December 04, 2009 -- December 10, 2009
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Craig P. McGowan, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Texas at Austin
************************************************** ***************
Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season!
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available
in electronic form through the publisher.
Busse B, Hahn M, Soltau M, Zustin J, Puschel K, Duda GN et al. Increased
calcium content and inhomogeneity of mineralization render bone
toughness in osteoporosis: Mineralization, morphology and biomechanics
of human single trabeculae. Bone 2009;45(6):1034-43.
Chang SCN, Lin TM, Chung HY, Chen PKT, Lin FH, Lou J et al. Large-scale
bicortical skull bone regeneration using ex vivo replication-defective
adenoviral-mediated bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene-transferred bone
marrow stromal cells and composite biomaterials. Neurosurgery
Dmytrenko G, Conti MI, Olivera MI, Bozzini C, Champin GM, Martinez MP.
Effect of aluminum toxicity on biomechanical bone quality in
post-hypoxic immature rats. Bone 2009;45(6):S152-S.
Lezon CHE, Olivera MI, Bozzini C, Champin G, Alippi RM, Boyer PM.
Doses-dependent effect of propranolol on bone biomechanical performance
in an animal model of growth retardation. Bone 2009;45(6):S150-S1.
Strube P, Mehta M, Baerenwaldt A, Trippens J, Wilson CJ, Ode A et al.
Sex-specific compromised bone healing in female rats might be associated
with a decrease in mesenchymal stem cell quantity. Bone
Davern PJ, Chen D, Head GA, Chavez CA, Walther T, Mayorov DN. Role of
Angiotensin II Type 1A Receptors in Cardiovascular Reactivity and
Neuronal Activation After Aversive Stress in Mice. Hypertension
Georgakarakos E, Ioannou CV, Volanis S, Papaharilaou Y, Ekaterinaris J,
Katsamouris AN. The influence of intraluminal thrombus on abdominal
aortic aneurysm wall stress. International Angiology 2009;28(4):325-33.
Plathow C, Schoebinger M, Herth F, Tuengerthal S, Meinzer HP, Kauczor
HU. Estimation of Pulmonary Motion in Healthy Subjects and Patients with
Intrathoracic Tumors Using 3D-Dynamic MRI: Initial Results. Korean
Journal of Radiology 2009;10(6):559-67.
Deonarain MP, Kousparou CA, Epenetos AA. Antibodies targeting cancer
stem cells A new paradigm in immunotherapy? Mabs 2009;1(1):12-25.
Allen VR, Elsey RM, Jones N, Wright J, Hutchinson JR. Ontogenetic
scaling of limb muscle properties and terrestrial locomotion performance
in Alligator mississippiensis. Journal of Anatomy 2009;215(6):707-8.
Carlson BE, Rowe MP. Temperature and desiccation effects on the
antipredator behavior of Centruroides vittatus (Scorpiones: Buthidae).
Journal of Arachnology 2009;37(3):321-30.
David S. Circadian rhythms and the evolution of photoperiodic timing in
insects. Physiological Entomology 2009;34(4):301-8.
Hasler CT, Suski CD, Hanson KC, Cooke SJ, Philipp DP, Tufts BL. Effect
of water temperature on laboratory swimming performance and natural
activity levels of adult largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of
Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 2009;87(7):589-96.
Lammers AR. The Effects of Substrate Texture on the Mechanics of
Quadrupedal Arboreal Locomotion in the Gray Short-Tailed Opossum
(Monodelphis domestica). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part
a-Ecological Genetics and Physiology 2009;311A(10):813-23.
Rodriguez JA, Lopez MA, Thayer MC, Zhao YZ, Oberholzer M, Chang DD et
al. Propulsion of African trypanosomes is driven by bihelical waves with
alternating chirality separated by kinks. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Assuncao WG, Barao VAR, Tabata LF, de Sousa EAC, Gomes EA, Delben JA.
Comparison between complete denture and implant-retained overdenture:
effect of different mucosa thickness and resiliency on stress
distribution. Gerodontology 2009;26(4):273-81.
Greco GD, Jansen WC, Landre J, Seraidarian PI. Biomechanical analysis of
the stresses generated by different disocclusion patterns in an
implant-supported mandibular complete denture. Journal of Applied Oral
Science 2009;17(5):515-20.
Pascon FM, Kantovitz KR, Sacramento PA, Nobre-Dos-Santos M,
Puppin-Rontani RM. Effect of sodium hypochlorite on dentine mechanical
properties. A review. Journal of Dentistry 2009;37(12):903-8.
Poiate I, de Vasconcellos AB, de Santana RB, Poiate E. Three-Dimensional
Stress Distribution in the Human Periodontal Ligament in Masticatory,
Parafunctional, and Trauma Loads: Finite Element Analysis. Journal of
Periodontology 2009;80(11):1859-67.
Ramanathan C, Hofman Z. Root resorption during orthodontic tooth
movements. European Journal of Orthodontics 2009;31(6):578-83.
Strini P, Machado NAD, Gorreri MC, Ferreira AD, Sousa GD, Neto AJF.
Postural evaluation of patients with temporomandibular disorders under
use of occlusal splints. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2009;17(5):539-43.
Gomis M, Gonzalez LM, Querol F, Gallach JE, Toca-Herrera JL. Effects of
Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Trophism in Patients With Hemophilic
Arthropathy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Jenkins ME, Almeida QJ, Spaulding SJ, van Oostveen RB, Holmes JD,
Johnson AM et al. Plantar cutaneous sensory stimulation improves
single-limb support time, and EMG activation patterns among individuals
with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
Mogk JPM, Keir PJ. The effect of landmarks and bone motion on
posture-related changes in carpal tunnel volume. Clinical Biomechanics
Curtis N, Jones MEH, Evans SE, Shi JF, O'Higgins P, Fagan MJ. Predicting
muscle activation patterns from motion and anatomy: modelling the skull
of Sphenodon (Diapsida: Rhynchocephalia). Journal of the Royal Society
Desojo JB, Vizcaino SF. Jaw biomechanics in the South American aetosaur
Neoaetosauroides engaeus. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift
Vogel ER, Haag L, Mitra-Setia T, van Schaik CP, Dominy NJ. Foraging and
Ranging Behavior During a Fallback Episode: Hylobates albibarbis and
Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii Compared. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 2009;140(4):716-26.
Watson J, Payne R, Chamberlain A, Jones R, Sellers WI. The Kinematics of
Load Carrying in Humans and Great Apes: Implications for the Evolution
of Human Bipedalism. Folia Primatologica 2009;80(5):309-28.
Barthelemy I, Barrey E, Thibaud JL, Uriarte A, Voit T, Blot S et al.
Gait analysis using accelerometry in dystrophin-deficient dogs.
Neuromuscular Disorders 2009;19(11):788-96.
Beare JE, Morehouse JR, DeVries WH, Enzmann GU, Burke DA, Magnuson DSK
et al. Gait Analysis in Normal and Spinal Contused Mice Using the
TreadScan System. Journal of Neurotrauma 2009;26(11):2045-56.
Brouwer B, Parvataneni K, Olney SJ. A comparison of gait biomechanics
and metabolic requirements of overground and treadmill walking in people
with stroke. Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):729-34.
Brown CN, Padua DA, Marshall SW, Guskiewicz KM. Variability of motion in
individuals with mechanical or functional ankle instability during a
stop jump maneuver. Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):762-8.
Foucher KC, Hurwitz DE, Wimmer MA. Relative Importance of Gait vs. Joint
Positioning on Hip Contact Forces after Total Hip Replacement. Journal
of Orthopaedic Research 2009;27(12):1576-82.
Gobbi LTB, Candido RP, Menuchi M, Kleiner AFR. Obstacle stepping and
body scale modulating parameters. Perceptual and Motor Skills
Ming D, Bai YR, Liu XY, Qi HZ, Cheng LL, Wan BK et al. A gait stability
investigation into FES-assisted paraplegic walking based on the walker
tipping index. Journal of Neural Engineering 2009;6(6).
Rosenbaum DA. Walking down memory lane: Where walkers look as they
descend stairs provides hints about how they control their walking
behavior. American Journal of Psychology 2009;122(4):425-30.
Sawacha Z, Gabriella G, Cristoferi G, Guiotto A, Avogaro A, Cobelli C.
Diabetic gait and posture abnormalities: A biomechanical investigation
through three dimensional gait analysis. Clinical Biomechanics
Svehlik M, Zwick EB, Steinwender G, Linhart WE, Schwingenschuh P,
Katschnig P et al. Gait Analysis in Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Off Dopaminergic Therapy. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation 2009;90(11):1880-6.
Blackman AJ, Blevins JJ, Sangeorzan BJ, Ledoux WR. Cadaveric Flatfoot
Model: Ligament Attenuation and Achilles Tendon Overpull. Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 2009;27(12):1547-54.
Sawacha Z, Cristoferi G, Guarneri G, Corazza S, Dona G, Denti P et al.
Characterizing multisegment foot kinematics during gait in diabetic foot
patients. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 2009;6.
Thelen S, Rutt J, Wild M, Logters T, Windolf J, Koebke J. The influence
of talonavicular versus double arthrodesis on load dependent motion of
the midtarsal joint. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma
Catani F, Ensini A, Belvedere C, Feliciangeli A, Benedetti MG, Leardini
A et al. In Vivo Kinematics and Kinetics of a Bi-Cruciate Substituting
Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Combined Fluoroscopic and Gait Analysis
Study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2009;27(12):1569-75.
Heyse TJ, Becher C, Kron N, Ostermeier S, Hurschler C, Schofer MD et al.
Quadriceps force in relation of intrinsic anteroposterior stability of
TKA design. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery;130(1):1-9.
Malicky DM, Soslowsky LJ. Relationships Between Total and
Non-Recoverable Strain Fields in Glenohumeral Capsule During Shoulder
Subluxation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2009;37(12):2547-55.
Pepin SR, Griffith CJ, Wijdicks CA, Goerke U, McNulty MA, Parker JB et
al. A Comparative Analysis of 7.0-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and
Histology Measurements of Knee Articular Cartilage in a Canine
Posterolateral Knee Injury Model A Preliminary Analysis. American
Journal of Sports Medicine 2009;37:119S-24S.
Segal NA, Anderson DD, Iyer KS, Baker J, Torner JC, Lynch JA et al.
Baseline Articular Contact Stress Levels Predict Incident Symptomatic
Knee Osteoarthritis Development in the MOST Cohort. Journal of
Orthopaedic Research 2009;27(12):1562-8.
Shirazi R, Shirazi-Adl A. Analysis of partial meniscectomy and ACL
reconstruction in knee joint biomechanics under a combined loading.
Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):755-61.
Vinardell T, Thorpe SD, Buckley CT, Kelly DJ. Chondrogenesis and
Integration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Within an In Vitro Cartilage
Defect Repair Model. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Avitabile D, Homer M, Champneys AR, Jackson JC, Robert D. Mathematical
modelling of the active hearing process in mosquitoes. Journal of the
Royal Society Interface;7(42):105-22.
Pak OS, Lauga E. The transient swimming of a waving sheet. Proceedings
of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering
Sabra KG, Archer A. Tomographic elastography of contracting skeletal
muscles from their natural vibrations. Applied Physics Letters
Baumbauer KM, Huie JR, Hughes AJ, Grau JW. Timing in the Absence of
Supraspinal Input II: Regularly Spaced Stimulation Induces a Lasting
Alteration in Spinal Function That Depends on the NMDA Receptor, BDNF
Release, and Protein Synthesis. Journal of Neuroscience
Cheung VCK, Piron L, Agostini M, Silvoni S, Turolla A, Bizzi E.
Stability of muscle synergies for voluntary actions after cortical
stroke in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 2009;106(46):19563-8.
Godenschwege T, Forde R, Davis CP, Paul A, Beckwith K, Duttaroy A.
Mitochondrial Superoxide Radicals Differentially Affect Muscle Activity
and Neural Function. Genetics 2009;183(1):175-84.
Hu H, Vervaeke K, Graham LJ, Storm JF. Complementary Theta Resonance
Filtering by Two Spatially Segregated Mechanisms in CA1 Hippocampal
Pyramidal Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 2009;29(46):14472-83.
Oh MJ, Seo TB, Kwon KB, Yoon SJ, Elzi DJ, Kim BG et al. Axonal Outgrowth
and Erk1/2 Activation by Training after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats.
Journal of Neurotrauma 2009;26(11):2071-82.
Reed WR, Shum-Siu A, Whelan A, Onifer SM, Magnuson DSK. Anterograde
labeling of ventrolateral funiculus pathways with spinal enlargement
connections in the adult rat spinal cord. Brain Research
Rieger S, Senghaas N, Walch A, Koster RW. Cadherin-2 Controls
Directional Chain Migration of Cerebellar Granule Neurons. Plos Biology
Ruiz S, Ferreiro MJ, Casanova G, Olivera A, Cantera R. Synaptic Vesicles
in Motor Synapses Change Size and Distribution During the Day.
Skibicka KP, Grill HJ. Hypothalamic and Hindbrain Melanocortin Receptors
Contribute to the Feeding, Thermogenic, and Cardiovascular Action of
Melanocortins. Endocrinology 2009;150(12):5351-61.
Benzel EC, Dickman CA, Weinstein PR, Traynelis VC. Biomechanical
comparison of translaminar versus pedicle screws at t1 and t2 in long
subaxial cervical constructs comments. Neurosurgery 2009;65(6):172-.
Chen WJ, Huang JW, Niu CC, Chen LH, Yuan LJ, Lai PL et al. Use of
Fluorescence Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Pluronic F127 and Porous
Hydroxyapatite As a Bone Substitute for Posterolateral Spinal Fusion.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2009;27(12):1631-6.
Hedenstierna S, Halldin P, Siegmund GP. Neck Muscle Load Distribution in
Lateral, Frontal, and Rear-End Impacts A Three-Dimensional Finite
Element Analysis. Spine 2009;34(24):2626-33.
Ivancic PC, Sha DH, Panjabi MM. Whiplash injury prevention with active
head restraint. Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):699-707.
Kim KT, Park SW, Kim YB. Disc Height and Segmental Motion as Risk
Factors for Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation. Spine 2009;34(24):2674-8.
McGirt MJ, Sutter EG, Xu RS, Sciubba DM, Wolinsky JP, Witham TF et al.
Biomechanical comparison of translaminar versus pedicle screws at t1 and
t2 in long subaxial cervical constructs. Neurosurgery 2009;65(6):167-72.
Nouda S, Tomita S, Kin A, Kawahara K, Kinoshita M. Adjacent Vertebral
Body Fracture Following Vertebroplasty With Polymethylmethacrylate or
Calcium Phosphate Cement Biomechanical Evaluation of the Cadaveric
Spine. Spine 2009;34(24):2613-8.
Ruger M, Schmoelz W. Vertebroplasty With High-Viscosity
Polymethylmethacrylate Cement Facilitates Vertebral Body Restoration In
Vitro. Spine 2009;34(24):2619-25.
Tis JE, Helgeson M, Lehman RA, Dmitriev AE. A Biomechanical Comparison
of Different Types of Lumbopelvic Fixation. Spine 2009;34(24):E866-E72.
van den Engel-Hoek L, Erasmus CE, van Bruggen HW, de Swart BJM, Sie LTL,
Steenks MH et al. Dysphagia in spinal muscular atrophy type II More than
a bulbar problem? Neurology 2009;73(21):1787-91.
Hapa O, Barber FA. ACL Fixation Devices. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy
Review 2009;17(4):217-23.
Lopez-Vidriero E, Johnson DH. Evolving Concepts in Tunnel Placement.
Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 2009;17(4):210-6.
Reed KB, Okamura AM, Cowan NJ. Modeling and Control of Needles With
Torsional Friction. Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Hirano T, McCullough MBA, Kitaoka HB, Ikoma K, Kaufman KR. Effects of
foot orthoses on the work of friction of the posterior tibial tendon.
Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):776-80.
Zidarov D, Swaine B, Gauthier-Gagnon C. Life Habits and Prosthetic
Profile of Persons With Lower-Limb Amputation During Rehabilitation and
at 3-Month Follow-Up. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Epps BP, Alvarado PVY, Youcef-Toumi K, Techet AH. Swimming performance
of a biomimetic compliant fish-like robot. Experiments in Fluids
Hu YH, Zhao W, Xie GM, Wang L. Development and target following of
vision-based autonomous robotic fish. Robotica 2009;27:1075-89.
Ishikawa M, Minami Y, Sugie T. Development and Control Experiment of the
Trident Snake Robot. Ieee-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics;15(1):9-16.
Transeth AA, Pettersen KY, Liljeback P. A survey on snake robot modeling
and locomotion. Robotica 2009;27:999-1015.
Wang W, Wang K, Zhang HX. Crawling gait realization of the mini-modular
climbing caterpillar robot. Progress in Natural Science
Drewes LK, McKeon PO, Kerrigan DC, Hertel J. Dorsiflexion deficit during
jogging with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Science and Medicine
in Sport 2009;12(6):685-90.
Eslami M, Begon M, Hinse S, Sadeghi H, Popov P, Allard P. Effect of foot
orthoses on magnitude and timing of rearfoot and tibial motions, ground
reaction force and knee moment during running. Journal of Science and
Medicine in Sport 2009;12(6):679-84.
Joseph HL, Roslizawati N, Safrusahar MY, Efri NMH, Das S, Baharudin O et
al. Effect of pubertal developmental stages and lower limb kinetics
during vertical jump task in Sepak Takraw Sport. Clinica Terapeutica
Maddison R, Mhurchu CN. Global positioning system: a new opportunity in
physical activity measurement. International Journal of Behavioral
Nutrition and Physical Activity 2009;6.
Rohdewald S. Faster, Higher, Farther Biomechanics between West and East.
Osteuropa 2009;59(10):185-+.
Miller TT. Imaging of the Medial and Lateral Ligaments of the Knee.
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 2009;13(4):340-52.
Quaglia A, De Girolamo L, Cervellin M, Denti M, Volpi P. Double-bundle
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in recreational sportsmen:
preliminary results at two years follow-up. Medicina Dello Sport
Marquardt C, Bolke E, Gerber PA, Kukova G, Peiper M, Rusnak E et al.
Correlation of cutaneous tension distribution and tissue oxygenation
with acute external tissue expansion. European Journal of Medical
Research 2009;14(11):480-6.
Kanellopoulos AJ. Collagen Cross-linking in Early Keratoconus With
Riboflavin in a Femtosecond Laser-created Pocket: Initial Clinical
Results. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2009;25(11):1034-8.
Mortazavi AM, Simon BR, Stamer WD, Geest JPV. Drained secant modulus for
human and porcine peripapillary sclera using unconfined compression
testing. Experimental Eye Research 2009;89(6):892-7.
Pedrigi RM, Dziezyc J, Kalodimos HA, Humphrey JD. Ex vivo quantification
of the time course of contractile loading of the porcine lens capsule
after cataract-like surgery. Experimental Eye Research
Koontz AM, Roche BM, Collinger JL, Cooper RA, Boninger ML. Manual
Wheelchair Propulsion Patterns on Natural Surfaces During Start-Up
Propulsion. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Ginat DT, Destounis SV, Barr RG, Castaneda B, Strang JG, Rubens DJ. US
Elastography of Breast and Prostate Lesions. Radiographics
Jamon M, Serradj N. Ground-Based Researches on the Effects of Altered
Gravity on Mice Development. Microgravity Science and Technology
Schug-Pass C, Lippert H, Kockerling F. Fixation of mesh to the
peritoneum using a fibrin glue: investigations with a biomechanical
model and an experimental laparoscopic porcine model. Surgical Endoscopy
and Other Interventional Techniques 2009;23(12):2809-15.
Boutry C, Blackledge TA. Biomechanical variation of silk links spinning
plasticity to spider web function. Zoology 2009;112(6):451-60.
***Until next week, happy reading! ***
December 04, 2009 -- December 10, 2009
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Craig P. McGowan, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Texas at Austin
************************************************** ***************
Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season!
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available
in electronic form through the publisher.
Busse B, Hahn M, Soltau M, Zustin J, Puschel K, Duda GN et al. Increased
calcium content and inhomogeneity of mineralization render bone
toughness in osteoporosis: Mineralization, morphology and biomechanics
of human single trabeculae. Bone 2009;45(6):1034-43.
Chang SCN, Lin TM, Chung HY, Chen PKT, Lin FH, Lou J et al. Large-scale
bicortical skull bone regeneration using ex vivo replication-defective
adenoviral-mediated bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene-transferred bone
marrow stromal cells and composite biomaterials. Neurosurgery
Dmytrenko G, Conti MI, Olivera MI, Bozzini C, Champin GM, Martinez MP.
Effect of aluminum toxicity on biomechanical bone quality in
post-hypoxic immature rats. Bone 2009;45(6):S152-S.
Lezon CHE, Olivera MI, Bozzini C, Champin G, Alippi RM, Boyer PM.
Doses-dependent effect of propranolol on bone biomechanical performance
in an animal model of growth retardation. Bone 2009;45(6):S150-S1.
Strube P, Mehta M, Baerenwaldt A, Trippens J, Wilson CJ, Ode A et al.
Sex-specific compromised bone healing in female rats might be associated
with a decrease in mesenchymal stem cell quantity. Bone
Davern PJ, Chen D, Head GA, Chavez CA, Walther T, Mayorov DN. Role of
Angiotensin II Type 1A Receptors in Cardiovascular Reactivity and
Neuronal Activation After Aversive Stress in Mice. Hypertension
Georgakarakos E, Ioannou CV, Volanis S, Papaharilaou Y, Ekaterinaris J,
Katsamouris AN. The influence of intraluminal thrombus on abdominal
aortic aneurysm wall stress. International Angiology 2009;28(4):325-33.
Plathow C, Schoebinger M, Herth F, Tuengerthal S, Meinzer HP, Kauczor
HU. Estimation of Pulmonary Motion in Healthy Subjects and Patients with
Intrathoracic Tumors Using 3D-Dynamic MRI: Initial Results. Korean
Journal of Radiology 2009;10(6):559-67.
Deonarain MP, Kousparou CA, Epenetos AA. Antibodies targeting cancer
stem cells A new paradigm in immunotherapy? Mabs 2009;1(1):12-25.
Allen VR, Elsey RM, Jones N, Wright J, Hutchinson JR. Ontogenetic
scaling of limb muscle properties and terrestrial locomotion performance
in Alligator mississippiensis. Journal of Anatomy 2009;215(6):707-8.
Carlson BE, Rowe MP. Temperature and desiccation effects on the
antipredator behavior of Centruroides vittatus (Scorpiones: Buthidae).
Journal of Arachnology 2009;37(3):321-30.
David S. Circadian rhythms and the evolution of photoperiodic timing in
insects. Physiological Entomology 2009;34(4):301-8.
Hasler CT, Suski CD, Hanson KC, Cooke SJ, Philipp DP, Tufts BL. Effect
of water temperature on laboratory swimming performance and natural
activity levels of adult largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of
Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 2009;87(7):589-96.
Lammers AR. The Effects of Substrate Texture on the Mechanics of
Quadrupedal Arboreal Locomotion in the Gray Short-Tailed Opossum
(Monodelphis domestica). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part
a-Ecological Genetics and Physiology 2009;311A(10):813-23.
Rodriguez JA, Lopez MA, Thayer MC, Zhao YZ, Oberholzer M, Chang DD et
al. Propulsion of African trypanosomes is driven by bihelical waves with
alternating chirality separated by kinks. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Assuncao WG, Barao VAR, Tabata LF, de Sousa EAC, Gomes EA, Delben JA.
Comparison between complete denture and implant-retained overdenture:
effect of different mucosa thickness and resiliency on stress
distribution. Gerodontology 2009;26(4):273-81.
Greco GD, Jansen WC, Landre J, Seraidarian PI. Biomechanical analysis of
the stresses generated by different disocclusion patterns in an
implant-supported mandibular complete denture. Journal of Applied Oral
Science 2009;17(5):515-20.
Pascon FM, Kantovitz KR, Sacramento PA, Nobre-Dos-Santos M,
Puppin-Rontani RM. Effect of sodium hypochlorite on dentine mechanical
properties. A review. Journal of Dentistry 2009;37(12):903-8.
Poiate I, de Vasconcellos AB, de Santana RB, Poiate E. Three-Dimensional
Stress Distribution in the Human Periodontal Ligament in Masticatory,
Parafunctional, and Trauma Loads: Finite Element Analysis. Journal of
Periodontology 2009;80(11):1859-67.
Ramanathan C, Hofman Z. Root resorption during orthodontic tooth
movements. European Journal of Orthodontics 2009;31(6):578-83.
Strini P, Machado NAD, Gorreri MC, Ferreira AD, Sousa GD, Neto AJF.
Postural evaluation of patients with temporomandibular disorders under
use of occlusal splints. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2009;17(5):539-43.
Gomis M, Gonzalez LM, Querol F, Gallach JE, Toca-Herrera JL. Effects of
Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Trophism in Patients With Hemophilic
Arthropathy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Jenkins ME, Almeida QJ, Spaulding SJ, van Oostveen RB, Holmes JD,
Johnson AM et al. Plantar cutaneous sensory stimulation improves
single-limb support time, and EMG activation patterns among individuals
with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
Mogk JPM, Keir PJ. The effect of landmarks and bone motion on
posture-related changes in carpal tunnel volume. Clinical Biomechanics
Curtis N, Jones MEH, Evans SE, Shi JF, O'Higgins P, Fagan MJ. Predicting
muscle activation patterns from motion and anatomy: modelling the skull
of Sphenodon (Diapsida: Rhynchocephalia). Journal of the Royal Society
Desojo JB, Vizcaino SF. Jaw biomechanics in the South American aetosaur
Neoaetosauroides engaeus. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift
Vogel ER, Haag L, Mitra-Setia T, van Schaik CP, Dominy NJ. Foraging and
Ranging Behavior During a Fallback Episode: Hylobates albibarbis and
Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii Compared. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 2009;140(4):716-26.
Watson J, Payne R, Chamberlain A, Jones R, Sellers WI. The Kinematics of
Load Carrying in Humans and Great Apes: Implications for the Evolution
of Human Bipedalism. Folia Primatologica 2009;80(5):309-28.
Barthelemy I, Barrey E, Thibaud JL, Uriarte A, Voit T, Blot S et al.
Gait analysis using accelerometry in dystrophin-deficient dogs.
Neuromuscular Disorders 2009;19(11):788-96.
Beare JE, Morehouse JR, DeVries WH, Enzmann GU, Burke DA, Magnuson DSK
et al. Gait Analysis in Normal and Spinal Contused Mice Using the
TreadScan System. Journal of Neurotrauma 2009;26(11):2045-56.
Brouwer B, Parvataneni K, Olney SJ. A comparison of gait biomechanics
and metabolic requirements of overground and treadmill walking in people
with stroke. Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):729-34.
Brown CN, Padua DA, Marshall SW, Guskiewicz KM. Variability of motion in
individuals with mechanical or functional ankle instability during a
stop jump maneuver. Clinical Biomechanics 2009;24(9):762-8.
Foucher KC, Hurwitz DE, Wimmer MA. Relative Importance of Gait vs. Joint
Positioning on Hip Contact Forces after Total Hip Replacement. Journal
of Orthopaedic Research 2009;27(12):1576-82.
Gobbi LTB, Candido RP, Menuchi M, Kleiner AFR. Obstacle stepping and
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***Until next week, happy reading! ***