JUNE 8-14, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
McNamara LM, Prendergast PJ (2007) Bone remodelling algorithms
incorporating both strain and microdamage stimuli. Journal of
Biomechanics 40: 1381-1391
Heegaard AM, Corsi A, Danielsen CC, Nielsen KL, Jorgensen HL, Riminucci
M, Young MF, Bianco P (2007) Biglycan deficiency causes spontaneous
aortic dissection and rupture in mice. Circulation 115: 2731-2738
Rietzschel ER, De Buyzere ML, Bekaert S, Segers P, De Bacquer D, Cooman
L, Van Damme P, Cassiman P, Langlois M, van Oostveldt P, Verdonck P, De
Backer G, Gillebert TC (2007) Rationale, design, methods and baseline
characteristics of the Asklepios Study. European Journal of
Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation 14: 179-191
Dekundy A, Lundblad M, Danysz W, Cenci MA (2007) Modulation of
L-DOPA-induced abnormal involuntary movements by clinically tested
compounds: Further validation of the rat dyskinesia model. Behavioural
Brain Research 179: 76-89
Mader CC, Hinchcliffe EH, Wang YL (2007) Probing cell shape regulation
with patterned substratum: requirement of myosin II-mediated
contractility. Soft Matter 3: 357-363
Sato K, Adachi T, Ueda D, Hojo M, Tomita Y (2007) Measurement of local
strain on cell membrane at initiation point of calcium signaling
response to applied mechanical stimulus in osteoblastic cells. Journal
of Biomechanics 40: 1246-1255
Schwarz U (2007) Soft matters in cell adhesion: rigidity sensing on
soft elastic substrates. Soft Matter 3: 263-266
Bolliet V, Lambert P, Rives J, Bardonnet A (2007) Rhythmic swimming
activity in Anguilla anguilla glass eels: Synchronisation to water
current reversal under laboratory conditions. Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology 344: 54-66
Clements S, Schreck CB (2007) Chronic administration of fluoxetine
alters locomotor behavior, but does not potentiate the locomotor
stimulating effects of CRH in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular &
Integrative Physiology 147: 43-49
Goodman BA, Krockenberger AK, Schwarzkopf L (2007) Master of them all:
performance specialization does not result in trade-offs in tropical
lizards. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 527-546
Ji X, Lin CX, Lin LH, Qiu QB, Du Y (2007) Evolution of viviparity in
warm-climate lizards: an experimental test of the maternal manipulation
hypothesis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 1037-1045
Martin RA (2007) A review of shark agonistic displays: comparison of
display features and implications for shark-human interactions. Marine
and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 40: 3-34
Miranda-Anaya M, Corona-Lagunas J, Bartell PA (2007) Seasonal effects
of pinealectomy on the locomotor activity rhythm in the lizard
Sceloporus torquatus. Biological Rhythm Research 38: 87-93
Styrishave B, Bojsen BH, Witthofft H, Andersen O (2007) Diurnal
variations in physiology and behaviour of the noble crayfish Astacus
astacus and the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus. Marine and
Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 40: 63-77
Zhang PD, Zhang XM, Li J, Huang GQ (2007) The effects of temperature
and salinity on the swimming ability of whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus
vannamei. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular &
Integrative Physiology 147: 64-69
Nassar U, Russett S (2006) Longevity of a maxillary 2-unit cantilever
fixed partial denture: Clinical report. Journal of the Canadian Dental
Association 72: 253-255
Baker NA, Cham R, Hale E, Cook J, Redfern MS (2007) Digit kinematics
during typing with standard and ergonomic keyboard configurations.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37: 345-355
Briggs AM, van Dien JH, Wrigley TV, Greig AM, Phillips B, Lo SK,
Bennell KL (2007) Thoracic kyphosis affects spinal loads and trunk
muscle force. Physical Therapy 87: 595-607
Johnston TE, Barr AE, Lee SCK (2007) Biomechanics of submaximal
recumbent cycling in adolescents with and without cerebral palsy.
Physical Therapy 87: 572-585
Minassian K, Persy I, Rattay F, Pinter MM, Kern H, Dimitrijevic MR
(2007) Human lumbar cord circuitries can be activated by extrinsic
tonic input to generate locomotor-like activity. Human Movement Science
26: 275-295
Mukhopadhyay P, O'Sullivan L, Gallwey TJ (2007) Estimating upper limb
discomfort level due to intermittent isometric pronation torque with
various combinations of elbow angles, forearm rotation angles, force
and frequency with upper arm at 90 degrees abduction. International
Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37: 313-325
Brostrom E, Ortqvist M, Haglund-Akerlind Y, Hagelberg S,
Gutierrez-Farewik E (2007) Trunk and center of mass movements during
gait in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Human Movement
Science 26: 296-305
Lay AN, Hass CJ, Nichols TR, Gregor RJ (2007) The effects of sloped
surfaces on locomotion: An electromyo graphic analysis. Journal of
Biomechanics 40: 1276-1285
Arjmand N, Shirazi-Adl A, Parnianpour M (2007) Trunk biomechanical
models based on equilibrium at a single-level violate equilibrium at
other levels. European Spine Journal 16: 701-709
de Zee M, Hansen L, Wong C, Rasmussen J, Simonsen EB (2007) A generic
detailed rigid-body lumbar spine model. Journal of Biomechanics 40:
Ezquerro F, Jimenez S, Perez A, Prado M, de Diego G, Simon A (2007) The
influence of wire positioning upon the initial stability of scaphoid
fractures fixed using Kirschner wires - A finite element study. Medical
Engineering & Physics 29: 652-660
He X, Qu C, Qin Q (2007) A theoretical model for surface bone
remodeling under electromagnetic loads. Archive of Applied Mechanics
Munoz JJ, Barrett K, Miodownik M (2007) A deformation gradient
decomposition method for the analysis of the mechanics of
morphogenesis. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1372-1380
Pennestri E, Stefanelli R, Valentini PP, Vita L (2007) Virtual
musculo-skeletal model for the biomechanical analysis of the upper
limb. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1350-1361
Zhang H, Bai J (2007) Development and validation of a finite element
model of the occipito-atlantoaxial complex under physiologic loads.
Spine 32: 968-974
Redl C, Gfoehler M, Pandy MG (2007) Sensitivity of muscle force
estimates to variations in muscle-tendon properties. Human Movement
Science 26: 306-319
Siebert T, Sust M, Thaller S, Tilp M, Wagner H (2007) An improved
method to determine neuromuscular properties using force laws - From
single muscle to applications in human movements. Human Movement
Science 26: 320-341
Angst MJ, Macedo CE, Guiberteau T, Sandner G (2007) Alteration of
conditioned emotional response and conditioned taste aversion after
neonatal ventral hippocampus lesions in rats. Brain Research 1143:
Frumberg DB, Fernando MS, Lee DE, Biegon A, Schiffer WK (2007)
Metabolic and behavioral deficits following a routine surgical
procedure in rats. Brain Research 1144: 209-218
Pavlova M, Lutzenberger W, Sokolov AN, Birbaumer N, Krageloh-Mann I
(2007) Oscillatory MEG response to human locomotion is modulated by
periventricular lesions. Neuroimage 35: 1256-1263
Qu S, Le WD, Zhang X, Xie WJ, Zhang AJ, Ondo WG (2007) Locomotion is
increased in A11-lesioned mice with iron deprivation: A possible animal
model for restless legs syndrome. Journal of Neuropathology and
Experimental Neurology 66: 383-388
Romkes J, Peeters W, Oosterom AM, Molenaar S, Bakels I, Brunner R
(2007) Evaluating upper body movements during gait in healthy children
and children with diplegic cerebral palsy. Journal of Pediatric
Orthopaedics-Part B 16: 175-180
Tazerart S, Viemari JC, Darbon P, Vinay L, Brocard F (2007)
Contribution of Persistent Sodium Current to Locomotor Pattern
Generation in Neonatal Rats. Journal of Neurophysiology
Yuan Y (2007) Dynamics in a delayed-neural network. Chaos Solitons &
Fractals 33: 443-454
Dinh P, Bhatia N, Rasouli A, Suryadevara S, Cahill K, Gupta R (2007)
Transplantation of preconditioned Schwann cells following hemisection
spinal cord injury. Spine 32: 943-949
Ito M, Kotani Y, Hojo Y, Abumi K, Kadosawa T, Minami A (2007)
Evaluation of hydroxyapatite ceramic vertebral spacers with different
porosities and their binding capability to the vertebral body: an
experimental study in sheep. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 6: 431-437
Lewis G (2007) Percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty for the
stand-alone augmentation of osteoporosis-induced vertebral compression
fractures: Present status and future directions. Journal of Biomedical
Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 81B: 371-386
Panjabi M, Malcolmson G, Teng E, Tominaga Y, Henderson G, Serhan H
(2007) Hybrid testing of lumbar CHARITE discs versus Fusions. Spine 32:
Eidelman M, Hos N, Katzman A, Bialik V (2007) Prevention of ulnar nerve
injury during fixation of supracondylar fractures in children by
'flexion-extension cross-pinning' technique. Journal of Pediatric
Orthopaedics-Part B 16: 221-224
Humphrey CD, McIff TE, Sykes KJ, Tsue TT, Kriet JD (2007) Suture
biomechanics and static facial suspension. Archives of Facial Plastic
Surgery 9: 188-193
Fatone S, Hansen AH (2007) A model to predict the effect of ankle joint
misalignment on calf band movement in ankle-foot orthoses. Prosthetics
and Orthotics International 31: 76-87
Bazrgari B, Shirazi-Adl A, Arjmand N (2007) Analysis of squat and stoop
dynamic liftings: muscle forces and internal spinal loads. European
Spine Journal 16: 687-699
Koh M, Jennings L (2007) Strategies in preflight for an optimal
Yurchenko layout vault. Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1256-1261
Van Sickle JR, Hull ML (2007) Is economy of competitive cyclists
affected by the anterior-posterior foot position on the pedal? Journal
of Biomechanics 40: 1262-1267
Zou H, Schmiedeler JP, Hardy WN (2007) Separating brain motion into
rigid body displacement and deformation under low-severity impacts.
Journal of Biomechanics 40: 1183-1191