JUNE 1-7, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Fu Q, Hue J, Li SX (2007) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs promote
axon regeneration via RhoA inhibition. Journal of Neuroscience 27:
Gerth VE, Katsuyama K, Snyder KA, Bowes JB, Kitayama A, Ueno N, Vize PD
(2007) Projecting 2D gene expression data into 3D and 4D space.
Developmental Dynamics 236: 1036-1043
Humrich JY, Thumann P, Greiner S, Humrich JH, Averbeck M, Schwank C,
Kampgen E, Schuler G, Jenne L (2007) Vaccinia virus impairs directional
migration and chemokine receptor switch of human dendritic cells.
European Journal of Immunology 37: 954-965
Lee FJS, Pei L, Moszczynska A, Vukusic B, Fletcher PJ, Liu F (2007)
Dopamine transporter cell surface localization facilitated by a direct
interaction with the dopamine D2 receptor. Embo Journal 26: 2127-2136
Delmas V, Baudry E, Girondot M, Prevot-Julliard AC (2007) The righting
response as a fitness index in freshwater turtles. Biological Journal
of the Linnean Society 91: 99-109
Goodman BA (2007) Divergent morphologies, performance, and escape
behaviour in two tropical rock-using lizards (Reptilia : Scincidae).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 85-98
Hassrick JL, Crocker DE, Zeno RL, Blackwell SB, Costa DP, Le Boeuf BJ
(2007) Swimming speed and foraging strategies of northern elephant
seals. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography 54:
Lawson SEM, Chateau H, Pourcelot P, Denoix JM, Crevier-Denoix N (2007)
Effect of toe and heel elevation on calculated tendon strains in the
horse and the influence of the proximal interphalangeal joint. Journal
of Anatomy 210: 583-591
Pisingan RS, Takemura A (2007) Apparent semi-lunar spawning rhythmicity
in a brackish cardinalfish. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 1512-1522
Riisgard HU (2007) Biomechanics and energy cost of the amphipod
Corophium volutator filter-pump. Biological Bulletin 212: 104-114
Santos AV, de Oliveira BL, Samuels RI (2007) Selection of
entomopathogenic fungi for use in combination with sub-lethal doses of
imidacloprid: perspectives for the control of the leaf-cutting ant Atta
sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera : Formicidae). Mycopathologia
163: 233-240
Trimmer B, Issberner J (2007) Kinematics of soft-bodied, legged
locomotion in Manduca sexta larvae. Biological Bulletin 212: 130-142
van Wesenbeeck BK, van de Koppel J, Herman PMJ, Bakker JP, Bouma TJ
(2007) Biomechanical warfare in ecology; negative interactions between
species by habitat modification. Oikos 116: 742-750
Houwen S, Visscher C, Hartman E, Lemmink K (2007) Gross motor skills
and sports participation of children with visual impairments. Research
Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 78: 16-23
Zhao JB, Jorgensen CS, Liao DH, Gregersen H (2007) Dimensions and
circumferential stress-strain relation in the porcine esophagus in
vitro determined by combined impedance planimetry and high-frequency
ultrasound. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 52: 1338-1344
Roselli RJ, Brophy SP (2006) Effectiveness of challenge-based
instruction in biomechanics. Journal of Engineering Education 95:
Andrysek J, Redekop S, Naumann S (2007) Preliminary evaluation of an
automatically stance-phase controlled pediatric prosthetic knee joint
using quantitative gait analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation 88: 464-470
Giesser B, Beres-Jones J, Budovitch A, Herlihy E, Harkema S (2007)
Locomotor training using body weight support on a treadmill improves
mobility in persons with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study. Multiple
Sclerosis 13: 224-231
Kobesova A, Morris CE, Lewit K, Safarova M (2007) Twenty-year-old
pathogenic "active" postsurgical scar: A case study of a patient with
persistent right lower quadrant pain. Journal of Manipulative and
Physiological Therapeutics 30: 234-238
von Porat A, Henriksson M, Holmstrom E, Roos EM (2007) Knee kinematics
and kinetics in former soccer players with a 16-year-old ACL injury -
the effects of twelve weeks of knee-specific training - art. no. 35.
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 8: 35-35
Buchholtz EA (2007) Modular evolution of the Cetacean vertebral column.
Evolution & Development 9: 278-289
O'Higgins P, Elton S (2007) Anthropology - Walking on trees. Science
316: 1292-1294
Schoonaert K, D'Aout K, Aerts P (2007) Morphometrics and inertial
properties in the body segments of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
Journal of Anatomy 210: 518-531
Shackelford LL (2007) Regional variation in the postcranial robusticity
of late upper paleolithic humans. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 133: 655-668
Sladek V, Berner M, Sosna D, Sailer R (2007) Human manipulative
behavior in the central European Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age:
Humeral bilateral asymmetry. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
133: 669-681
Hoefnagels EM, Waites MD, Wing ID, Belkoff SM, Swierstra BA (2007)
Biomechanical comparison of the interosseous tibiotibular ligament and
the anterior tibiofibular ligament. Foot & Ankle International 28:
Kristen KH (2007) Biomechanics of the arch of the foot. Pre- and
postoperative radiological examination. Radiologe 47: 202-+
Muckley T, Ullm S, Petrovitch A, Klos K, Beimel C, Frober R, Hofmann GO
(2007) Comparison of two intramedullary nails for tibiotalocalcaneal
fusion: Anatomic and radiographic considerations. Foot & Ankle
International 28: 605-613
Wong YS (2007) Influence of the abductor hallucis muscle on the medial
arch of the foot: A kinematic and anatomical cadaver study. Foot &
Ankle International 28: 617-620
Ben Youssef B, Cheng G, Zygourakis K, Markenscoff P (2007) Parallel
implementation of a cellular automaton modeling the growth of
three-dimensional tissues. International Journal of High Performance
Computing Applications 21: 196-209
Cullen DK, Lessing MC, LaPlaca MC (2007) Collagen-dependent neurite
outgrowth and response to dynamic deformation in three-dimensional
neuronal cultures. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 35: 835-846
Dumas R, Cheze L (2007) 3D inverse dynamics in non-orthonormal segment
coordinate system. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 45:
Moroz A, Wimpenny DI (2007) Allosteric control model of bone
remodelling containing periodical modes. Biophysical Chemistry 127:
Tanner C, Schnabel JA, Hill DLG, Hawkes DJ, Degenhard A, Leach MO, Hose
DR, Hall-Craggs MA, Usiskin SI (2007) Quantitative evaluation of
free-form deformation registration for dynamic contrast-enhanced MR
mammography. Medical Physics 34: 1221-1233
Sabra KG, Conti S, Roux P, Kuperman WA (2007) Passive in vivo
elastography from skeletal muscle noise - art. no. 194101. Applied
Physics Letters 90: 94101-94101
Birdwell JA, Solomon JH, Thajchayapong M, Taylor MA, Cheely M, Towal
RB, Conradt J, Hartmann MJZ (2007) Biomechanical Models for Radial
Distance Detection by Rat Vibrissae. Journal of Neurophysiology
Laxmi V, Damper RI, Carter JN (2006) Human and machine perception of
biological motion. Cognitive Systems Research 7: 339-356
Nishi RA, Liu HL, Chu Y, Hamamura M, Su MY, Nalcioglu O, Anderson AJ
(2007) Behavioral, histological, and ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging
assessment of graded contusion spinal cord injury in mice. Journal of
Neurotrauma 24: 674-689
Tang B, Zhang J, Li HZ, Zhu JN, Wang JJ (2007) Excitatory effect of
histamine on neuronal activity of rat cerebellar fastigial nucleus in
vitro. Chinese Science Bulletin 52: 497-503
Chiong C, Ostrea E, Reyes A, Llanes EG, Uy ME, Chan A (2007)
Correlation of hearing screening with developmental outcomes in infants
over a 2-year period. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 127: 384-388
Vilupuru AS, Rangaswamy NV, Frishman LJ, Smith EL, Harwerth RS, Roorda
A (2007) Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for in vivo
imaging of lamina cribrosa. Journal of the Optical Society of America
a-Optics Image Science and Vision 24: 1417-1425
Edmondston SJ, Aggerholm M, Elfving S, Flores N, Ng C, Smith R, Netto K
(2007) Influence of posture on the range of axial rotation and coupled
lateral flexion of the thoracic spine. Journal of Manipulative and
Physiological Therapeutics 30: 193-199
Henderson CNR, Cramer GD, Zhang Q, DeVocht JW, Fournier JT (2007)
Introducing the external link model for studying spine fixation and
misalignment part I - Need, rationale, and applications. Journal of
Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 30: 239-245
Khanna G, El-Khoury GY (2007) Imaging of cervical spine injuries of
childhood. Skeletal Radiology 36: 477-494
Nakanishi K, Tanaka M, Sugimoto Y, Ozaki T (2007) Posterior cervical
spine arthrodesis with laminar screws: A report of two cases. Acta
Medica Okayama 61: 115-119
Prybis BG, Tortolani PJ, Hu NB, Zorn CM, McAfee PC, Cunningham BW
(2007) A comparative biomechanical analysis of spinal instability and
instrumentation of the cervicothoracic junction - An in vitro human
cadaveric model. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 20: 233-238
Yoganandan N, Pintar FA, Stemper BD, Wolfla CE, Shender BS, Paskoff G
(2007) Level-dependent coronal and axial moment-rotation corridors of
degeneration-free cervical spines in lateral flexion. Journal of Bone
and Joint Surgery-American Volume 89A: 1066-1074
Zander T, Rohlmann A, Bock B, Bergmann G (2007) Biomechanical
consequences of variations in artificial disc positioning. A finite
element study on the lumbar spine. Orthopade 36: 205-+
Heller MO, Schroder JH, Matziolis G, Sharenkov A, Taylor WR, Perka C,
Duda GN (2007) Musculoskeletal load analysis. A biomechanical
explanation for clinical results - and more? Orthopade 36: 188-+
Pai S, Gunja NJ, Dupak EL, McMahon NL, Coburn JC, Lalikos JF, Dunn RM,
Francalancia N, Pins GD, Billiar KL (2007) A mechanical study of rigid
plate configurations for sternal fixation. Annals of Biomedical
Engineering 35: 808-816
Pinzur MS, Gottschalk FA, Pinto M, Smith DG (2007) Controversies in
lower-extremity amputation. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American
Volume 89A: 1118-1127
Sanchez-Sotelo J, Torchia ME, O'Driscoll SW (2007) Complex distal
humeral fractures: Internal fixation with a principle-based
parallel-plate technique. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American
Volume 89A: 961-969
Sugaya H, Maeda K, Matsuki K, Moriishi J (2007) Repair integrity and
functional outcome after arthroscopic double-row rotator cuff repair -
A prospective outcome study. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American
Volume 89A: 953-960
Kimura H, Fukuoka Y, Cohen AH (2007) Adaptive dynamic walking of a
quadruped robot on natural ground based on biological concepts.
International Journal of Robotics Research 26: 475-490
Walker MR, Dickey JP (2007) New methodology for multi-dimensional
spinal joint testing with a parallel robot. Medical & Biological
Engineering & Computing 45: 297-304
Yu JZ, Wang L, Tan M (2007) Geometric optimization of relative link
lengths for biomimetic robotic fish. Ieee Transactions on Robotics 23:
Anton MM, Izquierdo M, Ibanez J, Asiain X, Mendiguchia J, Gorostiaga EM
(2007) Flat and uphill climb time trial performance prediction in elite
amateur cyclists. International Journal of Sports Medicine 28: 306-313
Havriluk R (2007) Variability in measurement of swimming forces: A
meta-analysis of passive and active drag. Research Quarterly for
Exercise and Sport 78: 32-39
Stapelfeldt B, Mornieux G, Oberheim R, Belli A, Gollhofer A (2007)
Development and evaluation of a new bicycle instrument for measurements
of pedal forces and power output in cycling. International Journal of
Sports Medicine 28: 326-332
Foutz T, Ratterman A, Halper J (2007) Effects of immobilization on the
biomechanical properties of the broiler tibia and gastrocnemius tendon.
Poultry Science 86: 931-936
Franck A, Opsomer G, de Kruif A, De Belie N (2007) Frictional
interactions between bovine claw and concrete floor. Biosystems
Engineering 96: 565-580
Price R, Ashwell ZR, Chang MW, Boninger ML, Koontz AM, Sisto SA (2007)
Upper-limb joint power and its distribution in spinal cord injured
wheelchair users: Steady-state self-selected speed versus maximal
acceleration trials. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
88: 456-463
Ewoldt RH, Clasen C, Hosoi AE, McKinley GH (2007) Rheological
fingerprinting of gastropod pedal mucus and synthetic complex fluids
for biomimicking adhesive locomotion. Soft Matter 3: 634-643
Thorpe SKS, Holder RL, Crompton RH (2007) Origin of human bipedalism as
an adaptation for locomotion on flexible branches. Science 316: