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    August 10- August 16, 2007
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Keith E. Gordon, PhD
    Sensory Motor Performance Program
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
    electronic form through the publisher.


    Baroud G. Biomechanical research at the interface of engineering and
    medicine for cement augmentation of osteoporotic bone. Tissue Engineering

    Beaupied H, Lespessailles E, Benhamou CL. Evaluation of macrostructural bone
    biomechanics. Joint Bone Spine 2007;74(3):233-9.

    Burchard R, Leppek R, Schmitt J, Lengsfeld M. Volumetric measurement of
    periprosthetic bone remodeling: prospective 5 years follow-up after cemented
    total hip arthroplasty. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

    Fujisaki K, Tadano S. Relationship between bone tissue strain and lattice
    strain of HAp crystals in bovine cortical bone under tensile loading.
    Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1832-8.

    Oest ME, Dupont KM, Kong HJ, Mooney DJ, Guldberg RE. Quantitative assessment
    of scaffold and growth factor-mediated repair of critically sized bone
    defects. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2007;25(7):941-50.

    Perez-Castrilon JL, Vega G, Abad L, Sanz A, Mendo M, Porrero MG et al.
    Effect of beta-blockers on bone mass and biomechanical parameters of the
    femoral neck in males with acute myocardial infarction. Joint Bone Spine


    Claessens TE, De Sutter J, Vanhercke D, Segers P, Verdonck PR. New
    echocardiographic applications for assessing global left ventricular
    diastolic function. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2007;33(6):823-41.

    Kingwell B, Boutouyrie P. Genetic influences on the arterial wall. Clinical
    and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2007;34(7):652-7.

    Stemper BD, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA. Mechanics of arterial subfailure with
    increasing loading rate. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1806-12.


    Collier WL, Martin LM, van Antwerpen R. Computer-vision determination of 3-D
    geometric parameters of LDL particles via cryogenic transmission electron
    microscopy. Journal of the Society for Information Display 2007;15(6):391-8.

    Li B, Xie LK, Starr ZC, Yang ZC, Lin JS, Wang JHC. Development of micropost
    force sensor array with culture experiments for determination of cell
    traction forces. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 2007;64(7):509-18.


    Le Guehennec L, Soueidan A, Layrolle P, Amouriq Y. Surface treatments of
    titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration. Dental Materials

    Natali AN, Carniel EL, Pavan PG, Bourauel C, Ziegler A, Keilig L.
    Experimental-numerical analysis of minipig's multi-rooted teeth. Journal of
    Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1701-8.


    Boninger ML, Stripling TE. Preserving upper-limb function in spinal cord
    injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2007;88(6):817-.


    Smith AB. Intrinsic versus extrinsic biases in the fossil record:
    contrasting the fossil record of echinoids in the Triassic and early
    Jurassic using sampling data, phylogenetic analysis, and molecular clocks.
    Paleobiology 2007;33(2):310-23.


    Dingwell JB, Gu KH, Marin LC. The effects of sensory loss and walking speed
    on the orbital dynamic stability of human walking. Journal of Biomechanics

    Fajen BR, Warren WH. Behavioral dynamics of intercepting a moving target.
    Experimental Brain Research 2007;180(2):303-19.

    Kilding AE, Scott MA, Mullineaux DR. A kinematic comparison of deep water
    running and overground running in endurance runners. Journal of Strength and
    Conditioning Research 2007;21(2):476-80.

    Landry SC, McKean KA, Hubley-Kozey CL, Stanish WD, Deluzio KJ. Knee
    biomechanics of moderate OA patients measured during gait at a self-selected
    and fast walking speed. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1754-61.

    Lichtwark GA, Wilson AM. Is Achilles tendon compliance optimised for maximum
    muscle efficiency during locomotion? Journal of Biomechanics

    Skof B, Strojnik V. The effect of two warm-up protocols on some
    biomechanical parameters of the neuromuscular system of middle distance
    runners. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2007;21(2):394-9.


    Coppieters MW, Alshami AM. Longitudinal excursion and strain in the median
    nerve during novel nerve gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome.
    Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2007;25(7):972-80.


    Julkunen P, Kiviranta P, Wilson W, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK.
    Characterization of articular cartilage by combining microscopic analysis
    with a fibril-reinforced finite-element model. Journal of Biomechanics

    Pulliainen O, Vasara AI, Hyttinen MM, Tiitu V, Valonen P, Kellomaki M et al.
    Poly-L-D-lactic acid scaffold in the repair of porcine knee cartilage
    lesions. Tissue Engineering 2007;13(6):1347-55.


    Bartsch MS, Federle W, Full RJ, Kenny TW. A multiaxis force sensor for the
    study of insect biomechanics. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

    Hwang ES, Seo JH, Kim YJ. A polymer-based flexible tactile sensor for both
    normal and shear load detections and its application for robotics. Journal
    of Microelectromechanical Systems 2007;16(3):556-63.

    Normant M, Dziekonski M, Drzazgowski J, Lamprecht I. Metabolic
    investigations of aquatic organisms with a new twin heat conduction
    calorimeter. Thermochimica Acta 2006;458(1-2):101-6.

    Pavlova OG, Yuchkina OV. Recording of electromyogram in chronic experiments
    in dogs. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova


    Anderson DD, Goldsworthy JK, Li W, Rudert MJ, Tochigi Y, Brown TD. Physical
    validation of a patient-specific contact finite element model of the ankle.
    Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1662-9.


    Bonnefoy A, Doriot N, Senk M, Dohin B, Pradon D, Cheze L. A non-invasive
    protocol to determine the personalized moment arms of knee and ankle
    muscles. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1776-85.


    Erschbamer M, Pernold K, Olson L. Inhibiting epidermal growth factor
    receptor improves structural, locomotor, sensory, and bladder recovery from
    experimental spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroscience

    Franklin TC, Granata KP. Role of reflex gain and reflex delay in spinal
    stability - A dynamic simulation. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1762-7.

    Huss M, Rehn M. Tonically driven and self-sustaining activity in the lamprey
    hemicord: When can they co-exist? Neurocomputing 2007;70(10-12):1882-6.

    Pavlova IV, Vanetsian GL. Interhemispheric asymmetry of neocortex and
    hippocampus in orienting exploratory behavior of rabbits. Zhurnal Vysshei
    Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova 2007;57(2):169-80.

    Quinlan KA, Kiehn O. Segmental, synaptic actions of commissural interneurons
    in the mouse spinal cord. Journal of Neuroscience 2007;27(24):6521-30.

    Williams CA, DeWeerth SP. Resonance tuning of a neuromechanical system with
    two negative sensory feedback configurations. Neurocomputing


    Rubod C, Boukerrou M, Brieu M, Dubois P, Cosson M. Biomechanical properties
    of vaginal tissue. Part 1: New experimental protocol. Journal of Urology

    Twiss CO, Triaca V, Raz S. Biomechanical properties of vaginal tissue. Part
    1: New experimental protocol - Editorial comment. Journal of Urology


    Dosch JC, Moser T, Dupuis MG, Dietemann JL. How to read radiography of the
    traumatic spine ? Journal De Radiologie 2007;88(5):802-16.

    Ivanov A, Faizan A, Sairyo K, Ebraheim N, Biyani A, Goel VK. Minimally
    invasive decompression for lumbar spinal canal stenosis in younger age
    patients could lead to higher stresses in the remaining neural arch - A
    finite element investigation. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

    Kadoury S, Cheriet F, Laporte C, Labelle H. A versatile 3D reconstruction
    system of the spine and pelvis for clinical assessment of spinal
    deformities. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

    Liebschner M, Tawackoli W, Haddock S, Simonton A. Biomechanical efficacy of
    intervertebral disc augmetation. Tissue Engineering 2007;13(6):1373-.

    Sun K, Rhines L, Burton A, Mendel E, Liebschner M. Biomechanics of
    vertebroplasty may be sensitive to intervertebral disc quality. Tissue
    Engineering 2007;13(6):1379-.


    Giannoudis PV, Kanakaris NK, Tsiridis E. Principles of internal fixation and
    selection of implants for periprosthetic femoral fractures.
    Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 2007;38(6):669-87.


    Cholewicki J, Reeves NP, Everding VQ, Morrisette DC. Lumbosacral orthoses
    reduce trunk muscle activity in a postural control task. Journal of
    Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1731-6.

    Mezzarane RA, Kohn AF. Control of upright stance over inclined surfaces.
    Experimental Brain Research 2007;180(2):377-88.


    Graham LE, Datta D, Heller B, Howitt J. A comparative study of conventional
    and energy-storing prosthetic feet in high-functioning transfemoral
    amputees. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2007;88(6):801-6.

    Zmitrewicz RJ, Neptune RR, Sasaki K. Mechanical energetic contributions from
    individual muscles and elastic prosthetic feet during symmetric unilateral
    transtibial amputee walking: A theoretical study. Journal of Biomechanics


    Sfakiotakis M, Tsakiris DP. Neuromuscular control of reactive behaviors for
    undulatory robots. Neurocomputing 2007;70(10-12):1907-13.


    Bruenger AJ, Smith SL, Sands WA, Leigh MR. Validation of instrumentation to
    monitor dynamic performance of olympic weightlifters. Journal of Strength
    and Conditioning Research 2007;21(2):492-9.

    Duffey MJ, Challis JH. Fatigue effects on bar kinematics during the bench
    press. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2007;21(2):556-60.


    Crottet D, Kowal J, Sarfert SA, Maeder T, Bleuler H, Nolte LP et al.
    Ligament balancing in TKA: Evaluation of a force-sensing device and the
    influence of patellar eversion and ligament release. Journal of Biomechanics

    DeFrate LE, Nha KW, Papannagari R, Moses JM, Gill TJ, Li GA. The
    biomechanical function of the patellar tendon during in-vivo weight-bearing
    flexion. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1716-22.

    Juncosa-Melvin N, Matlin KS, Holdcraft RW, Nirmalanandhan VS, Butler DL.
    Mechanical stimulation increases collagen type I and collagen 1219 type III
    gene expression of stem cell-collagen sponge constructs for patellar tendon
    repair. Tissue Engineering 2007;13(6):1219-26.


    Gefen A. Risk factors for a pressure-related deep tissue injury: a
    theoretical model. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

    Orlandi RR, Shu XZ, McGill L, Petersen E, Prestwich GD. Structural
    variations in a single hyaluronan derivative significantly alter
    wound-healing effects in the rabbit maxillary sinus. Laryngoscope


    Venkadesan M, Guckenheimer J, Valero-Cuevas FJ. Manipulating the edge of
    instability. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(8):1653-61.


    Ichim I, Kieser J, Swain M. Tongue contractions during speech may have led
    to the development of the bony geometry of the chin following the evolution
    of human language: A mechanobiological hypothesis for the development of the
    human chin. Medical Hypotheses 2007;69(1):20-4.