October 24, 2008 – October 30, 2008
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

Keith E. Gordon, PhD
Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article
has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic
form through the publisher.


Al Nazer R, Klodowski A, Rantalainen T, Heinonen A, Sievanen H, Mikkola A.
Analysis of dynamic strains in tibia during human locomotion based on
flexible multibody approach integrated with magnetic resonance imaging
technique. Multibody System Dynamics 2008;20(4):287-306.

Allori AC, Sailon AM, Pan JH, Warren SM. Biological basis of bone formation,
remodeling, and repair - Part III: Biomechanical forces. Tissue Engineering
Part B-Reviews 2008;14(3):285-93.

Byron CD, Maness H, Yu JC, Hamrick MW. Enlargement of the temporalis muscle
and alterations in the lateral cranial vault. Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology; San Antonio,
TX; 2008.

Campbell GM, Buie HR, Boyd SK. Signs of irreversible architectural changes
occur early in the development of experimental osteoporosis as assessed by
in vivo micro-CT. Osteoporosis International 2008;19(10):1409-19.

Cano J, Campo J, Vaquero JJ, Martinez-Gonzalez JM, Bascones A. High
resolution image in bone biology II. Review of the literature. Medicina Oral
Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal 2008;13(1):E31-E5.

Chen H, Shoumura S, Emura S, Bunai Y. Regional variations of vertebral
trabecular bone microstructure with age and gender. Osteoporosis
International 2008;19(10):1473-83.

Middleton KM, Kelly SA, Garland T. Selective breeding as a tool to probe
skeletal response to high voluntary locomotor activity in mice. Proceedings
of the Annual Meeting of the
Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology; San Antonio, TX; 2008.

Pajamaki I, Sievanen H, Kannus P, Jokihaara J, Vuohelainen T, Jarvinen TLN.
Skeletal effects of estrogen and mechanical loading are structurally
distinct. Bone 2008;43(4):748-57.

van Lenthe GH, Voide R, Boyd SK, Muller R. Tissue modulus calculated from
beam theory is biased by bone size and geometry: Implications for the use of
three-point bending tests to determine bone tissue modulus. Bone

Wang X, Allen MR, Burr DB, Lavernia EJ, Jeremic B, Fyhrie DR. Identification
of material parameters based on Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for
bisphosphonate treated canine vertebral cancellous bone. Bone

Weeks BK, Beck BR. The BPAQ: a bone-specific physical activity assessment
instrument. Osteoporosis International 2008;19(11):1567-77.


Han HC. Nonlinear buckling of blood vessels: A theoretical study. Journal of
Biomechanics 2008;41(12):2708-13.

Lurie F, Scott V, Yoon HC, Kistner RL. On the mechanism of action of
pneumatic compression devices: Combined magnetic resonance imaging and
duplex ultrasound investigation. Journal of Vascular Surgery

Ota T, Patronik NA, Schwartzman D, Riviere CN, Zenati MA. Minimally invasive
epicardial injections using a novel semiautonomous robotic device.
Proceedings of the 80th Annual Scientific Session of the
American-Heart-Association; Orlando, FL; 2007.

van Dalen BM, Soliman OII, Vletter WB, ten Cate FJ, Geleijnse ML.
Age-related changes in the biomechanics of left ventricular twist measured
by speckle tracking echocardiography. American Journal of Physiology-Heart
and Circulatory Physiology 2008;295(4):H1705-H11.

Zocalo Y, Bia D, Lluberas S, Armentano RL. Regional differences in veins
wall viscosity, compliance, energetics and damping: analysis of the
pressure-diameter relationship during cyclical overloads. Biological
Research 2008;41(2):227-33.


Bader DL, Knight MM. Biomechanical analysis of structural deformation in
living cells. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

Charras GT. A short history of blebbing. Proceedings of the 6th Abercrombie
Symposium on Cell Motility; Oxford, ENGLAND; 2007.

Chouinard JA, Grenier G, Khalil A, Vermette P. Oxidized-LDL induce
morphological changes and increase stiffness of endothelial cells.
Experimental Cell Research 2008;314(16):3007-16.

Harley BAC, Kim HD, Zaman MH, Yannas IV, Lauffenburger DA, Gibson LJ.
Microarchitecture of three-dimensional scaffolds influences cell migration
behavior via junction interactions. Biophysical Journal 2008;95(8):4013-24.

Kingsolver JG, Hedrick TL. Biomechanical acclimation: Flying cold. Current
Biology 2008;18(18):R876-R.


Carlson KJ, Lublinsky S, Judex S. Do different locomotor modes during growth
modulate trabecular architecture in the murine hind limb? Proceedings of the
Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology; San
Antonio, TX; 2008.

Lee SY, Bush JWM, Hosoi AE, Lauga E. Crawling beneath the free surface:
Water snail locomotion. Physics of Fluids 2008;20(8).

Rocha-Barbosa O, Loguercio MFC, Velloso ALR, Bonates ACC. Bipedal locomotion
in Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820) and Liolaemus lutzae Mertens, 1938.
Brazilian Journal of Biology 2008;68(3):649-55.

Williams SB, Wilson AM, Daynes J, Peckham K, Payne RC. Functional anatomy
and muscle moment arms of the thoracic limb of an elite sprinting athlete:
the racing greyhound (Canis familiaris). Journal of Anatomy

Williams SB, Wilson AM, Rhodes L, Andrews J, Payne RC. Functional anatomy
and muscle moment arms of the pelvic limb of an elite sprinting athlete: the
racing greyhound (Canis familiaris). Journal of Anatomy 2008;213(4):361-72.


Baggi L, Cappelloni I, Maceri F, Vairo G. Stress-based performance
evaluation of osseointegrated dental implants by finite-element simulation.
Proceedings of the Eurosim 2007 International Congress; Ljubljana, SLOVENIA;

Iyomasa MM, Issa JPM, de Oliveira F, Stuani MBS, de Oliveira AM, Watanabe
LS. Morphological and histological effects on the medial pterygoid muscle
after unilateral exodontia in gerbils. Micron 2008;39(7):785-90.

Kinzinger G, Diedrich P. Biomechanics of the Keles Slider appliance for
maxillary molar distalization - In-vitro analysis of force systems. Journal
of Orofacial Orthopedics-Fortschritte Der Kieferorthopadie

Scarr G. A model of the cranial vault as a tensegrity structure, and its
significance to normal and abnormal cranial development. International
Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 2008;11(3):80-9.


Bachmann S, Elsenring M, Kool J, Oesch P, Michel BA, Knusel O.
Rehabilitation costs and subsequent costs in patients with chronic low back
pain - A cost of illness analysis of the functional restoration program of
the clinic of rheumatology and rehabilitation of the locomotor system,
rehabilitation center clinic Valens, Switzerland. Physikalische Medizin
Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin 2008;18(4):181-8.

Bizzini M, Biedert R, Maffiuletti N, Impellizzeri F. Biomechanical issues in
patellofemoral joint rehabilitation. Orthopade 2008;37(9):864-+.


Borsuk-Bialynicka M. Evolution of the iliosacral joint in diapsid phylogenyNeues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen

Polly PD, MacLeod N. Locomotion in fossil Carnivora: An application of
eigensurface analysis for morphometric comparison of 3D surfaces.
Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the
Society-of-Vertebrate-Paleontology; Ottawa, CANADA; 2006.


af Klint R, Nielsen JB, Cole J, Sinkjaer T, Grey MJ. Within-step modulation
of leg muscle activity by afferent feedback in human walking. Journal of
Physiology-London 2008;586(19):4643-8.

Buccello-Stout RR, Bloomberg JJ, Cohen HS, Whorton EB, Weaver GD, Cromwell
RL. Effects of sensorimotor adaptation training on functional mobility in
older adults. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and
Social Sciences 2008;63(5):P295-P300.

Caty GD, Detrembleur C, Bleyenheuft C, Deltombe T, Lejeune TM. Effect of
simultaneous Botulinum toxin injections into several muscles on impairment,
activity, participation, and quality of life among stroke patients
presenting with a stiff knee gait. Stroke 2008;39(10):2803-8.

Kouta M, Shinkoda K. Differences in biomechanical characteristics of
sit-to-walk motion between younger and elderly males dwelling in the
community. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2008;20(3):185-9.


Pataky TC, Caravaggi P, Savage R, Crompton RH. Regional peak plantar
pressures are highly sensitive to region boundary definitions. Journal of
Biomechanics 2008;41(12):2772-5.

Rezzoug N, Gorce P. Prediction of fingers posture using artificial neural
networks. Journal of Biomechanics 2008;41(12):2743-9.


Billuart F, Devun L, Skalli W, Mitton D, Gagey O. Role of deltoid and
passives elements in stabilization during abduction motion (0 degrees-40
degrees): an ex vivo study. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy

Steinwachs MR, Kreuz PC, Guhlke-Steinwachs U, Niemeyer P. Current treatment
for cartilage damage in the patellofemoral joint. Orthopade

Tohtz SW, Heller MO, Taylor WR, Perka C, Duda GN. On the biomechanics of the
hip. Relevance of femoral anteversion for hip contact force and loading
using a short-stemmed prostheses. Orthopade 2008;37(9):923-8.


Lewis NT, Hussain MA, Mao JJ. Investigation of nano-mechanical properties of
annulus fibrosus using atomic force microscopy. Micron 2008;39(7):1008-19.

Windolf M, Gotzen N, Morlock M. Systematic accuracy and precision analysis
of video motion capturing systems - exemplified on the Vicon-460 system.
Journal of Biomechanics 2008;41(12):2776-80.

Zhai L, Palmeri ML, Bouchard RR, Nightingale RW, Nightingale KR. An
integrated indenter-ARFI imaging system for tissue stiffness quantificationUltrasonic Imaging 2008;30(2):95-111.


Pena E, Pena JA, Doblare M. On modelling nonlinear viscoelastic effects in
ligaments. Journal of Biomechanics 2008;41(12):2659-66.


Ackland DC, Pak P, Richardson M, Pandy MG. Moment arms of the muscles
crossing the anatomical shoulder. Journal of Anatomy 2008;213(4):383-90.

Li J, Zhao JB, Liao DH, Gregersen H. Effect of smooth muscle tone on
morphometry and residual strain in rat duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Journal
of Biomechanics 2008;41(12):2667-72.


Alberts JL, Okun MS, Vitek JL. The persistent effects of unilateral pallidal
and subthalamic deep brain stimulation on force control in advanced
Parkinson's patients. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2008;14(6):481-94.

Barreiro-Iglesias A, Villar-Cervino V, Anadon R, Rodicio MC. Development and
organization of the descending serotonergic brainstem-spinal projections in
the sea lamprey. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 2008;36(2):77-84.

Kastner A, Gauthier P. Are rodents an appropriate pre-clinical model for
treating spinal cord injury? Examples from the respiratory system.
Experimental Neurology 2008;213(2):249-56.

Lavrov I, Cheng JG. Methodological optimization of applying neuroactive
agents for the study of locomotor-like activity in the mudpuppies (Necturus
maculatus). Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2008;174(1):97-102.

Neuhuber B, Barshinger AL, Paul C, Shumsky JS, Mitsui T, Fischer I. Stem
cell delivery by lumbar puncture as a therapeutic alternative to direct
injection into injured spinal cord. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine

Siegenthaler MM, Ammon DL, Keirstead HS. Myelin pathogenesis and functional
deficits following SCI are age-associated. Experimental Neurology

Whitlock JR, Sutherland RJ, Witter MP, Moser MB, Moser EI. Navigating from
hippocampus to parietal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America 2008;105(39):14755-62.


Dietz HP, Shek KL. The quantification of levator muscle resting tone by
digital assessment. International Urogynecology Journal 2008;19(11):1489-93


Alanay A, Wang JC, Shamie AN, Napoli A, Chen CH, Tsou P. A novel application
of high-dose (50 kGy) gamma irradiation for demineralized bone matrix:
effects on fusion rate in a rat spinal fusion model. Spine Journal

Cheng BC, Hafez MA, Cunningham B, Serhan H, Welch WC. Biomechanical
evaluation of occipitocervicothoracic fusion: impact of partial or
sequential fixation. Spine Journal 2008;8(5):821-6.

DiPaola CP, Jacobson JA, Awad H, Conrad BP, Rechtine GR. Screw orientation
and plate type (variable-vs. fixed-angle) effect strength of fixation for in
vitro biomechanical testing of the Synthes CSLP. Spine Journal

Gercek E, Hartmann F, Kuhn S, Degreif J, Rommens PM, Rudig L. Dynamic
angular three-dimensional measurement of multisegmental thoracolumbar motion
in vivo. Spine 2008;33(21):2326-33.

Khanna AJ, Lee S, Villarraga M, Gimbel J, Steffey D, Schwardt J.
Biomechanical evaluation of kyphoplasty with calcium phosphate cement in a
2-functional spinal unit vertebral compression fracture model. Spine Journal

La Marca F, Zubay G, Morrison T, Karahalios D. Cadaveric study for placement
of occipital condyle screws: technique and effects on surrounding anatomic
structures. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2008;9(4):347-53.

Pawlowski P, Araszkiewicz M, Topolinski T, Matewski D. Transpedicular plate
fixator as effective system of spine stabilisation: biomechanical
characteristics. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

Schleicher P, Beth P, Ottenbacher A, Pflugmacher R, Scholz M, Schnake KJ et
al. Biomechanical evaluation of different asymmetrical posterior
stabilization methods for minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody
fusion. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2008;9(4):363-71.


Austin AB, Souza RB, Meyer JL, Powers CM. Identification of abnormal hip
motion associated with acetabular labral pathology. Journal of Orthopaedic &
Sports Physical Therapy 2008;38(9):558-65.

Keeling P, Prendergast PJ, Lennon AB, Kenny PJ. Cement-in-cement revision
hip arthroplasty: an analysis of clinical and biomechanical literature.
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2008;128(10):1193-9.

Maffulli N, Ferran NA. Management of acute and chronic ankle instability.
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2008;16(10):608-15.

Pitto RP, Bhargava A, Pandit S, Walker C, Munro JT. Quantitative CT-assisted
osteodensitometry of femoral adaptive bone remodelling after uncemented
total hip arthroplasty. International Orthopaedics 2008;32(5):589-95.

Zwartele R, Peters A, Brouwers J, Olsthoorn P, Brand R, Doets C. Long-term
results of cementless primary total hip arthroplasty with a threaded cup and
a tapered, rectangular titanium stem in rheumatoid arthritis and
osteoarthritis. International Orthopaedics 2008;32(5):581-7.


Zettel JL, McIlroy WE, Maki BE. Gaze behavior of older adults during rapid
balance-recovery reactions. Journals of Gerontology Series a-Biological
Sciences and Medical Sciences 2008;63(8):885-91.


Silva MF, Machado JAT, Barbosa RS. Using fractional derivatives in joint
control of hexapod robots. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Fractional
Differentiation and Its Applications (FDA ' 06); Porto, PORTUGAL; 2006.


Abian J, Alegre LM, Lara AJ, Rubio JA, Aguado X. Landing differences between
men and women in a maximal vertical jump aptitude test. Journal of Sports
Medicine and Physical Fitness 2008;48(3):305-10.

Gluck GS, Bendo JA, Spivak JA. The lumbar spine and low back pain in golf: a
literature review of swing biomechanics and injury prevention. Spine Journal

Kuni B, Cardenas-Montemayor E, Bangert Y, Friedmann-Bette B, Moser MT, Rupp
R et al. Altered force ratio in unanticipated side jumps after treadmill
run. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2008;18(5):415-22.

Renkawitz T, Linhardt O, Grifka J. Electric efficiency of the erector spinae
in high performance amateur tennis players. Journal of Sports Medicine and
Physical Fitness 2008;48(3):409-16.


Bueno FR, Shah SB. Implications of tensile loading for the tissue
engineering of nerves. Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews 2008;14(3):219-33.


Arnott JL, Bailey R, Shields A, Bennett D. An in vitro comparison of a
2.7/3.5 mm hybrid plate alone and combined with crossed K-wires for canine
pancarpal arthrodesis. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and
Traumatology 2008;21(4):307-11.

Cangar O, Leroy T, Guarino M, Vranken E, Fallon R, Lenehan J et al.
Automatic real-time monitoring of locomotion and posture behaviour of
pregnant cows prior to calving using online image analysis. Computers and
Electronics in Agriculture 2008;64(1):53-60.

Delistoianov N, Pereira RN, Di Filippo PA, Doria RGS, Alessi AC. Implant of
silicone tube with or without collagen in nerve regeneration of horses.
Ciencia Rural 2008;38(6):1667-74.

Demko JL, Soniat ME, Elder S, McLaughlin R. Axial pull-out strength of 3.5
cortical and 4.0 cancellous bone screws placed in canine proximal tibias
using manual and power tapping. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and
Traumatology 2008;21(4):323-8.

Fitzpatrick N, Lewis D, Cross A. A biomechanical comparison of external
skeletal fixation and plating for the stabilization of ilial osteotomies in
dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Roehsig C, Rocha LB, Junior DB, Chioratto R, Silva S, Kemper B et al. Canine
iliac fracture fixation with screws, orthopedic wire and
polymethylmethacrylate bone cement. Ciencia Rural 2008;38(6):1675-81.

Song XY, Leroy T, Vranken E, Maertens W, Sonck B, Berckmans D. Automatic
detection of lameness in dairy cattle - Vision-based trackway analysis in
cow's locomotion. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2008;64(1):39-44

Veissier I, Andanson S, Dubroeucq H, Pomies D. The motivation of cows to
walk as thwarted by tethering. Journal of Animal Science 2008;86(10):2723-9


Grottone GT, Suga F, Matsuda D, Vaccaro LL, Grottone JDT, Grottone JC.
Biomechanical changes on porcine corneas after riboflavin induced crosslink
technique with non-UV light. Revista Brasileira De Oftalmologia

Hager A, Wiegand W. Methods of measuring intraocular pressure independently
of central corneal thickness. Ophthalmologe 2008;105(9):840-4.

Jorge JMM, Gonzalez-Meijome JM, Queiros A, Fernandes P, Parafita MA.
Correlations between corneal biomechanical properties measured with the
Ocular Response Analyzer and ICare rebound tonometry. Journal of Glaucoma

Kaga K, Shinjo Y, Jin Y, Takegoshi H. Vestibular failure in children with
congenital deafness. International Journal of Audiology 2008;47(9):590-9.

Kida T, Liu JHK, Weinreb RN. Effects of aging on corneal biomechanical
properties and their impact on 24-hour measurement of intraocular pressure.
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2008;146(4):567-72.

Kim NR, Kim CY, Oh JH, Lee ES. Corneal thickness and anterior chamber depth
by Orbscan in normal and primary open-angle glaucoma patients in Korea.
Journal of Glaucoma 2008;17(6):465-9.


Borghi-Silva A, Oliveira CC, Carrascosa C, Maia J, Berton DC, Queiroga F et
al. Respiratory muscle unloading improves leg muscle oxygenation during
exercise in patients with COPD. Thorax 2008;63(10):910-5.

Jensen KA, Cox JJ. Bio-surfaces and geometric references for mass
customization in bio-interface design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

Omar IM, Zoga AC, Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G, Bergin D, Gopez AG et al.
Athletic pubalgia and "Sports Hernia": Optimal MR imaging technique and
findings. Radiographics 2008;28(5):1415-38.

Wilkie RM, Wann JP, Allison RS. Active gaze, visual look-ahead, and
locomotor control. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and
Performance 2008;34(5):1150-64.


Gibson TWG, Moens NMM, Runciman RJ, Holmberg DL, Monteith GM. The
biomechanical properties of the feline femur. Veterinary and Comparative
Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2008;21(4):312-7.

***Hurray, that's the update, hurray***