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    JUNE 30 – JULY 5, 2007
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
    Emory University
    School of Medicine

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that
    the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
    available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Sabharwal S, Zhao CX, McClemens E (2007) Correlation of body mass index
    and radiographic deformities in children with Blount disease. Journal
    of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 89A: 1275-1283


    Asperti-Boursin F, Real E, Bismuth G, Trautmann A, Donnadieu E (2007)
    CCR7 ligands control basal T cell motility within lymph node slices in
    a phosphoinositide 3-kinase independent manner. Journal of Experimental
    Medicine 204: 1167-1179

    Yi KX, Buttery SM, Stewart M, Roberts TM (2007) A Ser/Thr kinase
    required for membrane-associated assembly of the major sperm protein
    motility apparatus in the amoeboid sperm of Ascaris. Molecular Biology
    of the Cell 18: 1816-1825


    Naish D, Martill DM (2007) Dinosaurs of Great Britain and the role of
    the Geological Society of London in their discovery: basal Dinosauria
    and Saurischia. Journal of the Geological Society 164: 493-510

    Schwalb AN, Pusch MT (2007) Horizontal and vertical movements of
    unionid mussels in a lowland river. Journal of the North American
    Benthological Society 26: 261-272


    Boswell S, McIff TE, Trease CA, Toby EB (2007) Mechanical
    characteristics of locking and compression plate constructs applied
    dorsally to distal radius fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery-American
    Volume 32A: 623-629

    Luria S, Waitayawinyu T, Nemechek N, Huber P, Tencer AF, Trumble TE
    (2007) Biomechanic analysis of trapeziectomy, ligament reconstruction
    with tendon interposition, and tie-in trapezium implant arthroplasty
    for thumb carpometacarpal arthritis: A cadaver study. Journal of Hand
    Surgery-American Volume 32A: 697-706

    Miller B, Dodds SD, Demars A, Zagoreas N, Waitayawinyu T, Trumble TE
    (2007) Flexor tendon repairs: The impact of fiberwire on grasping and
    locking core sutures. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 32A:

    Zhao CF, Sun YL, Zobitz ME, An KN, Arnadio PC (2007) Enhancing the
    strength of the tendon-suture interface using
    1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride and
    cyanoacrylate. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 32A: 606-611


    Ramazani RB, Krishnan HR, Bergeson SE, Atkinson NS (2007) Computer
    automated movement detection for the analysis of behavior. Journal of
    Neuroscience Methods 162: 171-179

    Saboisky JP, Butler JE, Walsh LD, Gandevia SC (2007) New display of the
    timing and firing frequency of single motor units. Journal of
    Neuroscience Methods 162: 287-292


    Ahn HS, DiAngelo DJ (2007) Biomechanical testing simulation of a
    cadaver spine specimen - Development and evaluation study. Spine 32:


    Liebetanz D, Baier PC, Paulus W, Meuer K, Bahr M, Weishaupt JH (2007) A
    highly sensitive automated complex running wheel test to detect latent
    motor deficits in the mouse MPTP model of Parkinson's disease.
    Experimental Neurology 205: 207-213

    Sindou M, Simon F, Mertens P, Decq P (2007) Selective peripheral
    neurotomy (SPN) for spasticity in childhood. Childs Nervous System


    Girard M, Suh JKF, Hart RT, Burgoyne CF, Downs JC (2007) Effects of
    storage time on the mechanical properties of rabbit peripapillary
    sclera after enucleation. Current Eye Research 32: 465-470


    Cargill SC, Pearcy M, Barry MD (2007) Three-dimensional lumbar spine
    postures measured by magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction. Spine
    32: 1242-1248

    Galler RM, Dogan S, Fifield MS, Bozkus H, Chamberlain RH, Sonntag VKH,
    Crawford NR (2007) Biomechanical comparison of instrumented and
    uninstrumented multilevel cervical discectomy versus corpectomy. Spine
    32: 1220-1226

    Koller H, Hempfing A, Ferraris L, Maier O, Hitzl W, Metz-Stavenhagen P
    (2007) 4- and 5-level anterior fusions of the cervical spine: review of
    literature and clinical results. European Spine Journal

    Wang XY, Dai LY, Xu HZ, Chi YL (2007) The load-sharing classification
    of thoracolumbar fractures an in vitro biomechanical validation. Spine
    32: 1214-1219

    Young PM, Berquist TH, Bancroft LW, Peterson JJ (2007) Complications of
    spinal instrumentation. Radiographics 27: 775-789


    Deuel CR, Wolinsky P, Shepherd E, Hazelwood SJ (2007) The use of hinged
    external fixation to provide additional stabilization for fractures of
    the distal humerus. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 21: 323-329

    Higgins TF, Klatt J, Bachus KN (2007) Biomechanical analysis of
    bicondylar tibial plateau fixation: How does lateral locking plate
    fixation compare to dual plate fixation? Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
    21: 301-306


    Pratt RB, Jacobsen AL, Ewers FW, Davis SD (2007) Relationships among
    xylem transport, biomechanics and storage in stems and roots of nine
    Rhamnaceae species of the California chaparral. New Phytologist 174:

    Zhang FZ, Wagstaff C, Rae AM, Sihota AK, Keevil CW, Rothwell SD,
    Clarkson GJJ, Michelmore RW, Truco MJ, Dixon MS, Taylor G (2007) QTLs
    for shelf life in lettuce co-locate with those for leaf biophysical
    properties but not with those for leaf developmental traits. Journal of
    Experimental Botany 58: 1433-1449


    Earl JE, Monteiro SK, Snyder KR (2007) Differences in lower extremity
    kinematics between a bilateral drop-vertical jump and a single-leg
    step-down. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 37: 245-252


    Bolt P, Clerk AN, Luu HH, Kang Q, Kummer JL, Deng ZL, Olson K, Primus
    F, Montag AG, He TC, Haydon RC, Toolan BC (2007) BMP-14 gene therapy
    increases tendon tensile strength in a rat model of Achilles tendon
    injury. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 89A: 1315-1320


    Demirkoparan H, Pence TJ (2007) The effect of fiber recruitment on the
    swelling of a pressurized anisotropic non-linearly elastic tube.
    International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 42: 258-270

    Kanner LM, Horgan CO (2007) Elastic instabilities for strain-stiffening
    rubber-like spherical and cylindrical thin shells under inflation.
    International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 42: 204-215

    Zarnitsyn VG, Fedorov AG (2007) Mechanosensing using drag force for
    imaging soft biological membranes. Langmuir 23: 6245-6251


    Michelson JD, Magid D, McHale K (2007) Clinical utility of a
    stability-based ankle fracture classification system. Journal of
    Orthopaedic Trauma 21: 307-315