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    September 12, 2008 – September 18, 2008
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Keith E. Gordon, PhD
    Sensory Motor Performance Program
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate
    that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be
    available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Caverzasio J, Higgins L, Ammann P. Prevention of trabecular bone loss
    induced by estrogen deficiency by a selective p38 alpha inhibitor.
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2008;23(9):1389-97.

    Garnero P, Bauer DC, Mareau E, Bilezikian JP, Greenspan SL, Rosen C et
    al. Effects of PTH and alendronate on type I collagen isomerization in
    postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: The PaTH study. Journal of
    Bone and Mineral Research 2008;23(9):1442-8.

    McFarlin SC, Terranova CJ, Zihlman AL, Enlow DH, Bromage TG. Regional
    variability in secondary remodeling within long bone cortices of
    catarrhine primates: the influence of bone growth history. Journal of
    Anatomy 2008;213(3):308-24.


    Humphrey JD, Taylor CA. Intracranial and abdominal aortic aneurysms:
    Similarities, differences, and need for a new class of computational
    models. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 2008;10:221-46.

    Rugonyi S, Shaut C, Liu AP, Thornburg K, Wang RKK. Changes in wall
    motion and blood flow in the outflow tract of chick embryonic hearts
    observed with optical coherence tomography after outflow tract banding
    and vitelline-vein ligation. Physics in Medicine and Biology


    Thomas W. Catch bonds in adhesion. Annual Review of Biomedical
    Engineering 2008;10:39-57.


    Hopkins WD. Brief communication: Locomotor limb preferences in captive
    chimpanzees (pan troglodytes): Implications for morphological
    asymmetries in limb bones. American Journal of Physical Anthropology

    Manzano AS, Abdala V, Herrel A. Morphology and function of the
    forelimb in arboreal frogs: specializations for grasping ability?
    Journal of Anatomy 2008;213(3):296-307.


    Ettlin DA, Mang H, Colombo V, Palla S, Gallo LM. Stereometric
    assessment of TMJ space variation by occlusal splints. Journal of
    Dental Research 2008;87(9):877-81.


    Bush TR, Hubbard RR. A comparison of four office chairs using
    biomechanical measures. Human Factors 2008;50(4):629-42.


    Badaly D, Adolph KE. Beyond the average: Walking infants take steps
    longer than their leg length. Infant Behavior & Development

    Bozkurt A, Deumens R, Scheffel J, O'Dey DM, Weis J, Joosten EA et al.
    CatWalk gait analysis in assessment of functional recovery after
    sciatic nerve injury. Journal of Neuroscience Methods

    Heise G, Shinohara M, Binks L. Biarticular leg muscles and links to
    running economy. International Journal of Sports Medicine


    Janchai S, Chaiwanichsiri D, Silpipat N, Tiamprasitt J. Ageing feet
    and plantar arch characteristics of the Thai elderly. Asian
    Biomedicine 2008;2(4):297-303.


    Yoshino D, Inoue K, Narita Y. Understanding the mechanical properties
    of self-expandable stents: A key to successful product development.
    Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering


    Alderson HL, Latimer MP, Winn P. A functional dissociation of the
    anterior and posterior pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus: excitotoxic
    lesions have differential effects on locomotion and the response to
    nicotine. Brain Structure & Function 2008;213(1-2):247-53.

    Gorelkin VS, Severina IY, Isavnina IL, Svidersky VL. Effect of static
    load on motor behavior of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. Journal
    of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 2008;44(3):288-93.

    Nomura H, Baladie B, Katayama Y, Morshead CM, Shoichet MS, Tator CH.
    Delayed implantation of intramedullary chitosan channels containing
    nerve grafts promotes extensive axonal regeneration after spinal cord
    injury. Neurosurgery 2008;63(1):127-41.


    van Raalte H, Lipetskaia L, Egorov V. Mechanical imaging: A new
    technology to measure vaginal biomechanical properties. International
    Urogynecology Journal 2008;19:S154-S5.


    O'Brien JR, Gokaslan ZL, Riley LH, Suk I, Wolinsky JP. Open reduction
    of C1-C2 subluxation with the use of C1 lateral mass and C2
    translaminar screws. Neurosurgery 2008;63(1):95-8.

    Peter B, Janos V, Robert V. Removal of intraspinal space-occupying
    lesions through unilateral partial approach, the "hemi-semi
    laminectomy". Ideggyogyaszati Szemle-Clinical Neuroscience


    Jennings MM, Christensen JC. The effects of sectioning the spring
    ligament on rearfoot stability and posterior tibial tendon efficiency.
    Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2008;47(3):219-24.

    Kondo E, Yasuda K, Azuma H, Tanabe Y, Yagi T. Prospective clinical
    comparisons of anatomic double-bundle versus single-bundle anterior
    cruciate ligament reconstruction procedures in 328 consecutive
    patients. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008;36(9):1675-87.

    Pagnani MJ. Open capsular repair without bone block for recurrent
    anterior shoulder instability in patients with and without bony
    defects of the glenoid and/or humeral head. American Journal of Sports
    Medicine 2008;36(9):1805-12.

    Pascual G, Rodriguez M, Gomez-Gil V, Garcia-Honduvilla N, Bujan J,
    Bellon JM. Early tissue incorporation and collagen deposition in
    lightweight polypropylene meshes: bioassay in an experimental model of
    ventral hernia. Surgery 2008;144(3):427-35.

    Standaert CJ, Manner PA, Herring SA. Expert opinion and controversies
    in musculoskeletal and sports medicine: Femoroacetabular impingement.
    Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2008;89(5):890-3.


    Hobbelen DGE, Wisse M. Controlling the walking speed in limit cycle
    walking. International Journal of Robotics Research

    Kim H, Kim D, Yang H, Lee K, Seo K, Chang D et al. Development of a
    wall-climbing robot using a tracked wheel mechanism. Journal of
    Mechanical Science and Technology 2008;22(8):1490-8.


    Zivcic K, Breslauer N, Stibilj-Batinic T. Diagnosing and
    scientifically verifying the methodological process of learning in
    gymnastics. Odgojne Znanosti-Educational Sciences 2008;10(1):159-80.


    Pierce MC, Bertocci G. Injury biomechanics and child abuse. Annual
    Review of Biomedical Engineering 2008;10:85-106.


    Annette H, Kristina L, Bernd S, Mark-Oliver F, Wolfgang W. Effect of
    central corneal thickness and corneal hysteresis on tonometry as
    measured by dynamic contour tonometry, Ocular Response Analyzer, and
    Goldmann tonometry in glaucomatous eyes. Journal of Glaucoma

    He MG, Lu Y, Liu X, Ye TC, Foster PJ. Histologic changes of the iris
    in the development of angle closure in Chinese eyes. Journal of
    Glaucoma 2008;17(5):386-92.

    Johannesson G, Hallberg P, Eklund A, Linden C. Pascal, ICare and
    Goldmann applanation tonometry - a comparative study. Acta
    Ophthalmologica 2008;86(6):614-21.

    Weeber HA, van der Heijde RGL. Internal deformation of the human
    crystalline lens during accommodation. Acta Ophthalmologica


    Cataldo E, Sampaio R, Lucero J, Soize C. Modeling random uncertainties
    in voice production using a parametric approach. Mechanics Research
    Communications 2008;35(7):454-9.

    Olex-Zarychta D, Raczek J. The relationship of movement time to
    hand-foot laterality patterns. Laterality 2008;13(5):439-55.


    Lee HM, Bhat A, Scholz JP, Galloway JC. Toy-oriented changes during
    early arm movements IV: Shoulder-elbow coordination. Infant Behavior &
    Development 2008;31(3):447-69.

    ***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***