November 23 – November 29, 2007
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
electronic form through the publisher.


Wu W, Qi M, Liu XP, Yang DZ, Wang WQ. Delivery and release of nitinol stent
in carotid artery and their interactions: A finite element analysis. Journal
of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):3034-40.


Csucs G, Quirin K, Danuser G. Locomotion of fish epidermal keratocytes on
spatially selective adhesion patterns. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton


Clark ME, Edelmann RE, Duley ML, Wall JD, Fields MW. Biofilm formation in
Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough is dependent upon protein filaments.
Environmental Microbiology 2007;9(11):2844-54.

Einoder L, Richardson A. The digital tendon locking mechanism of owls:
variation in the structure and arrangement of the mechanism and functional
implications. Emu 2007;107(3):223-30.

Kokshenev VB. New insights into long-bone biomechanics: Are limb safety
factors invariable across mammalian species? Journal of Biomechanics

Li J, Chan KHS, Blake RW, Kwok PYL. Brief Communications: Evaluation using
multilayer perception neural networks: A case study of undulatory median fin
swimming in the knifefish Xenomystus nigri. Journal of Fish Biology


Att W, Tsukimura N, Suzuki T, Ogawa T. Effect of supramicron roughness
characteristics produceed by 1-and 2-step acid etching on the
osseointegration capability of titanium. International Journal of Oral &
Maxillofacial Implants 2007;22(5):719-28.

Natali AN, Gasparetto A, Carniel EL, Pavan PG, Fabbro S. Interaction
phenomena between oral implants and bone tissue in single and multiple
implant frames under occlusal loads and misfit conditions: A numerical
approach. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied
Biomaterials 2007;83B(2):332-9.

Seibel LM, Barlow SM. Automatic measurement of nonparticipatory stiffness in
the perioral complex. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research

Vecchione L, Byron C, Cooper GM, Barbano T, Hamrick MW, Sciote JJ et al.
Craniofacial morphology in myostatin-deficient mice. Journal of Dental
Research 2007;86(11):1068-72.


Habold C, Reichardt F, Foltzer-Jourdainne C, Lignot JH. Morphological
changes of the rat intestinal lining in relation to body stores depletion
during fasting and after refeeding. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of
Physiology 2007;455(2):323-32.


Burns J, Landorf KB, Ryan MM, Crosbie J, Ouvrier RR. Interventions for the
prevention and treatment of pes cavus. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2007(4).

Gregory DE, Milosavljevic S, Pal P, Callaghan JP. An examination of shoulder
kinematics and kinetics when using a commercial trunk harness while sheep
shearing. Applied Ergonomics 2008;39(1):29-35.

Noehren B, Davis I, Hamill J. ASB Clinical Biomechanics Award Winner 2006
Prospective study of the biomechanical factors associated with iliotibial
band syndrome. Clinical Biomechanics 2007;22(9):951-6.

Shin G, Mirka GA. An in vivo assessment of the low back response to
prolonged flexion: Interplay between active and passive tissues. Clinical
Biomechanics 2007;22(9):965-71.

Singh-Grewal D, Schneiderman-Walker J, Wright V, Bar-Or O, Beyene J,
Selvadurai H et al. The effects of vigorous exercise training on physical
function in children with arthritis: A randomized, controlled,
single-blinded trial. Arthritis & Rheumatism-Arthritis Care & Research

Stokes M, Hides J, Elliott J, Kiesel K, Hodges P. Rehabilitative ultrasound
imaging of the posterior paraspinal muscles. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports
Physical Therapy 2007;37(10):581-95.

Xu X, Mirka GA, Hsiang SM. The effects of obesity on lifting performance.
Applied Ergonomics 2008;39(1):93-8.


Egi N, Nakatsukasa M, Kalmykov NP, Maschenk EN, Takai M. Distal humerus and
ulna of Parapresbytis (Colobinae) from the Pliocene of Russia and Mongolia:
phylogenetic and ecological implications based on elbow morphology.
Anthropological Science 2007;115(2):107-17.

Haeusler M, McHenry HM. Evolutionary reversals of limb proportions in early
hominids? Evidence from KNM-ER 3735 (Homo habilis). Journal of Human
Evolution 2007;53(4):383-405.


Abe D, Muraki S, Yanagawa K, Fukuoka Y, Niihata S. Changes in EMG
characteristics and metabolic energy cost during 90-min prolonged running.
Gait & Posture 2007;26(4):607-10.

Birrell SA, Hooper RH, Haslam RA. The effect of military load carriage on
ground reaction forces. Gait & Posture 2007;26(4):611-4.

Ditunno JE, Barbeau H, Dobkin BH, Elashoff R, Harkerna S, Marino RJ et al.
Validity of the walking scale for spinal cord injury and other domains of
function in a multicenter clinical trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural
Repair 2007;21(6):539-50.

Eves FF, Scott EJ, Hoppe R, French DP. Using the affective priming paradigm
to explore the attitudes underlying walking behaviour. British Journal of
Health Psychology 2007;12:571-85.

Fietzek UM, Schroeteler F, Ziegler K, Ceballos-Baumann A. Gait disorders.
Nervenheilkunde 2007;26(10):903-12.

Gerin-Lajoie M, Ronsky JL, Loitz-Ramage B, Robu I, Richards CL, McFadyen BJNavigational strategies during fast walking: A comparison between trained
athletes and non-athletes. Gait & Posture 2007;26(4):539-45.

Hardin E, Kobetic R, Murray L, Corado-Ahmed M, Pinault G, Sakai J et al.
Walking after incomplete spinal cord injury using an implanted FES system: A
case report. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Hsu MJ, Wei SH, Yu YH, Chang YJ. Leg stiffness and electromyography of knee
extensors/flexors: Comparison between older and younger adults during stair
descent. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Lay AN, Hass CJ, Gregor RJ. The effects of sloped surfaces on locomotion:
Backward walking as a perturbation. Journal of Biomechanics

Long JT, Klein JP, Sirota NM, Wertsch JJ, Janisse D, Harris GF. Biomechanics
of the double rocker sole shoe: Gait kinematics and kinetics. Journal of
Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2882-90.

Lu TW, Chen HL, Wang TM. Obstacle crossing in older adults with medial
compartment knee osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture 2007;26(4):553-9.

McVea DA, Pearson KG. Contextual learning and obstacle memory in the walking
cat. Integrative and Comparative Biology 2007;47(4):457-64.

Romkes J, Brunner R. An electromyographic analysis of obligatory (hemiplegic
cerebral palsy) and voluntary (normal) unilateral toe-walking. Gait &
Posture 2007;26(4):577-86.

Stewart C, Postans N, Schwartz MH, Rozumalski A, Roberts A. An exploration
of the function of the triceps surae during normal gait using functional
electrical stimulation. Gait & Posture 2007;26(4):482-8.

Vrieling AH, van Keeken HG, Schoppen T, Otten E, Halbertsma JPK, Hof AL et
al. Obstacle crossing in lower limb amputees. Gait & Posture


Cerveri P, De Momi E, Lopomo N, Baud-Bovy G, Barros RML, Ferrigno G. Finger
kinematic modeling and real-time hand motion estimation. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering 2007;35(11):1989-2002.

Lechleitner M, Abrahamian H, Francesconi M. The diabetic foot. Wiener
Klinische Wochenschrift 2007;119:32-4.

Ledoux WR, Blevins JJ. The compressive material properties of the plantar
soft tissue. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2975-81.

Osamura N, Zhao CF, Zobitz ME, An KN, Amadio PC. Evaluation of the material
properties of the subsynovial connective tissue in carpal tunnel syndrome.
Clinical Biomechanics 2007;22(9):999-1003.

Stewart DA, Smitham PJ, Gianoutsos MP, Walsh WR. Biomechanical influence of
the vincula tendinum on digital motion after isolated flexor tendon injury.
A cadaveric study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume

Vigouroux L, Quaine F, Labarre-Vila A, Aniarantini D, Moutet F. Using EMG
data to constrain optimization procedure improves finger tendon tension
estimations during static fingertip force production. Journal of
Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2846-56.

Yavuz M, Botek G, Davis BL. Plantar shear stress distributions: Comparing
actual and predicted frictional forces at the foot-ground interface. Journal
of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):3045-9.


Miyata S, Numano T, Tateishic T, Ushida T. Feasibility of noninvasive
evaluation of biophysical properties of tissue-engineered cartilage by using
quantitative MRI. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2990-8.

Thorp LE, Sumner DR, Wimmer MA, Block JA. Relationship between pain and
medial knee joint loading in mild radiographic knee Osteoarthritis.
Arthritis & Rheumatism-Arthritis Care & Research 2007;57(7):1254-60.


Jeremy JB, Pavol MJ, Snow CM, Hayes WC. MRI-derived body segment parameters
of children differ from age-based estimates derived using photogrammetry.
Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2904-10.


Bullimore SR, Burn JF. Ability of the planar spring-mass model to predict
mechanical parameters in running humans. Journal of Theoretical Biology

Schileo E, Taddei F, Malandrino A, Cristofohni L, Viceconti M.
Subject-specific finite element models can accurately predict strain levels
in long bones. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2982-9.

Schwartz MH. Protocol changes can improve the reliability of net oxygen cost
data. Gait & Posture 2007;26(4):494-500.


Song B, Chen W, Ge Y, Weerasoorlya T. Dynamic and quasi-static compressive
response of porcine muscle. Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):2999-3005.


de Bode S, Mathern GW, Bookheimer S, Dobkin B. Locomotor training remodels
fMRI sensorimotor cortical Activations in children after cerebral
hemispherectomy. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2007;21(6):497-508.

Del Barrio MG, Taveira-Marques R, Muroyama Y, Yuk DI, Li SG, Wines-Samuelson
M et al. A regulatory network involving Foxn4, Mash1 and delta-like 4/Notch1
generates V2a and V2b spinal interneurons from a common progenitor pool.
Development 2007;134(19):3427-36.

Mandolesi L, Leggio MG, Spirito F, Federico F, Petrosini L. Is the
cerebellum involved in the visuo-locomotor associative learning? Behavioural
Brain Research 2007;184(1):47-56.

Pirtle TJ, Satterlie RA. The role of postinhibitory rebound in the locomotor
central-pattern generator of Clione limacina. Integrative and Comparative
Biology 2007;47(4):451-6.

Prochazka A, Yakovenko S. Predictive and reactive tuning of the locomotor
CPG. Integrative and Comparative Biology 2007;47(4):474-81.

Sangani SG, Starsky AJ, McGuire JR, Schmit BD. Multijoint reflexes of the
stroke arm: Neural coupling of the elbow and shoulder. Muscle & Nerve


Disch AC, Luzzati A, Melcher I, Schaser KD, Feraboli F, Schmoelz W.
Three-dimensional stiffness in a thoracolumbar en-bloc spondylectomy model:
A biomechanical in vitro study. Clinical Biomechanics 2007;22(9):957-64.

Zhao CQ, Wang LM, Jiang LS, Dai LY. The cell biology of intervertebral disc
aging and degeneration. Ageing Research Reviews 2007;6(3):247-61.


Dines JS, Weber L, Razzano P, Projapati R, Timmer M, Bowman S et al. The
effect of growth differentiation factor-5-coated sutures on tendon repair in
a rat model. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2007;16(5):215S-21S.

Perry SA, Gupta RR, Van Kleunen J, Ramsey ML, Soslowsky LJ, Glaser DL. Use
of small intestine submucosa in a rat model of acute and chronic rotator
cuff tear. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2007;16(5):179S-83S.

Pichora JE, Fraser GS, Ferreira LF, Brownhill JR, Johnson JA, King GJW. The
effect of medial collateral ligament repair tension on elbow joint
kinematics and stability. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume

Turner AS. Experiences with sheep surgery: Strengths and as an animal model
for shoulder shortcomings. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

Vendittoli PA, Ganapathi M, Nuno N, Plamondon D, Lavigne M. Factors
affecting hip range of motion in surface replacement arthroplasty. Clinical
Biomechanics 2007;22(9):1004-12.


Genthon N, Vuillerme N, Monnet JP, Petit C, Rougier P. Biomechanical
assessment of the sitting posture maintenance in patients with stroke.
Clinical Biomechanics 2007;22(9):1024-9.


Zissimopoulos A, Fatone S, Gard SA. Biomechanical and energetic effects of a
stance-control orthotic knee joint. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Development 2007;44(4):503-13.


Dempsey AR, Lloyd DG, Elliott BC, Steele JR, Munro BJ, Russo KA. The effect
of technique change on knee loads during sidestep cutting. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise 2007;39(10):1765-73.

Hagins M, Pappas E, Kremenic I, Orishimo KF, Rundle A. The effect of an
inclined landing surface on biomechanical variables during a jumping task.
Clinical Biomechanics 2007;22(9):1030-6.

Imamura RT, Iteya M, Hreljac A, Escamilla RF. A kinematic comparison of the
judo throw Harai-goshi during competitive and non-competitive conditions.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2007;6:15-22.

Kubo K, Morimoto M, Komuro T, Yata H, Tsunoda N, Kanehisa H et al. Effects
of plyometric and weight training on muscle-tendon complex and jump
performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise

Neto OP, Magini M, Pacheco MTT. Electromyographic study of a sequence of
Yau-Man Kung Fu palm strikes with and without impact. Journal of Sports
Science and Medicine 2007;6:23-7.

Reiser RF, Mackey DT, Overman JW. Between the beginning and end of a
repetition: How intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence the intensity of a
biceps curl. Strength and Conditioning Journal 2007;29(5):64-76.

Seifert L, Chollet D, Chatard JC. Kinematic changes during a 100-m front
crawl: Effects of performance level and gender. Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise 2007;39(10):1784-93.

Shan GB. Biomechanical evaluation of bike power saver. Applied Ergonomics


Kondo E, Yasuda K, Tohyama H. In vivo effects of partial electrothermal
shrinkage on mechanical properties of the anterior cruciate ligament in
rabbits. Clinical Biomechanics 2007;22(9):1037-44.


Gillik M, Linn K. Rotating dome trochleoplasty: An experimental technique
for correction of patellar luxation using a feline model. Veterinary and
Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2007;20(3):180-4.


Begley JR, Arbib MA. Salamander locomotion-induced head movement and retinal
motion sensitivity in a correlation-based motion detector model.
Network-Computation in Neural Systems 2007;18(2):101-28.


Hubbard SL, Fitzgerald SG, Vogel B, Reker DM, Cooper RA, Boninger ML.
Distribution and cost of wheelchairs and scooters provided by veterans
health administration. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Koontz AM, Yang Y, Price R, Tollerico ML, DiGivine CP, Sisto SA et al.
Multisite comparison of wheelchair propulsion kinetics in persons with
paraplegia. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Perdios A, Sawatzky BJ, Sheel AW. Effects of camber on wheeling efficiency
in the experienced and inexperienced wheelchair user. Journal of
Rehabilitation Research and Development 2007;44(3):459-66.


Stuart DG. Reflections on integrative and comparative movement neuroscienceIntegrative and Comparative Biology 2007;47(4):482-504.


Campbell TE, Munro BJ, Wallace GG, Steele JR. Can fabric sensors monitor
breast motion? Journal of Biomechanics 2007;40(13):3056-9.

***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***