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    JULY 20-26, 2007
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Keith E. Gordon, PhD
    Sensory Motor Performance Program
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    Jinger S. Gottschall, PhD
    Pennsylvania State University
    Department of Kinesiology

    ***NOTE*** Today the Literature Update baton is officially being passed from
    myself, Jinger Gottschall, to Keith Gordon. He is a superb organizer and a
    reliable replacement. I feel confident in his future potential as the
    search coordinator. It has been a pleasure completing the weekly search and
    I hope you have benefited from the service.

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
    electronic form through the publisher.


    Butcher JT, McQuinn TC, Sedmera D, Turner D, Markwald RR. Transitions in
    early embryonic atrioventricular valvular function correspond with changes
    in cushion biomechanics that are predictable by tissue composition.
    Circulation Research 2007;100(10):1503-11.

    Keller BB. New insights into the developmental biomechanics of the
    atrioventricular valves. Circulation Research 2007;100(10):1399-401.

    Segers P, Rietzschel ER, De Buyzere ML, Vermeersch SJ, De Bacquer D, Van
    Bortel LM et al. Noninvasive (input) impedance, pulse wave velocity, and
    wave reflection in healthy middle-aged men and women. Hypertension


    Kolomeisky AB, Fisher ME. Molecular motors: A theorist's perspective. Annual
    Review of Physical Chemistry 2007;58:675-95.


    Halsey LG, Fahlman A, Handrich Y, Schmidt A, Woakes AJ, Butler PJ. How
    accurately can we estimate energetic costs in a marine top predator, the
    king penguin? Zoology 2007;110(2):81-92.

    Lammers AR. Locomotor kinetics on sloped arboreal and terrestrial substrates
    in a small quadrupedal mammal. Zoology 2007;110(2):93-103.


    Bose P, Hou JM, Parmer R, Cheng YP, Jain R, Thompson F. Combined intrathecal
    baclofen (ITB) and locomotor therapy blocks development of SCI spasticity.
    Journal of Neurotrauma 2007;24(7):1285-.

    Descatha A, Roquelaure Y, Evanoff B, Mariel J, Leclerc A. Predictive factors
    for incident musculoskeletal disorders in an in-plant surveillance program.
    Annals of Occupational Hygiene 2007;51(3):337-44.

    Fijalkowski R, Stemper B, Pintar F, Yoganandan N, Gennarelli T. Behavioral
    outcomes following biomechanically distinct diffuse brain injuries. Journal
    of Neurotrauma 2007;24(7):1237-.

    Geldhof E, Cardon G, De Bourdeaudhuij I, De Clercq D. Back posture education
    in elementary schoolchildren: a 2-year follow-up study. European Spine
    Journal 2007;16(6):841-50.

    Kohles SS, Gregorczyk KN, Phillips TC, Brody LT, Orwin JF, Vanderby R.
    Concentric and eccentric shoulder rehabilitation biomechanics. Proceedings
    of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in
    Medicine 2007;221(H3):237-49.

    Samantaray S, Guyton MK, Das A, Sribnick E, Matzelle D, Yu SP et al.
    Multimodality treatment regimen maximizes neuroprotection and locomotor
    function in spinal cord injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma


    Crompton RH. Locomotion and posture: from the common African ape ancestor to
    fully modern hominins. Journal of Anatomy 2007;210(6):770-.

    Gray NM, Kainec K, Madar S, Tomko L, Wolfe S. Sink or swim? Bone density as
    a mechanism for buoyancy control in early cetaceans. Anatomical
    Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology

    Reidenerg JS. Anatomical adaptations of aquatic mammals. Anatomical
    Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology

    Uhen MD. Evolution of marine mammals: Back to the sea after 300 million
    years. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary
    Biology 2007;290(6):514-22.


    Chu J, Wilczynski W. Apomorphine effects on frog locomotor behavior.
    Physiology & Behavior 2007;91(1):71-6.

    Gorska T, Chojnicka-Gittins B, Majczynski H, Zmyslowski W. Overground
    locomotion after incomplete spinal lesions in the rat: Quantitative gait
    analysis. Journal of Neurotrauma 2007;24(7):1198-218.

    Gurbani B, Fowler E, Oppenheim W. The effect of surgical intervention on
    biomechanical alignment in the transverse plane during walking in children
    with cerebral palsy. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2007;55(1):S104-S5.

    Hobara H, Kanosue K, Suzuki S. Changes in muscle activity with increase in
    leg stiffness during hopping. Neuroscience Letters 2007;418(1):55-9.

    Nout Y, Beattie M, Bresnahan J. Effect of anesthetic and lesion severity on
    cardiovascular and locomotor parameters after high spinal cord contusion
    injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma 2007;24(7):1285-.

    Rhea CK, Rietdyk S. Visual exteroceptive information provided during
    obstacle crossing did not modify the lower limb trajectory. Neuroscience
    Letters 2007;418(1):60-5.


    Creighton RA, Cole BJ, Nicholson GP, Romeo AA, Lorenz EP. Effect of lateral
    meniscus allograft on shoulder articular contact areas and pressures.
    Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2007;16(3):367-72.

    Iwata S, Suda Y, Nagura T, Matsumoto H, Otani T, Toyama Y. Dynamic
    instability during stair descent in isolated PCL-deficient knees: what
    affects abnormal posterior translation of the tibia in PCL-deficient knees?
    Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2007;15(6):705-11.

    Wilson CG, Palmer AW, Zuo FR, Eugui E, Wilson S, Mackenzie R et al.
    Selective and non-selective metalloproteinase inhibitors reduce IL-1-induced
    cartilage degradation and loss of mechanical properties. Matrix Biology


    Hochberg R, Gurbuz OA. Functional morphology of somatic muscles and
    anterolateral setae in Filinia novaezealandiae Shiel and Sanoamuang, 1993
    (Rotifera). Zoologischer Anzeiger 2007;246(1):11-22.


    Hou JM, Bose P, Parmer R, Cheng Y, Jain R, Telford R et al. Neuroplasticity
    following locomotor and baclofen therapy after spinal cord injury (SCI).
    Journal of Neurotrauma 2007;24(7):1258-.

    Keeri A, Azar T, Peduzzi J. Differences between inbred (Lewis) and outbred
    (Long-Evans) strains of rats in locomotor recovery and pain response after a
    contusive spinal cord injury using the mascis device. Journal of Neurotrauma

    Li Q, Liu S, Gary D, Lange M, McDonald J. Baclofen inhibits recovery of
    locomotion behavior and reduces proliferation/survival of endogenous neural
    stem cells (eNSCS) in chronic spinal cord injury (SCI). Journal of
    Neurotrauma 2007;24(7):1282-.


    Bence T, Schreiber U, Grupp T, Steinhauser E, Mittelmeier W. Two column
    lesions in the thoracolumbar junction: anterior, posterior or combined
    approach? A comparative biomechanical in vitro investigation. European Spine
    Journal 2007;16(6):813-20.

    Panjabi M, Henderson G, Abjornson C, Yue J. Multidirectional testing of one-
    and two-level ProDisc-L versus simulated fusions. Spine 2007;32(12):1311-9.

    Persson PR, Hirschfeld H, Nilsson-Wikmar L. Associated sagittal spinal
    movements in performance of head pro- and retraction in healthy women: A
    kinematic analysis. Manual Therapy 2007;12(2):119-25.

    Teo J, Wang SC, Teoh SH. Preliminary study on biomechanics of vertebroplasty
    - A computational fluid dynamics and solid mechanics combined approach.
    Spine 2007;32(12):1320-8.


    Jiang LS, Cui YM, Zhou ZD, Dai LY. Stabilizing effect of the transferred
    conjoined tendon on shoulder stability. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology
    Arthroscopy 2007;15(6):800-5.

    Kawoosa AA, Dhar SA, Mir MR, Butt MF. Distraction osteogenesis for ulnar
    lengthening in Kienbock's disease. International Orthopaedics

    Kitson J, Booth G, Day R. A biomechanical comparison of locking plate and
    locking nail implants used for fractures of the proximal humerus. Journal of
    Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2007;16(3):362-6.

    Milano G, Mulas PD, Ziranu F, Deriu L, Fabbriciani C. Comparison of femoral
    fixation methods for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with patellar
    tendon graft: a mechanical analysis in porcine knees. Knee Surgery Sports
    Traumatology Arthroscopy 2007;15(6):733-8.

    Otsubo H, Shino K, Nakamura N, Nakata K, Nakagawa S, Koyanagi M.
    Arthroscopic evaluation of ACL grafts reconstructed with the anatomical
    two-bundle technique using hamstring tendon autograft. Knee Surgery Sports
    Traumatology Arthroscopy 2007;15(6):720-8.

    Sonoda M, Morikawa T, Tsuchiya K, Moriya H. Correlation between knee laxity
    and graft appearance on magnetic resonance imaging after double-bundle
    hamstring graft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. American Journal
    of Sports Medicine 2007;35(6):936-42.

    Wellmann M, Zantop T, Weimann A, Raschke MJ, Petersen W. Biomechanical
    evaluation of minimally invasive repairs for complete acromioclavicular
    joint dislocation. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2007;35(6):955-61.


    Barai RK, Nonami K. Locomotion control of a hydraulically actuated hexapod
    robot by robust adaptive fuzzy control and dead-zone compensation. Robotica

    Nikkhah M, Ashrafiuon H, Fahimi F. Robust control of underactuated bipeds
    using sliding modes. Robotica 2007;25:367-74.


    Bartz RL, Mossoni K, Tyber J, Tokish J, Gall K, Siparsky PN. A biomechanical
    comparison of initial fixation strength of 3 different methods of anterior
    cruciate ligament soft tissue graft tibial fixation - Resistance to
    monotonic and cyclic loading. American Journal of Sports Medicine

    Omae H, Mochizuki Y, Yokoya S, Adachi N, Ochi M. Augmentation of tendon
    attachment to porous ceramics by bone marrow stromal cells in a rabbit
    model. International Orthopaedics 2007;31(3):353-8.

    Soon MYH, Hassan A, Hui JHR, Goh JCH, Lee EH. An analysis of soft tissue
    allograft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in a rabbit model - A
    short-term study of the use of mesenchymal stem cells to enhance tendon
    osteointegration. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2007;35(6):962-71.


    Buhimschi CS, Buhimschi IA, Zhao GM, Funai E, Peltecu G, Saade GR et al.
    Biornechanical properties of the lower uterine segment above and below the
    reflection of the urinary bladder flap. Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Chen LY, Ashton-Miller JA, Hsu Y, DeLancey JOL. Interaction among apical
    support, levator ani impairment, and anterior vaginal wall prolapse.
    Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006;108(2):324-32.

    Lalla M, Danielsen CC, Austevoll H, Olsen LH, Jorgensen TM. Biomechanical
    and biochemical assessment of properties of the anterior urethra after
    hypospadias repair in a rabbit model. Journal of Urology

    Lowder JL, Debes KM, Moon DK, Howden N, Abramowitch SD, Moalli PA.
    Biomechanical adaptations of the rat vagina and supportive tissues in
    pregnancy to accommodate delivery. Obstetrics and Gynecology


    Seligmann H, Anderson SC, Autumn K, Bouskila A, Saf R, Tuniyev BS et al.
    Analysis of the locomotor activity of a nocturnal desert lizard (Reptilia :
    Gekkonidae : Teratoseincus scincus) under varying moonlight. Zoology