September 26, 2008 – October 2, 2008
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

***BIG NEWS***
The Literature Update has decided to embrace this whole "internet" thing and
as a result starting this week URLs based on DOI# will be included for each
article. A few notes on this release
- Will this actually work for everyone? I have no idea, but I am keeping my
fingers crossed.
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- A few of URLs do not seem to be working, I am not sure why.
- There may still be a few bugs, feedback and comments are welcome.
- Thanks to Luc Berthouze for his suggestions and assistance.

***NOTE*** Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in
electronic form through the publisher.


Chen HY, Zhou XR, Washimi Y, Shoumura S. Three-dimensional microstructure of
the bone in a hamster model of senile osteoporosis. Bone 2008;43(3):494-500

Crist BD, Della Rocca GJ, Murtha YM. Treatment of acute distal femur
fractures. Orthopedics 2008;31(7):681-90.

Hautaamaki MP, Aho AJ, Alander P, Rekola J, Gunn J, Strandberg N et al.
Repair of bone segment defects with surface porous fiber-reinforced
polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) composite prosthesis - Histomorphometric
incorporation model and characterization by SEM. Acta Orthopaedica

Streeten EA, Beck TJ, O'Connell JR, Rampersand E, McBride DJ, Takala SL et
al. Autosome-wide linkage analysis of hip structural phenotypes in the Old
Order Amish. Bone 2008;43(3):607-12.

van den Bos T, Speijer D, Bank RA, Bromme D, Everts V. Differences in matrix
composition between calvaria and long bone in mice suggest differences in
biomechanical properties and resorption Special emphasis on collagen. Bone

Wiren KM, Sernirale AA, Zhang XW, Woo A, Tornmasini SM, Price C et al.
Targeting of androgen receptor in bone reveals a lack of androgen anabolic
action and inhibition of osteogenesis - A model for compartment-specific
androgen action in the skeleton. Bone 2008;43(3):440-51.


Gijsen FJH, Migliavacca F, Schievano S, Socci L, Petrini L, Thury A et al.
Simulation of stent deployment in a realistic human coronary artery.
Biomedical Engineering Online 2008;7.


Jayachandran R, Gatfield J, Massner J, Albrecht I, Zanolari B, Pieters J.
RNA interference in J774 macrophages reveals a role for coronin 1 in
mycobacterial trafficking but not in actin-dependent processes. Molecular
Biology of the Cell 2008;19(3):1241-51.

Soldati-Favre D. Molecular dissection of host cell invasion by the
Apicomplexans: The glideosome. Parasite-Journal De La Societe Francaise De
Parasitologie 2008;15(3):197-205.


Aguzzi J, Sarria D, Garcia JA, Del Rio J, Sarda F, Manuel A. A new tracking
system for the measurement of diel locomotor rhythms in the Norway lobster,
Nephrops norvegicus (L.). Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Ren L, Butler M, Miller C, Paxton H, Schwerda D, Fischer MS et al. The
movements of limb segments and joints during locomotion in African and Asian
elephants (vol 211, pg 2735, 2008). Journal of Experimental Biology

Ribak G, Weihs D, Arad Z. Consequences of buoyancy to the maneuvering
capabilities of a foot-propelled aquatic predator, the great cormorant
(Phalcrocorax carbo sinensis). Journal of Experimental Biology

Standen EM. Pelvic fin locomotor function in fishes: three-dimensional
kinematics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Experimental
Biology 2008;211(18):2931-42.

Windsor SP, Tan D, Montgomery JC. Swimming kinematics and hydrodynamic
imaging in the blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus). Journal of
Experimental Biology 2008;211(18):2950-9.


Dunlop SA. Activity-dependent plasticity: implications for recovery after
spinal cord injury. Trends in Neurosciences 2008;31(8):410-8.

Harris OA, Bruce CA, Reid M, Cheeks R, Easley K, Surles MC et al.
Examination of the management of traumatic brain injury in the developing
and developed world: focus on resource utilization, protocols, and practices
that alter outcome. Journal of Neurosurgery 2008;109(3):433-8.


Frigon A, Rossignol S. Locomotor and reflex adaptation after partial
denervation of ankle extensors in chronic spinal cats. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2008;100(3):1513-22.

Grimmer S, Ernst M, Gunther M, Blickhan R. Running on uneven ground: leg
adjustment to vertical steps and self-stability. Journal of Experimental
Biology 2008;211(18):2989-3000.

Lam T, Wirz M, Lunenburger L, Dietz V. Swing phase resistance enhances
flexor muscle activity during treadmill locomotion in incomplete spinal cord
injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2008;22(5):438-46.

Toussaint Y, Fagard J. A counterclockwise bias in running. Neuroscience
Letters 2008;442(1):59-62.


Boettger MK, Hensellek S, Richter F, Gajda M, Stockigt R, von Banchet GS et
al. Antinociceptive effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha neutralization in
a rat model of antigen-induced arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism

Gross KD, Hillstrom HJ. Noninvasive devices targeting the mechanics of
osteoarthritis. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America 2008;34(3):755-+

Haasper C, Colditz M, Kirsch L, Tschernig T, Viering J, Graubner G et al. A
system for engineering an osteochondral construct in the shape of an
articular surface: Preliminary results. Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer
Anzeiger 2008;190(4):351-9.

Stevens SD, Vidarsdottir US. Morphological changes in the shape of the
non-pathological bony knee joint with age: A morphometric analysis of the
distal femur and proximal tibia in three populations of known age at death.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2008;18(4):352-71.


Brock KK, Hawkins M, Eccles C, Moseley JL, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA et al.
Improving image-guided target localization through deformable registration.
Acta Oncologica 2008;47(7):1279-85.

Couto PA, Filipe VM, Magalhaes LG, Pereira JE, Costa LM, Melo-Pinto P et alA comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques for the
determination of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats
following spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Hedrick TL. Software techniques for two- and three-dimensional kinematic
measurements of biological and biomimetic systems. Bioinspiration &
Biomimetics 2008;3(3).


Pelit A, Ozaykan B, Tuli A, Demirkazik A, Emre M, Gunay I. The effects of
magnetic field on the biomechanics parameters of soleus and extensor
digitorum longus muscles in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes.
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2008;10(4):294-8.


Beyeler A, Metais C, Combes D, Simmers J, Le Ray D. Metamorphosis-induced
changes in the coupling of spinal thoraco-lumbar motor outputs during
swimming in Xenopus laevis. Journal of Neurophysiology 2008;100(3):1372-83.

Charntikov S, Halladay LR, Herbert MS, Marquez EM, McDougall SA. Effects of
dorsal striatal infusions of R(-)-propylnorapomorphine on
kappa-opioid-mediated locomotor activity in the young rat: Possible role of
the indirect pathway. Neuroscience 2008;155(3):603-12.

Liu T, Xu D, Ashe J, Bushara K. Specificity of inferior olive response to
stimulus timing. Journal of Neurophysiology 2008;100(3):1557-61.

Menard A, Grillner S. Diencephalic locomotor region in the lamprey -
Afferents and efferent control. Journal of Neurophysiology

Mesaros S, Rovaris M, Pagani E, Pulizzi A, Caputo D, Ghezzi A et al. A
magnetic resonance imaging voxel-based morphometry study of regional gray
matter atrophy in patients with benign multiple sclerosis. Archives of
Neurology 2008;65(9):1223-30.

Yamamoto A, Zwarts L, Callaerts P, Norga K, Mackay TFC, Anholt RRH.
Neurogenetic networks for startle-induced locomotion in Drosophila
melanogaster. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America 2008;105(34):12393-8.


League AC, Parks BG, Schon LC. Radiographic and pedobarographic comparison
of femoral head allograft versus block plate with dorsal opening wedge
medial cuneiform osteotomy: A biomechanical study. Foot & Ankle
International 2008;29(9):922-6.

Santangelo JR, Glisson RR, Garras DN, Easley ME. Tibiotalocalcaneal
arthrodesis: A biomechanical comparision of multiplanar external fixation
with intramedullary fixation. Foot & Ankle International 2008;29(9):936-41.

Smerek JP, Kadakia A, Belkoff SM, Knight TA, Myerson MS, Jeng CL.
Percutaneous screw configuration versus perimeter plating of calcaneus
fractures: A cadaver study. Foot & Ankle International 2008;29(9):931-5.

Yoho RM, Wilson PK, Gerres JA, Freschi S. Chopart's amputation: A 10-year
case study. Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2008;47(4):326-31.


Armour R, Paskins K, Bowyer A, Vincent J, Megill W, Bomphrey R. Jumping
robots: A biomimetic solution to locomotion across rough terrain (vol 2, pg
S65, 2007). Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2008;3(3).

Barai RK, Nonami K. Locomotion control of a hydraulically actuated hexapod
robot by robust adaptive fuzzy control with self-tuned adaptation gain and
dead zone fuzzy pre-compensation. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems


d'Avella A, Fernandez L, Portone A, Lacquaniti F. Modulation of phasic and
tonic muscle synergies with reaching direction and speed. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2008;100(3):1433-54.


Corder K, Ekelund U, Steele RM, Wareham NJ, Brage S. Assessment of physical
activity in youth. Journal of Applied Physiology 2008;105(3):977-87.


Konstantinovic ML, Ozog Y, Spelzini F, Luyten C, Verbiest G, Verbeken E et
al. Modified collagen matrix versus standard polypropylene: Biomechanical
fate and inflammatory response over the two years period in a rabbit
abdominal wall model for fascial reconstruction. Neurourology and
Urodynamics 2008;27(7):620-1.


Carbonaro F, Andrew T, Mackey DA, Spector TD, Hammond CJ. The heritability
of corneal hysteresis and ocular pulse amplitude - A twin study.
Ophthalmology 2008;115(9):1545-9.

Iseli HP, Spoerl E, Wiedemann P, Krueger RR, Seiler T. Efficacy and safety
of blue-light scleral cross-linking. Journal of Refractive Surgery

Kamiya K, Hagishima M, Fujimura F, Shimizu K. Factors affecting corneal
hysteresis in normal eyes. Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology 2008;246(10):1491-4.


Blake RW, Ng H, Chan KHS, Li J. Fish and chips: implementation of a neural
network model into computer chips to maximize swimming efficiency in
autonomous underwater vehicles. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2008;3(3).

Perrier P, Fuchs S. Speed-curvature relations in speech production challenge
the 1/3 power law. Journal of Neurophysiology 2008;100(3):1171-83.

Turkmen S, Hoffmann K, Demirhan O, Aruoba D, Humphrey N, Mundlos S.
Cerebellar hypoplasia, with quadrupedal locomotion, caused by mutations in
the very low-density lipoprotein receptor gene. European Journal of Human
Genetics 2008;16(9):1070-4.


Ramamurti R, Sandberg W. Computations of insect and fish locomotion with
applications to unconventional unmanned vehicles. Aiaa Journal

***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***