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    September 19, 2008 – September 25, 2008
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Keith E. Gordon, PhD
    Sensory Motor Performance Program
    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    ***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
    electronic form through the publisher.


    Maxwell EE. Ossification sequence of the avian order Anseriformes, with
    comparison to other precocial birds. Journal of Morphology

    Okiura T, Nagatom F, Gu N, Taguchi Y, Morimatsu F, Ishihara A. Bone density
    of the femur and fiber cross-sectional area and oxidative enzyme activity of
    the tilbialis anterior muscle in type II collagen-induced arthritic mice.
    Journal of Physiological Sciences 2008;58(4):221-7.

    Woo DG, Kim CH, Kim HS, Lim D. An experimental-numerical methodology for a
    rapid prototyped application combined with finite element models in
    vertebral trabecular bone. Experimental Mechanics 2008;48(5):657-64.


    Rosner S, Klein A, Muller U, Karlsson B. Tradeoffs between hydraulic and
    mechanical stress responses of mature Norway spruce trunk wood. Tree
    Physiology 2008;28(8):1179-88.


    Cai J, Read P, Sheng K. Lung biomechanical modeling based on hyperpolarized
    helium-3 MRI tagging and lobar segmentation. International Journal of
    Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2008;72(1):S144-S.


    Neelamegham S, Singh I, Themistou E, Porcar L. Molecular biomechanics of
    blood protein von Willebrand factor: Conformation changes under hydrodynamic
    shear. Biorheology 2008;45(1-2):55-.

    Shutova MS, Alexandrova AY, Vasiliev JM. Regulation of polarity in cells
    devoid of actin bundle system after treatment with inhibitors of myosin II
    activity. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 2008;65(9):734-46.

    Yang P, Yu CA, Li G, Wen JY, Liao F. Biomechanical and pharmacological
    effects of exercise and tetramethyparizine on inflammatory cytokines
    secreted by endothelial cells in rat. Biorheology 2008;45(1-2):44-5.


    Gerstner GE, Gerstein JB. Chewing rate allometry among mammals. Journal of
    Mammalogy 2008;89(4):1020-30.

    Hayssen V. Patterns of body and tail length and body mass in Sciuridae.
    Journal of Mammalogy 2008;89(4):852-73.

    Motta PJ, Hueter RE, Tricas TC, Summers AP, Huber DR, Lowry D et al.
    Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus, feeding constraints, and
    suction performance in the nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum. Journal of
    Morphology 2008;269(9):1041-55.

    Palstra A, van Ginneken V, van den Thillart G. Cost of transport and optimal
    swimming speed in farmed and wild European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla).
    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology


    Alexander DN, Duncan PW, Sullivan KJ, Behrman AL, Azen SP, Wu SS et al.
    Locomotor Experience Applied Post-Stroke (LEAPS) trial: A randomized
    controlled trial. Annals of Neurology 2008;64:S19-S.

    Ellard CG, Wagar LS. Plasticity of the association between visual space and
    action space in a blind-walking task. Perception 2008;37(7):1044-53.

    Paquet N, Lajoie Y, Rainville C, Sabagh-Yazdi F. Effect of navigation
    direction on the dual-task of counting backward during blind navigation.
    Neuroscience Letters 2008;442(2):148-51.


    Leversedge FJ. Anatomy and pathomechanics of the thumb. Hand Clinics


    McDermott ID, Masouros SD, Amis AA. Biomechanics of the menisci of the kneeCurrent Orthopaedics 2008;22(3):193-201.


    Shih YH, Ke TC, Lin MT, Young MS. Sensor system for enhanced detection of
    locomotion and standing behavior in rats. Ieee Sensors Journal

    Yi JG, Liang H. A PVDF-based deformation and motion sensor: Modeling and
    experiments. Ieee Sensors Journal 2008;8(3-4):384-91.


    Brock KK, Nichol AM, Menard C, Moseley JL, Warde PR, Catton CN et al.
    Accuracy and sensitivity of finite element model-based deformable
    registration of the prostate. Medical Physics 2008;35(9):4019-25.


    Amaral SL, Sanchez LS, Chang A, Rossoni LV, Michelini LC. Time course of
    training-induced microcirculatory changes and of VEGF expression in skeletal
    muscles of spontaneously hypertensive female rats. Brazilian Journal of
    Medical and Biological Research 2008;41(5):424-31.


    Barriere G, Simmers J, Combes D. Multiple mechanisms for integrating
    proprioceptive inputs that converge on the same motor pattern-generating
    network. Journal of Neuroscience 2008;28(35):8810-20.

    Cho SR, Yang MS, Yim SH, Park JH, Lee JE, Eom YW et al. Neurally induced
    umbilical cord blood cells modestly repair injured spinal cords. Neuroreport

    Dill J, Wang HY, Zhou FQ, Li SX. Inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase 3
    promotes axonal growth and recovery in the CNS. Journal of Neuroscience

    Rahimi-Movaghar V, Yazdi A, Mohammadi M. Usefulness of the tail-flick reflex
    in the prognosis of functional recovery in paraplegic rats. Surgical
    Neurology 2008;70(3):323-5.

    Schack T. Representation and motor control: The cognitive-perceptual
    approach. Zeitschrift Fur Sportpsychologie 2007;14(3):104-13.

    Taccola G, Margaryan G, Mladinic M, Nistri A. Kainate and metabolic
    perturbation mimicking spinal injury differentially contribute to early
    damage of locomotor networks in the in vitro neonatal rat spinal cord.
    Neuroscience 2008;155(2):538-55.

    Uludag K. Transient and sustained BOLD responses to sustained visual
    stimulation. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008;26(7):863-9.

    Varkonyi PL, Kiemel T, Hoffman K, Cohen AH, Holmes P. On the derivation and
    tuning of phase oscillator models for lamprey central pattern generators.
    Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2008;25(2):245-61.


    Finn MA, Fassett DR, McCall TD, Clark R, Dailey AT, Brodke DS. The cervical
    end of an occipitocervical fusion: a biomechanical evaluation of 3
    constructs. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2008;9(3):296-300.

    Heuer F, Ulrich S, Claes L, Wilke HJ. Biomechanical evaluation of
    conventional anulus fibrosus closure methods required for nucleus
    replacement. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2008;9(3):307-13.

    Hwang SW, Heilman CB, Riesenburger RI, Kryzanski J. C1-C2 arthrodesis after
    transoral odontoidectomy and suboccipital craniectomy for ventral brain stem
    compression in Chiari I patients. European Spine Journal 2008;17(9):1211-7.

    Lotz JC, Hadi T, Bratton C, Reiser KM, Hsieh AH. Anulus fibrosus tension
    inhibits degenerative structural changes in lamellar collagen. European
    Spine Journal 2008;17(9):1149-59.

    Papadopoulos EC, Cammisa FP, Girardi FP. Sacral fractures complicating
    thoracolumbar fusion to the sacrum. Spine 2008;33(19):E699-E707.

    Sieradzki JP, Karaikovic EE, Lautenschlager EP, Lazarus ML. Preoperative
    imaging of cervical pedicles: comparison of accuracy of oblique radiographs
    versus axial CT scans. European Spine Journal 2008;17(9):1230-6.

    Tosun B, Sinmazcelik T, Buluc L, Curgul I, Sarlak AY. Effect of insertional
    temperature on the pullout strength of pedicle screws inserted into thoracic
    vertebrae - An in vitro calf study. Spine 2008;33(19):E667-E72.

    Yuksel KZ, Yuksel M, Gonzalez F, Baek S, Heiserman JE, Sonntag VKH et al.
    Occipitocervical vertical distraction injuries - Anatomical biomechanical,
    and 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging investigation. Spine


    Bekler H, Bulut G, Usta M, Gokce A, Okyar F, Beyzadeoglu T. The contribution
    of locked screw-plate fixation with varying angle configurations to
    stability of osteoporotic fractures: an experimental study. Acta
    Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica 2008;42(2):125-9.

    Hill AM, Bull AMJ, Richardson J, McGregor AH, Smith CD, Barrett CJ et al.
    The clinical assessment and classification of shoulder instability. Current
    Orthopaedics 2008;22(3):208-25.

    Morse BC, Cull DL, Kalbaugh C, Cass AL, Taylor SM. Through-knee amputation
    in patients with peripheral arterial disease: A review of 50 cases. Journal
    of Vascular Surgery 2008;48(3):638-43.

    Ozbaydar MU, Esenyel CZ, Kilicoglu O, Atalar AC, Bozdag E, Sunbuloglu E et
    al. The effect of debridement performed before capsular plication on
    biomechanical properties of the knee joint capsule: an experimental study in
    rabbits. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica 2008;42(3):201-7.


    Abian-Vicen J, Alegre LM, Fernandez-Rodriguez JM, Lara AJ, Meana M, Aguado
    X. Ankle taping does not impair performance in jump or balance tests.
    Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2008;7(3):350-6.

    da Silva AI, Fernandes LC, Fernandez R. Energy expenditure and intensity of
    physical activity in soccer referees during match-play. Journal of Sports
    Science and Medicine 2008;7(3):327-34.

    Wang LI. The kinetics and stiffness characteristics of the lower extremity
    in older adults during vertical jumping. Journal of Sports Science and
    Medicine 2008;7(3):379-86.


    Zhang XY, Zhao N, Liang SM, Lu XY, Li XF, Xie QD et al. Facile creation of
    biomimetic systems at the interface and in bulk. Advanced Materials


    Appel SL, Moens NMM, Abrams-Ogg ACG, Woods JP, Nykamp S, Bienzle D. Multiple
    myeloma with central nervous system involvement in a cat. Javma-Journal of
    the American Veterinary Medical Association 2008;233(5):743-7.

    Santos NVM, Silva FF, Melo MT, Melo LEH, Minervino AHH. Osteomalacia in
    buffaloes in the Zona da Mata South of Pernambuco State Brazil. Medicina
    Veterinaria-Recife 2007;1(2):69-72.


    Chabot CC, Skinner SJ, Watson WH. Rhythms of locomotion expressed by Limulus
    polyphemus, the American horseshoe crab: I. Synchronization by artificial
    tides. Biological Bulletin 2008;215(1):34-45.

    Rhodenizer D, Martin I, Bhandari P, Pletcher SD, Grotewiel M. Genetic and
    environmental factors impact age-related impairment of negative geotaxis in
    Drosophila by altering age-dependent climbing speed. Experimental
    Gerontology 2008;43(8):739-48.


    Xu WL, Bronlund JE, Potgieter J, Foster KD, Rohrle O, Pullan AJ et al.
    Review of the human masticatory system and masticatory robotics. Mechanism
    and Machine Theory 2008;43(11):1353-75.

    ***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***