JUNE 15-21, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
Emory University
School of Medicine

***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.


Bonnaire F, Weber A, Bosl O, Eckhardt C, Schwieger K, Linke B (2007)
"Cutting out" in pertrochanteric fractures - problem of osteoporosis?
Unfallchirurg 110: 425-432

Cristofolini L (2007) Fractures of the proximal femur: correlates of
radiological evidence of osteoporosis. Skeletal Radiology 36: 703-704

Englert C, Angele P, Fierlbeck J, Dendorfer S, Schubert T, Muller R,
Lienhard S, Zellner J, Nerlich M, Neumann C (2007) Conductive bone
substitute material with variable antibiotic delivery. Unfallchirurg
110: 408-413

Oakley SP, Portek I, Szomor Z, Appleyard RC, Ghosh P, Kirkham BW,
Murrell GAC, Lassere MN (2007) Arthroscopic estimation of the extent of
chondropathy. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 15: 506-515

Vanhoenacker FM, Snoeckx A (2007) Bone marrow edema in sports: General
concepts. European Journal of Radiology 62: 6-15


Bia D, Barmak W, Zocalo Y, Galli C, Perez-Campos H, Saldias M, Silva W,
Alvarez I, Fischer EIC, Armentano R (2007) Hemodialysis access failure:
Viscoelastic vascular properties and intimal hyperplasia development.
Latin American Applied Research 37: 121-125

Timmins LH, Moreno MR, Meyer CA, Criscione JC, Rachev A, Moore JE
(2007) Stented artery biomechanics and device design optimization.
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 45: 505-513


Diaz-Rios ME, Dombeck DA, Webb WW, Harris-Warrick RM (2007) Serotonin
modulates dendritic calcium influx in commissural interneurons in the
mouse spinal locomotor network. Journal of Neurophysiology

Kandere-Grzybowska K, Campbell CJ, Mahmud G, Komarova Y, Soh S,
Grzybowski BA (2007) Cell motility on micropatterned treadmills and
tracks. Soft Matter 3: 672-679

Leshansky AM, Kenneth O, Gat O, Avron JE (2007) A frictionless
microswimmer - art. no. 145. New Journal of Physics 9: 145-145

Matsuda K, Shimakura SI, Miura T, Maruyama K, Uchiyama M, Kawauchi H,
Shioda S, Takahashi A (2007) Feeding-induced changes of
melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH)-like immunoreactivity in goldfish
brain. Cell and Tissue Research 328: 375-382

Norris RA, Damon B, Mironov V, Kasyanov V, Ramamurthi A,
Moreno-Rodriguez R, Trusk T, Potts JD, Goodwin RL, Davis J, Hoffman S,
Wen X, Sugi Y, Kern CB, Mjaatvedt CH, Turner DK, Oka T, Conway SJ,
Molkentin JD, Forgacs G, Markwald RR (2007) Periostin regulates
collagen fibrillogenesis and the biomechanical properties of connective
tissues. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 101: 695-711


Borrell BJ (2007) Scaling of nectar foraging in orchid bees. American
Naturalist 169: 569-580

Bull K, Cook A, Hopper NA, Harder A, Holden-Dye L, Walker RJ (2007)
Effects of the novel anthelmintic emodepside on the locomotion,
egg-laying behaviour and development of Caenorhabditis elegans.
International Journal for Parasitology 37: 627-636

Dussutour A, Beshers S, Deneubourg JL, Fourcassie V (2007) Crowding
increases foraging efficiency in the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica.
Insectes Sociaux 54: 158-165

Ingram DK, Young J, Mattison JA (2007) Calorie restriction in nonhuman
primates: Assessing effects on brain and behavioral aging. Neuroscience
145: 1359-1364

Lukacs JR (2007) Dental trauma and antemortem tooth loss in prehistoric
Canary islanders: Prevalence and contributing factors. International
Journal of Osteoarchaeology 17: 157-173

Mujagic S, Krause AF, Durr V (2007) Slanted joint axes of the stick
insect antenna: an adaptation to tactile acuity. Naturwissenschaften
94: 313-318

Pavesi L, Iannilli V, Zarattini P, De Matthaeis E (2007) Temporal and
spatial distribution of three supralittoral amphipod species on a sandy
beach of central Italy. Marine Biology 151: 1585-1595

Scantlebury N, Sajic R, Campos AR (2007) Kinematic analysis of
Drosophila larval locomotion in response to intermittent light pulses.
Behavior Genetics 37: 513-524

Spoor F, Garland T, Krovitz G, Ryan TM, Silcox MT, Walker A (2007) The
primate semicircular canal system and locomotion. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Goodyer E, Muller F, Licht K, Hess M (2007) In vivo measurement of the
shear modulus of the human vocal fold: interim results from eight
patients. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 264: 631-635

Lauer G, Pradel W, Schneider M, Eckelt U (2007) A new 3-dimensional
plate for transoral endoscopic-assisted osteosynthesis of condylar neck
fractures. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 65: 964-971

Schupp W, Arzdorf M, Linke B, Gutwald R (2007) Biomechanical testing of
different osteosynthesis systems for segmental resection of the
mandible. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 65: 924-930


Achem SR (2007) New frontiers for the treatment of noncardiac chest
pain: The adenosine receptors. American Journal of Gastroenterology
102: 939-941

Rao SSC, Mudipalli RS, Remes-Troche JM, Utech CL, Zimmerman B (2007)
Theophylline improves esophageal chest pain - A randomized,
placebo-controlled study. American Journal of Gastroenterology 102:


Annaswamy T, Mallempati S, Allison SC, Abraham LD (2007) Measurement of
plantarflexor spasticity in traumatic brain injury - Correlational
study of resistance torque compared with the modified Ashworth Scale.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 86: 404-411

Devroey C, Jonkers I, De Becker A, Lenaerts G, Spaepen A (2007)
Evaluation of the effect of backpack load and position during standing
and walking using biomechanical, physiological and subjective measures.
Ergonomics 50: 728-742

Holbein-Jenny MA, McDermott K, Shaw C, Demchak J (2007) Validity of
functional stability limits as a measure of balance in adults aged
23-73 years. Ergonomics 50: 631-646


Balash Y, Hadar-Frumer M, Herman T, Peretz C, Giladi N, Hausdorff JM
(2007) The effects of reducing fear of falling on locomotion in older
adults with a higher level gait disorder. Journal of Neural Transmission

Centomo H, Amarantini D, Martin L, Prince F (2007) Muscle adaptation
patterns of children with a trans-tibial amputation during walking.
Clinical Biomechanics 22: 457-463

McKean KA, Landry SC, Hubley-Kozey CL, Dunbar MJ, Stanish WD, Deluzio
KJ (2007) Gender differences exist in osteoarthritic gait. Clinical
Biomechanics 22: 400-409


Llopis E, Padron M (2007) Anterior knee pain. European Journal of
Radiology 62: 27-43

Milz S, Sicking B, Sprecher CM, Putz R, Benjamin M (2007) An
immunohistochemical study of the triangular fibrocartilage complex of
the wrist: regional variations in cartilage phenotype. Journal of

Yoon TS, Lee SJ (2007) Abduction motion analysis of hemiplegic
shoulders with a fluoroscopic guide. Yonsei Medical Journal 48: 247-254


Brown SHM, Potvin JR (2007) The effect of reducing the number of EMG
channel inputs on loading and stiffness estimates from an EMG-driven
model of the spine. Ergonomics 50: 743-751

Huynh AM, Aubin CE, Mathieu PA, Labelle H (2007) Simulation of
progressive spinal deformities in Duchenne muscular dystrophy using a
biomechanical model integrating muscles and vertebral growth
modulation. Clinical Biomechanics 22: 392-399

Schmidt H, Heuer F, Drumm J, Klezl Z, Claes L, Wilke HJ (2007)
Application of a calibration method provides more realistic results for
a finite element model of a lumbar spinal segment. Clinical
Biomechanics 22: 377-384

Zhuang L, Liu HF, Bao HJ (2007) Joint segmentation and motion
estimation of left ventricle with an anisotropic biomechanical model.
Progress in Natural Science 17: 226-229


Baptista AF, Gomes JRD, Oliveira JT, Santos SMG, Vannier-Santos MA,
Martinez AMB (2007) A new approach to assess function after sciatic
nerve lesion in the mouse - Adaptation of the sciatic static index.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 161: 259-264

Schmuckler MA, Jewell DT (2007) Infants' visual-proporioceptive
intermodal perception with imperfect contingency information.
Developmental Psychobiology 49: 387-398


Auvray M, Hanneton S, O'Regan JK (2007) Learning to perceive with a
visuo-auditory substitution system: Localisation and object recognition
with 'The vOICe'. Perception 36: 416-430

Kotliar K, Maier M, Bauer S, Feucht N, Lohmann C, Lanzl I (2007) Effect
of intravitreal injections and volume changes on intraocular pressure:
clinical results and biomechanical model. Acta Ophthalmologica

Lum E, Swarbrick H (2007) Fibrillary lines in overnight
orthokeratology. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90: 299-302


Clin J, Aubin CE, Labelle H (2007) Virtual prototyping of a brace
design for the correction of scoliotic deformities. Medical &
Biological Engineering & Computing 45: 467-473

Dalleau G, Allard M, Beaulieu M, Rivard C, Allard P (2007) Free moment
contribution to quiet standing in able-bodied and scoliotic girls.
European Spine Journal

Freslon M, Mosnier T, Gayet LE, Skalli W (2007) Biomechanical
evaluation of posterior instrumentation for lumbar burst fracture:
comparison of two internal devices. Revue De Chirurgie Orthopedique Et
Reparatrice De L Appareil Moteur 93: 213-221

Panjabi M, Simpson A, Ivancic P, Pearson A, Tominaga Y, Yue J (2007)
Cervical facet joint kinematics during bilateral facet dislocation.
European Spine Journal


Arangio GA, Chopra V, Voloshin A, Salathe EP (2007) A biomechanical
analysis of the effect of lateral column lengthening calcaneal
osteotomy on the flat foot. Clinical Biomechanics 22: 472-477

Dienst M, Schneider G, Altmeyer K, Voelkering K, Georg T, Kramann B,
Kohn D (2007) Correlation of intercondylar notch cross sections to the
ACL size: a high resolution MR tomographic in vivo analysis. Archives
of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 127: 253-260

Lewinski G, Milachowski K, Weismeier K, Kohn D, Wirth C (2007)
Twenty-year results of combined meniscal allograft transplantation,
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and advancement of the medial
collateral ligament. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy

Petersen W, Pufe T, Starke C, Fuchs T, Kopf S, Neumann W, Zantop T,
Paletta J, Raschke M, Becker R (2007) The effect of locally applied
vascular endothelial growth factor on meniscus healing: gross and
histological findings. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 127:

Sterba W, Kim DG, Fyhrie DP, Yeni YN, Vaidya R (2007) Biomechanical
analysis of differing pedicle screw insertion angles. Clinical
Biomechanics 22: 385-391


Silver D, Ferguson D, Morris A, Thayer S (2006) Topological exploration
of subterranean environments. Journal of Field Robotics 23: 395-415


Castagna O, Pardal CV, Brisswalter J (2007) The assessment of energy
demand in the new olympic windsurf board: Neilpryde RS : X-(R).
European Journal of Applied Physiology 100: 247-252


Fishbein KW, Canuto HC, Bajaj P, Camacho NP, Spencer RG (2007) Optimal
methods for the preservation of cartilage samples in MRI and
correlative biochemical studies. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 57:

Myer GD, Ford KR, Brent JL, Hewett TE (2007) Differential neuromuscular
training effects onACL injury risk factors in "high-risk" versus
"low-risk" athletes - art. no. 39. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 8:

Zhang SZ, Pegg DE (2007) Analysis of the permeation of cryoprotectants
in cartilage. Cryobiology 54: 146-153


Binev R, Valchev I, Nikolov J (2006) Clinical and pathological studies
on intoxication in horses from freshly cut Jimson weed (Datura
stramonium)-contaminated maize intended for ensiling. Journal of the
South African Veterinary Association-Tydskrif Van Die Suid-Afrikaanse
Veterinere Vereniging 77: 215-219

Brehm W, Werren C, Mainil-Varlet P (2007) Production of very large
sized scaffold-free engineered cartilage constructs from the adult
equine donor a basis for therapeutic and experimental applications in
the horse. Pferdeheilkunde 23: 111-117

Perino VV, Kawcak CE, Frisbie DD, Reiser RF, McLlwraith CW (2007) The
accuracy and precision of an equine in-shoe pressure measurement system
as a tool for gait analysis. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 27: