April 01, 2010 -- April 08, 2010
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Craig P. McGowan, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Texas at Austin
************************************************** ***************
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available
in electronic form through the publisher.
Apicella D, Aversa R, Ferro F, Ianniello D, Apicella A. The Importance
of Cortical Bone Orthotropicity, Maximum Stiffness Direction and
Thickness on the Reliability of Mandible Numerical Models. Journal of
Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials;93B(1):150-63.
Gardner MP, Chong ACM, Pollock AG, Wooley PH. Mechanical Evaluation of
Large-Size Fourth-Generation Composite Femur and Tibia Models. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering;38(3):613-20.
Whitman T, Aarssen LW. The leaf size/number trade-off in herbaceous
angiosperms. Journal of Plant Ecology-Uk;3(1):49-58.
Friedman MH, Krams R, Chandran KB. Flow Interactions with Cells and
Tissues: Cardiovascular Flows and Fluid-Structure Interactions. Annals
of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):1178-87.
Karsaj I, Humphrey JD. A mathematical model of evolving mechanical
properties of intraluminal thrombus. Biorheology 2009;46(6):509-27.
Olson TP, Joyner MJ, Johnson BD. Influence of Locomotor Muscle
Metaboreceptor Stimulation on the Ventilatory Response to Exercise in
Heart Failure. Circulation-Heart Failure;3(2):212-9.
Reeps C, Gee M, Maier A, Gurdan M, Eckstein HH, Wall WA. The impact of
model assumptions on results of computational mechanics in abdominal
aortic aneurysm. Journal of Vascular Surgery;51(3):679-88.
Vengrenyuk Y, Kaplan TJ, Cardoso L, Randolph GJ, Weinbaum S.
Computational Stress Analysis of Atherosclerotic Plaques in ApoE
Knockout Mice. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):738-47.
Venkatasubramanian RT, Wolkers WF, Shenoi MM, Barocas VH, Lafontaine D,
Soule CL et al. Freeze-Thaw Induced Biomechanical Changes in Arteries:
Role of Collagen Matrix and Smooth Muscle Cells. Annals of Biomedical
Chung S, Sudo R, Vickerman V, Zervantonakis IK, Kamm RD. Microfluidic
Platforms for Studies of Angiogenesis, Cell Migration, and Cell-Cell
Interactions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):1164-77.
Allen V, Elsey RM, Jones N, Wright J, Hutchinson JR. Functional
specialization and ontogenetic scaling of limb anatomy in Alligator
mississippiensis. Journal of Anatomy;216(4):423-45.
Channon AJ, Crompton RH, Gunther MM, Vereecke EE. Muscle moment arms of
the gibbon hind limb: implications for hylobatid locomotion. Journal of
Domenici P. Context-Dependent Variability in the Components of Fish
Escape Response: Integrating Locomotor Performance and Behavior. Journal
of Experimental Zoology Part a-Ecological Genetics and
Fassold K, El-Damanhouri HIH, Lorenz MW. Age-dependent cyclic locomotor
activity in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, and the effect of
adipokinetic hormone on locomotion and excitability. Journal of
Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral
Hennebert E, Haesaerts D, Dubois P, Flammang P. Evaluation of the
different forces brought into play during tube foot activities in sea
stars. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1162-74.
Kandel BM, Hullar TE. The relationship of head movements to semicircular
canal size in cetaceans. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1175-81.
Kitchener PD, Snow PJ. Spinal reflexes in the long-tailed stingray,
Himantura fai. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory
Neural and Behavioral Physiology;196(4):263-70.
Lin HT, Trimmer BA. The substrate as a skeleton: ground reaction forces
from a soft-bodied legged animal. Journal of Experimental
Mara KR, Motta PJ, Huber DR. Bite Force and Performance in the
Durophagous Bonnethead Shark, Sphyrna tiburo. Journal of Experimental
Zoology Part a-Ecological Genetics and Physiology;313A(2):95-105.
Pavlova GA. Muscular waves contribute to gliding rate in the freshwater
gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Comparative Physiology
a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology;196(4):241-8.
Sutherland KR, Madin LP. A comparison of filtration rates among pelagic
tunicates using kinematic measurements. Marine Biology;157(4):755-64.
Thaxter CB, Wanless S, Daunt F, Harris MP, Benvenuti S, Watanuki Y et
al. Influence of wing loading on the trade-off between pursuit-diving
and flight in common guillemots and razorbills. Journal of Experimental
Thompson JT, Bartol IK, Baksi AE, Li KY, Krueger PS. The ontogeny of
muscle structure and locomotory function in the long-finned squid
Doryteuthis pealeii. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1079-91.
Beck N, Graef F, Wichmann M, Karl M. In vitro fracture resistance of
copy-milled zirconia ceramic posts. Journal of Prosthetic
Jiang W, Bo H, YongChun G, LongXing N. Stress distribution in molars
restored with inlays or onlays with or without endodontic treatment: a
three-dimensional finite element analysis. Journal of Prosthetic
Gillette JC, Stevermer CA, Miller RH, Meardon SA, Schwab CV. The effects
of age and type of carrying task on lower extremity kinematics.
Gorgey AS, Poarch H, Miller J, Castillo T, Gater DR. Locomotor and
resistance training restore walking in an elderly person with a chronic
incomplete spinal cord injury. Neurorehabilitation;26(2):127-33.
Collins SH, Kuo AD. Recycling energy to restore impaired ankle function during human walking. PLoS ONE;5(2):e9307.
Assaiante C, Chabrol B. Developmental and locomotor disorders in
children. Revue Neurologique;166(2):149-57.
Azulay JP, Vacherot F, Vaugoyeau M. Gait disorders: Mechanisms and
classification. Revue Neurologique;166(2):142-8.
Bennett BC, Russell SD, Sheth P, Abel MF. Angular momentum of walking at
different speeds. Human Movement Science;29(1):114-24.
Cho C, Kunin M, Kudo K, Osaki Y, Olanow CW, Cohen B et al.
Frequency-Velocity Mismatch: A Fundamental Abnormality in Parkinsonian
Gait. Journal of Neurophysiology;103(3):1478-89.
Delval A, Krystkowiak P. Locomotion disturbances in Huntington's
disease. Revue Neurologique;166(2):213-20.
Dominici N, Ivanenko YP, Cappellini G, Zampagni ML, Lacquaniti F.
Kinematic Strategies in Newly Walking Toddlers Stepping Over Different
Support Surfaces. Journal of Neurophysiology;103(3):1673-84.
Fairley JA, Sejdic E, Chau T. An investigation of stride interval
stationarity in a paediatric population. Human Movement
Hyngstrom A, Onushko T, Chua M, Schmit BD. Abnormal Volitional Hip
Torque Phasing and Hip Impairments in Gait Post Stroke. Journal of
Mu TT, Pataky TC, Findlow AH, Aung MSH, Goulermas JY. Automated
Nonlinear Feature Generation and Classification of Foot Pressure
Lesions. Ieee Transactions on Information Technology in
Fregly BJ, Marquez-Barrientos C, Banks SA, DesJardins JD. Increased
Conformity Offers Diminishing Returns for Reducing Total Knee
Replacement Wear. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of
the Asme;132(2).
Gu XI, Leong DJ, Guzman F, Mahamud R, Li YH, Majeska RJ et al.
Development and Validation of a Motion and Loading System for a Rat Knee
Joint In Vivo. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):621-31.
Linder-Ganz E, Elsner JJ, Danino A, Guilak F, Shterling A. A Novel
Quantitative Approach for Evaluating Contact Mechanics of Meniscal
Replacements. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the
Moynihan AL, Varadarajan KM, Hanson GR, Park SE, Nha KW, Suggs JF et al.
In vivo knee kinematics during high flexion after a
posterior-substituting total knee arthroplasty. International
Natoli RM, Athanasiou KA. Traumatic loading of articular cartilage:
Mechanical and biological responses and post-injury treatment.
Biorheology 2009;46(6):451-85.
Razeghi M, Etemadi Y, Taghizadeh S, Ghaem H. Could Hip and Knee Muscle
Strengthening Alter the Pain Intensity in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal;12(2):104-10.
Shultz SJ, Schmitz RJ, Nguyen AD, Levine BJ. Joint Laxity Is Related to
Lower Extremity Energetics during a Drop Jump Landing. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise;42(4):771-80.
Shaban HA, Abou El-Nasr M, Buehrer RM. Toward a Highly Accurate
Ambulatory System for Clinical Gait Analysis via UWB Radios. Ieee
Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine;14(2):284-91.
Cofer D, Cymbalyuk G, Heitler WJ, Edwards DH. Neuromechanical simulation
of the locust jump. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1060-8.
Formal'skii AM. Ballistic Walking Design via Impulsive Control. Journal
of Aerospace Engineering;23(2):129-38.
Iaquinto JM, Wayne JS. Computational Model of the Lower Leg and
Foot/Ankle Complex: Application to Arch Stability. Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme;132(2).
Taddei F, Martelli S, Gill HS, Cristofolini L, Viceconti M. Finite
Element Modeling of Resurfacing Hip Prosthesis: Estimation of Accuracy
Through Experimental Validation. Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the Asme;132(2).
af Klint R, Cronin NJ, Ishikawa M, Sinkjaer T, Grey MJ. Afferent
Contribution to Locomotor Muscle Activity During Unconstrained
Overground Human Walking: An Analysis of Triceps Surae Muscle Fascicles.
Journal of Neurophysiology;103(3):1262-74.
Askew GN, Tregear RT, Ellington CP. The scaling of myofibrillar
actomyosin ATPase activity in apid bee flight muscle in relation to
hovering flight energetics. Journal of Experimental
Schumann NP, Bongers K, Guntinas-Lichius O, Scholle HC. Facial muscle
activation patterns in healthy male humans: A multi-channel surface EMG
study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods;187(1):120-8.
Baran R, Castelblanco L, Tang G, Shapiro I, Goncharov A, Jin YS. Motor
Neuron Synapse and Axon Defects in a C. elegans Alpha-Tubulin Mutant.
Plos One;5(3).
Chuang CS, Su HL, Cheng FC, Hsu SH, Chuang CF, Liu CS. Quantitative
evaluation of motor function before and after engraftment of
dopaminergic neurons in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Journal of
Biomedical Science;17.
Frigon A, Sirois J, Gossard JP. Effects of Ankle and Hip Muscle Afferent
Inputs on Rhythm Generation During Fictive Locomotion. Journal of
Kemp SWP, Alant J, Walsh SK, Webb AA, Midha R. Behavioural and
anatomical analysis of selective tibial nerve branch transfer to the
deep peroneal nerve in the rat. European Journal of
Klein DA, Patino A, Tresch MC. Flexibility of Motor Pattern Generation
Across Stimulation Conditions by the Neonatal Rat Spinal Cord. Journal
of Neurophysiology;103(3):1580-90.
Knikou M. Plantar Cutaneous Afferents Normalize the Reflex Modulation
Patterns During Stepping in Chronic Human Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of
Beresford ZM, Kendall RW, Willick SE. Lumbar Facet Syndromes. Current
Sports Medicine Reports;9(1):50-6.
Yan YB, Lei W, Zhang Y, Qi W. Discussion: "Stress Changes in
Intervertebral Discs of the Cervical Spine Due to Partial Discectomies
and Fusion" [Tchako, A., and Sadegh, A. M., 2009, ASME J. Biomech. Eng.,
131(5), p. 051013). Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of
the Asme;132(2).
Barber FA, Herbert MA, Schroeder FA, Aziz-Jacobo J, Mays MM, Rapley JH.
Biomechanical Advantages of Triple-Loaded Suture Anchors Compared With
Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repairs. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic
and Related Surgery;26(3):316-23.
Kienast B, Kiene J, Gille J, Thietie R, Gerlach U, Schulz AP.
Posttraumatic severe infection of the ankle joint - long term results of
the treatment with resection arthrodesis in 133 cases. European Journal
of Medical Research;15(2):54-8.
Kim SJ, Kim HS, Moon HK, Chang WH, Kim SG, Chun YM. A Biomechanical
Comparison of 3 Reconstruction Techniques for Posterolateral Instability
of the Knee in a Cadaveric Model. Arthroscopy-the Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery;26(3):335-41.
Miyamoto J, Nagasao T, Miyamoto S. Biomechanical Analysis of Surgical
Correction of Syndactyly. Plastic and Reconstructive
Popescu D, Sastre S, Caballero M, Lee JWK, Claret I, Nunez M et al.
Meniscal repair using the FasT-Fix device in patients with chronic
meniscal lesions. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology
Speirs A, Simon D, Lapner P. Evaluation of a New Femoral Fixation Device
in a Simulated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery;26(3):351-7.
Starke C, Kopf S, Grobel KH, Becker R. The Effect of a Nonanatomic
Repair of the Meniscal Horn Attachment on Meniscal Tension: A
Biomechanical Study. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Pepper M, Willick S. Maximizing Physical Activity in Athletes With
Amputations. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2009;8(6):339-44.
Tercic D, Trebse R. Analysis of periprosthetic aspirate in the diagnosis
of prosthetic joint infection. Zdravniski Vestnik-Slovenian Medical
Journal 2009;78:85-93.
Noble LD, Colbrunn RW, Lee DG, van den Bogert AJ, Davis BL. Design and
Validation of a General Purpose Robotic Testing System for
Musculoskeletal Applications. Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the Asme;132(2).
Cianchetti FA, Valero-Cuevas FJ The anticipatory control of
motion-to-force transitions with the fingertips adapts optimally to task
difficulty. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(1):108-116, 2010.
Muceli S, Boye AT, d'Avella A, Farina D. Identifying Representative
Synergy Matrices for Describing Muscular Activation Patterns During
Multidirectional Reaching in the Horizontal Plane. Journal of
Park J, Kim YS, Shim JK. Prehension synergy: Effects of static
constraints on multi-finger prehension. Human Movement
Sherback M, Valero-Cuevas FJ and D'Andrea R. Slower visuomotor
corrections with unchanged latency are an optimal adaptation to
increased endogenous noise in the elderly. PLoS Comput Biol 6(3):
e1000708, 2010.
Brandon B, Pearce PZ. Training to Prevent Golf Injury. Current Sports
Medicine Reports 2009;8(3):142-6.
Kennedy DJ, Visco CJ, Press J. Current Concepts for Shoulder Training in
the Overhead Athlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2009;8(3):154-60.
Parr R, Button C. End-point focus of attention: Learning the 'Catch' in
Rowing. International Journal of Sport Psychology 2009;40(4):616-35.
Seifert L, Leblanc H, Chollet D, Delignieres D. Inter-limb coordination
in swimming: Effect of speed and skill level. Human Movement
Wong PL, Chamari K, Wisloff U. Effects of 12-week on-field combined
strength and power training on physical performance among u-14 young
soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research;24(3):644-52.
Wong PL, Chaouachi A, Chamari K, Dellal A, Wisloff U. Effect of
preseason concurrent muscular strength and high-intensity interval
training in professional soccer players. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research;24(3):653-60.
Komolafe OA, Doehring TC. Fascicle-Scale Loading and Failure Behavior of
the Achilles Tendon. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions
of the Asme;132(2).
Tsukada H, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Kusumi T, Kohno T, Toh S. The Actual
Tendon-Bone Interface Strength in a Rabbit Model. Arthroscopy-the
Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery;26(3):366-74.
O'Cearbhaill ED, Murphy M, Barry F, McHugh PE, Barron V. Behavior of
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Fibrin-Based Vascular Tissue Engineering
Constructs. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):649-57.
Wan LQ, Guo XE, Mow VC. A Triphasic Orthotropic Laminate Model for
Cartilage Curling Behavior: Fixed Charge Density Versus Mechanical
Properties Inhomogeneity. Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the Asme;132(2).
Cavusoglu H, Kaya RA, Turkmenoglu ON, Aydin Y. Value of early unilateral
decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe traumatic brain
injury. Ulusal Travma Ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Trauma
& Emergency Surgery;16(2):119-24.
Bolhuis JE, van den Brand H, Bartels AC, Oostindjer M, van den Borne J,
Kemp B et al. Effects of fermentable starch on behaviour of growing pigs
in barren or enriched housing. Applied Animal Behaviour
Clayton HM, White AD, Kaiser LJ, Nauwelaerts S, Lavagnino M, Stubbs NC.
Hindlimb response to tactile stimulation of the pastern and coronet.
Equine Veterinary Journal;42(3):227-33.
Munoz JA, Marcoux M, Picandet V, Theoret CL, Perron MF, Lepage OM.
Histological and biomechanical effects of palatal sclerotherapy in the
horse using sodium tetradecyl sulfate. Veterinary Journal;183(3):316-21.
Naas ID, Baracho MD, Salgado DD, Sonoda LT, Carvalho VRC, de Moura DJ et
Agricola 2009;29(4):538-46.
Detorakis ET, Arvanitaki V, Pallikaris IG, Kymionis G, Tsilimbaris MK.
Applanation Tonometry Versus Dynamic Contour Tonometry in Eyes Treated
With Latanoprost. Journal of Glaucoma;19(3):194-8.
Jeffery N, Cox PG. Do agility and skull architecture influence the
geometry of the mammalian vestibulo-ocular reflex? Journal of
Reynolds A, Moore JE, Naroo SA, Moore CBT, Shah S. Excimer laser surface
ablation - a review. Clinical and Experimental
Snibson GR. Collagen cross-linking: a new treatment paradigm in corneal
disease - a review. Clinical and Experimental
Giacobbi PR, Levy CE, Dietrich FD, Winkler SH, Tillman MD, Chow JW.
Wheelchair Users' Perceptions of and Experiences with Power Assist
Wheels. American Journal of Physical Medicine &
Mason BS, Porcellato L, van der Woude LHV, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. A
qualitative examination of wheelchair configuration for optimal mobility
performance in wheelchair sports: a pilot study. Journal of
Rehabilitation Medicine;42(2):141-9.
Buttifield A, Ball K, MacMahon C. The use of motor learning in
Biomechanics: A call for more collaboration. International Journal of
Sport Psychology 2009;40(4):603-15.
Capozza RF, Feldman S, Mortarino P, Reina PS, Schiessl H, Rittweger J et
al. Structural analysis of the human tibia by tomographic (pQCT) serial
scans. Journal of Anatomy;216(4):470-81.
Dong H, Bozkurttas M, Mittal R, Madden P, Lauder GV. Computational
modelling and analysis of the hydrodynamics of a highly deformable fish
pectoral fin. Journal of Fluid Mechanics;645:345-73.
***Until next week, happy reading! ***
April 01, 2010 -- April 08, 2010
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Craig P. McGowan, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Texas at Austin
************************************************** ***************
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available
in electronic form through the publisher.
Apicella D, Aversa R, Ferro F, Ianniello D, Apicella A. The Importance
of Cortical Bone Orthotropicity, Maximum Stiffness Direction and
Thickness on the Reliability of Mandible Numerical Models. Journal of
Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials;93B(1):150-63.
Gardner MP, Chong ACM, Pollock AG, Wooley PH. Mechanical Evaluation of
Large-Size Fourth-Generation Composite Femur and Tibia Models. Annals of
Biomedical Engineering;38(3):613-20.
Whitman T, Aarssen LW. The leaf size/number trade-off in herbaceous
angiosperms. Journal of Plant Ecology-Uk;3(1):49-58.
Friedman MH, Krams R, Chandran KB. Flow Interactions with Cells and
Tissues: Cardiovascular Flows and Fluid-Structure Interactions. Annals
of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):1178-87.
Karsaj I, Humphrey JD. A mathematical model of evolving mechanical
properties of intraluminal thrombus. Biorheology 2009;46(6):509-27.
Olson TP, Joyner MJ, Johnson BD. Influence of Locomotor Muscle
Metaboreceptor Stimulation on the Ventilatory Response to Exercise in
Heart Failure. Circulation-Heart Failure;3(2):212-9.
Reeps C, Gee M, Maier A, Gurdan M, Eckstein HH, Wall WA. The impact of
model assumptions on results of computational mechanics in abdominal
aortic aneurysm. Journal of Vascular Surgery;51(3):679-88.
Vengrenyuk Y, Kaplan TJ, Cardoso L, Randolph GJ, Weinbaum S.
Computational Stress Analysis of Atherosclerotic Plaques in ApoE
Knockout Mice. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):738-47.
Venkatasubramanian RT, Wolkers WF, Shenoi MM, Barocas VH, Lafontaine D,
Soule CL et al. Freeze-Thaw Induced Biomechanical Changes in Arteries:
Role of Collagen Matrix and Smooth Muscle Cells. Annals of Biomedical
Chung S, Sudo R, Vickerman V, Zervantonakis IK, Kamm RD. Microfluidic
Platforms for Studies of Angiogenesis, Cell Migration, and Cell-Cell
Interactions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):1164-77.
Allen V, Elsey RM, Jones N, Wright J, Hutchinson JR. Functional
specialization and ontogenetic scaling of limb anatomy in Alligator
mississippiensis. Journal of Anatomy;216(4):423-45.
Channon AJ, Crompton RH, Gunther MM, Vereecke EE. Muscle moment arms of
the gibbon hind limb: implications for hylobatid locomotion. Journal of
Domenici P. Context-Dependent Variability in the Components of Fish
Escape Response: Integrating Locomotor Performance and Behavior. Journal
of Experimental Zoology Part a-Ecological Genetics and
Fassold K, El-Damanhouri HIH, Lorenz MW. Age-dependent cyclic locomotor
activity in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, and the effect of
adipokinetic hormone on locomotion and excitability. Journal of
Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral
Hennebert E, Haesaerts D, Dubois P, Flammang P. Evaluation of the
different forces brought into play during tube foot activities in sea
stars. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1162-74.
Kandel BM, Hullar TE. The relationship of head movements to semicircular
canal size in cetaceans. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1175-81.
Kitchener PD, Snow PJ. Spinal reflexes in the long-tailed stingray,
Himantura fai. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory
Neural and Behavioral Physiology;196(4):263-70.
Lin HT, Trimmer BA. The substrate as a skeleton: ground reaction forces
from a soft-bodied legged animal. Journal of Experimental
Mara KR, Motta PJ, Huber DR. Bite Force and Performance in the
Durophagous Bonnethead Shark, Sphyrna tiburo. Journal of Experimental
Zoology Part a-Ecological Genetics and Physiology;313A(2):95-105.
Pavlova GA. Muscular waves contribute to gliding rate in the freshwater
gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Comparative Physiology
a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology;196(4):241-8.
Sutherland KR, Madin LP. A comparison of filtration rates among pelagic
tunicates using kinematic measurements. Marine Biology;157(4):755-64.
Thaxter CB, Wanless S, Daunt F, Harris MP, Benvenuti S, Watanuki Y et
al. Influence of wing loading on the trade-off between pursuit-diving
and flight in common guillemots and razorbills. Journal of Experimental
Thompson JT, Bartol IK, Baksi AE, Li KY, Krueger PS. The ontogeny of
muscle structure and locomotory function in the long-finned squid
Doryteuthis pealeii. Journal of Experimental Biology;213(7):1079-91.
Beck N, Graef F, Wichmann M, Karl M. In vitro fracture resistance of
copy-milled zirconia ceramic posts. Journal of Prosthetic
Jiang W, Bo H, YongChun G, LongXing N. Stress distribution in molars
restored with inlays or onlays with or without endodontic treatment: a
three-dimensional finite element analysis. Journal of Prosthetic
Gillette JC, Stevermer CA, Miller RH, Meardon SA, Schwab CV. The effects
of age and type of carrying task on lower extremity kinematics.
Gorgey AS, Poarch H, Miller J, Castillo T, Gater DR. Locomotor and
resistance training restore walking in an elderly person with a chronic
incomplete spinal cord injury. Neurorehabilitation;26(2):127-33.
Collins SH, Kuo AD. Recycling energy to restore impaired ankle function during human walking. PLoS ONE;5(2):e9307.
Assaiante C, Chabrol B. Developmental and locomotor disorders in
children. Revue Neurologique;166(2):149-57.
Azulay JP, Vacherot F, Vaugoyeau M. Gait disorders: Mechanisms and
classification. Revue Neurologique;166(2):142-8.
Bennett BC, Russell SD, Sheth P, Abel MF. Angular momentum of walking at
different speeds. Human Movement Science;29(1):114-24.
Cho C, Kunin M, Kudo K, Osaki Y, Olanow CW, Cohen B et al.
Frequency-Velocity Mismatch: A Fundamental Abnormality in Parkinsonian
Gait. Journal of Neurophysiology;103(3):1478-89.
Delval A, Krystkowiak P. Locomotion disturbances in Huntington's
disease. Revue Neurologique;166(2):213-20.
Dominici N, Ivanenko YP, Cappellini G, Zampagni ML, Lacquaniti F.
Kinematic Strategies in Newly Walking Toddlers Stepping Over Different
Support Surfaces. Journal of Neurophysiology;103(3):1673-84.
Fairley JA, Sejdic E, Chau T. An investigation of stride interval
stationarity in a paediatric population. Human Movement
Hyngstrom A, Onushko T, Chua M, Schmit BD. Abnormal Volitional Hip
Torque Phasing and Hip Impairments in Gait Post Stroke. Journal of
Mu TT, Pataky TC, Findlow AH, Aung MSH, Goulermas JY. Automated
Nonlinear Feature Generation and Classification of Foot Pressure
Lesions. Ieee Transactions on Information Technology in
Fregly BJ, Marquez-Barrientos C, Banks SA, DesJardins JD. Increased
Conformity Offers Diminishing Returns for Reducing Total Knee
Replacement Wear. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of
the Asme;132(2).
Gu XI, Leong DJ, Guzman F, Mahamud R, Li YH, Majeska RJ et al.
Development and Validation of a Motion and Loading System for a Rat Knee
Joint In Vivo. Annals of Biomedical Engineering;38(3):621-31.
Linder-Ganz E, Elsner JJ, Danino A, Guilak F, Shterling A. A Novel
Quantitative Approach for Evaluating Contact Mechanics of Meniscal
Replacements. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the
Moynihan AL, Varadarajan KM, Hanson GR, Park SE, Nha KW, Suggs JF et al.
In vivo knee kinematics during high flexion after a
posterior-substituting total knee arthroplasty. International
Natoli RM, Athanasiou KA. Traumatic loading of articular cartilage:
Mechanical and biological responses and post-injury treatment.
Biorheology 2009;46(6):451-85.
Razeghi M, Etemadi Y, Taghizadeh S, Ghaem H. Could Hip and Knee Muscle
Strengthening Alter the Pain Intensity in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal;12(2):104-10.
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***Until next week, happy reading! ***