August 17- August 23, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
electronic form through the publisher.
Bauer JS, Link TM, Burghardt A, Henning TD, Mueller D, Majumdar S et al.
Analysis of trabecular bone structure with multidetector spiral computed
tomography in a simulated soft-tissue environment. Calcified Tissue
International 2007;80(6):366-73.
Chong ACM, Friis EA, Ballard GP, Czuwala PJ, Cooke FW. Fatigue performance
of composite analogue femur constructs under high activity loading. Annals
of Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1196-205.
Eswaran SK, Bayraktar HH, Adams MF, Gupta A, Hoffmann PF, Lee DC et al. The
micro-mechanics of cortical shell removal in the human vertebral body.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Renno ACM, Silveira Gomes AR, Barbosa Nascimento R, Salvini T, Parizoto N.
Effects of a progressive loading exercise program on the bone and skeletal
muscle properties of female osteopenic rats. Experimental Gerontology
Speta F. Biographical and botanical notes on two Upper Austrian specialists
for Pedicularis: Hans STEININGER (1856-1891) and Josef STADLMANN
(1881-1964). Phyton-Annales Rei Botanicae 2007;46(2):295-334.
Baek S, Gleason RL, Rajagopal KR, Humphrey JD. Theory of small on large:
Potential utility in computations of fluid-solid interactions in arteries.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Mercadier JJ. Current pathophysiologic approaches to heart failure. Presse
Medicale 2007;36(6):979-84.
Vaziri A, Xue Z, Kamm RD, Mofrad MRK. A computational study on power-law
rheology of soft glassy materials with application to cell mechanics.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Cameron I, Rinaldi RA, Kirby G, Davidson D. Amoeba proteus displays a
walking form of locomotion. Cell Biology International 2007;31(8):759-62.
Fulton CJ. Swimming speed performance in coral reef fishes: field
validations reveal distinct functional groups. Coral Reefs
Mrva M. Observations on morphology of insufficiently known amoebae
Saccamoeba wellneri Siemensma, 1987 and Saccamoeba limna Bovee, 1972
(Gymnamoebia : Hartmannellidae). Biologia 2007;62(3):315-9.
Navas CA, Antoniazzi MM, Carvalho JE, Suzuki H, Jared C. Physiological basis
for diurnal activity in dispersing juvenile Bufo granulosus in the Caatinga,
a Brazilian semi-arid environment. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2007;147(3):647-57.
Procopio AM, Bergmann JAG, Menzel HJ, Bretas MS, Herr J, Fantini P. Joint
angle-time curves of Brazilian gaited horses. Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina
Veterinaria E Zootecnia 2007;59(1):41-8.
Ujigawa K, Kato Y, Kizu Y, Tonogi M, Yamane GY. Three-dimensional finite
elemental analysis of zygomatic implants in craniofacial structures.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2007;36(7):620-5.
Abdullah HA, Tarry C, Datta R, Mittal GS, Abderrahim M. Dynamic
biomechanical model for assessing and monitoring robot-assisted upper-limb
therapy. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
Barbeau H, Elashoff R, Deforge D, Ditunno J, Saulino M, Dobkin BH.
Comparison of speeds used for the 15.2-meter and 6-minute walks over the
year after an incomplete spinal cord injury: The SCILT trial.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2007;21(4):302-6.
Klein DA, Mayer LES, Schebendach JE, Walsh BT. Physical activity and
cortisol in Anorexia Nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2007;32(5):539-47.
Kristan A, Mavcic B, Cimerman M, Iglic A, Tonin M, Slivnik T et al.
Acetabular loading in active abduction. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems
and Rehabilitation Engineering 2007;15(2):252-7.
Layman R, Olson K, Poznak C. Bisphosphonates for breast cancer: Questions
answered, questions remaining. Hematology-Oncology Clinics of North America
Mayr A, Kofler M, Quirbach E, Matzak H, Frohlich K, Saltuari L. Prospective,
blinded, randomized crossover study of gait rehabilitation in stroke
patients using the Lokomat gait orthosis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural
Repair 2007;21(4):307-14.
Roquelaure Y, Ha C, Gohier B, Dano C, Touranchet A, Leclerc A et al.
Exposure to psychosocial stressors at work in the Pays de la Loire region in
2002. Encephale-Revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique Et Therapeutique
Kovarovic K, Andrews P. Bovid postcranial ecomorphological survey of the
Laetoli paleoenvironment. Journal of Human Evolution 2007;52(6):663-80.
Wanner IS, Sosa TS, Alt KW, Blos VT. Lifestyle, occupation, and whole bone
morphology of the pre-Hispanic Maya coastal population from Xcambo, Yucatan,
Mexico. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2007;17(3):253-68.
Centomo H, Amarantini D, Martin L, Prince F. Kinematic and kinetic analysis
of a stepping-in-place task in below-knee amputee children compared to
able-bodied children. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation
Engineering 2007;15(2):258-65.
Ferrarin M, Carpinella I, Rabuffetti M, Rizzone M, Lopiano L, Crenna P.
Unilateral and bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's
disease: Effects on EMG signals of lower limb muscles during walking. Ieee
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
Novak V, Hu K, Vyas M, Lipsitz LA. Cardiolocomotor coupling in young and
elderly people. Journals of Gerontology Series a-Biological Sciences and
Medical Sciences 2007;62(1):86-92.
Darton Y. Flatfoot: The palaeopathological diagnosis. International Journal
of Osteoarchaeology 2007;17(3):286-98.
Cai J, Miller GW, Altes TA, Read PW, Benedict SH, De Lange EE et al. Direct
measurement of lung motion using hyperpolarized helium-3 MR tagging.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
Ling HY, Choi PC, Zheng YP, Lau KT. Extraction of mechanical properties of
foot plantar tissues using ultrasound indentation associated with genetic
algorithm. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine
Zohdi TI. A computational framework for network modeling of fibrous
biological tissue deformation and rupture. Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering 2007;196(31-32):2972-80.
Friel KM, Drew T, Martin JH. Differential activity-dependent development of
corticospinal control of movement and final limb position during visually
guided locomotion. Journal of Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3396-406.
Hughes CL, Thomas JB. A sensory feedback circuit coordinates muscle activity
in Drosophila. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 2007;35(2):383-96.
Jackson AW, Pino FA, Wiebe ED, McClellan AD. Movements and muscle activity
initiated by brain locomotor areas in semi-intact preparations from larval
lamprey. Journal of Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3229-41.
Perez CT, Hill RH, Grillner S. Endogenous tachykinin release contributes to
the locomotor activity in lamprey. Journal of Neurophysiology
Scivoletto G, Ivanenko Y, Morganti B, Grasso R, Zago M, Lacquaniti F et al.
Plasticity of spinal centers in spinal cord injury patients: New concepts
for gait evaluation and training. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
Smetana RW, Alford S, Dubuc R. Muscarinic receptor activation elicits
sustained, recurring depolarizations in reticulospinal neurons. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3181-92.
Trainin E, Meir R, Karniel A. Explaining patterns of neural activity in the
primary motor cortex using spinal cord and limb biomechanics models. Journal
of Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3736-50.
Van der Plaats A, Veldhuizen AG, Verkerke GJ. Numerical simulation of
asymmetrically altered growth as initiation mechanism of scoliosis. Annals
of Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1206-15.
Whitlow CT, Yazdani SK, Reedy ML, Kaminsky SE, Berry JL, Morris PP.
Investigating sacroplasty: Technical considerations and finite element
analysis of polymethylmethacrylate infusion into cadaveric sacrum. American
Journal of Neuroradiology 2007;28(6):1036-41.
Zalavras C, Thordarson D. Ankle syndesmotic injury. Journal of the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2007;15(6):330-9.
Scarborough DM, McGibbon CA, Krebs DE. Chair rise strategies in older adults
with functional limitations. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Development 2007;44(1):33-41.
Tsujita K, Inoura T, Morioka A, Nakatani K, Suzuki K, Masuda T.
Oscillator-controlled bipedal walk with pneumatic actuators. Journal of
Mechanical Science and Technology 2007;21(6):976-80.
Marshall SW, Hamstra-Wright KL, Dick R, Grove KA, Agel J. Descriptive
epidemiology of collegiate women's softball injuries: National Collegiate
Athletic Association injury surveillance system, 1988-1989 through
2003-2004. Journal of Athletic Training 2007;42(2):286-94.
Asundi KR, Kursa K, Lotz J, Rempel DM. In vitro system for applying cyclic
loads to connective tissues under displacement or force control. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1188-95.
Brem H, Tomic-Canic M, Entero H, Hanflik AM, Wang VM, Fallon JT et al. The
synergism of age and db/db genotype impairs wound healing. Experimental
Gerontology 2007;42(6):523-31.
Roberts HC, Knott L, Avery NC, Cox TM, Evans MJ, Hayman AR. Altered collagen
in tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-deficient mice: A role for
TRAP in bone collagen metabolism. Calcified Tissue International
Arbogast KB, Kent RW, Menon RA, Ghati Y, Durbin DR, Rouhana SW. Mechanisms
of abdominal organ injury in seat belt-restrained children. Journal of
Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care 2007;62(6):1473-80.
Ifediba MA, Rajguru SM, Hullar TE, Rabbitt RD. The role of 3-canal
biomechanics in angular motion transduction by the human vestibular
labyrinth. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1247-63.
Pedrigi RM, David G, Dziezyc J, Humphrey JD. Regional mechanical properties
and stress analysis of the human anterior lens capsule. Vision Research
Ghani S, Mannan A, Kaucer A, Sen SL, Clarke A, Butler P et al. Facial motion
analysis of acid burn victims - Development of a new facial motion
impairment index. Burns 2007;33(4):495-504.
Ikeuchi K. Origin and future of hydration lubrication. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology
Sandstrom K. The lived body - experiences from adults with cerebral palsy.
Clinical Rehabilitation 2007;21(5):432-41.
Tamburin S, Idone D, Zanette G. Belly dancer's myoclonus and chronic
abdominal pain: Pain-related dysinhibition of a spinal cord central pattern
generator? Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2007;13(5):317-20.
Tokuda IT, Horacek J, Svec JG, Herzel H. Comparison of biomechanical
modeling of register transitions and voice instabilities with excised larynx
experiments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Zhang Y, Reynders WJ, Jiang JJ, Tateya I. Determination of phonation
instability pressure and phonation pressure range in excised larynges.
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 2007;50(3):611-20.
de Lussanet MHE, Muller M. The smaller your mouth, the longer your snout:
predicting the snout length of Syngnathus acus, Centriscus scutatus and
other pipette feeders. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
August 17- August 23, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
electronic form through the publisher.
Bauer JS, Link TM, Burghardt A, Henning TD, Mueller D, Majumdar S et al.
Analysis of trabecular bone structure with multidetector spiral computed
tomography in a simulated soft-tissue environment. Calcified Tissue
International 2007;80(6):366-73.
Chong ACM, Friis EA, Ballard GP, Czuwala PJ, Cooke FW. Fatigue performance
of composite analogue femur constructs under high activity loading. Annals
of Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1196-205.
Eswaran SK, Bayraktar HH, Adams MF, Gupta A, Hoffmann PF, Lee DC et al. The
micro-mechanics of cortical shell removal in the human vertebral body.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Renno ACM, Silveira Gomes AR, Barbosa Nascimento R, Salvini T, Parizoto N.
Effects of a progressive loading exercise program on the bone and skeletal
muscle properties of female osteopenic rats. Experimental Gerontology
Speta F. Biographical and botanical notes on two Upper Austrian specialists
for Pedicularis: Hans STEININGER (1856-1891) and Josef STADLMANN
(1881-1964). Phyton-Annales Rei Botanicae 2007;46(2):295-334.
Baek S, Gleason RL, Rajagopal KR, Humphrey JD. Theory of small on large:
Potential utility in computations of fluid-solid interactions in arteries.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Mercadier JJ. Current pathophysiologic approaches to heart failure. Presse
Medicale 2007;36(6):979-84.
Vaziri A, Xue Z, Kamm RD, Mofrad MRK. A computational study on power-law
rheology of soft glassy materials with application to cell mechanics.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Cameron I, Rinaldi RA, Kirby G, Davidson D. Amoeba proteus displays a
walking form of locomotion. Cell Biology International 2007;31(8):759-62.
Fulton CJ. Swimming speed performance in coral reef fishes: field
validations reveal distinct functional groups. Coral Reefs
Mrva M. Observations on morphology of insufficiently known amoebae
Saccamoeba wellneri Siemensma, 1987 and Saccamoeba limna Bovee, 1972
(Gymnamoebia : Hartmannellidae). Biologia 2007;62(3):315-9.
Navas CA, Antoniazzi MM, Carvalho JE, Suzuki H, Jared C. Physiological basis
for diurnal activity in dispersing juvenile Bufo granulosus in the Caatinga,
a Brazilian semi-arid environment. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2007;147(3):647-57.
Procopio AM, Bergmann JAG, Menzel HJ, Bretas MS, Herr J, Fantini P. Joint
angle-time curves of Brazilian gaited horses. Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina
Veterinaria E Zootecnia 2007;59(1):41-8.
Ujigawa K, Kato Y, Kizu Y, Tonogi M, Yamane GY. Three-dimensional finite
elemental analysis of zygomatic implants in craniofacial structures.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2007;36(7):620-5.
Abdullah HA, Tarry C, Datta R, Mittal GS, Abderrahim M. Dynamic
biomechanical model for assessing and monitoring robot-assisted upper-limb
therapy. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
Barbeau H, Elashoff R, Deforge D, Ditunno J, Saulino M, Dobkin BH.
Comparison of speeds used for the 15.2-meter and 6-minute walks over the
year after an incomplete spinal cord injury: The SCILT trial.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2007;21(4):302-6.
Klein DA, Mayer LES, Schebendach JE, Walsh BT. Physical activity and
cortisol in Anorexia Nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2007;32(5):539-47.
Kristan A, Mavcic B, Cimerman M, Iglic A, Tonin M, Slivnik T et al.
Acetabular loading in active abduction. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems
and Rehabilitation Engineering 2007;15(2):252-7.
Layman R, Olson K, Poznak C. Bisphosphonates for breast cancer: Questions
answered, questions remaining. Hematology-Oncology Clinics of North America
Mayr A, Kofler M, Quirbach E, Matzak H, Frohlich K, Saltuari L. Prospective,
blinded, randomized crossover study of gait rehabilitation in stroke
patients using the Lokomat gait orthosis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural
Repair 2007;21(4):307-14.
Roquelaure Y, Ha C, Gohier B, Dano C, Touranchet A, Leclerc A et al.
Exposure to psychosocial stressors at work in the Pays de la Loire region in
2002. Encephale-Revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique Et Therapeutique
Kovarovic K, Andrews P. Bovid postcranial ecomorphological survey of the
Laetoli paleoenvironment. Journal of Human Evolution 2007;52(6):663-80.
Wanner IS, Sosa TS, Alt KW, Blos VT. Lifestyle, occupation, and whole bone
morphology of the pre-Hispanic Maya coastal population from Xcambo, Yucatan,
Mexico. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2007;17(3):253-68.
Centomo H, Amarantini D, Martin L, Prince F. Kinematic and kinetic analysis
of a stepping-in-place task in below-knee amputee children compared to
able-bodied children. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation
Engineering 2007;15(2):258-65.
Ferrarin M, Carpinella I, Rabuffetti M, Rizzone M, Lopiano L, Crenna P.
Unilateral and bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's
disease: Effects on EMG signals of lower limb muscles during walking. Ieee
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
Novak V, Hu K, Vyas M, Lipsitz LA. Cardiolocomotor coupling in young and
elderly people. Journals of Gerontology Series a-Biological Sciences and
Medical Sciences 2007;62(1):86-92.
Darton Y. Flatfoot: The palaeopathological diagnosis. International Journal
of Osteoarchaeology 2007;17(3):286-98.
Cai J, Miller GW, Altes TA, Read PW, Benedict SH, De Lange EE et al. Direct
measurement of lung motion using hyperpolarized helium-3 MR tagging.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
Ling HY, Choi PC, Zheng YP, Lau KT. Extraction of mechanical properties of
foot plantar tissues using ultrasound indentation associated with genetic
algorithm. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine
Zohdi TI. A computational framework for network modeling of fibrous
biological tissue deformation and rupture. Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering 2007;196(31-32):2972-80.
Friel KM, Drew T, Martin JH. Differential activity-dependent development of
corticospinal control of movement and final limb position during visually
guided locomotion. Journal of Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3396-406.
Hughes CL, Thomas JB. A sensory feedback circuit coordinates muscle activity
in Drosophila. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 2007;35(2):383-96.
Jackson AW, Pino FA, Wiebe ED, McClellan AD. Movements and muscle activity
initiated by brain locomotor areas in semi-intact preparations from larval
lamprey. Journal of Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3229-41.
Perez CT, Hill RH, Grillner S. Endogenous tachykinin release contributes to
the locomotor activity in lamprey. Journal of Neurophysiology
Scivoletto G, Ivanenko Y, Morganti B, Grasso R, Zago M, Lacquaniti F et al.
Plasticity of spinal centers in spinal cord injury patients: New concepts
for gait evaluation and training. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
Smetana RW, Alford S, Dubuc R. Muscarinic receptor activation elicits
sustained, recurring depolarizations in reticulospinal neurons. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3181-92.
Trainin E, Meir R, Karniel A. Explaining patterns of neural activity in the
primary motor cortex using spinal cord and limb biomechanics models. Journal
of Neurophysiology 2007;97(5):3736-50.
Van der Plaats A, Veldhuizen AG, Verkerke GJ. Numerical simulation of
asymmetrically altered growth as initiation mechanism of scoliosis. Annals
of Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1206-15.
Whitlow CT, Yazdani SK, Reedy ML, Kaminsky SE, Berry JL, Morris PP.
Investigating sacroplasty: Technical considerations and finite element
analysis of polymethylmethacrylate infusion into cadaveric sacrum. American
Journal of Neuroradiology 2007;28(6):1036-41.
Zalavras C, Thordarson D. Ankle syndesmotic injury. Journal of the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2007;15(6):330-9.
Scarborough DM, McGibbon CA, Krebs DE. Chair rise strategies in older adults
with functional limitations. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Development 2007;44(1):33-41.
Tsujita K, Inoura T, Morioka A, Nakatani K, Suzuki K, Masuda T.
Oscillator-controlled bipedal walk with pneumatic actuators. Journal of
Mechanical Science and Technology 2007;21(6):976-80.
Marshall SW, Hamstra-Wright KL, Dick R, Grove KA, Agel J. Descriptive
epidemiology of collegiate women's softball injuries: National Collegiate
Athletic Association injury surveillance system, 1988-1989 through
2003-2004. Journal of Athletic Training 2007;42(2):286-94.
Asundi KR, Kursa K, Lotz J, Rempel DM. In vitro system for applying cyclic
loads to connective tissues under displacement or force control. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1188-95.
Brem H, Tomic-Canic M, Entero H, Hanflik AM, Wang VM, Fallon JT et al. The
synergism of age and db/db genotype impairs wound healing. Experimental
Gerontology 2007;42(6):523-31.
Roberts HC, Knott L, Avery NC, Cox TM, Evans MJ, Hayman AR. Altered collagen
in tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-deficient mice: A role for
TRAP in bone collagen metabolism. Calcified Tissue International
Arbogast KB, Kent RW, Menon RA, Ghati Y, Durbin DR, Rouhana SW. Mechanisms
of abdominal organ injury in seat belt-restrained children. Journal of
Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care 2007;62(6):1473-80.
Ifediba MA, Rajguru SM, Hullar TE, Rabbitt RD. The role of 3-canal
biomechanics in angular motion transduction by the human vestibular
labyrinth. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(7):1247-63.
Pedrigi RM, David G, Dziezyc J, Humphrey JD. Regional mechanical properties
and stress analysis of the human anterior lens capsule. Vision Research
Ghani S, Mannan A, Kaucer A, Sen SL, Clarke A, Butler P et al. Facial motion
analysis of acid burn victims - Development of a new facial motion
impairment index. Burns 2007;33(4):495-504.
Ikeuchi K. Origin and future of hydration lubrication. Proceedings of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology
Sandstrom K. The lived body - experiences from adults with cerebral palsy.
Clinical Rehabilitation 2007;21(5):432-41.
Tamburin S, Idone D, Zanette G. Belly dancer's myoclonus and chronic
abdominal pain: Pain-related dysinhibition of a spinal cord central pattern
generator? Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2007;13(5):317-20.
Tokuda IT, Horacek J, Svec JG, Herzel H. Comparison of biomechanical
modeling of register transitions and voice instabilities with excised larynx
experiments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Zhang Y, Reynders WJ, Jiang JJ, Tateya I. Determination of phonation
instability pressure and phonation pressure range in excised larynges.
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 2007;50(3):611-20.
de Lussanet MHE, Muller M. The smaller your mouth, the longer your snout:
predicting the snout length of Syngnathus acus, Centriscus scutatus and
other pipette feeders. Journal of the Royal Society Interface