-Leg (R) and Mauch SNS (R) prosthetic knees.
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 43: 857-869


Back W, MacAllister CG, van Heel MCV, Pollmeier M, Hanson PD (2007)
Vertical frontlimb ground reaction forces of sound and lame warmbloods
differ from those in quarter horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary
Science 27: 123-129