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    August 24- August 30, 2007
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Keith E. Gordon, PhD
    Sensory Motor Performance Program
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    *** Special Issue Alert *** The current themed issue of IEEE Robotics &
    Automation Magazine focuses on Walking and Running Biped Robots

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
    electronic form through the publisher.


    Betz OB, Betz VM, Nazarian A, Egermann M, Gerstenfeld LC, Einhorn TA et al.
    Delayed administration of adenoviral BMP-2 vector improves the formation of
    bone in osseous defects. Gene Therapy 2007;14(13):1039-44.

    Brianza SZM, D'Amelio P, Pugno N, Delise M, Bignardi C, Isaia G. Allometric
    scaling and biomechanical behavior of the bone tissue: An experimental
    intraspecific investigation. Bone 2007;40(6):1635-42.

    Chen YL, Abraham D, Leask A, Xu SW, Denton C, Black C et al.
    Thrombospondin-1 mediates the biomechanical response of fibroblasts within
    contracted collagen matrices. Tissue Engineering 2007;13(7):1767-.

    Fukuroku J, Inoue N, Rafiee B, Sim FH, Frassica FJ, Chao EYS. Extracortical
    bone-bridging fixation with use of cortical allograft and recombinant human
    osteogenic protein-1. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume

    Heal JS, Gozzard C, Gheduzzi S, Grimm B, Learmonth ID, Miles AW. The
    development of a model for in vitro testing of femoral stems in impaction
    bone grafting. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part
    H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2007;221(H4):377-84.

    Martin RB. Targeted bone remodeling involves BMU steering as well as
    activation. Bone 2007;40(6):1574-80.

    Miller LM, Little W, Schirmer A, Sheik F, Busa B, Judex S. Accretion of bone
    quantity and quality in the developing mouse skeleton. Journal of Bone and
    Mineral Research 2007;22(7):1037-45.


    Aliverti A, Kayser B, Macklem PT. A human model of the pathophysiology of
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology 2007;12(4):478-85.

    Balguid A, Rubbens MP, Mol A, Bank RA, Bogers A, Van Kats JP et al. The role
    of collagen cross-links in biomechanical behavior of human aortic heart
    valve leaflets - Relevance for tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering

    Zocalo Y, Bia D, Pessana FM, Armentano RL. Changes in vein dynamics ranging
    from low to high pressure levels as a determinant of the differences in vein
    adaptation to arterial hemodynamic conditions. Artificial Organs


    Persson BNJ. Biological adhesion for locomotion on rough surfaces: Basic
    principles and a theorist's view. Mrs Bulletin 2007;32(6):486-90.

    Thorup VM, Togersen FA, Jorgensen B, Jensen BR. Biomechanical gait analysis
    of pigs walking on solid concrete floor. Animal 2007;1(5):708-15.

    Turesson H, Domenici P. Escape latency is size independent in grey mullet.
    Journal of Fish Biology 2007;71(1):253-9.

    Visser AW. Motility of zooplankton: fitness, foraging and predation. Journal
    of Plankton Research 2007;29(5):447-61.


    Kutta H, Knipping S, Claassen H, Paulsen F. Functional anatomy of the larynx
    from clinical viewpoints - Part I: Development, laryngeal skeleton, joints,
    insertion structures, musculature. Hno 2007;55(7):583-97.

    Zarnpelis A, Rangert B, Heiji L. Tilting of splinted implants for improved
    prosthodontic support: A two dimensional finite element analysis. Journal of
    Prosthetic Dentistry 2007;97(6):S35-S43.


    Cherng RJ, Liu CF, Lau TW, Hong RB. Effect of treadmill training with body
    weight support on gait and gross motor function in children with spastic
    cerebral palsy. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

    Cramer SC, Parrish TB, Levy RM, Stebbins GT, Ruland SD, Lowry DW et al.
    Predicting functional gains in a stroke trial. Stroke 2007;38(7):2108-14.


    Nakatsukasa M, Pickford M, Egi N, Senut B. Femur length, body mass, and
    stature estimates of Orrorin tugenensis, a 6 Ma hominid from Kenya. Primates


    Kuo AD. Choosing your steps carefully - Trade-offs between economy and
    versatility in dynamic walking bipedal robots. Ieee Robotics & Automation
    Magazine 2007;14(2):18-29.

    Morimoto J, Atkeson CG. Learning biped locomotion - Application of
    poincare-map-based reinforcement learning. Ieee Robotics & Automation
    Magazine 2007;14(2):41-51.

    Spong MW, Holm JK, Lee D. Passivity-based control of bipedal locomotion -
    Regulating walking by exploiting passive gaits in 2-D and 3-D bipeds. Ieee
    Robotics & Automation Magazine 2007;14(2):30-40.


    Giannoulis FS, Sotereanos DG. Galeazzi fractures and dislocations. Hand
    Clinics 2007;23(2):153-+.

    Jackson JD, Steinmann SP. Radial head fractures. Hand Clinics

    Marcotte AL, Osterman AL. Longitudinal radioulnar dissociation:
    Identification and treatment of acute and chronic injuries. Hand Clinics

    Scott AT, Owen JR, Khiatani V, Adelaar RS, Wayne JS. External fixation in
    the treatment of tibial pilon fractures: Comparison of two frames in
    torsion. Foot & Ankle International 2007;28(7):823-30.


    Arciniegas M, Aparicio C, Manero JM, Gil FJ. Low elastic modulus metals for
    joint prosthesis: Tantalum and nickel-titanium foams. Journal of the
    European Ceramic Society 2007;27(11):3391-8.

    Chawla K, Klein TJ, Schumacher BL, Jadin KD, Shah BH, Nakagawa K et al.
    Short-term retention of labeled chondrocyte subpopulations in stratified
    tissue-engineered cartilaginous constructs implanted in vivo in mini-pigs.
    Tissue Engineering 2007;13(7):1525-37.

    Cui JH, Min BH. Collagenous fibril texture of the discoid lateral meniscus.
    Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery

    Guettler J, Glisson R, Stubbs A, Jurist K, Higgins L. The triad of varus
    malalignment, meniscectomy, and chondral damage: A biomechanical explanation
    for joint degeneration. Orthopedics 2007;30(7):558-66.

    Stergiou N, Ristanis S, Moraiti C, Georgoulis AD. Tibial rotation in
    anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-deficient and ACL-reconstructed knees - A
    theoretical proposition for the development of osteoarthritis. Sports
    Medicine 2007;37(7):601-13.

    Theobald P, Byrne C, Oldfield SF, Dowson D, Benjamin M, Dent C et al.
    Lubrication regime of the contact between fat and bone in bovine tissue.
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of
    Engineering in Medicine 2007;221(H4):351-6.


    Dancause N, Taylor MD, Plautz EJ, Radel JD, Whittaker T, Nudo RJ et al. A
    stretch reflex in extraocular muscles of species purportedly lacking muscle
    spindles. Experimental Brain Research 2007;180(1):15-21.

    Jayaram G, Santos L, Stinear JW. Spike-timing-dependent plasticity induced
    in resting lower limb cortex persists during subsequent walking. Brain
    Research 2007;1153:92-7.


    Gilbert KK, Brismee JM, Collins DL, James CR, Shah RV, Sawyer SF et al. 2006
    Young Investigator Award winner: Lumbosacral nerve root displacement and
    strain part 1. A novel measurement technique during straight leg raise in
    unembalmed cadavers. Spine 2007;32(14):1513-20.

    Gilbert KK, Brismee JM, Collins DL, James CR, Shah RV, Sawyer SF et al. 2006
    Young Investigator Award winner: Lumbosacral nerve root displacement and
    strain part 2. A comparison of 2 straight leg raise conditions in unembalmed
    cadavers. Spine 2007;32(14):1521-5.

    Ryu KS, Park CK, Kim MK, Kim DH. Single balloon kyphoplasty using
    far-lateral extrapedicular approach - Technical note and preliminary
    results. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 2007;20(5):392-8.

    Shin DS, Lee K, Kim D. Biomechanical study of lumbar spine with dynamic
    stabilization device using finite element method. Computer-Aided Design


    Asagumo H, Kimura M, Kobayashi Y, Taki M, Takagishi K. Anatomic
    reconstruction of the anterior Cruciate ligament using double-bundle
    hamstring tendons: Surgical techniques, clinical outcomes, and
    complications. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery

    Austin JC, Phornphutkul C, Wojtys EM. Loss of knee extension after anterior
    cruciate ligament reconstruction: Effects of knee position and graft
    tensioning. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume

    Bellon JM, Rodriguez M, Garcia-Honduvilla N, Pascual G, Bujan J. Partially
    absorbable meshes for hernia. repair offer advantages over nonabsorbable
    meshes. American Journal of Surgery 2007;194(1):68-74.

    Cole BJ, ElAttrache NS, Anbari A. Arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs: An
    anatomic and biomechanical rationale for different suture-anchor repair
    configurations. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery

    Culemann U, Seelig M, Lange U, Gansslen A, Tosounidis G, Pohlemann T.
    Biomechanical comparison of different stabilisation devices for
    transforaminal sacral fracture. Is an interlocking device advantageous?
    Unfallchirurg 2007;110(6):528-36.

    DiPaola CP, Jacobson JA, Awad H, Conrad BP, Rechtine GR. Screw pull-out
    force is dependent on screw orientation in an anterior cervical plate
    construct. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 2007;20(5):369-73.

    Mahar A, Kim C, Wedemeyer M, Mitsunaga L, Odell T, Johnson B et al.
    Short-segment fixation of lumbar burst fractures using pedicle fixation at
    the level of the fracture. Spine 2007;32(14):1503-7.

    O'Neill PJ, Parks BG, Walsh R, Simmons LM, Schon LC. Biomechanical analysis
    of screw-augmented intramedullary fixation for tibiotalocalcaneal
    arthrodesis. Foot & Ankle International 2007;28(7):804-9.

    Provencher MT, Mologne TS, Hongo M, Zhao K, Tasto JP, An KN. Arthroscopic
    versus open rotator interval closure: Biomechanical evaluation of stability
    and motion. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery

    Reardon DJ, Maffulli N. Clinical evidence shows no difference between
    single- and double-row repair for rotator cuff tears. Arthroscopy-the
    Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2007;23(6):670-3.

    Wright PB, Budoff JE, Yeh ML, Kelm ZS, Luo ZP. The properties of damaged and
    undamaged suture used in metal and bioabsorbable anchors: An in vitro study.
    Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery


    Kwon J, Park S, Park J, Kim B. Evaluation of the critical stroke of an
    earthworm-like robot for capsule endoscopes. Proceedings of the Institution
    of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine

    Sudo S, Tsuyuki K, Matsumoto T, Yoshikawa M, Watanabe M, Honda T. Biomimetic
    study of diving beetle robot propelled by alternating magnetic field.
    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics


    Ingram JH, Korossis S, Howling G, Fisher J, Ingham E. The use of
    ultrasonication to aid recellularization of acellular natural tissue
    scaffolds for use in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Tissue
    Engineering 2007;13(7):1561-72.

    Kanaya A, Deie M, Adachi N, Nishimori M, Yanada S, Ochi M. Intra-articular
    injection of mesenchymal stromal cells in partially tom anterior cruciate
    ligaments in a rat model. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and
    Related Surgery 2007;23(6):610-7.


    Jenner J, Van Eijk F, Saris DBF, Willems WJ, Dhert WJA, Creemers LB. Effect
    of transforming growth factor-beta and growth differentiation factor-5 on
    proliferation and matrix production by human bone marrow stromal cells
    cultured on braided poly lactic-co-glycolic acid scaffolds for ligament
    tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering 2007;13(7):1573-82.

    Karuppiah SV, Johnstone AJ. High density polyethylene as a substitute for
    bones in biomechanical studies. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

    Weinand C, Gupta R, Weinberg E, Madisch I, Jupiter JB, Vacanti JP. Human
    shaped thumb bone tissue engineered by
    Hydrogel-beta-tricalciumphosphate/poly-epsilon-caprolactone scaffolds and
    magnetically sorted stem cells. Annals of Plastic Surgery 2007;59(1):46-52.


    Eliashar E. An evidence-based assessment of the biomechanical effects of the
    common shoeing and farriery techniques. Veterinary Clinics of North
    America-Equine Practice 2007;23(2):425-+.


    Bent LR, Bolton PS, Macefield VG. Vestibular inputs do not influence the
    fusimotor system in relaxed muscles of the human leg. Experimental Brain
    Research 2007;180(1):97-103.

    Ramos RF, Hoying JB, Witte MH, Stamer WD. Schlemm's canal endothelia,
    lymphatic, or blood vasculature? Journal of Glaucoma 2007;16(4):391-405.


    Grant L, Fuchs PA. Auditory transduction in the mouse. Pflugers
    Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 2007;454(5):793-804.

    Kernan MJ. Mechanotransduction and auditory transduction in Drosophila.
    Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 2007;454(5):703-20.

    Yang JZ, Kim JH, Abdel-Malek K, Marler T, Beck S, Kopp GR. A new digital
    human environment and assessment of vehicle interior design. Computer-Aided
    Design 2007;39(7):548-58.


    Daltorio KA, Gorb S, Peressadko A, Horchler AD, Wei TE, Ritzmann RE et al.
    Microstructured polymer adhesive feet for climbing robots. Mrs Bulletin