Sept 10, 2010 – Sept 23, 2010
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
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- Not all articles have a DOI.
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- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article
has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic
form through the publisher.
Diez-Perez A, Gurri R, Nogues X, Caceres E, Pena MJ, Mellibovsky L et al.
Microindentation for In Vivo Measurement of Bone Tissue Mechanical
Properties in Humans. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Finch SL, Rauch F, Weiler HA. Postnatal Vitamin D Supplementation Following
Maternal Dietary Vitamin D Deficiency Does Not Affect Bone Mass in Weanling
Guinea Pigs. Journal of Nutrition 2010;140(9):1574-81.
Komrakova M, Stuermer EK, Werner C, Wicke M, Kolios L, Sehmisch S et al.
Effect of human parathyroid hormone hPTH (1-34) applied at different regimes
on fracture healing and muscle in ovariectomized and healthy rats. Bone
Li F, Wang XJ, Niyibizi C. Bone marrow stromal cells contribute to bone
formation following infusion into femoral cavities of a mouse model of
osteogenesis imperfecta. Bone 2010;47(3):546-55.
Movrin I, Vengust R, Komadina R. Adjacent vertebral fractures after
percutaneous vertebral augmentation of osteoporotic vertebral compression
fracture: a comparison of balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Archives
of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2010;130(9):1157-66.
Pierre MA, Zurakowski D, Nazarian A, Hauser-Kara DA, Snyder BD. Assessment
of the bilateral asymmetry of human femurs based on physical, densitometric,
and structural rigidity characteristics. Journal of Biomechanics
Rittweger J, Goosey-Tolfrey VL, Cointry G, Ferretti JL. Structural analysis
of the human tibia in men with spinal cord injury by tomographic (pQCT)
serial scans. Bone 2010;47(3):511-8.
Saunders MM, Burger RB, Kalantari B, Nichols AD, Witman C. Development of a
cost-effective torsional unit for rodent long bone assessment. Medical
Engineering & Physics 2010;32(7):802-7.
Vandyke K, Dewar AL, Diamond P, Fitter S, Schultz CG, Sims NA et al. The
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Dasatinib Dysregulates Bone Remodeling Through
Inhibition of Osteoclasts In Vivo. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Comino E, Marengo P. Root tensile strength of three shrub species: Rosa
canina, Cotoneaster dammeri and Juniperus horizontalis Soil reinforcement
estimation by laboratory tests. Catena 2010;82(3):227-35.
Li HL, He CW, Feng JH, Zhang Y, Tang QZ, Bian ZY et al. Regulator of G
protein signaling 5 protects against cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis during
biomechanical stress of pressure overload. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2010;107(31):13818-23.
Makris GC, Nicolaides AN, Xu XY, Geroulakos G. Introduction to the
biomechanics of carotid plaque pathogenesis and rupture: review of the
clinical evidence. British Journal of Radiology 2010;83(993):729-35.
Ricci M, Mohapatra B, Urbiztondo A, Birusingh RJ, Morgado M, Rodriguez MM et
al. Differential Changes in TGF-beta/BMP Signaling Pathway in the Right
Ventricular Myocardium of Newborns With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
Journal of Cardiac Failure 2010;16(8):628-34.
Sadat U, Mohsen L, Young V, Teng Z, Gillard J. High resolution mri-based
biomechanical stress analysis of carotid plaques can predict severity of
white matter lesions. Atherosclerosis Supplements 2010;11(2):MS556.
Sadat U, Teng Z, Young V, Gillard J. High resolution mri-based biomechanical
stress analysis of carotid atheroma: a comparison of transient ischemic
attack and stroke patient groups. Atherosclerosis Supplements
Feng YD, Ofek G, Choi DS, Wen JG, Hu J, Zhao H et al. Unique biomechanical
interactions between myeloma cells and bone marrow stroma cells. Progress in
Biophysics & Molecular Biology 2010;103(1):148-56.
Arendt J. Morphological Correlates of Sprint Swimming Speed in Five Species
of Spadefoot Toad Tadpoles: Comparison of Morphometric Methods. Journal of
Morphology 2010;271(9):1044-52.
Feitl KE, Ngo V, McHenry MJ. Are fish less responsive to a flow stimulus
when swimming? Journal of Experimental Biology 2010;213(18):3131-7.
Foster KL, Higham TE. How to build a pectoral fin: functional morphology and
steady swimming kinematics of the spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei).
Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 2010;88(8):774-80.
Guderley H, Portner HO. Metabolic power budgeting and adaptive strategies in
zoology: examples from scallops and fish. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue
Canadienne De Zoologie 2010;88(8):753-63.
Guglielmo CG. Move That Fatty Acid: Fuel Selection and Transport in
Migratory Birds and Bats. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Klein MCG, Deuschle JK, Gorb SN. Material properties of the skin of the
Kenyan sand boa Gongylophis colubrinus (Squamata, Boidae). Journal of
Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral
Physiology 2010;196(9):659-68.
Klein W, Codd JR. Breathing and locomotion: Comparative anatomy, morphology
and function. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 2010;173:S26-S32.
Shirakashi S, Nakatsuka S, Udagawa A, Ogawa K. Oncomiracidial Behavior of
Heterobothrium okamotoi (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae). Fish Pathology
Simon MA, Woods WA, Serebrenik YV, Simon SM, van Griethuijsen LI, Socha JJ
et al. Visceral-Locomotory Pistoning in Crawling Caterpillars. Current
Biology 2010;20(16):1458-63.
Van Sittert SJ, Skinner JD, Mitchell G. From Fetus to Adult-An Allometric
Analysis of the Giraffe Vertebral Column. Journal of Experimental Zoology
Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution 2010;314B(6):469-79.
Ahn SJ, Leesungbok R, Lee SW. Histomorphometric Analysis and Removal Torque
of Small Diameter Implants With Alternative Surface Treatments and Different
Designs. Journal of Oral Implantology 2010;36(4):263-72.
Archambault A, Major TW, Carey JP, Heo G, Badawi H, Major PW. A comparison
of torque expression between stainless steel, titanium molybdenum alloy, and
copper nickel titanium wires in metallic self-ligating brackets. Angle
Orthodontist 2010;80(5):884-9.
Lin CL, Pai CA. Numerical investigation of failure risk of cad/cam ceramic
restoration for an endodontically treated maxillary premolar with mo
preparation. Biomedical Engineering-Applications Basis Communications
Lin CL, Yu JH, Liu HL, Lin CH, Lin YS. Evaluation of contributions of
orthodontic mini-screw design factors based on FE analysis and the Taguchi
method. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2174-81.
Sandu L, Topala F, Porojan S. Stress distribution in retentive arms of
combination clasps used on premolars. Journal of Applied Biomaterials &
Biomechanics 2010;8(2):76-81.
Stubinger S, Biermeier K, Bachi B, Ferguson SJ, Sader R, von Rechenberg B.
Comparison of Er:YAG Laser, Piezoelectric, and Drill Osteotomy for Dental
Implant Site Preparation: A Biomechanical and Histological Analysis in
Sheep. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2010;42(7):652-61.
Todea C, Balabuc C, Sinescu C, Filip L, Kerezsi C, Calniceanu M et al. En
face optical coherence tomography investigation of apical microleakage after
laser-assisted endodontic treatment. Lasers in Medical Science
Yeh K, Popowics T, Rafferty K, Herring S, Egbert M. The effects of tooth
extraction on alveolar bone biomechanics in the miniature pig, Sus scrofa.
Archives of Oral Biology 2010;55(9):663-9.
Liao DH, Zhao JB, Gregersen H. 3d Mechanical properties of the partially
obstructed guinea pig small intestine. Journal of Biomechanics
Bao S, Howard N, Spielholz P, Silverstein B. Inter-observer reliability of
forceful exertion analysis based on video-recordings. Ergonomics
Dai BY, Jin SE, Ning XP, Mirka GA. The effects of horizontal load speed and
lifting frequency on lifting technique and biomechanics (vol 53, pg 1024,
2010). Ergonomics 2010;53(9):1151-.
Davis KG, Kotowski SE, Albers J, Marras WS. Investigating reduced bag weight
as an effective risk mediator for mason tenders. Applied Ergonomics
Hallman JJ, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA. Thoracic Injury Metrics With Side Air
Bag: Stationary and Dynamic Occupants. Traffic Injury Prevention
Hodder JN, Holmes MWR, Keir PJ. Continuous assessment of work activities and
posture in long-term care nurses. Ergonomics 2010;53(9):1097-107.
Holmes MWR, Hodder JN, Keir PJ. Continuous assessment of low back loads in
long-term care nurses. Ergonomics 2010;53(9):1108-16.
Nelson-Wong E, Callaghan JP. The impact of a sloped surface on low back pain
during prolonged standing work: A biomechanical analysis. Applied Ergonomics
Nelson-Wong E, Howarth SJ, Callaghan JP. Acute biomechanical responses to a
prolonged standing exposure in a simulated occupational setting. Ergonomics
Samani A, Holtermann A, Sogaard K, Madeleine P. Active biofeedback changes
the spatial distribution of upper trapezius muscle activity during computer
work. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2010;110(2):415-23.
Huffard CL, Saarman N, Hamilton H, Simison WB. The evolution of conspicuous
facultative mimicry in octopuses: an example of secondary adaptation?
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2010;101(1):68-77.
Morse SA, Bennett MR, Gonzalez S, Huddart D. Techniques for verifying human
footprints: reappraisal of pre-Clovis footprints in Central Mexico.
Quaternary Science Reviews 2010;29(19-20):2571-8.
Mugabo M, Marquis O, Perret S, Le Galliard JF. Immediate and delayed life
history effects caused by food deprivation early in life in a short-lived
lizard. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2010;23(9):1886-98.
Robbins G, Sciulli PW, Blatt SH. Estimating Body Mass in Subadult Human
Skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2010;143(1):146-50.
Torday JS, Powell FL, Farmer CG, Orgeig S, Nielsen HC, Hall AJ. Leptin
integrates vertebrate evolution: From oxygen to the blood-gas barrier.
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 2010;173:S37-S42.
Wallace IJ, Middleton KM, Lublinsky S, Kelly SA, Judex S, Garland T et al.
Functional Significance of Genetic Variation Underlying Limb Bone Diaphyseal
Structure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2010;143(1):21-30.
Williams EM, Gordon AD, Richmond BG. Upper Limb Kinematics and the Role of
the Wrist During Stone Tool Production. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 2010;143(1):134-45.
Beneke R, Taylor MJD. What gives Bolt the edge-AV Hill knew it already!
Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2241-3.
Cowgill LW, Warrener A, Pontzer H, Ocobock C. Waddling and Toddling: The
Biomechanical Effects of an Immature Gait. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 2010;143(1):52-61.
Funato T, Aoi S, Oshima H, Tsuchiya K. Variant and invariant patterns
embedded in human locomotion through whole body kinematic coordination.
Experimental Brain Research 2010;205(4):497-511.
Pandy MG, Lin YC, Kim HJ. Muscle coordination of mediolateral balance in
normal walking. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2055-64.
Stoggl T, Haudum A, Birklbauer J, Murrer M, Muller E. Short and long term
adaptation of variability during walking using unstable (Mbt) shoes.
Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(8):816-22.
Bozentka DJ. Implant Arthroplasty of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the ThumbHand Clinics 2010;26(3):327-+.
Fowler JR, Ilyas AM. Headless Compression Screw Fixation of Scaphoid
Fractures. Hand Clinics 2010;26(3):351-+.
Harreld K, Li ZY. Intramedullary Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures. Hand
Clinics 2010;26(3):363-+.
Nicklas BJ, McEneaney PA, Lichniak JE, Baron RL, Brownell BA. Surgical
Repair of Abductor Hallucis Muscle Herniation: A Case Report. Journal of
Foot & Ankle Surgery 2010;49(5).
Ruchelsman DE, Mudgal CS, Jupiter JB. The Role of Locking Technology in the
Hand. Hand Clinics 2010;26(3):307-+.
Xiu KH, Kim JH, Li ZM. Biomechanics of the transverse carpal arch under
carpal bone loading. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(8):776-80.
Brucker PU, Favre P, Puskas GJ, von Campe A, Meyer DC, Koch PP. Tensile and
Shear Loading Stability of All-Inside Meniscal Repairs An In Vitro
Biomechanical Evaluation. American Journal of Sports Medicine
Feng JY, Gu ZY, Lin XP, Fan Y. Postnatal Development of Type II Collagen and
Aggrecan mRNA Expression in a Rabbit Craniomandibular Joint. Anatomical
Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology
Ford KR, Myer GD, Hewett TE. Longitudinal Effects of Maturation on Lower
Extremity Joint Stiffness in Adolescent Athletes. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 2010;38(9):1829-37.
Patil SG, Zheng YP, Chen X. Site dependence of thickness and speed of sound
in articular cartilage of bovine patella. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Rampazo MK, D'Elboux MJ. The influence of sociodemographic, clinical and
functional variables on the quality of life of elderly people with total hip
arthroplasty. Revista Brasileira De Fisioterapia 2010;14(3):244-51.
Shiomi T, Nishii T, Myoui A, Yoshikawa H, Sugano N. Influence of Knee
Positions on T-2, T*(2), and dGEMRIC Mapping in Porcine Knee Cartilage.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2010;64(3):707-14.
Smith SM, Shu C, Melrose J. Comparative immunolocalisation of perlecan with
collagen II and aggrecan in human foetal, newborn and adult ovine joint
tissues demonstrates perlecan as an early developmental chondrogenic markerHistochemistry and Cell Biology 2010;134(3):251-63.
Thomas PR, Parks BG, Douoguih WA. Anterior Shoulder Instability With Bristow
Procedure Versus Conjoined Tendon Transfer Alone in a Simple Soft-Tissue
Model. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery
Beardsley CL, Howard AB, Wisotsky SM, Shafritz AB, Beynnon BD. Analyzing
glenohumeral torque-rotation response in vivo. Clinical Biomechanics
Favre J, Crevoisier X, Jolles BM, Aminian K. Evaluation of a mixed approach
combining stationary and wearable systems to monitor gait over long
distance. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2196-202.
Glos DL, Sauser FE, Papautsky I, Bylski-Austrow DI. Implantable MEMS
compressive stress sensors: Design, fabrication and calibration with
application to the disc annulus. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2244-8
Groen HC, van Walsum T, Rozie S, Klein S, van Gaalen K, Gijsen FJH et al.
Three-dimensional registration of histology of human atherosclerotic carotid
plaques to in-vivo imaging. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2087-92.
Huang JY, Pan XC, Peng XL, Zhu T, Qin L, Xiong CY et al. High-efficiency
cell-substrate displacement acquisition via digital image correlation method
using basis functions. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2010;48(11):1058-66
Miyatake S, Kondo E, Tohyama H, Kitamura N, Yasuda K. Biomechanical
Evaluation of a Novel Application of a Fixation Device for Bone-Tendon-Bone
Graft (EndoButton CL BTB) to Soft-Tissue Grafts in Anatomic Double-Bundle
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Arthroscopy-the Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2010;26(9):1226-32.
Neto AF, Gallego JA, Rocon E, Pons JL, Ceres R. Extraction of user's
navigation commands from upper body force interaction in walker assisted
gait. Biomedical Engineering Online 2010;9.
Rajapakse CS, Magland JF, Wald MJ, Liu XS, Zhang XH, Guo XE et al.
Computational biomechanics of the distal tibia from high-resolution MR and
micro-CT images. Bone 2010;47(3):556-63.
Tidwell VK, Kim JH, Song SK, Nehorai A. Automatic Segmentation of Rodent
Spinal Cord Diffusion MR Images. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Wilson NA, Sheehan FT. Dynamic in vivo quadriceps lines-of-action. Journal
of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2106-13.
Xu Y, Engl WC, Jerison ER, Wallenstein KJ, Hyland C, Wilen LA et al. Imaging
in-plane and normal stresses near an interface crack using traction force
microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America 2010;107(34):14964-7.
Zorner B, Filli L, Starkey ML, Gonzenbach R, Kasper H, Rothlisberger M et
al. Profiling locomotor recovery: comprehensive quantification of
impairments after CNS damage in rodents. Nature Methods 2010;7(9):701-U57.
Aurora A, Gatica JE, van den Bogert AJ, McCarron JA, Derwin KA. An
analytical model for rotator cuff repairs. Clinical Biomechanics
Balmforth NJ, Coombs D, Pachmann S. Microelastohydrodynamics of swimming
organisms near solid boundaries in complex fluids. Quarterly Journal of
Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 2010;63(3):267-94.
Hussain M, Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GBJ. Patterns of Height Changes in
Anterior and Posterior Cervical Disc Regions Affects the Contact Loading at
Posterior Facets During Moderate and Severe Disc Degeneration A Poroelastic
C5-C6 Finite Element Model Study. Spine 2010;35(18):E873-E81.
Wang QA, Smith AL, Strait DS, Wright BW, Richmond BG, Grosse IR et al. The
Global Impact of Sutures Assessed in a Finite Element Model of a Macaque
Cranium. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary
Biology 2010;293(9):1477-91.
Zahedmanesh H, Kelly DJ, Lally C. Simulation of a balloon expandable stent
in a realistic coronary artery-Determination of the optimum modelling
strategy. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2126-32.
Cote MP, Hanna A, Lemay MA, Ollivier-Lanvin K, Santi L, Miller K et al.
Peripheral nerve grafts after cervical spinal cord injury in adult cats.
Experimental Neurology 2010;225(1):173-82.
Fosnaugh E, Decker L, Myers S, Stergiou N. Dual tasking indicates elderly
inability to delegate locomotion to lower levels of control. Journal of
Sport & Exercise Psychology 2010;32:S79-S.
Green DA, Bunday KL, Bowen J, Carter T, Bronstein AM. What does autonomic
arousal tell us about locomotor learning? Neuroscience 2010;170(1):42-53.
Haspel G, O'Donovan MJ, Hart AC. Motoneurons Dedicated to Either Forward or
Backward Locomotion in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of
Neuroscience 2010;30(33):11151-6.
Knikou M. Neural control of locomotion and training-induced plasticity after
spinal and cerebral lesions. Clinical Neurophysiology 2010;121(10):1655-68.
Marques SA, Almeida FM, Fernandes AM, Souza CD, Cadilhe DV, Rehen SK et al.
Predifferentiated embryonic stem cells promote functional recovery after
spinal cord compressive injury. Brain Research 2010;1349:115-28.
Berkowitz A. Multifunctional and specialized spinal interneurons for turtle
limb movements. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB,
Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 119-32
Cowley KC, Zaporozhets E, Schmidt BJ. Propriospinal transmission of the
locomotor command signal in the neonatal rat. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho
JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in
the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 42-53.
Dougherty KJ, Kiehn O. Functional organization of V2a-related locomotor
circuits in the rodent spinal cord. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR,
Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the
Spinal Cord. 2010. p 85-93.
Fetcho JR, McLean DL. Some principles of organization of spinal neurons
underlying locomotion in zebrafish and their implications. In:
ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors.
Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 94-104.
Gallarda BW, Sharpee TO, Pfaff SL, Alaynick WA. Defining rhythmic locomotor
burst patterns using a continuous wavelet transform. In: ZiiskindConhaim L,
Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and
Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 133-9.
Giszter SF, Hockensmith G, Ramakrishnan A, Udoekwere UI. How spinalized rats
can walk: biomechanics, cortex, and hindlimb muscle scaling-implications for
rehabilitation. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB,
Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 279-93
Lev-Tov A, Etlin A, Blivis D. Sensory-induced activation of pattern
generators in the absence of supraspinal control. In: ZiiskindConhaim L,
Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and
Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 54-62.
Markin SN, Klishko AN, Shevtsova NA, Lemay MA, Prilutsky BI, Rybak IA.
Afferent control of locomotor CPG: insights from a simple neuromechanical
model. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein
PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 21-34.
Nistri A, Taccola G, Mladinic M, Margaryan G, Kuzhandaivel A. Deconstructing
locomotor networks with experimental injury to define their membership. In:
ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors.
Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 242-51.
Norton JA, Mushahwar VK. Afferent inputs to mid- and lower-lumbar spinal
segments are necessary for stepping in spinal cats. In: ZiiskindConhaim L,
Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and
Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 10-20.
O'Donovan MJ, Bonnot A, Mentis GZ, Chub N, Pujala A, Alvarez FJ. Mechanisms
of excitation of spinal networks by stimulation of the ventral roots. In:
ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein PSG, editors.
Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 63-71.
Pearson K, Gramlich R. Updating neural representations of objects during
walking. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB, Stein
PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 1-9.
Stein PSG. Alternation of agonists and antagonists during turtle hindlimb
motor rhythms. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB,
Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 105-18
Ziskind-Conhaim L, Mentis GZ, Wiesner ER, Titus DJ. Synaptic integration of
rhythmogenic neurons in the locomotor circuitry: the case of Hb9
interneurons. In: ZiiskindConhaim L, Fetcho JR, Hochman S, MacDermott AB,
Stein PSG, editors. Neurons and Networks in the Spinal Cord. 2010. p 72-84.
Byers B, Bytautiene E, Buhimschi C, Buhimschi I, Tamayo E, Saade G et al.
Biomechanical changes in the term pregnant rat cervix after intracervical
application of hyaluronidase. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Clin J, Aubin CE, Sangole A, Labelle H, Parent S. Correlation Between
Immediate In-Brace Correction and Biomechanical Effectiveness of Brace
Treatment in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine 2010;35(18):1706-13.
Daxle M, Kafer W, Kocak T, Reichel H, Cakir B. Perioperative Morbidity in
Lumbar Disc Replacement. Zeitschrift Fur Orthopadie Und Unfallchirurgie
Di Mascio V, Bellini CM, Galbusera F, Raimondi MT, Brayda-Bruno M, Assietti
R. Lumbar total disc replacement: A numerical study. Journal of Applied
Biomaterials & Biomechanics 2010;8(2):97-101.
Roberto RF, McDonald T, Curtiss S, Neu CP, Kim K, Pennings F. Kinematics of
Progressive Circumferential Ligament Resection (Decompression) in
Conjunction With Cervical Disc Arthroplasty in a Spondylotic Spine Model.
Spine 2010;35(18):1676-83.
Schmidt R, Obertacke U, Nothwang J, Ulrich C, Nowicki J, Reichel H et al.
The impact of implantation technique on frontal and sagittal alignment in
total lumbar disc replacement: a comparison of anterior versus oblique
implantation. European Spine Journal 2010;19(9):1534-9.
Weisskopf M, Maus U, Ohnsorge JAK, Prescher A, Pandorf T, Birnbaum K.
Influence of Disc Prosthesis Position on Segmental Motion in the Lumbar
Spine. Zeitschrift Fur Orthopadie Und Unfallchirurgie 2010;148(4):453-8.
Baums MH, Buchhorn GH, Gilbert F, Spahn G, Schultz W, Klinger HM. Initial
load-to-failure and failure analysis in single- and double-row repair
techniques for rotator cuff repair. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma
Surgery 2010;130(9):1193-9.
Burkhart KJ, Nowak TE, Gradl G, Klitscher D, Mehling I, Mehler D et al.
Intramedullary nailing vs. palmar locked plating for unstable dorsally
comminuted distal radius fractures: A biomechanical study. Clinical
Biomechanics 2010;25(8):771-5.
Fry R, Domb B. Labral Base Refixation in the Hip: Rationale and Technique
for an Anatomic Approach to Labral Repair. Arthroscopy-the Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2010;26(9):S81-S9.
Kumar S, Pradhan R, Rosenfeld PF. First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis
Using a Dorsal Plate and a Compression Screw. Foot & Ankle International
Leek BT, Robertson C, Mahar A, Pedowitz RA. Comparison of Mechanical
Stability in Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repairs Between a Knotless Transtendon
Construct Versus the Addition of Medial Knots. Arthroscopy-the Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2010;26(9):S127-S33.
Duarte M, Freitas S. Revision of posturography based on force plate for
balance evaluation. Revista Brasileira De Fisioterapia 2010;14(3):183-92.
Wright WG, Gurfinkel VS, King LA, Nutt JG, Cordo PJ, Horak FB. Axial
kinesthesia is impaired in Parkinson's disease: Effects of levodopa.
Experimental Neurology 2010;225(1):202-9.
Faria C, Nadeau S, Laurentino GE, Araujo PA, Teixeira-Salmela LF.
Development of a clinically-oriented instrument to identify the
biomechanical characteristics and strategies adopted by stroke subjects
during the timed "up and go" test - Part II: criterion-related validity.
Stroke 2010;41(7):E493-E.
Faria C, Teixeira-Salmela LF, Laurentino GE, Nadeau S. Development of a
clinically-oriented instrument to identify the biomechanical characteristics
and strategies adopted by stroke subjects during the timed "up and go" test
- Part I: content validity and reliability. Stroke 2010;41(7):E493-E.
Faria C, Teixeira-Salmela LF, Laurentino GE, Nadeau S. Development of a
clinically-oriented instrument to identify the biomechanical characteristics
and strategies adopted by stroke subjects during the timed "up and go" test
- Part III: construct validity and reliability of the final version. Stroke
Jeglinsky I, Surakka J, Carlberg EB, Autti-Ramo I. Evidence on
physiotherapeutic interventions for adults with cerebral palsy is sparse. A
systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation 2010;24(9):771-88.
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the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2010;277(1696):3019-25.
The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
-Dr. Seuss
Sept 10, 2010 – Sept 23, 2010
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
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Diez-Perez A, Gurri R, Nogues X, Caceres E, Pena MJ, Mellibovsky L et al.
Microindentation for In Vivo Measurement of Bone Tissue Mechanical
Properties in Humans. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Finch SL, Rauch F, Weiler HA. Postnatal Vitamin D Supplementation Following
Maternal Dietary Vitamin D Deficiency Does Not Affect Bone Mass in Weanling
Guinea Pigs. Journal of Nutrition 2010;140(9):1574-81.
Komrakova M, Stuermer EK, Werner C, Wicke M, Kolios L, Sehmisch S et al.
Effect of human parathyroid hormone hPTH (1-34) applied at different regimes
on fracture healing and muscle in ovariectomized and healthy rats. Bone
Li F, Wang XJ, Niyibizi C. Bone marrow stromal cells contribute to bone
formation following infusion into femoral cavities of a mouse model of
osteogenesis imperfecta. Bone 2010;47(3):546-55.
Movrin I, Vengust R, Komadina R. Adjacent vertebral fractures after
percutaneous vertebral augmentation of osteoporotic vertebral compression
fracture: a comparison of balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Archives
of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2010;130(9):1157-66.
Pierre MA, Zurakowski D, Nazarian A, Hauser-Kara DA, Snyder BD. Assessment
of the bilateral asymmetry of human femurs based on physical, densitometric,
and structural rigidity characteristics. Journal of Biomechanics
Rittweger J, Goosey-Tolfrey VL, Cointry G, Ferretti JL. Structural analysis
of the human tibia in men with spinal cord injury by tomographic (pQCT)
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Saunders MM, Burger RB, Kalantari B, Nichols AD, Witman C. Development of a
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Vandyke K, Dewar AL, Diamond P, Fitter S, Schultz CG, Sims NA et al. The
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Inhibition of Osteoclasts In Vivo. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
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Li HL, He CW, Feng JH, Zhang Y, Tang QZ, Bian ZY et al. Regulator of G
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Sadat U, Teng Z, Young V, Gillard J. High resolution mri-based biomechanical
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Feng YD, Ofek G, Choi DS, Wen JG, Hu J, Zhao H et al. Unique biomechanical
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Biophysics & Molecular Biology 2010;103(1):148-56.
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of Spadefoot Toad Tadpoles: Comparison of Morphometric Methods. Journal of
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Feitl KE, Ngo V, McHenry MJ. Are fish less responsive to a flow stimulus
when swimming? Journal of Experimental Biology 2010;213(18):3131-7.
Foster KL, Higham TE. How to build a pectoral fin: functional morphology and
steady swimming kinematics of the spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei).
Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 2010;88(8):774-80.
Guderley H, Portner HO. Metabolic power budgeting and adaptive strategies in
zoology: examples from scallops and fish. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue
Canadienne De Zoologie 2010;88(8):753-63.
Guglielmo CG. Move That Fatty Acid: Fuel Selection and Transport in
Migratory Birds and Bats. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Klein MCG, Deuschle JK, Gorb SN. Material properties of the skin of the
Kenyan sand boa Gongylophis colubrinus (Squamata, Boidae). Journal of
Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral
Physiology 2010;196(9):659-68.
Klein W, Codd JR. Breathing and locomotion: Comparative anatomy, morphology
and function. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 2010;173:S26-S32.
Shirakashi S, Nakatsuka S, Udagawa A, Ogawa K. Oncomiracidial Behavior of
Heterobothrium okamotoi (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae). Fish Pathology
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et al. Visceral-Locomotory Pistoning in Crawling Caterpillars. Current
Biology 2010;20(16):1458-63.
Van Sittert SJ, Skinner JD, Mitchell G. From Fetus to Adult-An Allometric
Analysis of the Giraffe Vertebral Column. Journal of Experimental Zoology
Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution 2010;314B(6):469-79.
Ahn SJ, Leesungbok R, Lee SW. Histomorphometric Analysis and Removal Torque
of Small Diameter Implants With Alternative Surface Treatments and Different
Designs. Journal of Oral Implantology 2010;36(4):263-72.
Archambault A, Major TW, Carey JP, Heo G, Badawi H, Major PW. A comparison
of torque expression between stainless steel, titanium molybdenum alloy, and
copper nickel titanium wires in metallic self-ligating brackets. Angle
Orthodontist 2010;80(5):884-9.
Lin CL, Pai CA. Numerical investigation of failure risk of cad/cam ceramic
restoration for an endodontically treated maxillary premolar with mo
preparation. Biomedical Engineering-Applications Basis Communications
Lin CL, Yu JH, Liu HL, Lin CH, Lin YS. Evaluation of contributions of
orthodontic mini-screw design factors based on FE analysis and the Taguchi
method. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2174-81.
Sandu L, Topala F, Porojan S. Stress distribution in retentive arms of
combination clasps used on premolars. Journal of Applied Biomaterials &
Biomechanics 2010;8(2):76-81.
Stubinger S, Biermeier K, Bachi B, Ferguson SJ, Sader R, von Rechenberg B.
Comparison of Er:YAG Laser, Piezoelectric, and Drill Osteotomy for Dental
Implant Site Preparation: A Biomechanical and Histological Analysis in
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Todea C, Balabuc C, Sinescu C, Filip L, Kerezsi C, Calniceanu M et al. En
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laser-assisted endodontic treatment. Lasers in Medical Science
Yeh K, Popowics T, Rafferty K, Herring S, Egbert M. The effects of tooth
extraction on alveolar bone biomechanics in the miniature pig, Sus scrofa.
Archives of Oral Biology 2010;55(9):663-9.
Liao DH, Zhao JB, Gregersen H. 3d Mechanical properties of the partially
obstructed guinea pig small intestine. Journal of Biomechanics
Bao S, Howard N, Spielholz P, Silverstein B. Inter-observer reliability of
forceful exertion analysis based on video-recordings. Ergonomics
Dai BY, Jin SE, Ning XP, Mirka GA. The effects of horizontal load speed and
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as an effective risk mediator for mason tenders. Applied Ergonomics
Hallman JJ, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA. Thoracic Injury Metrics With Side Air
Bag: Stationary and Dynamic Occupants. Traffic Injury Prevention
Hodder JN, Holmes MWR, Keir PJ. Continuous assessment of work activities and
posture in long-term care nurses. Ergonomics 2010;53(9):1097-107.
Holmes MWR, Hodder JN, Keir PJ. Continuous assessment of low back loads in
long-term care nurses. Ergonomics 2010;53(9):1108-16.
Nelson-Wong E, Callaghan JP. The impact of a sloped surface on low back pain
during prolonged standing work: A biomechanical analysis. Applied Ergonomics
Nelson-Wong E, Howarth SJ, Callaghan JP. Acute biomechanical responses to a
prolonged standing exposure in a simulated occupational setting. Ergonomics
Samani A, Holtermann A, Sogaard K, Madeleine P. Active biofeedback changes
the spatial distribution of upper trapezius muscle activity during computer
work. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2010;110(2):415-23.
Huffard CL, Saarman N, Hamilton H, Simison WB. The evolution of conspicuous
facultative mimicry in octopuses: an example of secondary adaptation?
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2010;101(1):68-77.
Morse SA, Bennett MR, Gonzalez S, Huddart D. Techniques for verifying human
footprints: reappraisal of pre-Clovis footprints in Central Mexico.
Quaternary Science Reviews 2010;29(19-20):2571-8.
Mugabo M, Marquis O, Perret S, Le Galliard JF. Immediate and delayed life
history effects caused by food deprivation early in life in a short-lived
lizard. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2010;23(9):1886-98.
Robbins G, Sciulli PW, Blatt SH. Estimating Body Mass in Subadult Human
Skeletons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2010;143(1):146-50.
Torday JS, Powell FL, Farmer CG, Orgeig S, Nielsen HC, Hall AJ. Leptin
integrates vertebrate evolution: From oxygen to the blood-gas barrier.
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 2010;173:S37-S42.
Wallace IJ, Middleton KM, Lublinsky S, Kelly SA, Judex S, Garland T et al.
Functional Significance of Genetic Variation Underlying Limb Bone Diaphyseal
Structure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2010;143(1):21-30.
Williams EM, Gordon AD, Richmond BG. Upper Limb Kinematics and the Role of
the Wrist During Stone Tool Production. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 2010;143(1):134-45.
Beneke R, Taylor MJD. What gives Bolt the edge-AV Hill knew it already!
Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2241-3.
Cowgill LW, Warrener A, Pontzer H, Ocobock C. Waddling and Toddling: The
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embedded in human locomotion through whole body kinematic coordination.
Experimental Brain Research 2010;205(4):497-511.
Pandy MG, Lin YC, Kim HJ. Muscle coordination of mediolateral balance in
normal walking. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2055-64.
Stoggl T, Haudum A, Birklbauer J, Murrer M, Muller E. Short and long term
adaptation of variability during walking using unstable (Mbt) shoes.
Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(8):816-22.
Bozentka DJ. Implant Arthroplasty of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the ThumbHand Clinics 2010;26(3):327-+.
Fowler JR, Ilyas AM. Headless Compression Screw Fixation of Scaphoid
Fractures. Hand Clinics 2010;26(3):351-+.
Harreld K, Li ZY. Intramedullary Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures. Hand
Clinics 2010;26(3):363-+.
Nicklas BJ, McEneaney PA, Lichniak JE, Baron RL, Brownell BA. Surgical
Repair of Abductor Hallucis Muscle Herniation: A Case Report. Journal of
Foot & Ankle Surgery 2010;49(5).
Ruchelsman DE, Mudgal CS, Jupiter JB. The Role of Locking Technology in the
Hand. Hand Clinics 2010;26(3):307-+.
Xiu KH, Kim JH, Li ZM. Biomechanics of the transverse carpal arch under
carpal bone loading. Clinical Biomechanics 2010;25(8):776-80.
Brucker PU, Favre P, Puskas GJ, von Campe A, Meyer DC, Koch PP. Tensile and
Shear Loading Stability of All-Inside Meniscal Repairs An In Vitro
Biomechanical Evaluation. American Journal of Sports Medicine
Feng JY, Gu ZY, Lin XP, Fan Y. Postnatal Development of Type II Collagen and
Aggrecan mRNA Expression in a Rabbit Craniomandibular Joint. Anatomical
Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology
Ford KR, Myer GD, Hewett TE. Longitudinal Effects of Maturation on Lower
Extremity Joint Stiffness in Adolescent Athletes. American Journal of Sports
Medicine 2010;38(9):1829-37.
Patil SG, Zheng YP, Chen X. Site dependence of thickness and speed of sound
in articular cartilage of bovine patella. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Rampazo MK, D'Elboux MJ. The influence of sociodemographic, clinical and
functional variables on the quality of life of elderly people with total hip
arthroplasty. Revista Brasileira De Fisioterapia 2010;14(3):244-51.
Shiomi T, Nishii T, Myoui A, Yoshikawa H, Sugano N. Influence of Knee
Positions on T-2, T*(2), and dGEMRIC Mapping in Porcine Knee Cartilage.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2010;64(3):707-14.
Smith SM, Shu C, Melrose J. Comparative immunolocalisation of perlecan with
collagen II and aggrecan in human foetal, newborn and adult ovine joint
tissues demonstrates perlecan as an early developmental chondrogenic markerHistochemistry and Cell Biology 2010;134(3):251-63.
Thomas PR, Parks BG, Douoguih WA. Anterior Shoulder Instability With Bristow
Procedure Versus Conjoined Tendon Transfer Alone in a Simple Soft-Tissue
Model. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery
Beardsley CL, Howard AB, Wisotsky SM, Shafritz AB, Beynnon BD. Analyzing
glenohumeral torque-rotation response in vivo. Clinical Biomechanics
Favre J, Crevoisier X, Jolles BM, Aminian K. Evaluation of a mixed approach
combining stationary and wearable systems to monitor gait over long
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Glos DL, Sauser FE, Papautsky I, Bylski-Austrow DI. Implantable MEMS
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application to the disc annulus. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2244-8
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plaques to in-vivo imaging. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(11):2087-92.
Huang JY, Pan XC, Peng XL, Zhu T, Qin L, Xiong CY et al. High-efficiency
cell-substrate displacement acquisition via digital image correlation method
using basis functions. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2010;48(11):1058-66
Miyatake S, Kondo E, Tohyama H, Kitamura N, Yasuda K. Biomechanical
Evaluation of a Novel Application of a Fixation Device for Bone-Tendon-Bone
Graft (EndoButton CL BTB) to Soft-Tissue Grafts in Anatomic Double-Bundle
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Arthroscopy-the Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2010;26(9):1226-32.
Neto AF, Gallego JA, Rocon E, Pons JL, Ceres R. Extraction of user's
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Rajapakse CS, Magland JF, Wald MJ, Liu XS, Zhang XH, Guo XE et al.
Computational biomechanics of the distal tibia from high-resolution MR and
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Tidwell VK, Kim JH, Song SK, Nehorai A. Automatic Segmentation of Rodent
Spinal Cord Diffusion MR Images. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
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impairments after CNS damage in rodents. Nature Methods 2010;7(9):701-U57.
Aurora A, Gatica JE, van den Bogert AJ, McCarron JA, Derwin KA. An
analytical model for rotator cuff repairs. Clinical Biomechanics
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Hussain M, Natarajan RN, An HS, Andersson GBJ. Patterns of Height Changes in
Anterior and Posterior Cervical Disc Regions Affects the Contact Loading at
Posterior Facets During Moderate and Severe Disc Degeneration A Poroelastic
C5-C6 Finite Element Model Study. Spine 2010;35(18):E873-E81.
Wang QA, Smith AL, Strait DS, Wright BW, Richmond BG, Grosse IR et al. The
Global Impact of Sutures Assessed in a Finite Element Model of a Macaque
Cranium. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary
Biology 2010;293(9):1477-91.
Zahedmanesh H, Kelly DJ, Lally C. Simulation of a balloon expandable stent
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The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
-Dr. Seuss