August 15, 2008 – August 21, 2008
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate
that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Heep H, Wedemeyer C, Wegner A, Hofmeister S, von Knoch M. Differences
in trabecular bone of leptin-deficient ob/ob mice in response to
biomechanical loading. International Journal of Biological Sciences
Hunt JR, Hunt CD, Zito CA, Idso JP, Johnson LK. Calcium requirements
of growing rats based on bone mass, structure, or biomechanical
strength are similar. Journal of Nutrition 2008;138(8):1462-8.
Wang CJ, Wang FS, Yang KD. Biological effects of extracorporeal
shockwave in bone healing: a study in rabbits. Archives of Orthopaedic
and Trauma Surgery 2008;128(8):879-84.
Bourajjaj M, Armand AS, Martins P, Weijts B, van der Nagel R, Heeneman
S et al. NFATc2 is a necessary mediator of calcineurin-dependent
cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Journal of Biological Chemistry
Cheng SWK, Lam ESK, Fung GSK, Ho P, Ting ACW, Chow KW. A computational
fluid dynamic study of stent graft remodeling after endovascular
repair of thoracic aortic dissections. Journal of Vascular Surgery
Migneco F, Hollister SJ, Birla RK. Tissue-engineered heart valve
prostheses: 'state of the heart'. Regenerative Medicine
Molnar AA, Apor A, Kristof V, Nadasy GL, Szeberin Z, Monos E et al.
Generalized alterations in the biomechanical properties of large veins
in non-thrombotic thrombophilic young patients. International
Angiology 2008;27(3):247-52.
Willey CD, Palanisamy AP, Johnston RK, Mani SK, Shiraishi H, Tuxworth
WJ et al. STAT3 activation in pressure-overloaded feline myocardium:
Role for integrins and the tyrosine kinase BMX. International Journal
of Biological Sciences 2008;4(3):184-99.
Abdala V, Manzano AS, Herrel A. The distal forelimb musculature in
aquatic and terrestrial turtles: phylogeny or environmental
constraints? Journal of Anatomy 2008;213(2):159-72.
Barman EH, Wall WP, Mouton A, Fenn TR. Changes in mandibular
musculature and morphology in response to stemmatal enlarcement in
larvae of Thermonectus basillaris (Harris) and Acilius mediatus (say)
(Coleoptera : Dytiscidae : Dytiscinae). Coleopterists Bulletin
Freeman PW, Lemen CA. A simple morphological predictor of bite force
in rodents. Journal of Zoology 2008;275(4):418-22.
Oishi M, Ogihara N, Endo H, Asari M. Muscle architecture of the upper
limb in the orangutan. Primates 2008;49(3):204-9.
Pan RL, Jiang XL, Milne N. Mandibular morphometric variation among
Chinese cercopithecoids and the unique structure of the snub-nosed
monkey (Rhinopithecus) mandible. Primates 2008;49(3):195-203.
Pelletier D, Guillemette M, Grandbois JM, Butler PJ. To fly or not to
fly: high flight costs in a large sea duck do not imply an expensive
lifestyle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences
Renous S, Hofling E, Bels V. Locomotion patterns in two South American
gymnophthalmid lizards: Vanzosaura rubricauda and Procellosaurinus
tetradactylus. Zoology 2008;111(4):295-308.
Kuchta M, Szulim M, Fokow K, Sokolowski Z. The method of assigning
stability of the wing dental prosthesis. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny
Nam J, Raigrodski AJ, Heindl H. Utilization of multiple restorative
materials in full-mouth rehabilitation: A clinical report. Journal of
Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2008;20(4):251-63.
Soares CJ, Soares PV, Santos-Filho P, Castro CG, Magalhaes D, Versluis
A. The influence of cavity design and glass fiber posts on
biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated premolars. Journal of
Endodontics 2008;34(8):1015-9.
Stenport VF, Johansson CB. Evaluations of bone tissue integration to
pure and alloyed titanium implants. Clinical Implant Dentistry and
Related Research 2008;10(3):191-9.
Agren MS, Andersen L, Heegaard AM, Jorgensen LN. Effect of parenteral
zinc sulfate on colon anastomosis repair in the rat. International
Journal of Colorectal Disease 2008;23(9):857-61.
Amin S, Goggins J, Niu J, Guermazi A, Grigoryan M, Hunter DJ et al.
Occupation-related squatting, kneeling, and heavy lifting and the knee
joint: A magnetic resonance imaging-based study in men. Journal of
Rheumatology 2008;35(8):1645-9.
Denham SP. Augmenting occupational therapy treatment of
upper-extremity spasticity with botulinum toxin A: A case report of
progress at discharge and 2 years later. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy 2008;62(4):473-9.
Li KW, Chang CC, Chang WR. Slipping of the foot on the floor when
pulling a pallet truck. Applied Ergonomics 2008;39(6):812-9.
Santos BR, Lariviere C, Delisle A, Plamondon A, Boileau PE, Imbeau D.
A laboratory study to quantify the biomechanical responses to
whole-body vibration: The influence on balance, reflex response,
muscular activity and fatigue. International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics 2008;38(7-8):626-39.
Snijders CJ, Hermans PFG, Niesing R, Kleinrensink GJ, Pool-Goudzwaard
A. Effects of slouching and muscle contraction on the strain of the
iliolumbar ligament. Manual Therapy 2008;13(4):325-33.
Wing K, Lynskey JV, Bosch PR. Whole-body intensive rehabilitation is
feasible and effective in chronic stroke survivors: A retrospective
data analysis. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2008;15(3):247-55.
Chang WR, Chang CC, Matz S, Lesch MF. A methodology to quantify the
stochastic distribution of friction coefficient required for level
walking. Applied Ergonomics 2008;39(6):766-71.
Ewa S, Czerwosz L, Dabrowski P, Dudzinski K, Jurkiewicz J, Czernicki
Z. Posturography and computerized gait analysis in the Computer Dyno
Graphy system as non-invasive methods for evaluation of normal
pressure hydrocephalus progression. Neurologia I Neurochirurgia Polska
Fregly BJ. Computational assessment of combinations of gait
modifications for knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation. Ieee
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2008;55(8):2104-6.
Guerin P, Bardy BG. Optical modulation of locomotion and energy
expenditure at preferred transition speed. Experimental Brain Research
Hornby. Enhanced gait-related improvements after therapist- versus
robotic-assisted locomotor training in subjects with chronic stroke: A
randomized controlled study (vol 39, pg 1786, 2008). Stroke
Noble JW, Prentice SD. Intersegmental coordination while walking up
inclined surfaces: age and ramp angle effects. Experimental Brain
Research 2008;189(2):249-55.
Cheng HYK, Lin CL, Chou SW, Wang HW. Nonlinear finite element analysis
of the plantar fascia due to the windlass mechanism. Foot & Ankle
International 2008;29(8):845-51.
Kazimoglu C, Akdogan Y, Sener M, Kurtulmus A, Karapinar H, Uzun B.
Which is the best fixation method for lateral cortex disruption in the
medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy? A biomechanical study. Knee
Sato M, Ishihara M, Furukawa K, Kaneshiro N, Nagai T, Mitani G et al.
Recent technological advancements related to articular cartilage
regeneration. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Dennison CR, Wild PM, Wilson DR, Cripton PA. A minimally invasive
in-fiber Bragg grating sensor for intervertebral disc pressure
measurements. Measurement Science & Technology 2008;19(8).
Vignaud A, Fougerousse F, Mouisel E, Guerchet N, Hourde C, Bacou F et
al. Genetic inactivation of acetylcholinesterase causes functional and
structural impairment of mouse soleus muscles. Cell and Tissue
Research 2008;333(2):289-96.
Briggman KL, Kristan WB. Multifunctional pattern-generating circuits.
Annual Review of Neuroscience 2008;31:271-94.
Calton JL, Turner CS, Cyrenne DLM, Lee BR, Taube JS. Landmark control
and updating of self-movement cues are largely maintained in head
direction cells after lesions of the posterior parietal cortex.
Behavioral Neuroscience 2008;122(4):827-40.
Lavrov I, Courtine G, Dy CJ, van den Brand R, Fong AJ, Gerasimenko Y
et al. Facilitation of stepping with epidural stimulation in spinal
rats: Role of sensory input. Journal of Neuroscience
Macias M. Injury induced dendritic plasticity in the mature central
nervous system. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 2008;68(2):334-46.
Moalli PA, Debes KM, Meyn LA, Howden NS, Abramowitch SD. Hormones
restore biomechanical properties of the vagina and supportive tissues
after surgical menopause in young rats. American Journal of Obstetrics
and Gynecology 2008;199(2).
Cheng CH, Chen PJ, Kuo YW, Wang JL. The compensation mechanism of
cervical muscle dysfunction on spinal stability - An in vitro study
using porcine model. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
Chittiboina P, Wylen E, Ogden A, Mukherjee D, Nanda A. Traumatic
spondylolisthesis of the axis: A biomechanical comparison of
clinically relevant anterior and posterior fusion techniques. A
cadaver study. Journal of Neurosurgery 2008;109(2):A372-A.
Freslon M, Bouaka D, Coipeau P, Defossez G, Leclercq N, Nebout J et
al. Thoracolumbar fractures. Revue De Chirurgie Orthopedique Et
Reparatrice De L Appareil Moteur 2008;94(4):S22-S35.
Kafkafi N, Yarowsky P, Yekutieli D, Elmer GI. Data mining in a
behavioral test detects early symptoms in a model of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis. Behavioral Neuroscience 2008;122(4):777-87.
Wang VY, Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV. Removal of ossified ligamentum
flavum via a minimally invasive surgical approach. Neurosurgical Focus
Chavan PR, Duquin TR, Bisson LJ. Repair of the ruptured distal biceps
tendon - A systematic review. American Journal of Sports Medicine
Kralinger F, Gschwentner M, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Haid C. Reply
letter to the editor regarding the biomechanical evaluation of
semirigid implants. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Lorbach O, Bachelier F, Vees J, Kohn D, Pape D. Cyclic loading of
rotator cuff reconstructions - Single-row repair with modified suture
configurations versus double-row repair. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 2008;36(8):1504-10.
Mihata T, McGarry MH, Tibone JE, Fitzpatrick MJ, Kinoshita M, Lee TQ.
Biomechanical assessment of type II superior labral anterior-posterior
(SLAP) lesions associated with anterior shoulder capsular laxity as
seen in throwers - A cadaveric study. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 2008;36(8):1604-10.
Moroni A, Cadossi M, Romagnoli M, Faldini C, Giannini S. A
biomechanical and histological analysis of standard versus
hydroxyapatite-coated pins for external fixation. Journal of
Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials
Oruc M, Ulusoy MG, Kankaya Y, Kocer U, Serbetci K, Hasirci N. Pulley
reconstruction with different materials: Experimental study. Annals of
Plastic Surgery 2008;61(2):215-20.
Rhee YG, Cho NS, Lim CT, Yi JW, Vishvanathan T. Bridging the gap in
immobile massive rotator cuff tears - Augmentation using the
tenotomized biceps. American Journal of Sports Medicine
Ruland RT, Hogan CJ, Randall CJ, Richards A, Belkoff SM. Biomechanical
comparison of ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction techniques.
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008;36(8):1565-70.
Sasaki K, Kuroda R, Ishida K, Kubo S, Matsumoto T, Mifune Y et al.
Enhancement of tendon-bone osteointegration of anterior cruciate
ligament graft using granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 2008;36(8):1519-27.
Tornese D, Bandi M, Volpi P, Schonhuber H, Denti M, Ricci G et al.
Patellar tendon graft vs. Semitendinosus and Gracilis graft for
posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: An isokinetic and
functional study one year after the operation. Isokinetics and
Exercise Science 2008;16(2):133-7.
Danna-dos-Santos A, Degani AM, Latash ML. Flexible muscle modes and
synergies in challenging whole-body tasks. Experimental Brain Research
Bleuse S, Cassim F, Blatt JL, Labyt E, Bourriez JL, Derambure P et al.
Anticipatory postural adjustments associated with arm movement in
Parkinson's disease: a biomechanical analysis. Journal of Neurology
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2008;79(8):881-7.
Dillon M, Hansen AH, Fatone S. Influence of marker models on ankle
kinematics in persons with partial foot amputation: An investigation
using a mechanical model. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Development 2008;45(4):567-76.
Hsu YC, Gung YW, Shih SL, Feng CK, Wei SH, Yu CH et al. Using an
optimization approach to design an insole for lowering plantar fascia
stress - A finite element study. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Beigzadeh B, Ahmadabadi MN, Meghdari A, Akbarimajd A. A dynamic object
manipulation approach to dynamic biped locomotion. Robotics and
Autonomous Systems 2008;56(7):570-82.
Saga N, Saikawa T. Development of a pneumatic artificial muscle based
on biomechanical characteristics. Advanced Robotics
de Rugy A, Riek S, Oytam Y, Carroll TJ, Davoodi R, Carson RG.
Neuromuscular and biomechanical factors codetermine the solution to
motor redundancy in rhythmic multijoint arm movement. Experimental
Brain Research 2008;189(4):421-34.
Huysmans MA, Hoozemans MJM, Visser B, van Dieen JH. Grip force control
in patients with neck and upper extremity pain and healthy controls.
Clinical Neurophysiology 2008;119(8):1840-8.
Cacchio A, Don R, Ranavolo A, Guerra E, McCaw ST, Procaccianti R et
al. Effects of 8-week strength training with two models of chest press
machines on muscular activity pattern and strength. Journal of
Electromyography and Kinesiology 2008;18(4):618-27.
Faupin A, Gorce P. The effects of crank adjustments on handbike
propulsion: A kinematic model approach. International Journal of
Industrial Ergonomics 2008;38(7-8):577-83.
Kato S, Urabe Y, Kawamura K. Alignment control exercise changes lower
extremity movement during stop movements in female basketball players.
Knee 2008;15(4):299-304.
Ismail M, Karim A, Shulman R, Amis A, Calder J. The Achillon (R)
Achilles tendon repair: Is it strong enough? Foot & Ankle
International 2008;29(8):808-13.
Lee EJ, Holmes JW, Costa KD. Remodeling of engineered tissue
anisotropy in response to altered loading conditions. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering 2008;36(8):1322-34.
Liang X, Oldenburg AL, Crecea V, Chaney EJ, Boppart SA. Optical
micro-scale mapping of dynamic biomechanical tissue properties. Optics
Express 2008;16(15):11052-65.
Theocharis DA, Skandalis SS, Noulas AV, Papageorgakopoulou N,
Theocharis AD, Karamanos NK. Hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate
proteoglycans in the supramolecular organization of the mammalian
vitreous body. Connective Tissue Research 2008;49(3-4):124-8.
Zaman MH. Computer simulations in connective tissue research:
Successes and challenges. Connective Tissue Research
Kelly JR, Carmalt J, Hendrick S, Wilson DG, Shoemaker R. Biomechanical
comparison of six suture configurations using a large diameter
polyester prosthesis in the muscular process of the equine arytenoid
cartilage. Veterinary Surgery 2008;37(6):580-7.
Murphy J, Arkins S. Facial hair whorls (trichoglyphs) and the
incidence of motor laterality in the horse. Behavioural Processes
Onyiro OM, Offer J, Brotherstone S. Risk factors and milk yield losses
associated with lameness in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. Animal
Wells AP, Garway-Heath DF, Poostchi A, Wong T, Chan KCY, Sachdev N.
Corneal hysteresis but not corneal thickness correlates with optic
nerve surface compliance in glaucoma patients. Investigative
Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2008;49(8):3262-8.
Agam L, Gefen A. Toward real-time detection of deep tissue injury risk
in wheelchair users using Hertz contact theory. Journal of
Rehabilitation Research and Development 2008;45(4):537-50.
Faupin A, Gorce P, Thevenon A. A wheelchair ergometer adaptable to the
rear-wheel camber. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Pugno NM, Carpinteri A. Design of micro-nanoscale bio-inspired
hierarchical materials. Philosophical Magazine Letters
Mussi G, Gouveia N. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal
disorders in Brazilian hairdressers. Occupational Medicine-Oxford
***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***
August 15, 2008 – August 21, 2008
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate
that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
available in electronic form through the publisher.
Heep H, Wedemeyer C, Wegner A, Hofmeister S, von Knoch M. Differences
in trabecular bone of leptin-deficient ob/ob mice in response to
biomechanical loading. International Journal of Biological Sciences
Hunt JR, Hunt CD, Zito CA, Idso JP, Johnson LK. Calcium requirements
of growing rats based on bone mass, structure, or biomechanical
strength are similar. Journal of Nutrition 2008;138(8):1462-8.
Wang CJ, Wang FS, Yang KD. Biological effects of extracorporeal
shockwave in bone healing: a study in rabbits. Archives of Orthopaedic
and Trauma Surgery 2008;128(8):879-84.
Bourajjaj M, Armand AS, Martins P, Weijts B, van der Nagel R, Heeneman
S et al. NFATc2 is a necessary mediator of calcineurin-dependent
cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Journal of Biological Chemistry
Cheng SWK, Lam ESK, Fung GSK, Ho P, Ting ACW, Chow KW. A computational
fluid dynamic study of stent graft remodeling after endovascular
repair of thoracic aortic dissections. Journal of Vascular Surgery
Migneco F, Hollister SJ, Birla RK. Tissue-engineered heart valve
prostheses: 'state of the heart'. Regenerative Medicine
Molnar AA, Apor A, Kristof V, Nadasy GL, Szeberin Z, Monos E et al.
Generalized alterations in the biomechanical properties of large veins
in non-thrombotic thrombophilic young patients. International
Angiology 2008;27(3):247-52.
Willey CD, Palanisamy AP, Johnston RK, Mani SK, Shiraishi H, Tuxworth
WJ et al. STAT3 activation in pressure-overloaded feline myocardium:
Role for integrins and the tyrosine kinase BMX. International Journal
of Biological Sciences 2008;4(3):184-99.
Abdala V, Manzano AS, Herrel A. The distal forelimb musculature in
aquatic and terrestrial turtles: phylogeny or environmental
constraints? Journal of Anatomy 2008;213(2):159-72.
Barman EH, Wall WP, Mouton A, Fenn TR. Changes in mandibular
musculature and morphology in response to stemmatal enlarcement in
larvae of Thermonectus basillaris (Harris) and Acilius mediatus (say)
(Coleoptera : Dytiscidae : Dytiscinae). Coleopterists Bulletin
Freeman PW, Lemen CA. A simple morphological predictor of bite force
in rodents. Journal of Zoology 2008;275(4):418-22.
Oishi M, Ogihara N, Endo H, Asari M. Muscle architecture of the upper
limb in the orangutan. Primates 2008;49(3):204-9.
Pan RL, Jiang XL, Milne N. Mandibular morphometric variation among
Chinese cercopithecoids and the unique structure of the snub-nosed
monkey (Rhinopithecus) mandible. Primates 2008;49(3):195-203.
Pelletier D, Guillemette M, Grandbois JM, Butler PJ. To fly or not to
fly: high flight costs in a large sea duck do not imply an expensive
lifestyle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences
Renous S, Hofling E, Bels V. Locomotion patterns in two South American
gymnophthalmid lizards: Vanzosaura rubricauda and Procellosaurinus
tetradactylus. Zoology 2008;111(4):295-308.
Kuchta M, Szulim M, Fokow K, Sokolowski Z. The method of assigning
stability of the wing dental prosthesis. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny
Nam J, Raigrodski AJ, Heindl H. Utilization of multiple restorative
materials in full-mouth rehabilitation: A clinical report. Journal of
Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2008;20(4):251-63.
Soares CJ, Soares PV, Santos-Filho P, Castro CG, Magalhaes D, Versluis
A. The influence of cavity design and glass fiber posts on
biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated premolars. Journal of
Endodontics 2008;34(8):1015-9.
Stenport VF, Johansson CB. Evaluations of bone tissue integration to
pure and alloyed titanium implants. Clinical Implant Dentistry and
Related Research 2008;10(3):191-9.
Agren MS, Andersen L, Heegaard AM, Jorgensen LN. Effect of parenteral
zinc sulfate on colon anastomosis repair in the rat. International
Journal of Colorectal Disease 2008;23(9):857-61.
Amin S, Goggins J, Niu J, Guermazi A, Grigoryan M, Hunter DJ et al.
Occupation-related squatting, kneeling, and heavy lifting and the knee
joint: A magnetic resonance imaging-based study in men. Journal of
Rheumatology 2008;35(8):1645-9.
Denham SP. Augmenting occupational therapy treatment of
upper-extremity spasticity with botulinum toxin A: A case report of
progress at discharge and 2 years later. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy 2008;62(4):473-9.
Li KW, Chang CC, Chang WR. Slipping of the foot on the floor when
pulling a pallet truck. Applied Ergonomics 2008;39(6):812-9.
Santos BR, Lariviere C, Delisle A, Plamondon A, Boileau PE, Imbeau D.
A laboratory study to quantify the biomechanical responses to
whole-body vibration: The influence on balance, reflex response,
muscular activity and fatigue. International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics 2008;38(7-8):626-39.
Snijders CJ, Hermans PFG, Niesing R, Kleinrensink GJ, Pool-Goudzwaard
A. Effects of slouching and muscle contraction on the strain of the
iliolumbar ligament. Manual Therapy 2008;13(4):325-33.
Wing K, Lynskey JV, Bosch PR. Whole-body intensive rehabilitation is
feasible and effective in chronic stroke survivors: A retrospective
data analysis. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2008;15(3):247-55.
Chang WR, Chang CC, Matz S, Lesch MF. A methodology to quantify the
stochastic distribution of friction coefficient required for level
walking. Applied Ergonomics 2008;39(6):766-71.
Ewa S, Czerwosz L, Dabrowski P, Dudzinski K, Jurkiewicz J, Czernicki
Z. Posturography and computerized gait analysis in the Computer Dyno
Graphy system as non-invasive methods for evaluation of normal
pressure hydrocephalus progression. Neurologia I Neurochirurgia Polska
Fregly BJ. Computational assessment of combinations of gait
modifications for knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation. Ieee
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2008;55(8):2104-6.
Guerin P, Bardy BG. Optical modulation of locomotion and energy
expenditure at preferred transition speed. Experimental Brain Research
Hornby. Enhanced gait-related improvements after therapist- versus
robotic-assisted locomotor training in subjects with chronic stroke: A
randomized controlled study (vol 39, pg 1786, 2008). Stroke
Noble JW, Prentice SD. Intersegmental coordination while walking up
inclined surfaces: age and ramp angle effects. Experimental Brain
Research 2008;189(2):249-55.
Cheng HYK, Lin CL, Chou SW, Wang HW. Nonlinear finite element analysis
of the plantar fascia due to the windlass mechanism. Foot & Ankle
International 2008;29(8):845-51.
Kazimoglu C, Akdogan Y, Sener M, Kurtulmus A, Karapinar H, Uzun B.
Which is the best fixation method for lateral cortex disruption in the
medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy? A biomechanical study. Knee
Sato M, Ishihara M, Furukawa K, Kaneshiro N, Nagai T, Mitani G et al.
Recent technological advancements related to articular cartilage
regeneration. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Dennison CR, Wild PM, Wilson DR, Cripton PA. A minimally invasive
in-fiber Bragg grating sensor for intervertebral disc pressure
measurements. Measurement Science & Technology 2008;19(8).
Vignaud A, Fougerousse F, Mouisel E, Guerchet N, Hourde C, Bacou F et
al. Genetic inactivation of acetylcholinesterase causes functional and
structural impairment of mouse soleus muscles. Cell and Tissue
Research 2008;333(2):289-96.
Briggman KL, Kristan WB. Multifunctional pattern-generating circuits.
Annual Review of Neuroscience 2008;31:271-94.
Calton JL, Turner CS, Cyrenne DLM, Lee BR, Taube JS. Landmark control
and updating of self-movement cues are largely maintained in head
direction cells after lesions of the posterior parietal cortex.
Behavioral Neuroscience 2008;122(4):827-40.
Lavrov I, Courtine G, Dy CJ, van den Brand R, Fong AJ, Gerasimenko Y
et al. Facilitation of stepping with epidural stimulation in spinal
rats: Role of sensory input. Journal of Neuroscience
Macias M. Injury induced dendritic plasticity in the mature central
nervous system. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 2008;68(2):334-46.
Moalli PA, Debes KM, Meyn LA, Howden NS, Abramowitch SD. Hormones
restore biomechanical properties of the vagina and supportive tissues
after surgical menopause in young rats. American Journal of Obstetrics
and Gynecology 2008;199(2).
Cheng CH, Chen PJ, Kuo YW, Wang JL. The compensation mechanism of
cervical muscle dysfunction on spinal stability - An in vitro study
using porcine model. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
Chittiboina P, Wylen E, Ogden A, Mukherjee D, Nanda A. Traumatic
spondylolisthesis of the axis: A biomechanical comparison of
clinically relevant anterior and posterior fusion techniques. A
cadaver study. Journal of Neurosurgery 2008;109(2):A372-A.
Freslon M, Bouaka D, Coipeau P, Defossez G, Leclercq N, Nebout J et
al. Thoracolumbar fractures. Revue De Chirurgie Orthopedique Et
Reparatrice De L Appareil Moteur 2008;94(4):S22-S35.
Kafkafi N, Yarowsky P, Yekutieli D, Elmer GI. Data mining in a
behavioral test detects early symptoms in a model of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis. Behavioral Neuroscience 2008;122(4):777-87.
Wang VY, Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV. Removal of ossified ligamentum
flavum via a minimally invasive surgical approach. Neurosurgical Focus
Chavan PR, Duquin TR, Bisson LJ. Repair of the ruptured distal biceps
tendon - A systematic review. American Journal of Sports Medicine
Kralinger F, Gschwentner M, Wambacher M, Smekal V, Haid C. Reply
letter to the editor regarding the biomechanical evaluation of
semirigid implants. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Lorbach O, Bachelier F, Vees J, Kohn D, Pape D. Cyclic loading of
rotator cuff reconstructions - Single-row repair with modified suture
configurations versus double-row repair. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 2008;36(8):1504-10.
Mihata T, McGarry MH, Tibone JE, Fitzpatrick MJ, Kinoshita M, Lee TQ.
Biomechanical assessment of type II superior labral anterior-posterior
(SLAP) lesions associated with anterior shoulder capsular laxity as
seen in throwers - A cadaveric study. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 2008;36(8):1604-10.
Moroni A, Cadossi M, Romagnoli M, Faldini C, Giannini S. A
biomechanical and histological analysis of standard versus
hydroxyapatite-coated pins for external fixation. Journal of
Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials
Oruc M, Ulusoy MG, Kankaya Y, Kocer U, Serbetci K, Hasirci N. Pulley
reconstruction with different materials: Experimental study. Annals of
Plastic Surgery 2008;61(2):215-20.
Rhee YG, Cho NS, Lim CT, Yi JW, Vishvanathan T. Bridging the gap in
immobile massive rotator cuff tears - Augmentation using the
tenotomized biceps. American Journal of Sports Medicine
Ruland RT, Hogan CJ, Randall CJ, Richards A, Belkoff SM. Biomechanical
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***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***