Aug 27, 2010 – Sept 9, 2010
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
************************************************** ***************
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- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
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Hey all,
The literature update will now be posted once every two weeks, per the
request of the list serv moderator. Literature updates will now
include 2 weeks worth of publications and thus, may be quite long.
Arrington SA, Fisher ER, Willick GE, Mann KA, Allen MJ. Anabolic and
Antiresorptive Drugs Improve Trabecular Microarchitecture and Reduce
Fracture Risk following Radiation Therapy. Calcified Tissue
International 2010;87(3):263-72.
Blais A, Beaupied H, Fabien-Soule V, Guillerminet F, Benhamou C, Roux
C et al. Hydrolyzed collagen improves bone metabolism and
biomechanical parameters in ovariectomized mice. Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:163-.
Ito M, Nakata T, Uetani M. Different patterns of age-related changes
in bmd/geometry/biomechanical properties according to various sites of
the proximal femur. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:126-.
Parratte S, Amphoux T, Kolta S, Gagey O, Skalli W, Bouler J et al.
Femoroplasty using an injectable and resorbable calcium phosphate
bisphosphonate loaded bone substitute to prevent contra-lateral hip
fracture in the elderly: a cadaveric biomechanical study. Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:346-7.
Reikeras O, Sigurdsen UW, Shegarfi H. Impact of Freezing on Immunology
and Incorporation of Bone Allograft. Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Rodrigues A, Caetano-Lopes J, Perpetuo IP, Aleixo I, Pena AS, Faustino
A et al. Apolipoprotein e is correlated with bone biomechanical
properties and fracture risk calculated by frax (r). Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:120-.
Totorean A, Poenaru DV, Onofrei R, Cristea C, Nita A, Andor B.
Secondary prevention of hip fractures in elderly osteoporotic patients
with locomotor disabilities. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:375-.
Vilayphiou N, Boutroy S, Szulc P, van Rietbergen B, Munoz F, Delmas P
et al. Bone microarchitecture and biomechanical properties of the
distal radius and tibia are associated with fragility fractures in
men: the strambo study. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:239-40.
Voor MJ, Burden RL. Better prediction and prevention of fragility
fractures of the hip: a biomechanical analysis. Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:381-.
Dyson RJ, Jensen OE. A fibre-reinforced fluid model of anisotropic
plant cell growth. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2010;655:472-503.
Fichot R, Barigah TS, Chamaillard S, Le Thiec D, Laurans F, Cochard H
et al. Common trade-offs between xylem resistance to cavitation and
other physiological traits do not hold among unrelated Populus
deltoidesx Populus nigra hybrids. Plant Cell and Environment
Lopez-Casado G, Salamanca A, Heredia A. Viscoelastic nature of
isolated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit cuticles: a mathematical
model. Physiologia Plantarum 2010;140(1):79-88.
Perez-Diaz JL, Garcia-Prada JC, Romera-Juarez F, Diez-Jimenez E.
Mechanical behaviour analyses of sap ascent in vascular plants.
Journal of Biological Physics 2010;36(4):355-63.
Adlakha S, Sheikh M, Wu J, Burket MW, Pandya U, Colyer W et al. Stent
Fracture in the Coronary and Peripheral Arteries. Journal of
Interventional Cardiology 2010;23(4):411-9.
McGloughlin TM, Doyle BJ. New Approaches to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Rupture Risk Assessment Engineering Insights With Clinical Gain.
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2010;30(9):1687-94.
Zocalo Y, Bia D, Armentano RL, Galli C, Perez H, Saldias M et al.
Vascular Cryografts Offer Better Biomechanical Properties in
Chronically Hemodialyzed Patients: Role of Cryograft Type, Arterial
Pathway, and Diabetic Nephropathy as Matching Determinants. Artificial
Organs 2010;34(8):677-84.
Hoehme S, Drasdo D. Biomechanical and Nutrient Controls in the Growth
of Mammalian Cell Populations. Mathematical Population Studies
Jamali Y, Azimi M, Mofrad MRK. A Sub-Cellular Viscoelastic Model for
Cell Population Mechanics. Plos One 2010;5(8).
Moore SW, Roca-Cusachs P, Sheetz MP. Stretchy Proteins on Stretchy
Substrates: The Important Elements of Integrin-Mediated Rigidity
Sensing. Developmental Cell 2010;19(2):194-206.
Moraes C, Wyss K, Brisson E, Keith BA, Sun Y, Simmons CA. An
Undergraduate Lab (on-a-Chip): Probing Single Cell Mechanics on a
Microfluidic Platform. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
Neve N, Kohles SS, Winn SR, Tretheway DC. Manipulation of Suspended
Single Cells by Microfluidics and Optical Tweezers. Cellular and
Molecular Bioengineering 2010;3(3):213-28.
Oubel E, Cebral JR, De Craene M, Blanc R, Blasco J, Macho J et al.
Wall motion estimation in intracranial aneurysms. Physiological
Measurement 2010;31(9):1119-35.
Seebacher F, Brand MD, Else PL, Guderley H, Hulbert AJ, Moyes CD.
Plasticity of Oxidative Metabolism in Variable Climates: Molecular
Mechanisms. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 2010;83(5):721-32.
Sraj I, Szatmary AC, Marr DWM, Eggleton CD. Dynamic ray tracing for
modeling optical cell manipulation. Optics Express
Hongo Y. Does flight ability differ among male morphs of the Japanese
horned beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus septentrionalis (Coleoptera
Scarabaeidae)? Ethology Ecology & Evolution 2010;22(3):271-9.
Leshansky AM, Pismen LM. Do small swimmers mix the ocean? Physical
Review E 2010;82(2).
Przybilla A, Kunze S, Rudert A, Bleckmann H, Brucker C. Entraining in
trout: a behavioural and hydrodynamic analysis. Journal of
Experimental Biology 2010;213(17):2976-86.
Scappaticci AA, Kahn F, Kass-Simon G. Nematocyst discharge in Hydra
vulgaris: Differential responses of desmonemes and stenoteles to
mechanical and chemical stimulation. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2010;157(2):184-91.
Sutherland KR, Madin LP. Comparative jet wake structure and swimming
performance of salps. Journal of Experimental Biology
Thiffeault JL, Childress S. Stirring by swimming bodies. Physics
Letters A 2010;374(34):3487-90.
Delgado RJR, Gasparoto TH, Sipert CR, Pinheiro CR, Moraes IG, Garcia
RB et al. Antimicrobial Effects of Calcium Hydroxide and Chlorhexidine
on Enterococcus faecalis. Journal of Endodontics 2010;36(8):1389-93.
Konukseven EI, Onder ME, Mumcuoglu E, Kisnisci RS. Development of a
Visio-Haptic Integrated Dental Training Simulation System. Journal of
Dental Education 2010;74(8):880-91.
Lovald S, Baack B, Gaball C, Olson G, Hoard A. Biomechanical
Optimization of Bone Plates Used in Rigid Fixation of Mandibular
Symphysis Fractures. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
He YH, Hu J, Yu ITS, Gu W, Liang YX. Determinants of Return to Work
After Occupational Injury. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Digangi EA, Bethard JD, Sullivan LP. Differential Diagnosis of
Cartilaginous Dysplasia and Probable Osgood-Schlatter's Disease in a
Mississippian Individual from East Tennessee. International Journal of
Osteoarchaeology 2010;20(4):424-42.
Lindgren J, Caldwell MW, Konishi T, Chiappe LM. Convergent Evolution
in Aquatic Tetrapods: Insights from an Exceptional Fossil Mosasaur.
Plos One 2010;5(8).
Martin JE, Delfino M. Recent advances in the comprehension of the
biogeography of Cretaceous European eusuchians. Palaeogeography
Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2010;293(3-4):406-18.
Voisin JL. Shoulder architecture within genus Homo: New
interpretations. Anthropologie 2010;114(3):354-69.
Fasano A, Rose FEM, Stolze H, Deuschl G, Volkmann J, Herzog J.
Split-belt locomotion in Parkinson's disease reveals how asymmetry
interferes with interlimb coordination. Movement Disorders
Muller R, Blickhan R. Running on uneven ground: Leg adjustments to
altered ground level. Human Movement Science 2010;29(4):578-89.
Vinti M, Couillandre A, Thoumie P. Does somatosensory loss induce
adaptation of the gait initiation process? Neuroscience Letters
Favre P, Farine M, Snedeker JG, Maquieira GJ, Espinosa N.
Biomechanical consequences of first metatarsal osteotomy in treating
hallux valgus. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):721-7.
Feldscher SB. Postoperative Management for PIP Joint Pyrocarbon
Arthroplasty. Journal of Hand Therapy 2010;23(3):315-22.
Turan AC, Uzun B, Unal M, Uyulgan B, Unver B, Gunal I. Investigation
of radioulnocarpal joint load distribution effects of radial
shortening osteotomy for the treatment of Kienbock disease: a
biomechanical study. Eklem Hastaliklari Ve Cerrahisi-Joint Diseases
and Related Surgery 2010;21(2):98-103.
Anglin C, Brimacombe JM, Wilson DR, Masri BA, Greidanus NV, Tonetti J
et al. Biomechanical Consequences of Patellar Component Medialization
in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty
Bowman KF, Fox J, Sekiya JK. A Clinically Relevant Review of Hip
Biomechanics. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 2010;26(8):1118-29.
Forsythe B, Ghodadra N, Romeo AA, Provencher MT. Management of the
Failed Posterior/Multidirectional Instability Patient. Sports Medicine
and Arthroscopy Review 2010;18(3):149-61.
Geaney LE, Miller MD, Ticker JB, Romeo AA, Guerra JJ, Bollier M et al.
Management of the Failed AC Joint Reconstruction Causation and
Treatment. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 2010;18(3):167-72.
Leong DJ, Gu XI, Li YH, Lee JY, Laudier DM, Majeska RJ et al. Matrix
metalloproteinase-3 in articular cartilage is upregulated by joint
immobilization and suppressed by passive joint motion. Matrix Biology
Lunden JB, Bzdusek PJ, Monson JK, Malcomson KW, Laprade RF. Current
Concepts in the Recognition and Treatment of Posterolateral Corner
Injuries of the Knee. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Myer GD, Ford KR, Foss KDB, Goodman A, Ceasar A, Rauh MJ et al. The
incidence and potential pathomechanics of patellofemoral pain in
female athletes. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):700-7.
Schmalz T, Knopf E, Drewitz H, Blumentritt S. Analysis of
biomechanical effectiveness of valgus-inducing knee brace for
osteoarthritis of knee. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Development 2010;47(5):419-29.
Shakoor N, Sengupta M, Foucher KC, Wimmer MA, Fogg LF, Block JA.
Effects of Common Footwear on Joint Loading in Osteoarthritis of the
Knee. Arthritis Care & Research 2010;62(7):917-23.
Tan KG, Sathappan SS. Operative fixation of a subtrochanteric fracture
in a patient with previous spontaneous hip fusion. Singapore Medical
Journal 2010;51(6):E107-E10.
Thambyah A, Broom N. How subtle structural changes associated with
maturity and mild degeneration influence the impact-induced failure
modes of cartilage-on-bone. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):737-44.
Doya H, Haraguchi N, Niki H, Takao M, Yamamoto H. Proposed novel
unified nomenclature for range of joint motion: method for measuring
and recording for the ankles, feet, and toes. Journal of Orthopaedic
Science 2010;15(4):531-9.
Henchoz Y, Crivelli G, Borrani F, Millet GP. A new method to measure
rolling resistance in treadmill cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences
Muniz AMS, Liu H, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Liu W, Nadal J. Quantitative
Evaluation of the Effects of Subthalamic Stimulation on Gait in
Parkinson's Disease Patients Using Principal Component Analysis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 2010;120(9):609-16.
Schulz BW, Kimmel WL. Can hip and knee kinematics be improved by
eliminating thigh markers? Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):687-92.
Tay SC, van Riet R, Kazunari T, Amrami KK, An KN, Berger RA. In-vivo
kinematic analysis of forearm rotation using helical axis analysis.
Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):655-9.
Wagner EB, Granzella NP, Saito H, Newman DJ, Young LR, Bouxsein ML.
Partial weight suspension: a novel murine model for investigating
adaptation to reduced musculoskeletal loading. Journal of Applied
Physiology 2010;109(2):350-7.
Bae TS, Mun M. Effect of lumbar lordotic angle on lumbosacral joint
during isokinetic exercise: A simulation study. Clinical Biomechanics
Cignetti F, Schena F, Mottet D, Rouard A. A limit-cycle model of leg
movements in cross-country skiing and its adjustments with fatigue.
Human Movement Science 2010;29(4):590-604.
Eom J, Xu XG, De S, Shi CY. Predictive modeling of lung motion over
the entire respiratory cycle using measured pressure-volume data, 4DCT
images, and finite-element analysis. Medical Physics
Horton A, Wittek A, Joldes GR, Miller K. A meshless Total Lagrangian
explicit dynamics algorithm for surgical simulation. International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Kuo CS, Hu HT, Lin RM, Huang KY, Lin PC, Zhong ZC et al. Biomechanical
analysis of the lumbar spine on facet joint force and intradiscal
pressure - a finite element study. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders
Luria S, Hoch S, Liebergall M, Mosheiff R, Peleg E. Optimal Fixation
of Acute Scaphoid Fractures: Finite Element Analysis. Journal of Hand
Surgery-American Volume 2010;35A(8):1246-50.
Karagounis LG, Hawley JA. Skeletal muscle: Increasing the size of the
locomotor cell. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Barriere G, Frigon A, Leblond H, Provencher J, Rossignol S. Dual
Spinal Lesion Paradigm in the Cat: Evolution of the Kinematic
Locomotor Pattern. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(2):1119-33.
Barthelemy D, Willerslev-Olsen M, Lundell H, Conway BA, Knudsen H,
Biering-Sorensen F et al. Impaired Transmission in the Corticospinal
Tract and Gait Disability in Spinal Cord Injured Persons. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2010;104(2):1167-76.
Beltran EJ, Papadopoulos CM, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wolf WA. Long-term
motor improvement after stroke is enhanced by short-term treatment
with the alpha-2 antagonist, atipamezole. Brain Research
Carmel JB, Berrol LJ, Brus-Ramer M, Martin JH. Chronic Electrical
Stimulation of the Intact Corticospinal System after Unilateral Injury
Restores Skilled Locomotor Control and Promotes Spinal Axon Outgrowth.
Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(32):10918-26.
Cheng LE, Song W, Looger LL, Jan LY, Jan YN. The Role of the TRP
Channel NompC in Drosophila Larval and Adult Locomotion. Neuron
Chernousov MA, Baylor K, Stahl RC, Stecker MM, Sakai LY, Lee-Arteaga S
et al. Fibrillin-2 is dispensable for peripheral nerve development,
myelination and regeneration. Matrix Biology 2010;29(5):357-68.
Ek CJ, Habgood MD, Callaway JK, Dennis R, Dziegielewska KM, Johansson
PA et al. Spatio-Temporal Progression of Grey and White Matter Damage
Following Contusion Injury in Rat Spinal Cord. Plos One 2010;5(8).
El Manira A, Kyriakatos A. The Role of Endocannabinoid Signaling in
Motor Control. Physiology 2010;25(4):230-8.
Etlin A, Blivis D, Ben-Zwi M, Lev-Tov A. Long and Short
Multifunicular Projections of Sacral Neurons Are Activated by Sensory
Input to Produce Locomotor Activity in the Absence of Supraspinal
Control. Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(31):10324-36.
Hu LY, Sun ZG, Wen YM, Cheng GZ, Wang SL, Zhao HB et al. Atp-mediated
protein kinase b akt/mammalian target of rapamycin mtor/p70 ribosomal
s6 protein p70s6 kinase signaling pathway activation promotes
improvement of locomotor function after spinal cord injury in rats.
Neuroscience 2010;169(3):1046-62.
Masuki S, Koshimizu TA, Qian JZ, Higuchi K, Tsujimoto G, Nose H.
Reduced voluntary locomotion linked with cerebral activation in
vasopressin V1a receptor knockout mice. Journal of Physiological
Sciences 2010;60:S50-S.
Matsuyama K, Sasaki T, Ishii T, Ishiguro M, Nagamine T. Recovery of
hindlimb hopping locomotor function after the spinal cord hemisection
in rabbits. Journal of Physiological Sciences 2010;60:S153-S.
Nakajima K, Mori F, Murata A, Inase M. Neuronal activity in primary
motor cortex related to treadmill locomotion of the Japanese monkey.
Journal of Physiological Sciences 2010;60:S152-S.
Salazar DL, Uchida N, Hamers FPT, Cummings BJ, Anderson AJ. Human
Neural Stem Cells Differentiate and Promote Locomotor Recovery in an
Early Chronic Spinal coRd Injury NOD-scid Mouse Model. Plos One
Thyrion C, Roll JP. Predicting Any Arm Movement Feedback to Induce
Three-Dimensional Illusory Movements in Humans. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2010;104(2):949-59.
Azzazi A, Elhawary Y. Dynamic Stabilization Using X-stop Versus
Transpedicular Screw Fixation in the Treatment of Lumbar Canal
Stenosis; Comparative Study of the Clinical Outcome. Neurosurgery
Quarterly 2010;20(3):165-9.
Lee JH, Jung TG, Kim HS, Jang JS, Lee SH. Analysis of the incidence
and clinical effect of the heterotopic ossification in a single-level
cervical artificial disc replacement. Spine Journal 2010;10(8):676-82.
Platzer P, Eipeldauer S, Vecsei V. Odontoid plate fixation without
C1-C2 arthrodesis: Biomechanical testing of a novel surgical technique
and comparison to the conventional screw fixation procedure. Clinical
Biomechanics 2010;25(7):623-7.
Ryu KS, Park CK, Jun SC, Huh HY. Radiological changes of the operated
and adjacent segments following cervical arthroplasty after a minimum
24-month follow-up: comparison between the Bryan and Prodisc-C devices
Clinical article. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2010;13(3):299-307.
Doornink J, Fitzpatrick DC, Boldhaus S, Madey SM, Bottlang M. Effects
of Hybrid Plating With Locked and Nonlocked Screws on the Strength of
Locked Plating Constructs in the Osteoporotic Diaphysis. Journal of
Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care 2010;69(2):411-7.
Mathison C, Chaudhary R, Beaupre L, Reynolds M, Adeeb S, Bouliane M.
Biomechanical analysis of proximal humeral fixation using locking
plate fixation with an intramedullary fibular allograft. Clinical
Biomechanics 2010;25(7):642-6.
Nagasao T, Miyamoto J, Ichihara K, Jiang H, Jin HM, Tamaki T.
Age-related change of postoperative pain location after Nuss procedure
for pectus excavatum. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Pietschmann MF, Gulecyuz MF, Fieseler S, Hentschel M, Rossbach B,
Jansson V et al. Biomechanical Stability of Knotless Suture Anchors
Used in Rotator Cuff Repair in Healthy and Osteopenic Bone.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery
Rajeev AS, Sreverthana S, Harrison J. Rupture of Flexor Pollicis
Longus Tendon: A Complication of Volar Locking Plating of the Distal
Radius. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery
Suzuki M, Guimaraes MVM, Marin C, Granato R, Fernandes CAO, Gil JN et
al. Histomorphologic and Bone-to-Implant Contact Evaluation of Dual
Acid-Etched and Bioceramic Grit-Blasted Implant Surfaces: An
Experimental Study in Dogs. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Widmer BJ, Peters CL, Bachus KN, Stevens PM. Initial Stability of the
Acetabular Fragment After Periacetabular Osteotomy: A Biomechanical
Study. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2010;30(5):443-8.
Hunt MA, McManus FJ, Hinman RS, Bennell KL. Predictors of Single-Leg
Standing Balance in Individuals With Medial Knee Osteoarthritis.
Arthritis Care & Research 2010;62(4):496-500.
Bishop NE, Burton A, Maheson M, Morlock MM. Biomechanics of short hip
endoprostheses - The risk of bone failure increases with decreasing
implant size. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):666-74.
Christensen DJ, Campbell J, Stoy K. Anatomy-based organization of
morphology and control in self-reconfigurable modular robots. Neural
Computing & Applications 2010;19(6):787-805.
Wheat PM, Marine NA, Moran JL, Posner JD. Rapid Fabrication of
Bimetallic Spherical Motors. Langmuir 2010;26(16):13052-5.
Kung PC, Lin CCK, Ju MS. Neuro-rehabilitation robot-assisted
assessments of synergy patterns of forearm, elbow and shoulder joints
in chronic stroke patients. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):647-54.
Bini RR, Tamborindeguy AC, Mota CB. Effects of Saddle Height, Pedaling
Cadence, and Workload on Joint Kinetics and Kinematics During Cycling.
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 2010;19(3):301-14.
Elmer SJ, Martin JC. Joint-Specific Power Loss after Eccentric
Exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Glazier PS. Game, Set and Match? Substantive Issues and Future
Directions in Performance Analysis. Sports Medicine 2010;40(8):625-34.
Guo LY, Lin WY, Tsai YJ, Hou YY, Chen CC, Yang CH et al. Different
Limb Kinematic Patterns during Pitching Movement Between Amateur and
Professional Baseball Players. Journal of Medical and Biological
Engineering 2010;30(3):177-80.
Hofmijster M, De Koning J, Van Soest AJ. Estimation of the energy loss
at the blades in rowing: Common assumptions revisited. Journal of
Sports Sciences 2010;28(10):1093-102.
Hunt K, Adamson J, Ebrahim S, Mutrie N. Exercise and the Onset of
Disability in Later Life. Journal of Aging and Health
Konda S, Yanai T, Sakurai S. Scapular Rotation to Attain the Peak
Shoulder External Rotation in Tennis Serve. Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise 2010;42(9):1745-53.
Lazaridis S, Bassa E, Patikas D, Giakas G, Gollhofer A, Kotzamanidis
C. Neuromuscular differences between prepubescents boys and adult men
during drop jump. European Journal of Applied Physiology
Santamaria LJ, Webster KE. The Effect of Fatigue on Lower-Limb
Biomechanics During Single-Limb Landings: A Systematic Review. Journal
of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2010;40(8):464-73.
Silder A, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC. Effects of prior hamstring
strain injury on strength, flexibility, and running mechanics.
Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):681-6.
Stojsih S, Boitano M, Wilhelm M, Bir C. A prospective study of punch
biomechanics and cognitive function for amateur boxers. British
Journal of Sports Medicine 2010;44(10):725-30.
Angelini FJ, Albuquerque RFM, Sasaki SU, Camanho GL, Hernandez AJ.
Comparative study on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction:
determination of isometric points with and without navigation. Clinics
Cerovecki T, Bojanic I, Brcic L, Radic B, Vukoja I, Seiwerth S et al.
Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) Improves Ligament Healing in the
Rat. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2010;28(9):1155-61.
Felmet G. Implant-free anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with
diamond instruments. Unfallchirurg 2010;113(8):621-8.
Fleischer J, Schleyer A, Nassutt R, Grundei H, Grittner U, Hopp SJ.
Biomechanical investigation on refixation of tuberosities on shoulder
prostheses. Unfallchirurg 2010;113(8):641-6.
Heckman DS, Creighton RA, Romeo AA. Management of Failed Biceps
Tenodesis or Tenotomy: Causation and Treatment. Sports Medicine and
Arthroscopy Review 2010;18(3):173-80.
Herrera A, Martinez F, Iglesias D, Cegonino J, Ibarz E, Gracia L.
Fixation strength of biocomposite wedge interference screw in ACL
reconstruction: effect of screw length and tunnel/screw ratio. A
controlled laboratory study. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2010;11. 10.1186/1471-2474-11-139
Hofbauer M, Valentin P, Kdolsky R, Ostermann RC, Graf A, Figl M et al.
Rotational and translational laxity after computer-navigated single-
and double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee
Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2010;18(9):1201-7.
Lee SH, Jung YB, Jung HJ, Song KS, Ko YB. Comparison of tunnel
positions in single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions
using computer navigation. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology
Arthroscopy 2010;18(9):1219-25.
Lertwanich P, Martins CAQ, Kato Y, Ingham SJM, Kramer S, Linde-Rosen M
et al. Contribution of the meniscofemoral ligament as a restraint to
the posterior tibial translation in a porcine knee. Knee Surgery
Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2010;18(9):1277-81.
Milankov MZ, Miljkovic N, Janjic N. Hybrid hamstring graft tibial
fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Archives of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2010;130(8):1033-6.
Myer GD, Ford KR, Khoury J, Succop P, Hewett TE. Clinical correlates
to laboratory measures for use in non-contact anterior cruciate
ligament injury risk prediction algorithm. Clinical Biomechanics
Nourissat G, Diop A, Maurel N, Salvat C, Dumont S, Pigenet A et al.
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Regenerates the Native Bone-Tendon
Junction after Surgical Repair in a Degenerative Rat Model. Plos One
2010;5(8). 10.1371/journal.pone.0012248
Peljovich A, Ratner JA, Marino J. Update of the Physiology and
Biomechanics of Tendon Transfer Surgery. Journal of Hand
Surgery-American Volume 2010;35A(8):1365-9.
Serrano-Fernandez JM, Espejo-Baena A, Martin-Castilla B, De La
Torre-Solis F, Mariscal-Lara J, Merino-Ruiz ML. Augmentation technique
for partial ACL ruptures using semitendinosus tendon in the
over-the-top position. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy
Silva A, Sampaio R, Pinto E. Femoral tunnel enlargement after anatomic
ACL reconstruction: a biological problem? Knee Surgery Sports
Traumatology Arthroscopy 2010;18(9):1189-94.
Zantop T, Schumacher T, Schanz S, Raschke MJ, Petersen W.
Double-bundle reconstruction cannot restore intact knee kinematics in
the ACL/LCL-deficient knee. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Boddohi S, Kipper MJ. Engineering Nanoassemblies of Polysaccharides.
Advanced Materials 2010;22(28):2998-3016.
Chen CF, Chen WM, Yang CT, Huang CK, Chen TH. Hybrid Assembly of Metal
Head and Femoral Stem From Different Manufacturers During Isolated
Acetabular Revision. Artificial Organs 2010;34(8):E242-E5.
Choi JS, Williams JK, Greven M, Walter KA, Laber PW, Khang G et al.
Bioengineering endothelialized neo-corneas using donor-derived corneal
endothelial cells and decellularized corneal stroma. Biomaterials
DeForest CA, Sims EA, Anseth KS. Peptide-Functionalized Click
Hydrogels with Independently Tunable Mechanics and Chemical
Functionality for 3D Cell Culture. Chemistry of Materials
Efe T, Bauer J, Herdrich S, Gotzen L, El-Zayat BF, Schmitt J et al.
Comparison between bovine bone and titanium interference screws for
implant fixation in ACL reconstruction: a biomechanical study.
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2010;130(8):993-9.
Even-Tzur N, Jaffa A, Gordon Z, Gottlieb R, Kloog Y, Einav S et al.
Air-Liquid Interface Culture of Nasal Epithelial Cells on Denuded
Amniotic Membranes. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
Hale NA, Yang Y, Rajagopalan P. Cell Migration at the Interface of a
Dual Chemical-Mechanical Gradient. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Lawn BR, Lee JJW, Chai H. Teeth: Among Nature's Most Durable
Biocomposites. Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol 40. 2010. p
Lee CH, Cook JL, Mendelson A, Moioli EK, Yao H, Mao JJ. Regeneration
of the articular surface of the rabbit synovial joint by cell homing:
a proof of concept study. Lancet 2010;376(9739):440-8.
Molnar GF, Nemes A, Kekesi V, Monos E, Nadasy GL. Maintained Geometry,
Elasticity and Contractility of Human Saphenous Vein Segments Stored
in a Complex Tissue Culture Medium. European Journal of Vascular and
Endovascular Surgery 2010;40(1):88-93.
Rajagopal KR, Wineman AS. Applications of viscoelastic clock models in
biomechanics. Acta Mechanica 2010;213(3-4):255-66.
Rashidi M, Mottaghitalab V, Haghi AK. Nanotextiles-based sensing
devices to acquire biomechanical signals. Part i. Journal of the
Balkan Tribological Association 2010;16(2):258-66.
Rashidi M, Mottaghitalab V, Haghi AK. Nanotextiles-based sensing
devices to acquire biomechanical signals. Part ii. Journal of the
Balkan Tribological Association 2010;16(2):267-78.
Rekola J, Lassila LVJ, Hirvonen J, Lahdenpera M, Grenman R, Aho AJ et
al. Effects of heat treatment of wood on hydroxylapatite type mineral
precipitation and biomechanical properties in vitro. Journal of
Materials Science-Materials in Medicine 2010;21(8):2345-54. Riede T. Elasticity and
stress relaxation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) vocal folds.
Journal of Experimental Biology 2010;213(17):2924-32.
Sawaguchi N, Majima T, Funakoshi T, Shimode K, Harada K, Minami A et
al. Effect of cyclic three-dimensional strain on cell proliferation
and collagen synthesis of fibroblast-seeded chitosan-hyaluronan hybrid
polymer fiber. Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2010;15(4):569-77.
Sun CL, Shi JA, Wang XD. Fundamental study of mechanical energy
harvesting using piezoelectric nanostructures. Journal of Applied
Physics 2010;108(3). 10.1063/1.3462468
Zhu L, Xu WL, Ma MB, Zhou H. Effect of Plasma Treatment of Silk
Fibroin Powder on the Properties of Silk Fibroin Powder/Polyurethane
Blend Film. Polymer Engineering and Science 2010;50(9):1705-12.
Batchelor PE, Kerr NF, Gatt AM, Aleksoska E, Cox SF, Ghasem-Zadeh A et
al. Hypothermia Prior to Decompression: Buying Time for Treatment of
Acute Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2010;27(8):1357-68.
Ben-Galim P, Dreiangel N, Mattox KL, Reitman CA, Kalantar SB, Hipp JA.
Extrication Collars Can Result in Abnormal Separation Between
Vertebrae in the Presence of a Dissociative Injury. Journal of
Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care 2010;69(2):447-50.
Ozel SK, Ozel HB, Colakoglu N, Ilhan N, Arslan N, Ozan E. Protective
effect of the thoracic cage on parenchyma in response to trauma
direction in blunt thoracic trauma: an experimental study. Ulusal
Travma Ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency
Surgery 2010;16(4):287-92.
Sultan S, Hamada N, Tawfick W, Fahy A, Hynes N. Sustained 5 Years
Performance Analysis of Sequential Compression Biomechanical Device
(SCBD) in Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI) Patients with
Un-reconstructable Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) vs Primary
Amputation in a Tertiary Referral Vascular Centre With Quality of Time
Without the Symptoms or Toxicity of the Disease (QTWiST). Journal of
Vascular Surgery 2010;51:11S-S.
Aydin A, Cangar O, Ozcan SE, Bahr C, Berckmans D. Application of a
fully automatic analysis tool to assess the activity of broiler
chickens with different gait scores. Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture 2010;73(2):194-9.
Jorgensen HBH, Pedersen LD, Sorensen MK, Thomsen PT, Norberg E. Short
communication: Born to be a loser cow? Journal of Dairy Science
Sinding MF, Berg LC. Distances between thoracic spinous processes in
Warmblood foals: A radiographic study. Equine Veterinary Journal
Leite MT, Alencar LM, Gore C, Weinreb RN, Sample PA, Zangwill LM et
al. Comparison of Corneal Biomechanical Properties Between Healthy
Blacks and Whites Using the Ocular Response Analyzer. American Journal
of Ophthalmology 2010;150(2):163-8.
Shanidze N, Kim AH, Raphael Y, King WM. Eye-head coordination in the
guinea pig I. Responses to passive whole-body rotations. Experimental
Brain Research 2010;205(3):395-404.
Xiao GG, Wu LL. Optic disc analysis with Heidelberg Retina Tomography
III in glaucoma with unilateral visual field defects. Japanese Journal
of Ophthalmology 2010;54(4):305-9.
Christmann O, Carbonell N, Richir S. Visual search in dynamic 3D
visualisations of unstructured picture collections. Interacting with
Computers 2010;22(5):399-416.
Cunningham CA, Black SM. The Neonatal Ilium-Metaphyseal Drivers and
Vascular Passengers. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy
and Evolutionary Biology 2010;293(8):1297-309.
Dionyssiotis Y, Michas G, Trovas G, Lyritis G. Calculation of helios
fitness index (hel. F.i) as an indicator of locomotor parameters in
women. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:88-.
Kim HM, Yang S, Kim J, Park S, Cho JH, Park JY et al. Active
locomotion of a paddling-based capsule endoscope in an in vitro and in
vivo experiment. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2010;72(2):381-7.
Lee SJ, Liong K, Tse KM, Lee HP. Biomechanics of the Deformity of
Septal L-Struts. Laryngoscope 2010;120(8):1508-15.
Schweitzer R, Zelzer E, Volk T. Connecting muscles to tendons: tendons
and musculoskeletal development in flies and vertebrates. Development
Zysset P, Quek E, Borah B, Gross G, Stewart J, Lang T et al. Effects
of teriparatide on vertebral body biomechanics in postmenopausal women
treated previously with risedronate or alendronate: a qct-based finite
element study. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:154-.
Fischer MWF, Stolze-Rybczynski JL, Cui YL, Money NP. How far and how
fast can mushroom spores fly? Physical limits on ballistospore size
and discharge distance in the Basidiomycota. Fungal Biology
Roberts TJ, Azizi E. The series-elastic shock absorber: tendons
attenuate muscle power during eccentric actions. Journal of Applied
Physiology 2010;109(2):396-404.
Ziegler MD, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Why Variability Facilitates
Spinal Learning. Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(32):10720-6.
The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
-Dr. Seuss
Aug 27, 2010 – Sept 9, 2010
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
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The literature update will now be posted once every two weeks, per the
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include 2 weeks worth of publications and thus, may be quite long.
Arrington SA, Fisher ER, Willick GE, Mann KA, Allen MJ. Anabolic and
Antiresorptive Drugs Improve Trabecular Microarchitecture and Reduce
Fracture Risk following Radiation Therapy. Calcified Tissue
International 2010;87(3):263-72.
Blais A, Beaupied H, Fabien-Soule V, Guillerminet F, Benhamou C, Roux
C et al. Hydrolyzed collagen improves bone metabolism and
biomechanical parameters in ovariectomized mice. Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:163-.
Ito M, Nakata T, Uetani M. Different patterns of age-related changes
in bmd/geometry/biomechanical properties according to various sites of
the proximal femur. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:126-.
Parratte S, Amphoux T, Kolta S, Gagey O, Skalli W, Bouler J et al.
Femoroplasty using an injectable and resorbable calcium phosphate
bisphosphonate loaded bone substitute to prevent contra-lateral hip
fracture in the elderly: a cadaveric biomechanical study. Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:346-7.
Reikeras O, Sigurdsen UW, Shegarfi H. Impact of Freezing on Immunology
and Incorporation of Bone Allograft. Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Rodrigues A, Caetano-Lopes J, Perpetuo IP, Aleixo I, Pena AS, Faustino
A et al. Apolipoprotein e is correlated with bone biomechanical
properties and fracture risk calculated by frax (r). Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:120-.
Totorean A, Poenaru DV, Onofrei R, Cristea C, Nita A, Andor B.
Secondary prevention of hip fractures in elderly osteoporotic patients
with locomotor disabilities. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:375-.
Vilayphiou N, Boutroy S, Szulc P, van Rietbergen B, Munoz F, Delmas P
et al. Bone microarchitecture and biomechanical properties of the
distal radius and tibia are associated with fragility fractures in
men: the strambo study. Osteoporosis International 2010;21:239-40.
Voor MJ, Burden RL. Better prediction and prevention of fragility
fractures of the hip: a biomechanical analysis. Osteoporosis
International 2010;21:381-.
Dyson RJ, Jensen OE. A fibre-reinforced fluid model of anisotropic
plant cell growth. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2010;655:472-503.
Fichot R, Barigah TS, Chamaillard S, Le Thiec D, Laurans F, Cochard H
et al. Common trade-offs between xylem resistance to cavitation and
other physiological traits do not hold among unrelated Populus
deltoidesx Populus nigra hybrids. Plant Cell and Environment
Lopez-Casado G, Salamanca A, Heredia A. Viscoelastic nature of
isolated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit cuticles: a mathematical
model. Physiologia Plantarum 2010;140(1):79-88.
Perez-Diaz JL, Garcia-Prada JC, Romera-Juarez F, Diez-Jimenez E.
Mechanical behaviour analyses of sap ascent in vascular plants.
Journal of Biological Physics 2010;36(4):355-63.
Adlakha S, Sheikh M, Wu J, Burket MW, Pandya U, Colyer W et al. Stent
Fracture in the Coronary and Peripheral Arteries. Journal of
Interventional Cardiology 2010;23(4):411-9.
McGloughlin TM, Doyle BJ. New Approaches to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Rupture Risk Assessment Engineering Insights With Clinical Gain.
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2010;30(9):1687-94.
Zocalo Y, Bia D, Armentano RL, Galli C, Perez H, Saldias M et al.
Vascular Cryografts Offer Better Biomechanical Properties in
Chronically Hemodialyzed Patients: Role of Cryograft Type, Arterial
Pathway, and Diabetic Nephropathy as Matching Determinants. Artificial
Organs 2010;34(8):677-84.
Hoehme S, Drasdo D. Biomechanical and Nutrient Controls in the Growth
of Mammalian Cell Populations. Mathematical Population Studies
Jamali Y, Azimi M, Mofrad MRK. A Sub-Cellular Viscoelastic Model for
Cell Population Mechanics. Plos One 2010;5(8).
Moore SW, Roca-Cusachs P, Sheetz MP. Stretchy Proteins on Stretchy
Substrates: The Important Elements of Integrin-Mediated Rigidity
Sensing. Developmental Cell 2010;19(2):194-206.
Moraes C, Wyss K, Brisson E, Keith BA, Sun Y, Simmons CA. An
Undergraduate Lab (on-a-Chip): Probing Single Cell Mechanics on a
Microfluidic Platform. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
Neve N, Kohles SS, Winn SR, Tretheway DC. Manipulation of Suspended
Single Cells by Microfluidics and Optical Tweezers. Cellular and
Molecular Bioengineering 2010;3(3):213-28.
Oubel E, Cebral JR, De Craene M, Blanc R, Blasco J, Macho J et al.
Wall motion estimation in intracranial aneurysms. Physiological
Measurement 2010;31(9):1119-35.
Seebacher F, Brand MD, Else PL, Guderley H, Hulbert AJ, Moyes CD.
Plasticity of Oxidative Metabolism in Variable Climates: Molecular
Mechanisms. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 2010;83(5):721-32.
Sraj I, Szatmary AC, Marr DWM, Eggleton CD. Dynamic ray tracing for
modeling optical cell manipulation. Optics Express
Hongo Y. Does flight ability differ among male morphs of the Japanese
horned beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus septentrionalis (Coleoptera
Scarabaeidae)? Ethology Ecology & Evolution 2010;22(3):271-9.
Leshansky AM, Pismen LM. Do small swimmers mix the ocean? Physical
Review E 2010;82(2).
Przybilla A, Kunze S, Rudert A, Bleckmann H, Brucker C. Entraining in
trout: a behavioural and hydrodynamic analysis. Journal of
Experimental Biology 2010;213(17):2976-86.
Scappaticci AA, Kahn F, Kass-Simon G. Nematocyst discharge in Hydra
vulgaris: Differential responses of desmonemes and stenoteles to
mechanical and chemical stimulation. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2010;157(2):184-91.
Sutherland KR, Madin LP. Comparative jet wake structure and swimming
performance of salps. Journal of Experimental Biology
Thiffeault JL, Childress S. Stirring by swimming bodies. Physics
Letters A 2010;374(34):3487-90.
Delgado RJR, Gasparoto TH, Sipert CR, Pinheiro CR, Moraes IG, Garcia
RB et al. Antimicrobial Effects of Calcium Hydroxide and Chlorhexidine
on Enterococcus faecalis. Journal of Endodontics 2010;36(8):1389-93.
Konukseven EI, Onder ME, Mumcuoglu E, Kisnisci RS. Development of a
Visio-Haptic Integrated Dental Training Simulation System. Journal of
Dental Education 2010;74(8):880-91.
Lovald S, Baack B, Gaball C, Olson G, Hoard A. Biomechanical
Optimization of Bone Plates Used in Rigid Fixation of Mandibular
Symphysis Fractures. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
He YH, Hu J, Yu ITS, Gu W, Liang YX. Determinants of Return to Work
After Occupational Injury. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Digangi EA, Bethard JD, Sullivan LP. Differential Diagnosis of
Cartilaginous Dysplasia and Probable Osgood-Schlatter's Disease in a
Mississippian Individual from East Tennessee. International Journal of
Osteoarchaeology 2010;20(4):424-42.
Lindgren J, Caldwell MW, Konishi T, Chiappe LM. Convergent Evolution
in Aquatic Tetrapods: Insights from an Exceptional Fossil Mosasaur.
Plos One 2010;5(8).
Martin JE, Delfino M. Recent advances in the comprehension of the
biogeography of Cretaceous European eusuchians. Palaeogeography
Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2010;293(3-4):406-18.
Voisin JL. Shoulder architecture within genus Homo: New
interpretations. Anthropologie 2010;114(3):354-69.
Fasano A, Rose FEM, Stolze H, Deuschl G, Volkmann J, Herzog J.
Split-belt locomotion in Parkinson's disease reveals how asymmetry
interferes with interlimb coordination. Movement Disorders
Muller R, Blickhan R. Running on uneven ground: Leg adjustments to
altered ground level. Human Movement Science 2010;29(4):578-89.
Vinti M, Couillandre A, Thoumie P. Does somatosensory loss induce
adaptation of the gait initiation process? Neuroscience Letters
Favre P, Farine M, Snedeker JG, Maquieira GJ, Espinosa N.
Biomechanical consequences of first metatarsal osteotomy in treating
hallux valgus. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):721-7.
Feldscher SB. Postoperative Management for PIP Joint Pyrocarbon
Arthroplasty. Journal of Hand Therapy 2010;23(3):315-22.
Turan AC, Uzun B, Unal M, Uyulgan B, Unver B, Gunal I. Investigation
of radioulnocarpal joint load distribution effects of radial
shortening osteotomy for the treatment of Kienbock disease: a
biomechanical study. Eklem Hastaliklari Ve Cerrahisi-Joint Diseases
and Related Surgery 2010;21(2):98-103.
Anglin C, Brimacombe JM, Wilson DR, Masri BA, Greidanus NV, Tonetti J
et al. Biomechanical Consequences of Patellar Component Medialization
in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty
Bowman KF, Fox J, Sekiya JK. A Clinically Relevant Review of Hip
Biomechanics. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related
Surgery 2010;26(8):1118-29.
Forsythe B, Ghodadra N, Romeo AA, Provencher MT. Management of the
Failed Posterior/Multidirectional Instability Patient. Sports Medicine
and Arthroscopy Review 2010;18(3):149-61.
Geaney LE, Miller MD, Ticker JB, Romeo AA, Guerra JJ, Bollier M et al.
Management of the Failed AC Joint Reconstruction Causation and
Treatment. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 2010;18(3):167-72.
Leong DJ, Gu XI, Li YH, Lee JY, Laudier DM, Majeska RJ et al. Matrix
metalloproteinase-3 in articular cartilage is upregulated by joint
immobilization and suppressed by passive joint motion. Matrix Biology
Lunden JB, Bzdusek PJ, Monson JK, Malcomson KW, Laprade RF. Current
Concepts in the Recognition and Treatment of Posterolateral Corner
Injuries of the Knee. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Myer GD, Ford KR, Foss KDB, Goodman A, Ceasar A, Rauh MJ et al. The
incidence and potential pathomechanics of patellofemoral pain in
female athletes. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):700-7.
Schmalz T, Knopf E, Drewitz H, Blumentritt S. Analysis of
biomechanical effectiveness of valgus-inducing knee brace for
osteoarthritis of knee. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and
Development 2010;47(5):419-29.
Shakoor N, Sengupta M, Foucher KC, Wimmer MA, Fogg LF, Block JA.
Effects of Common Footwear on Joint Loading in Osteoarthritis of the
Knee. Arthritis Care & Research 2010;62(7):917-23.
Tan KG, Sathappan SS. Operative fixation of a subtrochanteric fracture
in a patient with previous spontaneous hip fusion. Singapore Medical
Journal 2010;51(6):E107-E10.
Thambyah A, Broom N. How subtle structural changes associated with
maturity and mild degeneration influence the impact-induced failure
modes of cartilage-on-bone. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):737-44.
Doya H, Haraguchi N, Niki H, Takao M, Yamamoto H. Proposed novel
unified nomenclature for range of joint motion: method for measuring
and recording for the ankles, feet, and toes. Journal of Orthopaedic
Science 2010;15(4):531-9.
Henchoz Y, Crivelli G, Borrani F, Millet GP. A new method to measure
rolling resistance in treadmill cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences
Muniz AMS, Liu H, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Liu W, Nadal J. Quantitative
Evaluation of the Effects of Subthalamic Stimulation on Gait in
Parkinson's Disease Patients Using Principal Component Analysis.
International Journal of Neuroscience 2010;120(9):609-16.
Schulz BW, Kimmel WL. Can hip and knee kinematics be improved by
eliminating thigh markers? Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):687-92.
Tay SC, van Riet R, Kazunari T, Amrami KK, An KN, Berger RA. In-vivo
kinematic analysis of forearm rotation using helical axis analysis.
Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):655-9.
Wagner EB, Granzella NP, Saito H, Newman DJ, Young LR, Bouxsein ML.
Partial weight suspension: a novel murine model for investigating
adaptation to reduced musculoskeletal loading. Journal of Applied
Physiology 2010;109(2):350-7.
Bae TS, Mun M. Effect of lumbar lordotic angle on lumbosacral joint
during isokinetic exercise: A simulation study. Clinical Biomechanics
Cignetti F, Schena F, Mottet D, Rouard A. A limit-cycle model of leg
movements in cross-country skiing and its adjustments with fatigue.
Human Movement Science 2010;29(4):590-604.
Eom J, Xu XG, De S, Shi CY. Predictive modeling of lung motion over
the entire respiratory cycle using measured pressure-volume data, 4DCT
images, and finite-element analysis. Medical Physics
Horton A, Wittek A, Joldes GR, Miller K. A meshless Total Lagrangian
explicit dynamics algorithm for surgical simulation. International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Kuo CS, Hu HT, Lin RM, Huang KY, Lin PC, Zhong ZC et al. Biomechanical
analysis of the lumbar spine on facet joint force and intradiscal
pressure - a finite element study. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders
Luria S, Hoch S, Liebergall M, Mosheiff R, Peleg E. Optimal Fixation
of Acute Scaphoid Fractures: Finite Element Analysis. Journal of Hand
Surgery-American Volume 2010;35A(8):1246-50.
Karagounis LG, Hawley JA. Skeletal muscle: Increasing the size of the
locomotor cell. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Barriere G, Frigon A, Leblond H, Provencher J, Rossignol S. Dual
Spinal Lesion Paradigm in the Cat: Evolution of the Kinematic
Locomotor Pattern. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(2):1119-33.
Barthelemy D, Willerslev-Olsen M, Lundell H, Conway BA, Knudsen H,
Biering-Sorensen F et al. Impaired Transmission in the Corticospinal
Tract and Gait Disability in Spinal Cord Injured Persons. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2010;104(2):1167-76.
Beltran EJ, Papadopoulos CM, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wolf WA. Long-term
motor improvement after stroke is enhanced by short-term treatment
with the alpha-2 antagonist, atipamezole. Brain Research
Carmel JB, Berrol LJ, Brus-Ramer M, Martin JH. Chronic Electrical
Stimulation of the Intact Corticospinal System after Unilateral Injury
Restores Skilled Locomotor Control and Promotes Spinal Axon Outgrowth.
Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(32):10918-26.
Cheng LE, Song W, Looger LL, Jan LY, Jan YN. The Role of the TRP
Channel NompC in Drosophila Larval and Adult Locomotion. Neuron
Chernousov MA, Baylor K, Stahl RC, Stecker MM, Sakai LY, Lee-Arteaga S
et al. Fibrillin-2 is dispensable for peripheral nerve development,
myelination and regeneration. Matrix Biology 2010;29(5):357-68.
Ek CJ, Habgood MD, Callaway JK, Dennis R, Dziegielewska KM, Johansson
PA et al. Spatio-Temporal Progression of Grey and White Matter Damage
Following Contusion Injury in Rat Spinal Cord. Plos One 2010;5(8).
El Manira A, Kyriakatos A. The Role of Endocannabinoid Signaling in
Motor Control. Physiology 2010;25(4):230-8.
Etlin A, Blivis D, Ben-Zwi M, Lev-Tov A. Long and Short
Multifunicular Projections of Sacral Neurons Are Activated by Sensory
Input to Produce Locomotor Activity in the Absence of Supraspinal
Control. Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(31):10324-36.
Hu LY, Sun ZG, Wen YM, Cheng GZ, Wang SL, Zhao HB et al. Atp-mediated
protein kinase b akt/mammalian target of rapamycin mtor/p70 ribosomal
s6 protein p70s6 kinase signaling pathway activation promotes
improvement of locomotor function after spinal cord injury in rats.
Neuroscience 2010;169(3):1046-62.
Masuki S, Koshimizu TA, Qian JZ, Higuchi K, Tsujimoto G, Nose H.
Reduced voluntary locomotion linked with cerebral activation in
vasopressin V1a receptor knockout mice. Journal of Physiological
Sciences 2010;60:S50-S.
Matsuyama K, Sasaki T, Ishii T, Ishiguro M, Nagamine T. Recovery of
hindlimb hopping locomotor function after the spinal cord hemisection
in rabbits. Journal of Physiological Sciences 2010;60:S153-S.
Nakajima K, Mori F, Murata A, Inase M. Neuronal activity in primary
motor cortex related to treadmill locomotion of the Japanese monkey.
Journal of Physiological Sciences 2010;60:S152-S.
Salazar DL, Uchida N, Hamers FPT, Cummings BJ, Anderson AJ. Human
Neural Stem Cells Differentiate and Promote Locomotor Recovery in an
Early Chronic Spinal coRd Injury NOD-scid Mouse Model. Plos One
Thyrion C, Roll JP. Predicting Any Arm Movement Feedback to Induce
Three-Dimensional Illusory Movements in Humans. Journal of
Neurophysiology 2010;104(2):949-59.
Azzazi A, Elhawary Y. Dynamic Stabilization Using X-stop Versus
Transpedicular Screw Fixation in the Treatment of Lumbar Canal
Stenosis; Comparative Study of the Clinical Outcome. Neurosurgery
Quarterly 2010;20(3):165-9.
Lee JH, Jung TG, Kim HS, Jang JS, Lee SH. Analysis of the incidence
and clinical effect of the heterotopic ossification in a single-level
cervical artificial disc replacement. Spine Journal 2010;10(8):676-82.
Platzer P, Eipeldauer S, Vecsei V. Odontoid plate fixation without
C1-C2 arthrodesis: Biomechanical testing of a novel surgical technique
and comparison to the conventional screw fixation procedure. Clinical
Biomechanics 2010;25(7):623-7.
Ryu KS, Park CK, Jun SC, Huh HY. Radiological changes of the operated
and adjacent segments following cervical arthroplasty after a minimum
24-month follow-up: comparison between the Bryan and Prodisc-C devices
Clinical article. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2010;13(3):299-307.
Doornink J, Fitzpatrick DC, Boldhaus S, Madey SM, Bottlang M. Effects
of Hybrid Plating With Locked and Nonlocked Screws on the Strength of
Locked Plating Constructs in the Osteoporotic Diaphysis. Journal of
Trauma-Injury Infection and Critical Care 2010;69(2):411-7.
Mathison C, Chaudhary R, Beaupre L, Reynolds M, Adeeb S, Bouliane M.
Biomechanical analysis of proximal humeral fixation using locking
plate fixation with an intramedullary fibular allograft. Clinical
Biomechanics 2010;25(7):642-6.
Nagasao T, Miyamoto J, Ichihara K, Jiang H, Jin HM, Tamaki T.
Age-related change of postoperative pain location after Nuss procedure
for pectus excavatum. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Pietschmann MF, Gulecyuz MF, Fieseler S, Hentschel M, Rossbach B,
Jansson V et al. Biomechanical Stability of Knotless Suture Anchors
Used in Rotator Cuff Repair in Healthy and Osteopenic Bone.
Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery
Rajeev AS, Sreverthana S, Harrison J. Rupture of Flexor Pollicis
Longus Tendon: A Complication of Volar Locking Plating of the Distal
Radius. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery
Suzuki M, Guimaraes MVM, Marin C, Granato R, Fernandes CAO, Gil JN et
al. Histomorphologic and Bone-to-Implant Contact Evaluation of Dual
Acid-Etched and Bioceramic Grit-Blasted Implant Surfaces: An
Experimental Study in Dogs. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Widmer BJ, Peters CL, Bachus KN, Stevens PM. Initial Stability of the
Acetabular Fragment After Periacetabular Osteotomy: A Biomechanical
Study. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2010;30(5):443-8.
Hunt MA, McManus FJ, Hinman RS, Bennell KL. Predictors of Single-Leg
Standing Balance in Individuals With Medial Knee Osteoarthritis.
Arthritis Care & Research 2010;62(4):496-500.
Bishop NE, Burton A, Maheson M, Morlock MM. Biomechanics of short hip
endoprostheses - The risk of bone failure increases with decreasing
implant size. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(7):666-74.
Christensen DJ, Campbell J, Stoy K. Anatomy-based organization of
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The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
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