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    September 05, 2008 – September 11, 2008
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Keith E. Gordon, PhD
    Sensory Motor Performance Program
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
    electronic form through the publisher.


    Sanz-Herrera JA, Garcia-Aznar JM, Doblare M. A mathematical model for bone
    tissue regeneration inside a specific type of scaffold. Biomechanics and
    Modeling in Mechanobiology 2008;7(5):355-66.

    Voide R, van Lenthe GH, Muller R. Differential effects of bone structural
    and material properties on bone competence in C57BL/6 and C3H/He inbred
    strains of mice. Calcified Tissue International 2008;83(1):61-9.

    Voide R, van Lenthe GH, Muller R. Femoral stiffness and strength critically
    depend on loading angle: a parametric study in a mouse-inbred strain.
    Biomedizinische Technik 2008;53(3):122-9.


    Coimbra R, Sanchez LS, Potenza JM, Rossoni LV, Amaral SL, Michelini LC. Is
    gender crucial for cardiovascular adjustments induced by exercise training
    in female spontaneously hypertensive rats? Hypertension 2008;52(3):514-21.

    Giannoglou G, Giannakoulas G, Hatzitolios AI, Rudolf J. Rupture risk of
    abdominal aortic aneurysms. The role of computational mechanics. Herz


    Davis JR, DeNardo DF. Water storage compromises walking endurance in an
    active forager: evidence of a trade-off between osmoregulation and locomotor
    performance. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory
    Neural and Behavioral Physiology 2008;194(8):713-8.

    Haas CA, Cartar RV. Robust flight performance of bumble bees with
    artificially induced wing wear. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne
    De Zoologie 2008;86(7):668-75.

    Levy J, Cruse H. Controlling a system with redundant degrees of freedom. I.
    Torque distribution in still standing stick insects. Journal of Comparative
    Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology

    Ren L, Butler M, Miller C, Paxton H, Schwerda D, Fischer MS et al. The
    movements of limb segments and joints during locomotion in African and Asian
    elephants. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008;211(17):2735-51.

    Singh K, Pedley TJ. The hydrodynamics of flexible-body manoeuvres in
    swimming fish. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 2008;237(14-17):2234-9.

    Trouilloud R, Yu TS, Hosoi AE, Lauga E. Soft swimming: Exploiting deformable
    interfaces for low Reynolds number locomotion. Physical Review Letters


    Stamenkovic D. The biomechanics of dental implants and dentures. Srpski
    Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo 2008;136:73-83.


    Frokjaer JB, Ejskjaer N, Rask P, Andersen SD, Gregersen H, Drewes AM et al.
    Central neuronal mechanisms of gastric electrical stimulation in diabetic
    gastroparesis. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2008;43(9):1066-75.

    Kim YS, McCullough GH. Maximum hyoid displacement in normal swallowing.
    Dysphagia 2008;23(3):274-9.

    Li WG, Luo XY, Hill NA, Smythe A, Chin SB, Johnson AG et al. Correlation of
    mechanical factors and gallbladder pain. Computational and Mathematical
    Methods in Medicine 2008;9(1):27-45.


    Marcuzzo S, Dutra MF, Stigger F, do Nascimento PS, Ilha J, Kalil-Gaspar PI
    et al. Beneficial effects of treadmill training in a cerebral palsy-like
    rodent model: Walking pattern and soleus quantitative histology. Brain
    Research 2008;1222:129-40.

    Minhage M, Larsson BW, Gustafsson G, Hamrin E. The Swedish version of the
    Philadelphia Geriatric Center Multilevel Assessment Instrument, by age and
    gender in an old-age Swedish population, especially related to locomotor
    disability. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2008;22(3):478-84.


    Clearfield MW, Osborne CN, Mullen M. Learning by looking: Infants' social
    looking behavior across the transition from crawling to walking. Journal of
    Experimental Child Psychology 2008;100(4):297-307.

    Harischandra N, Ekeberg O. System identification of muscle-joint
    interactions of the cat hind limb during locomotion. Biological Cybernetics

    Khandoker AH, Taylor SB, Karmakar CK, Begg RK, Palaniswami M. Investigating
    scale invariant dynamics in minimum toe clearance variability of the young
    and elderly during treadmill walking. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems
    and Rehabilitation Engineering 2008;16(4):380-9.

    Lucareli PRG, Greve JMD. Knee joint dysfunctions that influence gait in
    cerebrovascular injury. Clinics 2008;63(4):443-50.

    Meegan D, Desroches P. Perceptual-motor dissociation in the auditory domain:
    Tempo perception versus locomotor synchronization. Canadian Journal of
    Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale

    Noel M, Cantin B, Lambert S, Gosselin CM, Bouyer LJ. An electrohydraulic
    actuated ankle foot orthosis to generate force fields and to test
    proprioceptive reflexes during human walking. Ieee Transactions on Neural
    Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2008;16(4):390-9.

    Raichlen DA. The effects of gravity on human walking: a new test of the
    dynamic similarity hypothesis using a predictive model. Journal of
    Experimental Biology 2008;211(17):2767-72.

    Wang CH, Wai YY, Kuo BC, Yeh YY, Wang JJ. Cortical control of gait in
    healthy humans: an fMRI study. Journal of Neural Transmission


    Bandholm T, Boysen L, Haugaard S, Zebis MK, Bencke J. Foot medial
    longitudinal-arch deformation during quiet standing and gait in subjects
    with medial tibial stress syndrome. Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery

    Sun PC, Wei HW, Chen CH, Wu CH, Kao HC, Cheng CK. Effects of varying
    material properties on the load deformation characteristics of heel
    cushions. Medical Engineering & Physics 2008;30(6):687-92.


    Johns DE, Athanasiou KA. Growth factor effects on costal chondrocytes for
    tissue engineering fibrocartilage. Cell and Tissue Research


    Fleischer C, Hommel G. A human-exoskeleton interface utilizing
    electromyography. Ieee Transactions on Robotics 2008;24(4):872-82.


    Terrier A, Vogel A, Capezzali M, Farron A. An algorithm to allow humerus
    translation in the indeterminate problem of shoulder abduction. Medical
    Engineering & Physics 2008;30(6):710-6.

    Zviniemann K, Zeidis I. Worm-like locomotion as a problem of nonlinear
    dynamics. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2007;45(1):179-87.


    Hofstoetter US, Minassian K, Hofer C, Mayr W, Rattay F, Dimitrijevic MR.
    Modification of reflex responses to lumbar posterior root stimulation by
    motor tasks in healthy subjects. Artificial Organs 2008;32(8):644-8.

    McHenry MJ, Strother JA, van Netten SM. Mechanical filtering by the boundary
    layer and fluid-structure interaction in the superficial neuromast of the
    fish lateral line system. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology
    Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 2008;194(9):795-810.

    Obrist D, Hegemann S. Fluid-particle dynamics in canalithiasis. Journal of
    the Royal Society Interface 2008;5(27):1215-29.

    Tazerart S, Vinay L, Brocard F. The persistent sodium current generates
    pacemaker activities in the central pattern generator for locomotion and
    regulates the locomotor rhythm. Journal of Neuroscience 2008;28(34):8577-89

    Franklin TC, Granata KP, Madigan ML, Hendricks SL. Linear time delay methods
    and stability analyses of the human spine. Effects of neuromuscular reflex
    response. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

    Natarajan RN, Lavender SA, An HA, Andersson GBJ. Biomechanical response of a
    lumbar intervertebral disc to manual lifting activities - A poroelastic
    finite element model study. Spine 2008;33(18):1958-65.

    Parent S, Odell T, Oka R, Mahar A, Newton P. Does the direction of pedicle
    screw rotation affect the biomechanics of direct transverse plane vertebral
    derotation? Spine 2008;33(18):1966-9.

    Yao GF, Qian Y, Chen JM, Fan Y, Stoffel K, Yao F et al. Evaluation of
    insoluble bone gelatin as a carrier for enhancement of osteogenic
    protein-1-induced intertransverse process lumbar fusion in a rabbit model.
    Spine 2008;33(18):1935-42.

    Zhang YJ, Cheng BC, Oh CH, Spehar JL, Burgess J. Kinematic analysis of
    lumbar spine undergoing extension and dynamic neural foramina cross section
    measurement. Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences


    Besch L, Radke B, Mueller M, Daniels-Wredenhagen M, Varoga D, Hilgert RE et
    al. Dynamic and functional gait analysis of severely displaced
    intra-articular calcaneus fractures treated with a hinged external fixator
    or internal stabilization. Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2008;47(1):19-25
    Besch L, Schmidt I, Mueller M, Daniels-Wredenhagen M, Hilgert RE, Varoga D
    et al. A biomechanical evaluation to optimize the configuration of a hinged
    external fixator for the primary treatment of severely displaced
    intraarticular calcaneus fractures with soft tissue damage. Journal of Foot
    & Ankle Surgery 2008;47(1):26-33.

    Grindstaff TL, Jackson KR, Garrison JC, Diduch DR, Ingersoll CD. Decreased
    quadriceps activation measured hours prior to a noncontact anterior cruciate
    ligament tear. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

    Hessmann MH, Korner J, Hofmann A, Sternstein W, Rommens PM. Angle-fixed
    plate fixation or double-plate osteosynthesis in fractures of the proximal
    humerus: a biomechanical study. Biomedizinische Technik 2008;53(3):130-7.

    Perez A, Mahar A, Negus C, Newton P, Impelluso T. A computational evaluation
    of the effect of intramedullary nail material properties on the
    stabilization of simulated femoral shaft fractures. Medical Engineering &
    Physics 2008;30(6):755-60.

    Zuurmond RG, Pilot P, Verburg AD, van Os JJ, Verdonscht N. Retrograde
    bridging nail in periprosthetic femoral fracture treatment which allows
    direct weight bearing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
    Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2008;222(H5):629-35.


    Bretl T, Lall S. Testing static equilibrium for legged robots. Ieee
    Transactions on Robotics 2008;24(4):794-807.

    Bruhn FC, Kratz H, Warell J, Lagerkvist CI, Kaznov V, Jones JA et al. A
    preliminary design for a spherical inflatable microrover for planetary
    exploration. Acta Astronautica 2008;63(5-6):618-31.

    Donald BR, Levey CG, Paprotny I. Planar microassembly by parallel actuation
    of MEMS microrobots. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

    Rummel J, Seyfarth A. Stable running with segmented legs. International
    Journal of Robotics Research 2008;27(8):919-34.

    Yu JZ, Liu LH, Tan M. Three-dimensional dynamic modelling of robotic fish:
    simulations and experiments. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement
    and Control 2008;30(3-4):239-58.


    Davis GM, Hamzaid NA, Fornusek C. Cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and
    biomechanical responses during functional electrical stimulation leg
    exercise: Health and fitness benefits. Artificial Organs 2008;32(8):625-9.

    Korff T, Jensen JL. Effect of relative changes in anthropometry during
    childhood on muscular power production in pedaling: A biomechanical
    simulation. Pediatric Exercise Science 2008;20(3):292-304.


    Cheng T, Gan RZ. Mechanical properties of anterior malleolar ligament from
    experimental measurement and material modeling analysis. Biomechanics and
    Modeling in Mechanobiology 2008;7(5):387-94.

    Orishimo KF, Burstein G, Mullaney MJ, Kremenic IJ, Nesse M, McHugh MP et alEffect of knee flexion angle on Achilles tendon force and ankle joint
    plantarflexion moment during passive dorsiflexion. Journal of Foot & Ankle
    Surgery 2008;47(1):34-9.


    Falcao SC, Coelho ARD, Neto JE. Biomechanical evaluation of microbial
    cellulose (Zoogloea sp.) and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes as
    implants in repair of produced abdominal wall defects in rats. Acta
    Cirurgica Brasileira 2008;23(2):184-91.


    Bigler ED. Neuropsychology and clinical neuroscience of persistent
    post-concussive syndrome. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
    Society 2008;14(1):1-22.


    Flor E, Tadich N. Lameness in cows from large and small dairy herds in
    southern Chile. Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria 2008;40(2):125-34.


    Clements IP, Moriaty N, Chesser TJS, Ward AJ, Cunningham JL. Determination
    of pelvic ring stability: a new technique using a composite hemi-pelvis.
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of
    Engineering in Medicine 2008;222(H5):611-6.

    Cullen JC, Silverstein BA, Foley MP. Linking biomechanical workload and
    organizational practices to burnout and satisfaction. Journal of Business
    and Psychology 2008;23(1-2):63-71.

    Easterling C. Does an exercise aimed at improving swallow function have an
    effect on vocal function in the healthy elderly? Dysphagia


    Soto NA, Johnson MP, Madsen PT, Diaz F, Dominguez I, Brito A et al. Cheetahs
    of the deep sea: deep foraging sprints in short-finned pilot whales off
    Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Animal Ecology 2008;77(5):936-47.

    ***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***